October 5, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD РHOUSE H9315 honor, and it was created by this Con- Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, I thank COMMENDING VETERANS OF THE gress in 1861. Senator James Grimes of the ranking member of the committee, BATTLE OF THE BULGE Iowa, chairman of the Senate Naval the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, I move to Committee, proposed legislation to re- EVANS), for all his help in bringing this suspend the rules and pass the joint quire that a medal of honor, similar to to the floor; and also the gentleman resolution (H.J. Res. 65) commending the Victoria Cross of England, be given from California (Mr. CALVERT), the the World War II veterans who fought to naval personnel for actions of brav- chief sponsor, for bringing this bill to in the Battle of the Bulge, and for ery in action. His legislation, which us and for working so closely with the other purposes, as amended. was signed into law by President Lin- Committee on Veterans' Affairs. The Clerk read as follows: coln on December 21, 1861, established a Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise H.J. RES. 65 Medal of Honor for enlisted men of the today in strong support of H.R. 1663, Whereas the battle in the European the- U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Subse- the National Medal of Honor Memorial ater of operations during World War II quently, legislation was enacted ex- Act. known as the Battle of the Bulge was fought tending eligibility for the medal to As the 20th Century draws to a close, from December 16, 1944, to January 25, 1945; Army-enlisted personnel as well as offi- many veterans wonder if the nation Whereas the Battle of the Bulge was a cers of the Armed Services. major German offensive in the Ardennes for- has lost sight of the sacrifices which est region of Belgium and Luxembourg which Senator Robert F. Kennedy once have been made to preserve freedom. said, ``It is from numberless diverse took Allied forces by surprise and was in- This bill, loudly states that we the tended to split the Allied forces in Europe by acts of courage and belief that human Congress, who represent the people of breaking through the Allied lines, crippling history is shaped. Each time a man this great nation, have not lost sight of the Allied fuel supply lines, and exacerbating stands up for an ideal or acts to im- the heroic sacrifices made in the name tensions within the alliance; prove the lot of others or strikes out of freedom. We appreciate the great Whereas 600,000 American troops, joined by 55,000 British soldiers and other Allied against injustice, he sends forth a tiny contributions of these brave individ- ripple of hope.'' forces, participated in the Battle of the uals who knowingly placed themselves Those extraordinary Americans who Bulge, overcoming numerous disadvantages in harm's way, ready to sacrifice life have won the Medal of Honor have, in the early days of the battle that included through their acts of remarkable cour- and limb so that their comrades may fewer numbers, treacherous terrain, and bit- live and this nation's values remain ter weather conditions; age, certainly shaped the history of our Whereas the Battle of the Bulge resulted in country and our world. We are doing strong. Over this last Memorial Day week- 81,000 American and 1,400 British casualties, the right thing today by honoring of whom approximately 19,000 American and these courageous citizens. end, I had the distinct pleasure to as- 200 British soldiers were killed, with the re- I am proud to be a cosponsor of H.R. semble with nearly 100 Medal of Honor mainder wounded, captured, or listed as 1663 and urge my colleagues to support recipients to dedicate the Congres- missing in action; this legislation. sional Medal of Honor Memorial site at Whereas the worst atrocity involving Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 the White River State Park in Indian- Americans in the European theater during  minutes to the gentleman from Texas apolis, Indiana. It was truly an inspir- World War II, known as the Malmedy Mas- ing gathering, and at the same time, sacre, occurred on December 17, 1944, when 86 (Mr. REYES). unarmed American prisoners of war were Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, I thank the proved a very humbling experience. gunned down by elements of the German 1st gentleman for yielding me this time. These individuals epitomize the true SS Panzer Division; Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. meaning of selfless sacrifice and per- Whereas American, British, and other Al- 1663, the National Medal of Honor Me- sonal commitment. lied forces overcame great odds throughout morial Act. This is a good bill because While many have answered the call the battle, including most famously the ac- it honors the incredible courage and to duty, they have answered a higher tion of the 101st Airborne Division in holding valor of our most distinguished vet- calling. A calling that is spiritual in back German forces at the key Belgian erans. Moreover, it ensures that future nature and bigger than one's self. For crossroads town of Bastogne, thereby pre- venting German forces from achieving their generations of Americans will know of love of God, country, family and the great sacrifices made by these men main objective of reaching Antwerp as well friends. Their significant contributions as the Meuse River line; and women who answered the call to have helped secure a more democratic Whereas the success of American, British, national service for their country. and peaceful world over the last cen- and other Allied forces in defeating the Ger- Medal of Honor winners have shown tury. More importantly, their actions man attack made possible the defeat of Nazi that they were willing to defend our serve as a testament to all Americans Germany four months later in April 1945; liberty no matter what the price. Their about serving and caring for others. Whereas thousands of United States vet- erans of the Battle of the Bulge have trav- heroism in battle has become Recognizing these Congressional legendary. eled to Belgium and Luxembourg in the Medal of Honor memorials sites in years since the battle to honor their fallen Since the Civil War, our country has California, Indiana, and South Carolina recognized their outstanding acts of comrades who died during the battle; as National Medal of Honor memorials Whereas the peoples of Belgium and Lux- courage and bravery through the Con- continues our commitment to these embourg, symbolizing their friendship and gressional Medal of Honor. As there gallant and heroic men and women and gratitude toward the American soldiers who have been only 3,429 award winners in I urge my colleagues to support H.R. fought to secure their freedom, have gra- the history of our Nation, these vet- 1663. ciously hosted countless veterans groups erans truly occupy a very special place over the years; in the hearts of all Americans. There- Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, I have no Whereas the city of Bastogne has an an- fore, I think that it is important that further requests for time, and I yield nual commemoration of the battle and its we designate sites around the country back the balance of my time. annual Nuts Fair has been expanded to in- as national memorials for our Medal of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. clude commemoration of the legendary one- word reply of ``Nuts'' by Brigadier General Honor winners. SUNUNU). The question is on the mo- tion offered by the gentleman from Ar- Anthony McAuliffe of the 101st Airborne Di- With this bill, we recognize memo- vision when called upon by the opposing Ger- izona (Mr. STUMP) that the House sus- rials in Riverside, California; Indianap- man commander at Bastogne to surrender olis, Indiana; and Mount Pleasant, pend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. his forces to much stronger German forces; South Carolina, to honor the contribu- 1663, as amended. Whereas the Belgian people erected the tions to our freedom and to our coun- The question was taken. Mardasson Monument to honor the Ameri- try of these brave, fine Americans. I Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, on that cans who fought in the Battle of the Bulge as therefore strongly endorse this legisla- I demand the yeas and nays. well as to commemorate their sacrifices and tion, and I urge all my colleagues to The yeas and nays were ordered. service during World War II; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas the 55th anniversary of the Battle join in unanimously approving this of the Bulge in 1999 will be marked by many bill. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the commemorative events by Americans, Bel- Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I have no Chair's prior announcement, further gians, and Luxembourgers; and further requests for time, and I yield proceedings on this motion will be Whereas the friendship between the United back the balance of my time. postponed. States and both Belgium and Luxembourg is H9316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD РHOUSE October 5, 1999 strong today in part because of the Battle of Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support organization that was formed back in the Bulge: Now, therefore, be it of H.J. Res. 65 and urge the Members of 1981. They now have about 10,000 mem- Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- the House to approve this measure. I bers. And the idea behind it is to per- resentatives of the United States of America in also salute the gentleman from New Congress assembled, That CongressРpetuate the memory of the sacrifices (1) commends the veterans of the United Jersey (Mr.
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