Index Page numbers followed by “n” refer to endnotes A Article 17(1) of the Unlawful ABSDF. See All Burma Students Association Act, 82 Democratic Front (ABSDF) Article 18 of the Peaceful Assembly AGIPP. See Alliance for Gender and Peaceful Procession Law, 84 Inclusion in the Peace Process ARTICLE 19 (organization), 106, 244, (AGIPP) 245 Ahidjo, A., 270 Article 19 of the Universal Ahr Man, 114 Declaration of Human Rights, Akyab Commercial News, 16 61 ALC. See Art and Language Center Article 19(a) of the News Media Law, (ALC) 67 All Burma Students Democratic Front Article 25(b) of the News Media Law, (ABSDF), 226n31 73, 78, 82, 175n15, 217 Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Article 75 of the 2013 Peace Process (AGIPP), 15 Telecommunications Law, 142 Alliance Française, 26 Article 354 of the constitution, 67 Allott, A., 25 Article 500 of the Penal Code, 82, 152, anti-government protests, 5 165, 168 anti-mine activists, 188 Article 505(b) of the Penal Code, 78 anti-Muslim violence, 210, 211, Athan, 4, 26, 45n3, 80, 331 224n5 Atkinson, P., 184 Ant Khaung Min, 78 Aung Htun U, 117 Art and Language Center (ALC), 154 Aung Kyaw Naing, 40, 82, 220, Article 8(f) of the privacy law, 70 226n34 Article 16 of the UN’s Declaration on Aung Kyi, 67 the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Aung Lwin, 152, 153, 159, 160, 213 162–72, 174n9, 217 395 22 ch22-MyanmarMedia IndexIT-2P.indd 395 23/4/19 5:23 pm 396 Index Aung San, 14, 18, 232, 279, 293 Brang Mai, 116, 213–14 Aung San Suu Kyi, 74, 82, 241, 245, BRC. See Burma Relief Centre (BRC) 247, 345, 350 British Colonial Period, 4, 15–18, 25, boycott of elections of 2010, 2 65, 168, 288, 292 expectations for her as leader, 3, Broadcasting Law, 36, 67, 68, 215 323 Brooten, L., 179, 191 house arrest, 22 BSPP. See Burmese Socialist Program and human rights, 309 Party (BSPP) as leader of the opposition, 22, 73 Buchanan, D., 269 media coverage of, 4, 37, 78, Buddhist nationalism, 281 133–34, 241 Burma Broadcasting Service (BBS), and peace negotiations, 15, 82, 241 25 release from house arrest, 39 Burma Herald, 16 social media coverage of, 345, Burma News International (BNI), 348–50, 354 45n6, 108, 210–14, 220, 392 as State Counsellor, 45n4 Burma Press Council, 18 Aung Than Htut, 185 Burma Relief Centre (BRC), 105–7 Aung Thet Mann, 34 Burma Socialist Program Party Aung Zaw, 178, 192 (BSPP), 21, 157 Ayaun Thit, 21 Burma Translation Society, 133 Aye Aye Zin, 156 Burmese Socialist Program Party Aye Mye Htet, 107 (BSPP), 18, 288, 293, 295 “Burmese Way to Socialism”, 19 B Byerly, I., 270 Ba Ba Win, 294 Bagan Cyber Tech, 28, 46n16 C Ba Gyan, 318 Ca Mu, 186 Ba Htoo, 154 Carroll, W.K., 179 Bangkok Post, 154 Censorship, 3, 13, 21, 22, 35, 202 Ban Tha Song Yang, 24 creative expression under, 20 Barmanization, 213, 319 military rule and, 1962–2010, Ba Thaw, 22 18–19 BBS. See Burma Broadcasting Service of music, 267–68 (BBS) of online content, 80 bilateral ceasefire agreement, 218, Printers and Publishers 226n35 Registration Law of 1962, 18, Bi Mon Te Nay Journal, 78 65 BNI. See Burma News International Press Scrutiny Board, 19 (BNI) relaxation of, 37–38, 72, 133, 155, Bo Aung Kyaw, 17 204, 292 Bob, C., 181 rules, colonial origins of, 16, 168 22 ch22-MyanmarMedia IndexIT-2P.indd 396 23/4/19 5:23 pm Index 397 self-censorship, 40, 81, 206, 219, D 269 Darusman, M., 328 See also pre-publication censorship Dawei Development Association Center for International Media (DDA), 153, 155 Assistance (CIMA), 98 Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Centre for Law and Democracy, 102 megaproject, 153, 157 Cheesman, N., 65, 165 Dawei Township Court, 175n15 Chen, W., 115 Dawei Watch Media Group, 153 Chiang Mai, 106, 115 Daw Suu. See Aung San Suu Kyi CIMA. See Center for International DDA. See Dawei Development Media Assistance (CIMA) Association (DDA) civic engagement, 373 defamation laws, 168–69 mobile applications for, 371–72 defamation lawsuits, 331 civil society, 63, 66, 83, 142–43, 154 Delco, 158–60, 163, 170, 172, 173 actors, 43, 85, 88, 156, 157 democracy movement, 109, 121, 178 groups, 43, 71, 145, 359, 391 democracy spring, 20–22 mobilization, 152 Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), clientelism, 7–8 26, 28, 105, 113 clientelistic systems, 9 Dhamma Thadinsa, 16 Clinton, H., 273 digital free-to-air channels, 68 Code of Conduct, 56, 255, 263n6 digital media activists, 377–86 Coffey, A., 184 digital media convergence, 61 colonial-era laws, 4, 220 digital technologies, 61, 288 commercial media, 10 Ding Ying, 158 communal violence, 123, 230–34, 237, “discipline-flourishing democracy”, 377 12 communism, 125n5, 269, 272 documentary filmmaking, 17, 26 communist regimes, 10 Draft National Land Use Policy, 161 Comparing Media Systems, 6 Dunkley, R. 25, 35 Computer Science and Development DVB. See Democratic Voice of Burma Law, 27, 142 (DVB) Conference on Media Development, 59, 84, 85, 95, 120, 121 E copy thachin, 273–74, 283, 300 Eaint Khine Oo, 248, 249 coup Earthrights International (ERI), 155 of 1962, 18, 37, 232, 293, 312 “echo chamber” effect, 336 of 1988, 20, 21, 22, 24, 295 economic liberalization, 10 Cowell, A., 295, 297 Ei Ei Moe, 2 “cultural activism”, 180 EITI. See Extractive Industry Cyclone Nargis, 28–30, 118, 133, Transparency Initiative (EITI) 183–85, 202 Election Laws, 253 22 ch22-MyanmarMedia IndexIT-2P.indd 397 23/4/19 5:23 pm 398 Index electoral legal framework, 262–63 from overseas, 26, 288, 295, 299 Electronic Transaction Law, 69, 141, young filmmakers, 108, 215, 296, 142, 367, 368 297–98, 310, 392 Eleven Media, 35, 72, 76, 80, 132, 135, film studios, 20, 287, 290, 292, 301 137, 155 financial technology companies, 144 Emergency Provisions Act, 65, 78 Flew, T., 9 Environmental Conservation Law, Fokwang, J., 270 160 Forever Group, 36, 45n15, 67 Environmental Impact Assessment Framework for Economic and Social Procedure Law, 160, 161 Reform (FESR), 141 ERI. See Earthrights International Free Basics, 144, 145 (ERI) Freedom of expression, 2, 17, 71, 124, ethnic armed organizations, 15, 214, 311, 323 218–21, 231–32 and Aung San Suu Kyi, 82 ethnic civil society organizations and film industry, 38, 308, 311 (CSOs), 14 legal framework for, 63–66, 179, ethnic media, 3, 38, 210–21, 213, 280, 331 220–23 and music industry, 280, 283 challenges, 77, 215, 219, 221 promotion of, 221 institutional support, 105, 107, 120 public awareness of, 60, 216, 322, operating overseas, 213 374 relationships with ethnic armed restrictions on, 10, 39, 66, 71, 358, organizations, 106, 214, 218 369 training, 108, 112 Free Expression Myanmar, 80 See also Burma News International Free Voice Netherlands (FVN), 110 (BNI) Frontier Media, 35, 203–4 ethnic rights, 41, 352 FVN. See Free Voice Netherlands European Union Election Observation (FVN) Mission, 260 Extractive Industry Transparency G Initiative (EITI), 70 “Gagging Act”, 16 Gelfer, D., 274 F gender balanced reporting, 86, 244, Facebook, 1–2, 144, 145, 335, 338–40, 246, 249, 390 373 gender equality/inequality, 15, 107, FESR. See Framework for Economic 244, 246, 249, 350 and Social Reform (FESR) in the peace process, 15 film industry, 17, 38, 287–304, 308 in the media industry, 86, 244–49 filmmakers, 13, 38, 287–88, 291, Generation Wave movement, 2, 27 297–99, 303, 311 The Global New Light of Myanmar, 34, development assistance for, 114 68, 246 22 ch22-MyanmarMedia IndexIT-2P.indd 398 23/4/19 5:23 pm Index 399 grass-roots change agents, 11–13 and current regulatory framework, Grömping, M., 335 141–43 data revolution and explosion of H digitally stored data, 139–41 Hackett, R.A., 179 political transition, 138 Hallin, D.C., 6, 8 risks and opportunities, 143–45 Hamilton, A., 289 “instrumentalism”, 7 Hamm, M., 284 “insurgent press”, 17 hate speech, 27, 71, 88, 123, 302, 321 Interfaith Harmonious Coexistence against Rohingya, 42, 328, 385 Law, 71 laws, 70, 71, 81 Interim Press Council (IPC), 66, 67, 85 online, 31, 42–43, 140, 328, 349–50, International Covenant on Civil and 359–60, 372–74, 379–86 Political Rights, 61 Hinthar Media, 213 International Criminal Court (ICC), Hla Hla Soe, 342–43, 349, 350, 352 1, 44n1, Hla Swe, 341, 345, 351, 352, 355, 357 International Media Support (IMS), Hla Thein, 262 102 Hnin Ei Hlaing, 291, 297, 299 Iosifidis, P., 9 Ho, W.-C., 269 IPC. See Interim Press Council (IPC) Holmertz, D., 108 The Irrawaddy, 36, 76, 136, 380 HRHDFF. See Human Rights Human analysis of its natural disaster Dignity Film Festival (HRHDFF) coverage, 177–79, 184–93 Hsan Moe, 79 DDoS attack on, 137 Hsa-tu-gaw, 16 media development aid, 105, 115, Htet Khine, 384 118 Htin Kyaw, 4 news coverage of Tanintharyi, 154 Human Rights Human Dignity Film Festival (HRHDFF), 297, 308–9 J human rights violations, 1, 44n1, 82, Jacobson, A.S. 245, 249 190, 211, 231, 235 Jacquet, C., 39 documented in films, 308, 311 Jai Jai, 297–99, 303 Human Rights Watch, 106, 230 Ja Seng Ing, 38, 87, 389 Jet Mya Thaung, 283 I Jones, L., 157 IMMF. See Indochina Media journalism training, 98, 105, 108, 372 Memorial Foundation (IMMF) judiciary, 79, 166, 168 Indochina Media Memorial and censorship, 60, 80 Foundation (IMMF), 105, 106–7 and corruption, 71, 166 Indonesian Revolution of 1945–49, 271 independence of, 65, 82, 86, 167, information and communications 209, 226n34 technologies (ICTs) sector, 137 judicial torture, 80–81, 166 22 ch22-MyanmarMedia IndexIT-2P.indd 399 23/4/19 5:23 pm 400 Index and media reform, 60, 64–66, 72, Kyaw Soe Oo, 2, 41, 77, 85, 192, 207, 82, 87 208, 220, 391 Judson, A., 16 Kyaw Swa Win, 78 Kyaw Thu Win, 41 K Kyaw Win, 45n15 Kachin ethnic armed groups, 202 Kyaw Zwa Moe, 115, 118 Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Kyeet, 372 207, 245 Kyemon, 34, 68 Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO), 207 L Kanbauk, mining in, 158–59 Lall, M., 12 Karen Information Center, 108 Lan Kyal, 234 Karen National Union (KNU), 108 Lao Tzu, 351 Keane, J., 9 law and order, 65, 165–68 Kean, T., 59 Lawi Weng, 76, 191, 192 Khin Hla, 185 lawmaking process, 62–64, 82–83 Khin Maung Hla, 186 Leehey, J., 19 Khin Maung Win, 118, 125n9 Legacy Music, 278, 282 Khin Nyunt, 23, 35, 46n16 legal reform, 59–70, 82, 87, 141 Khin Oo, 377–85 Leong, L., 335 Khin Soe, 160, 162 Letyar Tun, 216 Khon Soe Moe Aung, 215 Li, C.-T., 361n8 KIC, 212 Li, L.J., 157, 161 King Mindon, 16 Lin, S.-D., 361n8 KIO.
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