Taipei Liaison Office in the RSA SA-TAIWAN eNews AUGUST 30TH 2021 PUBLISHER: ANTHONY C.Y. HO ISSUE 8 President Tsai addresses 2021 JCI Asia-Pacific Conference On the evening of August 19, diligently to achieve. By com- President Tsai Ing-wen addressed mitting to sustainable, balanced the 2021 Junior Chamber Interna- development, companies can tional (JCI) Asia-Pacific Confer- thrive while protecting the envi- ence via video. In her remarks, ronment and helping society. President Tsai expressed hope that, through its focus on person- To encourage more companies to al development and social re- take this path, Taiwan's public sponsibility, JCI will inspire inno- and private sector have jointly vative ideas for a more sustaina- established the Alliance for Sus- ble future. young entrepreneurs is a key driv- tainable Development Goals, held er of social and economic develop- the Global Corporate Sustainabil- A transcript of the president's re- ment. Your contributions have ity Awards, and organized the larg- marks follows: never been more important, as est Corporate Sustainability Forum countries across the world enter a in Asia. It is my pleasure to welcome you new era shaped by the pandemic all to the 2021 JCI Asia-Pacific Con- and the challenges it has created. I JCI is an important partner in this ference. More than 4,000 JCI encourage you all to come up with mission. I am confident that this members from 21 Asia-Pacific ways to bring about economic re- year's conference, along with the countries are taking part in this covery, while providing support to Chamber's focus on personal de- year's event, which is being hosted disadvantaged communities. velopment and social responsibil- virtually by JCI Culture City from ity, will inspire innovative ideas for Taichung, Taiwan. I want to take This commitment to social wel- a more sustainable future. this opportunity to thank you for fare, sustainable living, and posi- all your hard work that made this tive change are at the heart of the I wish you all productive discus- event possible. UN's Sustainable Development sions and hope to welcome you to Goals, which are in line with the Taiwan in the near future. The innovation and vitality of goals our government is working Thank you. South African Government announces to implement Level 3 lockdown restrictions from 26 July, 2021 in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic The South African Government [email protected] rarily closed during the lockdown. announces to implement Level 3 lockdown restrictions from 26 July, 2.For consular enquiries, send an All consular applications will be 2021 in response to the novel email to [email protected] processed and received on an coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. For the ROC (Taiwan) nationals “appointment only” basis. Should who seek emergency assistance in you require urgent assistance for As a result, the Taipei Liaison an event of “severe injuries” or such applications during this time, Office in the Republic of South “threats to personal safety” and please make an appointment first Africa will continue its operation other probable emergencies, by sending an email to tlorsavi- with a limited number of staff on please call our emergency assis- [email protected] or a text message duty performing essential services tance line at (+27) 082-802-9380. to 082-906-1413. during office hours. Kindly note that this hotline DOES Applications sent to this office via Direct all your enquiries to the NOT provide consular services. postal or courier services during following contacts: Level 3 will also be processed as 1.For general enquiries, send an Please also note that the consular soon as possible depending on the email to southafricat- and office premises will be tempo- availability of the staff. ISSUE 8 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS Headline News Page 2 Ketagalan Forum to get underway Aug. 31 in Taiwan Ketagalan Forum 2021—Asia-Pacific Karen Makishima, member of the Japa- Security Dialogue is set to get under- nese House of Representatives; Peter way virtually Aug. 31 in Taiwan, un- Jennings, executive director of the Aus- derscoring the commitment of the tralian Strategic Policy Institute; and government to strengthening cooper- Bert Hofman, director of the East Asian ation on key regional issues between Institute at National University of Sin- the country and other forces for good gapore. worldwide. According to the MOFA, the forum also In a tweet on its official Twitter ac- Hosted by the Ministry of Foreign comprises four panel discussions on count, the MOFA said “Ketagalan Fo- Affairs and Taipei City-based Prospect matters such as Taiwan Strait contin- rum—2021 #AsiaPacific Security Dia- Foundation, the daylong event fea- gencies, Quadrilateral Security Dia- logue kicks off virtually Aug. 31 in tures keynote speaker Kelly Craft, for- logue and the Indo-Pacific, gray zone #Taiwan. Ex-@USUN Amb. mer U.S. permanent representative to coercion in the East and South China @KellyCraftKY leads a global lineup of the U.N., as well as 16 experts, officials Seas and post-coronavirus economic experts well versed in regional eco- and academics from Taiwan, Australia, outlook. nomic & political challenges. Read on France, India, Japan, the Philippines, https://bit.ly/3D7NFl1 & register Singapore, South Korea, the U.S. and Prominent participants include Randall https://bit.ly/2W4nMSN.” Vietnam. Schriver, chairman of U.S.- headquartered Project 2049 Institute; Taiwan, US, Japan, Australia stage GCTF virtual conference on green energy A virtual conference on green energy the workshop builds upon the long- was held under the Global Cooperation standing tradition of energy coopera- and Training Framework Aug. 11 in tion between Taiwan and the U.S. To- Taipei City, spotlighting the govern- gether, the two sides can make vital ment’s commitment to achieving the contributions to the global economic U.N. Sustainable Development Goals recovery while meeting growing ener- while promoting cooperation with like- gy demands in a sustainable way, she minded partners around the world. added. Jointly organized by the Ministry of During his address, Wu said the confer- In a tweet on its official Twitter ac- Foreign Affairs, the Bureau of Energy ence would serve as a platform for par- count, the MOFA said: “Forces for under the Ministry of Economic Affairs, ticipants to exchange experiences and good #Taiwan, the #US, #Japan & Hsinchu County-based Industrial Tech- formulate measures to combat climate #Australia held a #GCTF #GreenEnergy nology Research Institute in northern change. For its part, the government workshop. Minister Wu, AIT Dir. Oud- Taiwan, American Institute in Taiwan, will continue building Taiwan into one kirk, JTEA Rep. Izumi & @AusOfficeTPE Australian Office Taipei and Japan- of Asia’s leading green energy hubs on Rep. Bloomfield opened the event in Taiwan Exchange Association, the one- the back of the five-plus-two innova- which experts from 50 countries made day workshop marked the first time a tive industries plan, he added. real headway on charting a sustainable renewable energy-themed event has future.” been hosted under the GCTF. The five-plus-two innovative industries plan fosters the development of the Since its launch in June 2015, the GCTF High-profile participants included biotech and pharmaceutical, green has seen more than 1,900 experts, offi- MOFA Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu, energy, national defense, smart ma- cials and representatives from 77 BOE Director General Yu Cheng-wei, chinery and Internet of Things sectors, countries and territories participating AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk, AOT Rep. as well as the circular economy and a in over 30 workshops covering topics Jenny Bloomfield; and JTEA Chief Rep. new paradigm for agricultural develop- such as disaster relief, energy security, Izumi Hiroyasu. A further 120 officials ment. law enforcement, media literacy, pub- and experts from 50 countries and ter- lic health and women’s empowerment. ritories also took part in the workshop. Echoing Wu’s remarks, Oudkirk said ISSUE 8 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS Minister Wu Interview Page 3 Reimagining A More Resilient UN System With Taiwan In It Jaushieh Joseph Wu - Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of China (Taiwan) After more than 200 million infections and for this exclusion. But the language of the ships for over 4 million deaths and counting, the resolution is crystal clear: it merely ad- the benefit COVID-19 pandemic has raged across the dresses the issue of China’s representation of society globe. This has created a profoundly devas- in the UN; there is no mention of Chinese as a whole. tating socio-economic impact on our inter- claim of sovereignty over Taiwan, nor does connected world, with virtually no coun- it authorize the PRC to represent Taiwan in The World Happiness Report 2021, re- tries spared. The pandemic has disrupted the UN system. The fact is, the PRC has leased by the Sustainable Development global trade, exacerbated poverty, imped- never governed Taiwan. This is the reality Solutions Network, ranked Taiwan the hap- ed education, and compromised gender and status quo across the two sides of the piest in East Asia, and 24th in the world. equality, with middle to low income na- Taiwan Strait. The Taiwanese people can The ranking indicates how the people of a tions bearing the brunt of the burden. only be represented on the international country feel about the social support they stage by their popularly elected govern- receive, and reflects in large part a coun- As many countries brace for another spike ment. By falsely equating the language of try’s implementation of the SDGs. Taiwan of the virus, prompted by the highly conta- the resolution with Beijing’s “one China is willing to pass on its experience and gious Delta variant, the world looks up to Principle,” the PRC is arbitrarily imposing work with global partners to build a better the United Nations (UN) to ramp up com- its political views on the UN.
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