journal: index: nos 1 to 28 1 INDEX 2 printing historical society journal: index: nos 1 to 28 3 Journal of the Printing Historical Society INDEX Numbers 1 to 28: 19651999 Compiled by Paul W. Nash 4 printing historical society Published in 2005 by ¡e Printing Historical Society St Bride Printing Library, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London EC4Y 8EE issn 00795321 isbn 0 900003 14 6 © ¡e Printing Historical Society 2005 Printed in Great Britain by Henry Ling Ltd, Dorchester Compiled and typeset by Paul W. Nash journal: index: nos 1 to 28 5 FOREWORD The following index aims to include all signicant subject-terms, names and quoted publications to be found within the text and notes of Journal numbers 128, as well as the names of authors of articles and reviews. The terms have been alphabetised letter-by-letter, regardless of word breaks. The end of each primary term is usually marked with a comma, although there are some exceptions (such as press, hand (a primary term) and some corporate names which include a comma within the term thus Smith, William (an individual) precedes Smith & Co., Smith & Ebbs and Smith, Elder & Co.). When personal names are the same as other terms (as for example Woods) the former are given rst, followed by the latter and any more complex construc- tions. When an individual, such as a monarch, is known by a forename, such names are alphabetised before identical surnames and other terms. Some incomplete names and initials found in the Journal have been expanded or, where necessary, corrected, with cross-references where these might be helpful. A distinction has been made between one subject and another, and on another; the former covers the relation- ship between the two, while the latter refers to quoted opinions or ocial statements made by an individual or body on a particular subject. Initial articles have been omitted from the titles of books and periodicals (with the exception of a few titles, such as ¡e T imes, which might otherwise be ambiguous). Members of the printing and book trades are, unless otherwise noted, located in London. Despite its forestry and fairytale connotations, the sobriquet woodcutter has been applied to an artisan who made woodcuts. Contemporary place-names are usually used, with cross-references from older forms where necessary. Unnumbered pages are generally treated here as if numbered. Journal numbers are given in bold type, followed by page and plate numbers. The unnumbered plates in Journal 9 have here been numbered 14 for convenience. Journal 23 includes two sequences of pagination, the second for the facsimile of Raynors Printing for amateurs; the latter sequence is distinguished from the former by being set here in italics. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to Judith Butcher and the other compilers of the 1979 index to Journal numbers 110, upon which the present index has been founded. I am especially grateful to those members of the Printing Historical Society Committee who spent many hours checking sections of the index before publication. Any remaining errors are entirely my own responsibility. P.W.N. 6 printing historical society journal: index: nos 1 to 28 7 INDEX Abad, Diego Martinez, printer at Adams, Henry, lithographic printer, Madrid (16991710), uses Pedro 10, 23 Dissess types, 17, 88, 89 Adams, Joseph A., early American Abadie, lithographic printer at Phila- electrotyper, 10, 9293 delphia, 27, 64 Adams, Thomas, Bellman at Cam- Abate, Felix: as inventor of metallo- bridge, 26, 28 graphy (1853), 6, 8283; as inventor Adams, Thomas F., Typographia (1837, of thermography (1854), 6, 53, 58 1844 etc.), 4, 18 Abbey, John Roland, catalogues of Adams, W., author at Bristol (1868), illustrated books in library of, 1, 48; 24, 113 10, 8, 20 Adams Brothers, Printing made easy Abraham, John Humphreys, litho- (1895?), 23, 29 graphic printer, 10, 23 Adamszoon, Johannes, typefounder, Abree, James (Abree & W. Aylett), 18, 53n printer of Bellmans verses at Adamszoon, Johannes, widow of, and Canterbury, 26, 26, 31 Abraham Ente, type-specimen of Absolon, John, artist, 17, 60 (c. 1700), 16, 23, 25; 18, 53n, 54n, 58, Académie des Sciences, study of 59, 60 trades by (1666), 1, 7172 Adana press (atbed model), 23, 27 Academy of Natural Sciences of adhesives, used in perfect binding Philadelphia, Journal of, publishes (America), 18, 4445 lithographs (18211822), 27, 56, 57, Adler, Brasserie (Paris), haunt of 65, gs 4, 7 wood-engravers, 17, 56 account-books of printers, 3, 100; 9, Admiralty charts: engraving of (1951 72; 15, 5480; 24, 36 1981), 25, 3144; lithography Ackermann, Rudolph (Ackermann & rejected as medium for (1820s), 27, Co.), printer/publisher, 4, 5859; in 73; printing of, 2, 5, 15; 25, 4446 development of publishers Admiralty Landship Committee, and bindings, 28, 77, 78, 79, 91; litho- L. A. Legros, 28, 3738 graphic presses of, 3, 18, 38, gs 5, advertisements: of Caxton (1477?), 11, 12; lithographic press exported to 89; for Columbian press, 5, 2; in America by (1822), 27, 6667; as compound-plate printing, 4, 65, pl. lithographic printer, 10, 4, 15, 23; 5; for Constables Various subjects of lithographic stones sold by, 8, 14, landscape (18301832), 25, 67, 68; of 25, 27, 28; as publisher, 4, 7 London lithographic printers, 10, 7; Ackers, Charles, printer of Caslons in research on provincial printing, type-specimen (17341743), 3, 7576, 9, pl. 14; use of bold types in (19th 77; 16, 106; 21, 37, 41 century), 22, 112116, 119 acrography of Schoenberg (c. 1838), Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham, et al., 4, 33, 48; 50; 5, 42, 5863, pl. 36, Testimonie of antiquitie (1566?), Anglo- 810; 6, 71 Saxon printing in, 28, 48, 49, 52 Adam, Robert, architect, refurbishes Aeschylus, Tragoediae (1898), 19/20, 20 Soho Square (1770s), 14, 66, 119 69, 70 Aesop, 25, 1112; editions of the Fables, Adams, G. F., and William Gee, early 25, 10, 17, (1484, Caxton), 11, 43, 72, tin-printers, 8, 5556 125126, (1651, Cook/Ogilby), 25, 5, 8 printing historical society Aesop (cont.) photographic enlargements of 8, 9, 11, (1665, Ogilby), 25, 9, 1011, roman type of, 7, 52, pl. VI; 19/20, (16651666, Barlow), 25, 6, 7, 9, 11, pl. 3; as typographical inspiration to 12, 13, 16, (1668, Hoole), 25, 5, (1668, William Morris, 19/20, 9; use of Ogilby), 25, 11, (1672, Fell and Greek and roman capitals by, 22, Yate), 25, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 20, 25, (1687, 8185, 92, 96102, 106 Barlow), 25, 1617, (1698, Alsop), Alembert, Jean le Ronde d see 25, 17, 18, 19, (1761, Dodsley), 25, 19, Diderot and dAlembert (1822, Lesueur/Abadie, unpub- Alexander, E. A., on apprenticeship lished), 27, 64; see also LEstrange; (1889), 13, 1516 Phaedrus Alexander, Richard Dykes, publisher/ Aglio, Agostino, artist/lithographer, philanthropist at Ipswich, 24, 78; 10, 5, 23 correspondence with J. Hare (1847), Agnew, print publisher, 25, 69 24, 101 agricultural machinery, sold and Alexander, W., banker at Ipswich, illustrated by J. Hare (1840s), 24, correspondence with J. Hare (1847), 5355, 61106 passim 24, 78 Agster family, saddlers at Augsburg, Alexandra Magazine: on freelance and Bämler family, 22, 30, 31, 41 earnings of wood-engravers (1865), 44, 52 17, 36; on wood-engraving as a Airy, George Biddell, Astronomer career for women (1865), 17, 40 Royal, correspondence with J. Hare Alexandra press of Lockett & Co., 2, (1847), 24, 99100 7273 Aitken, W. C., nature printing by Alexandrian Greek type, 19/20, 123 (1852), 6, 62, 63, 85 Alford, B. W. E., articles on the book a la poupée inking of intaglio plates, trade by, 4, 87 25, 8485 Algemeine Zeitung (1823), publishes Alberts, Rutger Christo el, printer/ lithographic map of Cadiz, 27, 76 typefounder at The Hague, type- Ali, Faiz, lithographic printer at specimen of (c. 1729), 18, 60; see also Calcutta (from 1830), 27, 110111 Uytwerf Alken, Henry, artist: Ideas, accidental Albion press, 1, 3; 2, 5873, pl. 1115, 17, and incidental to hunting (18261830), 18; 3, 42, 9799; 7, 64, pl. XII; 23, 27, lithographic stones used to reprint 11, 15, 79; 24, 39, 40, 49, 52 (1840s?), 14, 8288, pl. 13; Sporting alcohol, consumption by printers at notions (18311833), lithographic Bristol of (19th century), 24, 114115, stones used to reprint (1840s?), 14, 117118, 121 8288, pl. 1 Alcuin, advisor to Charlemagne (8th Alken, Henry Gordon, son of Henry, century), reforms scriptorial 14, 83, 86, 88 conventions, 19/20, 126127 Allan, George, attorney and Alden, Timothy, engineer in Massa- antiquary: Grange Press of (from chusetts, inventor of typesetting 1769), 7, 5558; correspondence wheel, 1, 57n with Pennant, 7, 5556 Aldenham Institute (London), 14, 33 Allan, George, lithographic printer, Aldine poets series, 19/20, 70, 78, 10, 23 79n; publishers binding of, 28, 76 Allan, James, lithographic printer, Aldrich, Henry, classicist, architect, 10, 23 publisher etc. at Oxford, 25, 1719, Allan, William, publisher, 19/20, 92 22, 2526 Allan & Keene, lithographic printers, Aldus Manutius, printer at Venice, 1, 10, 23 14; 19/20, 93, 96, 103, 130; italic types Allan Grieve & Co. see Grieve, John of, 1, 14; 19/20, 130; 22, 8185; Allanson, John, wood-engraver, 17, 44 journal: index: nos 1 to 28 9 Allde, Edward, printer, 21, 26, 41, 76 Ambergau, Adam de, printer at Allee, Fyz see Ali, Faiz Venice, 22, 93 Allen, Edward William, publisher, Amerbach, Johann (d. 1513), printer at and J. C. Grant, 28, 23 Basle, 22, 102n Allen, John William (& Co.), litho- America see United States of America graphic printer, 10, 23 American Antiquarian Society, and Allen, Matthew, lithographic printer, early lithography, 27, 52, 55, 62 10, 23 American Journal of Science, publishes Allen, V. L., Power in trade unions (1954), lithographs and articles on litho- 14, 53 graphy (18191822), 27, 55, 56, 58, 59 Allen, William, lithographic printer American Philosophical Society, and (Bartholomew Close), 10, 23 early lithography, 27, 51, 55 Allen, William, lithographic printer American Type Founders Company, (Bucklersbury), 10, 23 19/20, 100; merging of foundries in Allnut, inventor of curvilinear (18911892), 7, 47, 49, 50 printing (c.
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