AIRPORT CITY BELGRADE “ Awarded as THE BEST OFFICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT of the year IN SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE “ Airport City Belgrade newsletter June / 2015 n ° 17 City within a city It has already become customary for June to be the month when the Već je postalo uobičajeno da jun bude mesec kada se Avenue is “happening”; the month during which many companies “dešava” Avenija, mesec u kome mnoge kompanije slave celebrate their anniversaries or mark their successes. It was on the godišnjice ili obeležavaju svoje uspehe. Prvu zgradu ACB- last day of June in 2006 that we officially opened ACB’s first -buil a smo svečano otvorili poslednjeg dana juna 2006 i tada ding and at the same time placed a Megillah, with signatures and smo u temelje sledeće faze položili Megilu s potpisima i good wishes for the prosperity of Airport City, in the foundations dobrim željama za prosperitet Airport City-ja. Ovog juna of the next phase. This June we are launching the fourth phase of započinjemo četvrtu fazu izgradnje, zakoračićemo preko construction and will step beyond the 75,000m2 mark, which has oznake 75.000m2 koliko je bilo ovde već izvesno vreme i EXPANDING been the limit here for some time, and look ahead to the future radujemo se i budućem izgledu ovog dela projekta pre- appearance of this part of the project towards Tošin bunar and the ma Tošinom bunaru, užurbanoj atmosferi gradilišta koja wards busy atmosphere of the construction site which, regardless of how bez obzira koliko nosi sa sobom žamor ili buku predstav- noisy it may be, represents a sign that there’s something new on the lja znak da je nešto novo na pomolu - kranovi su uvek TO morrow horizon – cranes are a symbol of new beginnings. simbol novih početaka. 02 Airport City Belgrade newsletter Airport City Belgrade newsletter 03 > Interview Editor’ s word RecV urednika Adir El Al Airport City Belgrade CEO In such an atmosphere, I remembered a fairytale about U takvoj atmosferi setila sam se bajke o toplim pufnama warm fluff ballsA ( warm fuzzy tale, by Claude M. Steiner). (A warm fuzzy tale , Claude M. Steiner). Without a desire to get into serious analysis, compari- Bez ambicije da ulazim u ozbiljniju analizu, poredjenja itd sons, etc., my inspiration in the context of ACB was the inspiracija u kontekstu ACBa mi je bila atmosfera ovog Persistence of a atmosphere of this working area in relation to others radnog prostora u odnosu na ostale u kojima sam imala that I have had the opportunity to experience. I do not prilike da budem. Ne znam tačno čime i ne znam tačno know precisely which or exactly when, but this place be- kada, ali ovo mesto je počelo da emituje jednu dobru Marathon Runner gan to emit a good atmosphere of smiles, as though atmosferu punu osmeha i kao da ljudi u Aveniji daju tople people in the Avenue gave each other warm balls of fluff pufne jedni drugima i osmehuju se šaljući i primajući do- and sent smiles while receiving good energy ... and, don’t bru energiju... I ne brinem, meni se čini da će tako i ostati. worry, it seems to me it will remain like that. > Airport City - a place with soul Marina Deleon Marina Deleon Communication Advisor Communication Advisor With Marina DeLeon, ACBs Communication Advisor, we tried to define the spirit or special atmosphere of this place. AIRPORT CITY - a place with a soul “I would like to thank all of our clients and partners, them in my field, they must surely exist in other areas. And third stage than was the case, for instance, between the because it is thanks to their support that we have also there are certainly people among them who have perseve- second and third phases. This was due to the lack of demand been able to develop successfully all these years. We rance and vision. At the end of the day, what remains and for new office space. Today we believe that need is present have just started construction works on the new part provides the possibility of success of an economy is not great and that is why we have launched phase four, which will al- of the business park, which will see Airport City almost leaps or even overnight success, but rather a persistent path most double the capacity of Airport City. And this is a direct double in size,” says Airport City CEO Adir El Al, speak- to success and daily progress. This is true for both the co- response to the question of what we predict will happen in ing at the beginning of this interview for Whats up. untry and for individuals. Even though today’s dream is one Belgrade. And we’re not in this alone. Recently, more and of gaining success and wealth overnight and without effort, more companies from completely different areas have disco- Providing the occasion for this interview is the official -la I do not believe in that, and I certainly do not believe that vered this market, where they have a relatively educated la- unch of the fourth phase of construction of Airport City, a society can base its economic future on such foundations. bour force under more favourable conditions than elsewhere which has left everyone a little excited. After a long break, in Europe. Such companies are interested in several thousand the construction site is again in overdrive, with cranes again Does this mean that it is possible to place the success square metres of highly equipped space. visible as a sure sign of a new beginning and preparations of Airport City in the above-mentioned context? Our new buildings will, I hope, provide the right response underway for a celebration to thank all those who have con- Certainly, because the success of such a project is only po- to that need. tributed to the success achieved to date by our City within ssible with a great concept. Without that we would not the City, including clients and many friends and associates. have achieved recognition of the product that we call our What will be new in this area, compared to the exi- This provides good opportunity to look back on the previous City within the City, nor would we have managed to rema- sting park? period… in, even in the time of crisis, a space with extremely high In phase four we will build four new office buildings that will occupancy rates. The image of this place, and recognition of be similar to the existing structures only in terms of appe- You have been in Belgrade for thirteen years already. the exceptional offer that ACB represents, is something we arance. In reality, they are completely different in terms of When you look back on this period, do you feel like your built through persistence on a daily basis from the beginning. structure and standards of construction. In building Airport experience in Serbia has changed and enriched you? And, in the end, investors believed all the time in the success City we have learned many lessons about the introduction It has certainly enriched and changed me. It has brought of such a project right here and on this market. of new standards to construction in the early stages and we Airport City is unique to Belgrade and Serbia in terms engaged in completely different sectors. kind of happy hour with live music and we will continue me a lot of experience, knowledge and intercultural experi- have now applied all this additional value in the construction of real estate developments, but what sets it apart from Airport City is not showy and grand, which can be burde- with that popular activity. ence. And perhaps it finally brought me understanding for Phase 4 of new buildings. They will be the best combination of expe- other Class A business parks elsewhere in the world? ning in itself. Rather, it is “normal” and has that touch of the bureaucracy or at least conciliation with a definite lack of rience gained here and novelties introduced on the basis of From my perspective, as someone’s whose field of exper- sophisticated flavour of success that is recognisable. What have been the happiest and most beautiful times understanding for bureaucracy... it is tough to decide! Phase 4 means another 63.000 sqm of high our international experience and knowhow. tise is ACB’s image, I would say that what makes our on the Avenue? It brought me a different perspective, a different way of quality A space and expanding of Airport city business park unique among the many I’ve seen is the The central ACB Avenue is undoubtedly the heart There was the kids’ carnival and red nose comic relief thinking and insight into relations than the one I grew up towards Toshin bunar. What is the construction plan for the new section of atmosphere it has developed over the last years. And that and soul of the business park. Was that intentional event, which was wonderful and probably showed the with. All my professional and personal experience in Belgrade It means another 4 building as addition to exi- the business park? image is one of a “city within a city”, which began as a or inevitable? Avenue at its most beautiful – with laughing children and environment has brought me new confidence – confidence sting 7 and existing 87.000 sqm GLA. The new office buildings will be significantly larger than the slogan but has grown into a reality. We have an image of The space was created for the Avenue to become the li- clowns and stilt walkers and jugglers and lots of colour that is based on success.
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