ASIAN TABLE TENNIS UNION HANDBOOK 2010 ATTU Handbook Editions 1st Edition 1988 2nd Edition 1996 3rd Edition 2001 4th Edition 2003 5th Edition 2005 6th Edition 2010 ATTU Official Website: http://www.attu.org Published by: ATTU Secretariat Room 602, No. 6 Zuo An Men Nei Ave. Beijing, China 100061 Revised by Ms. Liu Yi and Mr. Ding Gai Designed by Mr. Ding Gai Table of Contents Chapter 1 A Brief History of ATTU ........................................... 1 Chapter 2 ATTU Officials (2009-2013) .................................... 3 ATTU EB Members (2009-2013) ............................................................................3 ATTU Council Members (2009-2011) .................................................................5 ATTU Committee Members (2009-2011)............................................................6 Chapter 3 Constitution ............................................................ 9 Chapter 4 Rules and Regulations for Asian Championships, Asian Cup Tournament and Asian Junior Championships ......................................................... 26 Chapter 5 ATTU Membership Roll and Directory ................ 45 Appendix I: ATTU Officials (1972-Current) .............................. 53 Chapter 1: A Brief History of ATTU Early in 1972, the formation of a new Asian Table Tennis body was the fruitful resul t o f the di scussion bet ween t he Ch ina an d Japan T able Tennis Association during a v isit b y the Pre sident of Jap an T able Tennis Association, Mr. Koji Goto. This i dea was agai n disc ussed am ong A sian A ssociation representatives during the 31st World Table Tennis Championships in Nagoya. J apan, and a lso duri ng th e A fro-Asian T able Tennis Friendship Invitation Tournament in Beijing, China. The proposal was well accepted. In March 1972, representatives of the TTA's of China, DPR Korea and Japan m et specia lly t o t ake a n i nitiative i n c alling a Prepara tory Meeting in Beijing in order to meet in May of the same year as well as to affix their signatures for the invitation letters. Accordingly, the Preparatory Meeting was held in Beijing in May 4th - 7th. 1972 at tended by 16 represe ntatives of Associations nam ely. Cambodia, C hina, D PR K orea, Iran , Iraq, Ja pan, K uwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Singapore, Sri L anka, Syria a nd Vietnam. In c ompliance wi th the s trong desire of th e delegates, t he Preparatory Meet ing was actually tur ned into the Inaugural Mee ting which resu lted in t he for mation of the Asian Table T ennis Uni on (ATTU) on May 7th 1972. The meeting adopted the communiqué and 1 the c onstitution an d wi th it, ele cted a leading body for th e Un ion. Subsequently th e First Asian Ch ampionships a nd the 1st ATTU Congress were held in Beijing in September 1972 and it signified the beginning of ATTU in the table tennis world. Since then, the biennial championships and the congresses have been held successfully from 1972, beginning in Beijing (1972), Yokohama (1974), Py ongyang (19 76). K uala Lum pur (1 978). Calcutta (1 980). Jakarta (1 982), Islam abad (1984), Sh enzhen (1 986). Niigata ( 1988), Kuala L umpur (1990), N ew D elhi (1 992), T ianjin (1 994),Singapore (1996), Osaka(1998),Doha (2000) ,Bangkok(2003) ,Jeju(2005), Yangzhou(2007)and Lucknow(2009). ATTU w as officially rec ognized by International T able T ennis Federation as a c ontinental b ody for A sia at its 33rd Co ngress in Calcutta. 1975. The ATTU Secretariat is located in Beijing where the President resi des. Sin ce its ince ption in 1972, ATTU has pl ayed a n important ro le of u nifying its members an d has s trengthened i ts position in ITTF by actively providing able leadership and farsi ghted programs. The First H on secretary General, the late Mr. Song Z hong had been i nstrumental i n making ATTU a very stron g ta ble tennis organization while the l eading organization of th e A TTU had als o made ATTU a wel l res pected c ontinental organization. From the 16 founding members, it has grown to have 43 members. 2 Chapter 2: ATTU Officials (2009-2013) President Cai Zhenhua (China) Deputy Presidents Shahrokh Shahnazi (Iran) Khalil Al-Mohannadi (Qatar) Honorary Treasurer D.R. Choudhary (India) Honorary Secretary-General Tony YUE Kwok Leung (HKG) Regional Vice Presidents East Asia Cho Yang Ho (Korea) South East Asia Thana Chaipraist (T hailand) South Asia Mohammad Sibtain (Pakist an) West Asia Khalid Al Mawlawi (Qatar) Middle Asia Afshin Badiee (Iran) CO-OPTED ITTF OFFICERS ITTF Deputy President Yang Shu’an (Chi na) ITTF Executive Vice President Koji Kimura (Japan) ITTF Executive Vice President Khalil Al Mohannadi (Qatar) ATTU HON. OFFICIALS: Honorary Life Presidents Ranga RAMANUJAN (India) Atsushi Goto (Japan) Li Furong (China) 3 Honorary Advisor to Executive Board S.H.Shah (Pakistan) CHOO Wee Khiang (Singapore) ATTU Secretariat Address(NEW): Room 602, No. 6 Zuo An Men Nei Ave., Beijing, 100061. China Telephone /Fax: +86-10-6718-6928 Email: [email protected] ATTU Secretary General Office (Hong Kong) Address C/O Hong Kong Table Tennis Association Limited Room 2008, Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Telephone 8 52 2575 5330 Fax 852 28389233 Email: [email protected] Annual subscription Payments to Mr. D.R. Choudhary (Hon. Treasurer) Account Name Asian Table Tennis Union Bank Bank of China Account No. 138862-2510-000 Swift code BKCHSGSG Amount USD 200.00 4 ATTU Council Members (2009-2011) Bangladesh A.T .M. Shamsul Alam China Liu Yi Chinese Taipei Tsai Tien Shun DPR Korea Ju Jong Chol Hong Kong Leung Ka Chi, Lawrence India B.P. Bashaya Indonesia Farid Rahman Iran A fshin Badiee Japan Sach iko Yokota Korea Lee You Sung Kazakhstan Vvedenskiy Vitaly Kuwait Mo hamed M. Al-Matouq Lebanon Michel de Chadarevian Malaysia Cha n Foong Keong Pakistan Y asmin Rashed Qatar A budulla Al Mulla Saudi Arabia Fahd Mohammad Al-Bani Singapore Er Lee Bee Wah Thailand Nat tavuth Ruengves Vietnam Mai Duy Dien 5 There are four worki ng committees under the ATTU as follows: TECHNICAL & RULES COMMITTEE Chairman Park Do Cheon Korea Full Members Chan Cheong Ki Hong Kong Nobuyuki Shirakawa Japan Loy Soo Han Singapore Wael Noureddin Lebanon Mohamed Abdulla Saleh Qatar Simin Rezaie Jahdkon Iran Corresponding members Yang Cheng Hsiung Chinese Taipei Tan Kheng Hong Malaysia Niwat Semangern Thailand Rashed Nabi Malik Pakistan Salaiman A Al Jedaee Saudi Arabia COACHING & JUNIORS COMMITTEE Chairman Bodas Rajeev Purushottam India Full Members 6 Masahiro Maehara Japan PARK Il Soon Korea Korakij Sermkijseree Thailand ARIF KHAN Pakistan Khalid Al-Kuwari Qatar Foad Kaseb Iran Corresponding members Lawrence Leung Ka Chi Hong Kong Han Kee Juan Malaysia Mohamed F Al-Ajmi Kuwait MEDIA COMMITTEE Chairman Liu Yi China Full Members Min Byoung Il Korea Don Mudtangam Thailand Naser M AlSeehan Kuwait Mubarak Al-Kuwari Qatar Khaled Ben Megrin Saudi Arabia Khaled Al Megrin UAE Corresponding members N/A 7 VETERAN COMMITTEE Chairman Chan Foong Keong Malaysia Full Members Wang Li Te-Long Chinese Taipei Michael Yeung Singapore Javed Chhotani Pakistan Nabel Al Magawi Saudi Arabia Corresponding members Chaturananda Rajvaidya Nepal Esmaeil A Alsadi Kuwait Hassan Alzarouni UAE 8 Chapter 3: Constitution 1. Name The U nion s hall b e named t he A sian T able Tennis U nion (hereinafter referred to as the Union). 2. Aims The aims of the Union shall be: (2.1) To e nhance f riendship am ong t he people a nd ta ble tennis players of the countries and regions in Asia and to de velop fr iendly ties b etween t he t able t ennis circles and players of As ia an d th ose of o ther continents. (2.2) To promote the po pularization, de velopment and advancement of table tennis in Asia. 3. Principles The a ctivities of th e Uni on sha ll be guided by t he f ollowing principles, namely: (3.1) Eq uality and mutual resp ect am ong all member associations, big or small. (3.2) Democratic consultation. 4. Membership (4 .1) Eligibility (4.1.1) Any member association of the International Table Tennis Fe deration i n t he Asian reg ion, which endorses t he a ims, object a nd principles of t he 9 union, m ay be a dmitted as a m ember of th e Union as provided in section (2). (4.1.2) Other table tennis associations in the Asian region, which sup port th e a ims and principles of t he Union, may be a dmitted as associate members of the Union as provided in Section. (4.2) Application and Election: (4.2.1) Appl ications for membership and ass ociate membership shal l be made to th e ATTU Secretariat in writing on a form approved by the Council. (4.2.2) All a pplications sha ll b e su bmitted n ot later than six ca lendar months bef ore the date of the Congress meeting. (4.2.3) The Executive Board shall review all appl ications on behalf of th e Cou ncil and make recommendations to the Congress. (4.2.4) Appl ications for membership and ass ociate membership shall be considered by the next Congress Me eting a nd s hall be accepted if they receive the votes required under Article 7. (4.2.5) The Council may, by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast e lect a n appli cant to "provisi onal membership", whic h s hall en title th e member association t o atte nd t he n ext Co ngress Meeting without v oice or v ote: a nd t o c omplete in al l 10 events except Asian Championships.
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