most_recent_side2.FH11 Wed Apr 26 14:44:12 2006 Page 1 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Mapping references: interpreted and AVHRR-derived maps. International Journal 1. Dry exposed sites of Remote Sensing 20:2921-2946. Habitats along a meso- 2. Moist sites Murray, D. F. 1974. Notes on the botany at selected localities 3. Wet sites Habitat Acevedo, W., D. A. Walker, L. Gaydos, and J. Wray. 1982. Acidic substrates Non-acidic substrates Vegetation and land cover Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, in the Alatna and Killik River valleys, central Brooks topographic gradient 4. Snowbeds along the Range, Alaska. Final report CX-9000-3-0125, Gates of the Dominant arctic Alaska a. well-drained, meso- (community # 50-70) (community # 77-85) Coastal Plain Alaska. (colored 1:250,000 scale map), Map- early-melting Subzone E I-443 U.S. Geological Survey, Dept. of Interior. Arctic Vegetation Study. b. poorly-drained, Arctic Foothills, Seward Peninsula, and southwestern Alaska topographic Andreyev, V. N. 1979. Botanical observations in Alaska. Palmer, L. J. & Rouse, C. H. 1945. Study of the Alaska tundra late-melting gradient Draft Translation 698. Cold Regions Research and with reference to its reactions to reindeer and other grazing. plant communities 1 5. Riparian areas Engineering Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Research Report 10. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish a. stabilized floodplains Habitat 50. Low shrub (Betula nana), sedge (Eriophorum and Wildlife Service, Washington DC. 2 4a along the Acidic substrates Non-acidic substrates Hanover, New Hampshire. b. active floodplains vaginatum), dwarf shrub (Ledum decumbens, Rubus Babcock, C. A., and C. R. Ely. 1994. Classification of Racine, C. H. 1976. Flora and vegetation. In H. Melchior, meso- (community # 35-49) (community # 71-76) chamaemorus, Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis-idaea, editor. Biological Survey of the Proposed Kobuk Valley Prevailing wind vegetation communities in which geese rear broods on the topographic Empetrum nigrum), moss (Sphagnum spp.), lichen Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska. Canadian Journal of National Monument. U.S. Deptartment of Interior, National 4b gradient Moist (Cladina spp., Cetraria spp.). Botany 72:1294-1301. Park Service. Numbered units within the table are plant Semi-permanent 2 Map Units 1,3 (Talbot et al. 1985); Map Unit M12 (Tande and 3 sites Batten, A. R. 1977. The vascular floristics, major vegetation Racine, C. H. and J. H. Anderson. 1974. Flora and vegetation snow drift 5a5b 5a Jennings 1986); Map Unit L3 (Wibbenmeyer et al. 1982) of the Chukchi-Imuruk area. Pages 38-113 in H. Melchior, community types 35. Prostrate dwarf shrub (Vaccinium uliginosum, 71. Prostate dwarf shrub (Dryas octopetala, D. (cont.) (Kuskokwim Mtns.). units, and phytogeography of the Lake Peters area, Braun-Blanquet descriptions, dominant plant Salix phlebophylla, Loiseleuria procumbens, drummondii), forb ( Antennaria alpina, northeastern Alaska. M.S. Thesis. University of Alaska, editor. Biological Survey of the Bering Land Bridge National Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Dryas octopetala), graminoid Minuartia obtusiloba, Oxytropis nigrescens, 51. Low shrub (Alnus viridis ssp. fruticosa, Spiraea Fairbanks. Monument. US Department of Interior, National Park functional types and species are listed where data (Hierochloe alpina, Carex microchaeta), forb Smelowskia calycina, Artemisia arctica), lichen stevenii), grass (Calamagrostis canadensis), fern Beget, J.E., D.M. Hopkins and S.D. Charron. 1966. The Service. were available. Literature citations (in small font) Subzone D (Androsace chamaejasme), moss (Rhacomitrium (Alectoria nigrescens, Bryocaulon divergens, (Dryopteris expansa). largest known maars on Earth, Seward Peninsula, Northwest Racine, C. H., L. A. Johnson, and L. A. Viereck. 1987. Patterns Arctic Coastal Plain, northern Seward Peninsula, St. Lawrence Island lanuginosum). Hypogymnia subobscura, Ochrolechia Alder types ; green alder shrub thicket (Hanson 1953); Map Unit Alaska. Arctic 49(1):62-29. of vegetation recovery after tundra fires in northwestern include unit names, habitat, citation and location. Vaccinio uliginosi-Salicetum phlebophyllae Assoc. 43, prostrate upsaliensis), moss (Polytrichum piliferum, 22 -tall shrub hillside (Racine and Anderson 1979); Releves Beikman, H. M. 1980. Geologic map of Alaska. (1:1,584,000 Alaska, U.S.A. Arctic and Alpine Research 19:461-469. vegetation of ridgetops on acidic soils (Cooper 1986) (Arrigetch C15,C18,QC25 (Raynolds et al. 2002) (Seward Peninsula). Raynolds, M. K., C. R. Martin, D. A. Walker, A. Moody, D. Mtns.). Tortula ruralis). Map Unit 8, subalpine scrub (Talbot et al. 1985); Map Units scale) Map I-357 U.S. Geological Survey, Dept. of Interior. Habitat Selaginello sibiricae-Dryadetum octopetalae, dry gravelly D2,D5,F1,F2 (Wibbenmeyer et al. 1982) (Yukon-Kuskokwim Bliss, L. C., and J. E. Cantlon. 1957. Succession on river Wirth, and C. Thayer-Snyder. 2002. ATLAS Vegetation along the Acidic substrates Non-acidic substrates 36. Prostrate dwarf shrub (Dryas octopetala, soils (Walker et al. 1994) (Toolik Lake). Delta). alluvium in northern Alaska. The American Midland Studies: Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2000. ARCSS-ATLAS- Vaccinium uliginosum), graminoid (Carex Naturalist 58:452-469. AGC Data Report. Alaska Geobotany Ctr., Inst. of Arctic Major table sections are Tundra Bioclimate meso- (community # 13-23) (community # 24-34) 72. Prostrate dwarf shrub (Dryas octopetala, 52. Sedge (Carex rotundata, C. rariflora, C. 77. Sedge (Carex aquatilis, C. chordorrhiza Biology, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks. 125 pp. scirpoidea, C. microchaeta, Festuca altaica), lichen Saxifraga oppositifolia), sedge (Carex Churchill, E. D. 1955. Phytosociological and environmental Subzones (see inset map on front side) topographic (Cladina spp., Flavocetraria spp.). chordorrhiza, Eriophorum scheuchzeri), moss Carex spp., Eriophorum angustifolium), moss characteristics of some plant communities in the Umiat Rieger, S., D. B. Schoephorster, and C. E. Furbush. 1979. gradient Carici scirpoideae-Vaccinietum uliginosi, Assoc. 18 (Cooper scirpoidea, Carex rupestris), lichen (Thamnolia (Sphagnum orientale). (Drepanocladus brevifolius, Scorpidium Exploratory soil survey of Alaska. Soil Conservation subuliformis, Dactylina beringica, Vulpicida Sphagnum orientale-Eriophorum scheuchzeri comm., wet region of Alaska. Ecology 36:606-627. 1986) (Arrigetch Mtns.). scorpioides, Cinclidium latifolium, Meesia Cooper, D. J. 1986. Arctic-alpine tundra vegetation of the Service. Subzone Subzone Subzone 13. Prostrate dwarf shrub (Dryas 24. Prostrate dwarf shrub (Dryas tilesii, Flavocetraria nivalis, F. cucullata, microsites in wet acidic tundra in foothills (Walker and Walker triquetra, Catascopium nigritum, Distichium Schickhoff, U., M. D. Walker, and D. A. Walker. 2002. Riparian 37. Prostate dwarf shrub (Dryas octopetala, D. Cetraria islandica), moss (Ditrichum flexicaule). 1996) (Imanavait Creek). Arrigetch Creek Valley, Brooks Range, Alaska. C D E integrifolia, Salix phlebophylla, Arctous integrifolia, Salix reticulata), sedge (Carex capillaceum). Phytocoenologia 14:467-555. willow communities on the Arctic Slope of Alaska and rubra, Diapensia lapponica), lichen rupestris), forb (Oxytropis nigrescens), drummondii), forb ( Antennaria alpina, Minuartia Caricetum scirpoideo-rupestris, Assoc.30, limestone slopes 53. Sedge (Carex rotundata, C. rariflora), prostrate Eriophorum angustifolium-Carex aquatilis comm., their environmental relationships: a classification and obtusiloba, Oxytropis nigrescens, Artemisia arctica), (Cooper 1986) (Arrigetch Mtns.). dwarf shrub (Salix fuscescens, Andromeda polifolia, nonacidic marshes (Walker and Barry 1991) (Toolik Lake). Ebersole, J. J. 1985. Vegetation disturbance and recovery at (Alectoria nigricans). lichen (Lecanora epibryon, Pertusaria spp., Dry the Oumalik Oil Well, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. Ph.D ordination analysis. Phytocoenologia 32:145-204. Map 2, Unit 6, evergreen dwarf shrub, dry stabilized lichen (Alectoria nigrescens, Bryocaulon divergens, Rubus chamaemorus, Betula nana), moss (Sphagnum Thamnolia subuliformis). 73. Prostrate dwarf shrub (Dryas octopetala, 78. Graminoid (Puccinellia phryganodes, Carex Dissertation. University of Colorado, Boulder. Spetzman, L. A. 1959. Vegetation of the Arctic Slope of Alaska. Table columns within the subzone sections sand dune crests (Komarkova & Webber 1980) Stand Type B1 (Walker 1985); Stand Type Dryas exposed Hypogymnia subobscura, Ochrolechia upsaliensis), lenense, Sphagnum spp.). Professional Paper 302-B, U.S. Geological Survey. (Atqasuk). integrifolis Oxytropis nigrescens, dry calcareous Rhododendron camtschaticum), sedge (Carex Sphagnum lenense-Salix fuscescens comm., raised microsites in ramenskii). Elias, S. A., S. K. Short, D. A. Walker, and N. A. Auerbach. sites moss (Polytrichum piliferum, Tortula ruralis). Salt grass meadow (Racine and Anderson 1979); 51- tidal Swanson, J. D, M. Schuman and P. C. Scorup. 1985. Range separate acidic and non-acidic communities gravelly soils (Walker 1990) (Prudhoe Bay). Selaginello sibiricae-Dryadetum octopetalae, dry gravelly soils nardina), forb (Artemisia senjavinensis, A. acidic wetlands (Walker and Walker 1996) (Imnavait Creek). 1996. Historical biodiversity at remote Air Force sites in 14. Graminoid (Arctagrostis latifolia, Carex marsh (Swanson and Schuman 1985) (Seward Peninsula). Alaska. Legacy Project #0742, final report. US Department survey of the Seward Peninsula reindeer ranges, Alaska. (see inset map on front side) (Walker et al. 1994)
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