seco nd Sessio n - Thi rty-Fift h Legi slature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba STANDING COMMITTEE on PUBLIC UTILITIES and NATURAL RESOURCES 40 Elizabeth II Chairman Mr. Ben Sveinson Constituencyof La Verendrye VOL. XL No . 6 • 8 p.m., TUESDAY, JUNE18, 1991 MG-8048 ISSN 0713-9454 Printed by the Office of the 0.-ns Printer. Province of Menitoba MANITOBA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirt y-F ift h Legislature LIB - Liberal; NO - New Democrat; PC - Progressive Conservative NAME CONSTITUENCY PARTY. ALCOCK, Reg Osborne LIB ASHTON, Steve Thompson NO BARRETT, Becky Wellington NO CARR, James Crescentwood LIB CARSTAIRS, Sharon River Heights LIB CERILLI, Marianne Radisson NO CHEEMA, Guizar The Maples LIB CHOMIAK, Dave Kildonan NO CONNERY, Edward Portage Ia Prairie PC CUMMINGS, Glen, Hon. Ste. Rose PC DACQUAY, Louise Seine River PC DERKACH, Leonard, Hon. Roblin-Russell PC DEWAR, Gregory Selkirk NO DOER, Gary Concordia NO DOWNEY, James, Hon. Arthur-Virden PC DRIEDGER, Albert, Hon. Steinbach PC DUCHARME, Gerry, Hon. Riel PC EDWARDS, Paul St. James LIB ENNS, Harry, Hon. Lakeside PC ERNST, Jim, Hon. Charleswood PC EVANS, Ciif Interlake NO EVANS, Leonard S. Brandon East NO FILMON, Gary, Hon. Tuxedo PC FINDLAY, Glen, Hon. Springfield PC FRIESEN, Jean Wolseley NO GAUDRY, Neil St. Boniface LIB GILLESHAMMER, Harold, Hon. Minnedosa PC HARPER, Elijah Rupertsland NO HELWER, EdwardR. Gimli PC HICKES, George Point Douglas NO LAMOUREUX, Kevin Inkster LIB LATHLIN, Oscar The Pas NO LAURENDEAU, Marcel St. Norbert PC MALOWAY, Jim Elmwood NO MANNESS, Clayton, Hon. Morris PC MARTINDALE, Doug Burrows NO McALPINE, Gerry Sturgeon Creek PC McCRAE, James, Hon. Brandon West PC MciNTOSH, Linda, Hon. Assiniboia PC MITCHELSON, Bonnie, Hon. River East PC NEUFELD, Harold, Hon. Rossmere PC ORCHARD, Donald, Hon. Pembina PC PENNER, Jack Emerson PC PLOHMAN, John Dauphin NO PRAZNIK, Darren, Hon. Lac du Bonnet PC REID, Daryl Transcona NO REIMER, Jack Niakwa PC RENDER, Shirley St. Vital PC ROCAN, Denis, Hon. Gladstone PC ROSE, Bob TurtleMountain PC SANTOS, Conrad Broadway NO STEFANSON, Eric, Hon. Kirkfield Park PC STORIE, Jerry Flin Flon NO SVEINSON, Ben La Verendrye PC VODREY, Rosemary FortGarry PC WASYLYCIA-LEIS, Judy St. Johns NO WOWCHUK, Rosann Swan River NO 123 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UTILITIES AND NATURAL RESOURCES Tuesday,June18,1991 TIME-S p.m. been hearing public presentations. There are still a LOCATION-Winnipeg, Manitoba number of presenters who have expressed an interest in making a presentation to Bill 38. Shall the CHAIRMAN-Mr. Ben Svelnson (La Verendrye) committee continue with hearing public ATTENDANCE- 11 -QUORUM- 6 presentations? Agreed. Members of the Committeepresent The committee has previously agreed last Hon. Messrs. Enns, Praznik Thursday to hear from out-of-town presenters prior to considering presentations from Winnipeg Ms. Cerilli, Messrs. Cheema, Edwards, Evans residents. Is thatstill the desire of the committee? (Interlake), Helwer, Laurendeau, Penner, Agreed. Rose, Sveinson. Prior to resuming public presentations, did the APPEARING: committee wish to indicate to members of the public Rosann Wowchuk, MLA for Swan River how late the committeewill be sitting thisevening? WITNESSES: An Honourable Member: We will deal with thatat Frank Baldwin, Private Citizen eleven o'clock. Rick Wishart, Ducks Unlimited Mr. Chairman: Deal with it at eleven? Agreed? Steven Lytwyn, Manitoba Cattle Producers An Honourable Member: What did you say? Association Mr. Chairman: We will deal with it at eleven Dave Punter, Manitoba Environmental Council o'clock? Ray Fetterly,Private Citizen An Honourable Member: Let us see how it goes Robert Potter, Town of Stonewall at eleven o'clock. Greg Dandewich,Neicom Developments * (2005) Mr. Chairman: Ron Seymour, President, Stonewall & District Do we wish to considerit at eleven Chamber of Commerce then? We will consider it at eleven o'clock. Agreed? Agreed. lan Greaves, Private Citizen I would also request that any members of the Written Presentations Submitted: public who have a writtencopy of their presentation Bob Hysop, Private Citizen to pass along that presentation to the Committee Ken Halldorson, Superintendent of Schools, Clerk so that she can ensure that photocopies are Lord Selkirk School Division No. 11 made for the committee members. MATTERS UNDER DISCUSSION: I will now read the names of the presenters remaining on the list. If there are any members of Bill 38-The Wildlife Amendment Act the public in attendance who would like to give a *** presentation this evening and are not on the list, please contact the Clerk of Committee, and your Mr. Chairman: Will the committee please come to name will be added to the list of presenters. order? This evening, The Standing Committee on (1) Mr. Roger Turenne, Canadian Parks and Public Utilities and Natural Resources will resume Wilderness Society, Manitoba Chapter; (2) Ms. consideration of Bill 38, The Wildlife Amendment Margaret Kapinga, private citizen; (3) Mr. Prasad Act. When the committee sat last Thursday, it had Gowdar, private citizen; (4) Ms. Dianne Cox, private 124 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA June 18, 1991 citizen; (5) Ms. Mila Oh, U of M Recycling and which are important improvements. The Environmental Group; (6)·Mr. Jan Greaves, private amendment of the act concerning wildlife citizen; (7) Ms. Heather Henderson, private citizen; management areas is particularly Important to me (8) Mr. Kenneth Emberley, Crossroads Resource because it concerns habitat conservation and Group; (9) Mr. Carl Moroz, private citizen; (10) Mr. affectseducation. Dave Punter, Manitoba Environmental Council; (11) Ducks Unlimited Canada has already conducted Mr. Rob Altemeyer, private citizen; (12) Mr. Robert habitat conservation work in numerous wildlife Potter, Town of Stonewall, who is replacing Mayor management areas in Manitoba. Without a change Dave Lethbridge; (13) Mr. Don Sullivan, Choices; to The Wildlife Act, it is conceivable that challenges (14) Mr. Neill Adhikari, private citizen; (15) Mr. Rick to the existing regulations might prevent future Wishart, Ducks Unlimited; (16) Mr. Frank Baldwin, conservation initiatives or the maintenance of private citizen; (17) Mr. Robert Wrigley, private existing conservation products. citizen; (18) Mr. John Shearer, private citizen; (19) Mr. Brian Lucas, private citizen; (20) Mr. Greg I do not propose to give a bush lawyer's Mickie, Triple S Business Development interpretation of Bill C-38 but rather to state simply Corporation; (21 ) Mr. Norman Binkley, private my case as it relates to the bill and to the Oak citizen; (22) Mr. Ray Fetterly, private citizen;(23) Mr. Hammock conservation centre which is vital to Bob Gooding, private citizen; (24) Mr. Greg increased understanding of the wetlands and Dandewich, Neicom Developments; (25) Mr. Ray upland environment and its reliant species. Such Marquette, The Interlake Development Corporation; understanding is crucial to the perpetuation of the (26) Mr. Harvey Williams, TREE; (27) Mr. Brian wetland resource. Pannell, private citizen; (28) Mr. Ron Seymour, * (201 0) President, Stonewall & District Chamber of I was fortunate to grow up in marsh land country Commerce;(29) Mr. Mark Gray, private citizen; (30) and have been lucky enough to live close to Mr. Steven Lytwyn, Manitoba Cattle Producers wetlands for much of my life. From my earliest Association; (31) Ms. Linh Vu, private citizen; (32) experiences as a child I have had a passionate Ms. Laura Reeves, private citizen. interest in waterfowl and other wildlife and have I also wish to seek the committee's guidance on explored and become familiar with many, many a matter. Mr. Frank Baldwin, a presenter from wetlands in different parts of the world. In many outside of Winnipeg, hasindic ated that he will have instances, these wetlands face problems today as to leave shortly this evening on an out-of-town trip. a consequence of lack of both human Will the committee wish to accommodate Mr. understanding and educated opinion. Baldwin by hearing him first? Agreed. The value of education concerningwildlife, which We also have a Mr. Rick Wishart, who is unable was presented to me as a youngster by various to attendsubsequent meetings. Did the committee family members and their friends, made a lasting wish to hear from him second? Agreed. impression. Thus I have attempted to assistthose interested to acquire an understanding of wild I would also like to indicate to the committee that places and wild things and appreciate their value twowritten presentations have been received, one and, where possible,to help perpetuate wildlife in its from Mr. Bob Hysop, of Killarney and one from the habitat. Lord Selkirk School Division No. 11. These presentations will be circulated to the members of Since 1981 when we, that is me and my family, the committee. came from Saskatchewan to live in Manitoba, we have resided in the Oak Hammock district. In my I will now call upon Mr. Baldwin to give his public spare time I have been actively involved in presentation. Please come forward. Mr. Baldwin's conservation and promoting understanding of the presentation is being circulated and he will be able environment and its wildlife, in particular waterfowl to begin shortly. and other species whose future depends on a plenitude of suitable habitat. Mr. Frank Baldwin (Private Citizen) : Mr. Chairman, members of this committee, by way of It was in the mid-1 950s that I first became aware introduction I am sympathetic to the amendment of of the importance of prairie wetlands and the habitat the act Bill C-38. It has several components, all of conservation work being undertaken by Ducks June 18, 1991 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA 125 Unlimited Canada. In the ensuing years, I have century. On all continents, wetlands are under been able to acquaint myself with its remarkable increased pressure from agriculture and contributions to the preservationand enhancement urbanization and are being degraded by pollution. of wetland habitats and its efforts to increase The lack of understanding of the magnitude of these understanding of this wonderful resource.
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