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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60861-9 - The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Music Edited by Mark Everist Index More information Index Aachen, 265, 325, 327, 338, 402 Arnulf of Metz, Saint, 191 Adalbero, 196 Arras, 223, 326 Adalbert, St, Bishop of Prague, 174 Ars Nova, 98, 119, 144, 146–9, 152, 154, 166, Adler, Guido, 359, 365 167, 176, 200, 310, 315, 364 adonic, 227, 231 Ars Subtilior, 102, 146, 288, 289, 361 Ad organum faciendum, 53–5 Aubry, Pierre, 349–50 Affligemensis, Johannes Aucassin et Nicolette, 346 De musica cum Tonario, 48, 55, 60, 124 Augustine, Saint, 9, 40, 98, 230, 264, 322, 337 Agricola, Alexander, 181 De musica, 279 Aires, Fernandez, 229 Augustine, of Canterbury, Saint, 113, 337 Alberic, 330 Aurenga, Raimbaut d’, 207 Albertet, 208 Auresadnostradeitatispreces, 231 Alcuin of York, 264, 337–8 Auto de los Reyes Magos, see drama, vernacular Alfanus, 330 auto-citation, 224 Alfonso VIII, 166 Auvergne, 207, 332 Alfonso X (el Sabio) of Castile and Leon,´ see Auxerre, 326 cantiga Ave, mundi spes, Maria, 125 Alfred, King, 114 Avignon, 87, 95, 126, 136, 145, 201, 236, 275, alleluia, 15, 17, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 44, 49, 63, 64, 289, 327 186 Alleluia. Ascendens Christus, 15, 51–2 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 72, 93, 352, 357 Alleluia. Christus resurgens, 28 Balbulus, Notker, 33, 234, 266, 336, 338 Alleluia. Justus ut palma, 53 Deeds of Charlemagne, 338 Alma redemptoris mater, 229 ballade, 100, 101, 102, 113, 142, 154, 221, 222, Alvernhe, Peire d’, 207 274, 314, 327, 366 Amalarius of Metz, 28, 193 En la maison Dedalus, 100 Ambros, August Wilhelm, 352, 354 ballade-virelai, 92 Ambrose, Saint, 19, 197, 227, 229, 338 ballata, 92, 93, 94, 129, 130, 138, 141, 147, 154, amour courtois, 209 155, 156, 159, 333, 354, 355 amplification, 46, 48, 124, 125, 187 Bangor, 202 anceps, 226 Baralle, Godefroy de, 238 Anchieta, Juan de, 167 Barberino, Francesco da, 94 al-Andalus, 169 Barbigant, Jacques, 181 Anerio, Felice, 342 Baroffio, Giacomo Angevin saints, 116 Iter liturgicum Italicum, 128 Anglo-Norman French, 111 Baudelaire, Charles, 236 Anonymous IV, 72, 86, 300 Bec, Pierre, 209, 350 antiphon, 11, 12, 17, 19, 45, 48, 50, 115, 116, Beck, Jean, 349–50 119, 123, 203, 239 Bede, the Venerable, 228, 337 Celeste beneficium, 123 Bedingham, John, 113 Marian, 117 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 2, 100, 354, 357, 367 Antony of Padua, Saint, 130 Benedicamus Domino, 56, 63, 69, 72, 74, 123, Apfel, Ernst, 368 124, 125, 158, 165, 193, 272, 299 Appel, Carl, 350 Benedict, Saint, 12, 193 Aquitaine, 23, 26, 56, 63, 207, 268, 324, Benedict of Aniane, 192 332 Benedict of Peterborough, abbot, 116 Arabic music, 161 Benedictus, 123, 203 Aragon, 88, 289, 327 Benet, 120 Aristotle Bent, Margaret, 96, 368 Politics, 89, 98 Beowulf, 110 [465] Arnestus of Pardubice, 174 Bernard de Cluny, 237 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60861-9 - The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Music Edited by Mark Everist Index More information 466 Index Bernart de Ventadorn cantus, 48, 53–6, 63–4 Can vei la lauzeta, see canso firmus, 120, 158, 253, 360, 361, 362, 363 Bertran de Born, 207 fractus, 122, 126, 128, 159, 174 Un sirventes on motz no falh, 210 planus binatim, 122, 125 Besseler, Heinrich, 352, 363, 368 canzone, 131, 398 Black Death, 88, 275, 383 Capella, Martianus, 228, 277 Black Madonna, 167 Cardenal, Peire, 212 Boethius, 89, 228, 238, 243, 276, 277, 278, 284, Cardine, Eugene,` 345 286, 287 Carmen Saeculare, 225 Bohemia, 23, 24, 171, 173, 174–5, 178–80, 274 Carmina Burana, 232, 233, 329 Bona Sforza, Queen of Poland, 171, 182 Carolingian Bonaventure, Saint, 232 archetype, 340 Boniface, Saint, 336 empire, 26 books of hours, 201 period, 11, 18 Boopstein, Barbara Ann, 67 renaissance, 192, 324 Bornelh, Giraut de, 210 carols, 113, 201 Bottee´ de Toulmon, Auguste, 347, 354, Carthage, 3, 322 367 Cassiodorus, 9, 161, 277 bouche, art de, 93 Castel del Monte, 121 Bourges, 326 Castile, 67, 88, 166, 269 Bratislava Breviary, 173 Catalonia, 162, 164, 166, 167, 207, 327, breviary, 122 332 of Pius V, 128 Catherine of Alexandria, Saint, 130 brevis, 74, 119, 156 Catullus, 226 Brule,´ Gace, 216, 326 cauda, 69, 71, 211, 261, 262 Brumel, Antoine, 181 Celts, 113 Brussels, 24, 347, 355 Cercamon, 208 Buigne, Gace de la, 98 ceremonial, 122 Burgos, 162, 166, 324, 325, 330 chace, 98, 151 Burgundy, 63, 196, 325, 326, 361, 362 Challoner, Richard, 239 Burney, Charles, 346, 353, 354 chanson, 112, 215, 398, see song Bury St Edmunds, 45 arefrain` , 82 Busnois, Antoine, 181 baladee,´ 92 Byzantine music, 172–3 d’amour, 216 d’eloge,´ 215 caccia, 93, 139, 140, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, de femme, 216 154, 333 de mal mariee,´ 216 Cos`ı pensoso, 142 de toile, 215, 216 cadence, 10, 99, 128, 244, 245, 250, 251 jeu-parti, 216 caesura, 38, 40, 226, 227, 230, 231, 232 Jolietement m’en vois, 216, 217 calendar LaChastelainedeSaintGille, 216 Egyptian, 239 Li nouviaus tanz et mai et violette, 217 Cambridge, 51, 118, 292 pieuse, 398 canon, 102, 108, 119, 140, 149, 150, 289 rotrouenge, 216 Austin, 1, 2, 4 Sotte chanson, 216 Victorine, 40 chant, 23, 46–7, 49–51, 53, 56, 63, 64 canonica musica, 85, 287 Ambrosian, 338 canso, 130, 210, 211 Anglo-Saxon, 20 Kalenda maya, 134 Beneventan, 20, 330, 338 Canterbury, 115, 337 Byzantine, 172–3 cantica, 225 Christian liturgical, 121, 122, 126 cantiga, 130, 168 Compostelan, 72 de amigo, 168, 398 Eastern European, 172–5 de loor, 168 Gallican, 19, 241, 336, 337, 372 de Santa Maria, 269 grand, 215, 216 cantilena, 120 Gregorian, 17–20, 23, 26, 27, 45, 114, 126, cantilena romana, 189 130, 160, 241–3, 250, 266, 277, 320, 324, cantio, 177–8, 398 326–9, 336–42, 344, 347, 350, 352, 364, 372 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60861-9 - The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Music Edited by Mark Everist Index More information 467 Index Hispanic, 19 conductus, 32, 49, 63, 67–72, 74, 76, 80, 85, 86, Messine, 197 93, 118, 119, 148, 165, 166, 199, 231, 232, Mozarabic, 338 236, 250, 252, 256, 259, 261, 262, 284, 300, Old Roman, 372 301, 310, 379, 380, 398 Old Spanish, 161, 163 Consequens antecedente, 232–3 Charlemagne, 18, 26, 173, 189, 192, 195, cum caudis, 69, 76, 86 263–6, 277, 323, 325, 327, 329, 336–8, cum littera, 69, 71, 74, 86, 380 402 Gratulantes celebremus festum, 379 Charles I, King of France (the Bald), 27, Luget Rachel iterum, 69–71 266 Mundus vergens, 231 Charles V, King of France, 316, 354 Novus miles sequitur, 232 Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor/I of Bohemia, sine caudis, 69 171, 173, 178 sine littera, 69, 71, 76, 86 Charles Martel, 263, 336 Sursum corda, 69 Chartres, 199, 324, 326 Virtus moritur, 69, 380 Chateaubriand, Franc¸ois-Renede´ confraternity, 129, 327 G´enie du christianisme, 347 Battuti, 129 Chatreˆ de Cange,´ 346 Disciplinati, 129 Choralis Constantinus, 72 Laudesi, 129 Choron, Alexandre, 355 of Santa Maria, 130 Chretien´ de Troyes, 222 Constance, Council of, 182 Christianity Constantine, 187 Romano-British, 113 Constantinople, 3 spread of, 172–3 Consueta, 164 see also worship, Christian Contarini, Andrea, 141 Chrodegang, 189, 195, 196, 336, 341, contracantum, 125 402 copula, 54, 66, 74, 76, 283, 381 Chroniques de France, 295 Corbie, 114, 195, 292, 324, 326 church fathers, 188 Cornysh, 110 writings, 9 Couci, Chatelainˆ de, 216, 349 Church of England, 114 council Ciconia, Johannes, 137, 138, 145, 158 of Constance, 88 Doctorem principem / Melodia suavissima, of Meaux, 33, 45 368 of Trent, 32, 201, 342–3 Cˆıteaux, 197 Second Vatican, 25, 345 clausula Courson, Robert, 85 Alleluia. V. Pascha nostrum immolatus est Coussemaker, Charles-Edmond-Henri de, 347, Christus, 80 349, 351, 352, 354, 358 Clement VII, anti-pope, 88 Couvin, Watriquet de, 222 Cluny, 24, 35, 114, 196, 199, 325, 326 Cracow, 173, 175 coblas, 211 Crescimbeni, Mario Giovanni, 346 capfinidas, 211 crusades, 208 doblas, 211 Cumming, Julie, 368 ternas, 211 cursus, 33, 74, 381 unissonans, 211 Cyril, St, 173 Codax, Martin, 168 Czech texts, 24 Codex Albensis, 173 Codex Calixtinus, 63, 65 D’Accone, Frank, 144 Codex Specialn´ ´ık, 181 The Civic Muse, 128 Coimbra, 229 Dahlhaus, Carl, 370 Coinci, Gautier de, 398 Dandolo, Francesco, 137 Miracles de Notre Dame, 223 Daniel, prophet, 123 Collingwood, Robin George, 362–3, 364 Danjou, Felix,´ 343 Cologne, 282, 283, 284, 286, 348 Dante Alighieri, 103, 121, 151, 156, 332, 345 colour, 90, 286, 290 De vulgari eloquentia, 211 commune Sanctorum, 28 Per una ghirlandetta, 129 Compere,` Loyset, 237 danza amarosa, 134 Compostela, Compostelan, 47–9, 63–5 Day of Judgement, 88, 165 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60861-9 - The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Music Edited by Mark Everist Index More information 468 Index Denis, Saint, 114 Faidit, Gaucelm, 346 Denmark, 88, 360 Fasani, Rainerio, 129 Des Knaben Wunderhorn, 348 Fauvel, Roman de, 91, 96, 221, 237, 239, 273, Deschamps, Eustache 310, 316, 325, 333 L’ArtdeDictier, 224 Federico II, 121, 136 descort, 93 Ferdinand of Aragon,´ 167 Dezes,` Karl, 352 Fetis,´ Franc¸ois-Joseph, 347, 351, 354, 355, 357, diaphony, 46–51 358 dictamen, 231 Biographie universelle, 355 Dijon, 197, 281 Ficker, Rudolf, 352, 359–63, 364, 367–8 discantus, 74, 75, 77, 86, 126, 148, 155, 252 Fleury, 43, 114, 199, 324, 326 English, 120, 255 Florence, 24, 94, 125, 129, 130, 133, 134, 136, disciplina, 129 138, 139, 140–2, 144, 146, 152, 154, 158, Dobszay, Laszlo, 175 273, 381 Dom Dinis, King, 168 Santo Spirito, 130 Domaslav, 174 Fontaine, Huitace de, 221 Doonesbury, 67 Dex trop demeure, 221 Douay,

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