由即日起至2019年12月31日,憑銀聯卡於下列購物商場參與商戶簽賬尊享消費禮遇! From now till 31 December 2019, enjoy below fabulous offers from participating merchants in shopping mall with UnionPay Card! 參與商場 Participating Malls 商戶 Merchants 優惠內容 Offer Contents apm apm AGATHA AGATHA 正價貨品9折 10% off on regular-priced items 不適用於網上購物 Not applicable to online purchase apm apm ARTĒ Madrid ARTĒ Madrid 購買正價貨品即減HK$300 HK$300 off on regular-priced items 鑽石及白金卡尊享 Diamond and Platinum Cards Privilege 購買正價貨品即減HK$500 HK$500 off on regular-priced items 不適用於配鏈 Not applicable to chains apm apm BIRKENSTOCK BIRKENSTOCK 指定正價貨品9折 10% off on designated regular-priced items 不適用於維修、保養項目及優惠停用之貨品 Not applicable to repairing, maintenance items and no-discount items apm apm Bodhi Herbal Spa Bodhi Herbal Spa 指定正價香薰頸鍊8折 20% off on regular-priced designated aroma necklace Cosmetics Cosmetics apm apm Catalog Catalog 指定正價貨品9折 10% off on designated regular-priced items 不適用於指定品牌、特選貨品、寄售貨品及專櫃 Not applicable to designated brands, labelled items, consignment items and counters apm apm 周生生 Chow Sang Sang 正價鑲嵌珠寶及18K金首飾95折 5% off on regular-priced gem set jewellery and 18K gold items 鑽石及白金卡尊享 Diamond and Platinum Cards Privilege 正價鑲嵌珠寶及18K金首飾93折 7% off on regular-priced gem set jewellery and 18K gold items 不適用於足金貨品、鉑金貨品、手錶、企業禮品、指定貨品 Not applicable to gold jewellery, platinum gold jewellery, watches, 及易貨 corporate gifts, designated items and trade-in items apm apm 周大福 Chow Tai Fook ‧購買足金類產品可享手工設計費8折 ‧20% off on craftsmanship and design fee upon purchase of pure ‧購物可以換購價選購指定首飾一件 gold items ‧可與幸福禮金卡同時使用‧不可與金會或珠寶會標會、周 ‧Purchase a designated piece of jewellery item at redemption 大福發出之回贈禮券或營銷推廣禮券同時使用‧不適用於購 price upon any purchase 買金粒、黃金類投資產品、企業禮品客訂及其他客訂貨品 ‧Can be used in conjunction with Wedding Gift Card‧Cannot be used in conjunction with Gold Club or Jewellery Club redemptions, reward coupons and promotion coupons issued by Chow Tai Fook‧Not applicable to purchase of pure gold nuggets, investment gold coins and gold bar, corporate gifts orders and other customer orders apm apm 倩碧 Clinique 免費體驗護膚或彩妝服務一節,完成後可獲贈合適你的護膚 A complimentary session of skincare or makeup consultation and 品試用裝一份 receive a suitable skincare sample upon completion 護膚及彩妝服務須預約‧每人只限享用優惠一次 Reservation is required for skincare and makeup consultation‧ Each cardholder is entitled to enjoy the offer once only apm apm D-mop D-mop 正價貨品95折 5% off on regular-priced items 不適用於LEGO及寄售品牌 Not applicable to LEGO and consignment brands apm apm 豐澤 Fortress 購買指定單一正價貨品滿HK$2,000即減HK$100 HK$100 off upon purchase of HK$2,000 on single designated regular-priced item apm apm GLYCEL GLYCEL ‧正價貨品及飲品9折 ‧10% off on regular-priced items and drinks ‧以優惠價HK$388體驗Aqua Power瞬間補濕療程(75分鐘)一 ‧Enjoy aqua power hydra boosting facial treatment (75mins) at 次(價值HK$1,720)(敬請預約‧只適用於女性新客戶‧須於購 special price HK$388 (valued at HK$1,720) (Reservation is 買日起計一個月內完成) required‧Applicable to new female customers only‧Treatment must be completed within 1 month upon purchase) apm apm 許留山 Hui Lau Shan 購買龜苓膏套票一套可額外獲贈HK$10現金禮券兩張 2 complimentary HK$10 cash vouchers upon purchase of set of Chinese Herbal Jelly Voucher 由即日起至2019年12月31日,憑銀聯卡於下列購物商場參與商戶簽賬尊享消費禮遇! From now till 31 December 2019, enjoy below fabulous offers from participating merchants in shopping mall with UnionPay Card! 參與商場 Participating Malls 商戶 Merchants 優惠內容 Offer Contents apm apm Italian Tomato Cafe Italian Tomato Cafe 星期一至五下午3時後堂食惠顧滿淨價HK$200可獲贈指定小 A complimentary dish of designated snack upon net dine-in 食一客 patronage of HK$200 after 3pm from Monday to Friday 不適用於公眾假期‧加一服務費以原價計算 Not applicable on public holidays‧10% service charge based on original price apm apm Jipi Japa Jipi Japa 正價貨品9折 10% off on regular-priced items 不適用於皮鞋護理用品 Not applicable to leather caring items apm apm 香港啟泰 Kai Tai 以優惠價HK$538購買靈芝孢子粉(65g)(原價HK$850) Purchase a bottled of Lingzhi cracked spores (65g) at HK$538 (original price HK$850) apm apm 利苑 Lei Garden 堂食及外賣95折 5% off on dine-in and take away patronage 敬請於預約時說明使用優惠‧不適用於購買現金禮券、推廣 Reservation is required. Please quote the offer upon reservation‧ 或特價菜式、套餐、宴會及節日食品 Not applicable to purchase of cash coupons, promotion or discounted dishes, set menu, banquets and festive products apm apm 亮視點 LensCrafters 正價鏡架連鏡片或太陽眼鏡第一副95折;第二副85折 5% off on the first pair and 15% off on the second pair of regular- 鑽石及白金卡尊享 priced optical frames with lenses or sunglasses 正價鏡架連鏡片及太陽眼鏡88折 Diamond and Platinum Cards Privilege 12% off on regular-priced optical frames with lenses and sunglasses apm apm 馬拉松 Marathon Sports 指定正價貨品9折 10% off on designated regular-priced items 不適用於指定品牌、特選貨品、寄售貨品及專櫃 Not applicable to designated brands, labelled items, consignment items and counters apm apm Maud Frizon Paris Maud Frizon Paris 正價貨品9折 10% off on regular-priced items apm apm na.mu na.mu 正價貨品9折 10% discount off on regular-priced items 特定貨品除外 Except designated items apm apm OPTICAL 88 OPTICAL 88 正價貨品9折 10% off on regular-priced items 不適用於Cartier品牌眼鏡產品、指定鏡片系列、隱形眼鏡、藥 Not applicable to Cartier's eyewear, designated series of lens, 水、真金眼鏡、套餐優惠及雜項 contact lens, solutions, solid gold eyewear, packages and sundries apm apm Origins Origins 購買正價貨品滿淨價HK$500可獲贈面部護理旅行試用裝三件 3 pieces of complimentary skincare travel samples upon net purchase of HK$500 on regular-priced items apm apm Porter International Porter International 正價貨品95折 5% off on regular-priced items apm apm 莎莎 Sa Sa 購買指定品牌滿折實價HK$200可享95折 5% off upon net purchase of HK$200 on designated brands 不適用於指定正價貨品 Not applicable to designated regular-priced items apm apm 資生堂 Shiseido 購買Ultimune系列產品滿HK$1,000 (優惠組合除外)可獲贈 A complimentary White Lucent Luminizing Skincare Set (valued White Lucent 深層亮白修護組合一份(價值HK$460) at HK$460) upon purchase of HK$1,000 on Ultimune collection 包括:亮白豐盈潔面泡沫30ml一支、深層亮白保濕乳液30ml items (except value sets 一支、深層亮白健膚水25ml一支及抗黑眼圈美白眼霜5ml一份 Including: Brightening Cleansing Foam 30ml, Luminizing Surge 30ml, Luminizing Infuser 25ml and Anti-Dark Circles Eye Cream 5ml apm apm Skechers Skechers 正價貨品9折 10% off on regular-priced items 不適用於禮品卡、皮鞋護理用品、飾物及襪款 Not applicable to gift card, leather shoes caring items, accessories and socks apm apm SOFINA SOFINA 購物滿HK$500(工具除外)可獲贈潤白美肌防曬乳液旅行裝(價 A complimentary ALBLANC UV emulsion travel size (valued at 值HK$180) HK$180) upon purchase of HK$500 (tools excluded) apm apm TWIST TWIST 額外95折 Extra 5% off 不適用於指定貨品 Not applicable to designated items 由即日起至2019年12月31日,憑銀聯卡於下列購物商場參與商戶簽賬尊享消費禮遇! From now till 31 December 2019, enjoy below fabulous offers from participating merchants in shopping mall with UnionPay Card! 參與商場 Participating Malls 商戶 Merchants 優惠內容 Offer Contents 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights CMK Electrical Store CMK Electrical Store 購買單一正價貨品滿HK$2,000即減HK$200 HK$200 off upon purchase of HK$2,000 on single regular-priced 不適用於指定貨品 item Not applicable to designated items 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights 卡萊美 Colourmix 指定貨品95折 5% off on designated items 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights 余仁生 Eu Yan Sang 正價貨品95折 5% off on regular-priced items 不適用於購買禮券 Not applicable to the purchase of gift certificates 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights 鴻福堂 Hung Fook Tong 每購買解毒除濕藥製龜苓膏套票或清熱解毒靈芝龜苓膏套票 A complimentary bowl of same flavor Tortoise Plastron Jelly upon 一套(10張),可獲贈同款龜苓膏一盅 purchase of each set (10 pieces) of Herbal Tortoise Plastron Jelly coupon or Lucid Ganoderma Tortoise Plastron Jelly coupon 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights OPTICAL 88 OPTICAL 88 正價貨品9折 10% off on regular-priced items 不適用於Cartier品牌眼鏡產品、指定鏡片系列、隱形眼鏡、藥 Not applicable to Cartier's eyewear, designated series of lens, 水、真金眼鏡、套餐優惠及雜項 contact lens, solutions, solid gold eyewear, packages and sundries 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights 莎莎 Sa Sa 購買指定品牌滿折實價HK$200可享95折 5% off upon net purchase of HK$200 on designated brands 不適用於指定正價貨品 Not applicable to designated regular-priced items 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights 香港蘇寧 Suning 單一簽賬購買正價貨品滿淨價HK$2,000即減HK$100 HK$100 off upon single net purchase of HK$2,000 on regular- 不適用於指定貨品 priced items Not applicable to designated items 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights Veeko Veeko ‧正價貨品85折 ‧15% off on regular-priced items ‧7折或以上貨品額外95折 ‧Extra 5% off on items with up to 30% off 卓爾廣場 Chelsea Heights 位元堂 Wai Yuen Tong 正價中成藥92折 8% off on proprietary chinese medicine 不適用於指定產品、中醫診症、配劑、治療服務及展銷會場 Not applicable to designated items, chinese medicine diagnosis, medicine dispensing, treatment services and exhibition or trade fair 中港城 China Hong Kong City 北京同仁堂 Beijing Tong Ren Tang 正價降宣茶及深海魚油軟膠囊買一送一 Buy 1 get 1 free on regular-priced jiang xuan tea and deep ocean fish oil softgel 中港城 China Hong Kong City CALVIN KLEIN CALVIN KLEIN 購物滿HK$1,500可獲贈多用途觸屏筆一支 A complimentary smartphone touch pen upon purchase of watches + jewelry watches + jewelry HK$1,500 中港城 China Hong Kong City Catalog Catalog 指定正價貨品9折 10% off on designated regular-priced items 不適用於指定品牌、特選貨品、寄售貨品及專櫃 Not applicable to designated brands, labelled items, consignment items and counters 中港城 China Hong Kong City Clarks Clarks 正價鞋履9折 10% off on regular-priced shoes 中港城 China Hong Kong City 卡萊美 Colourmix 指定貨品95折 5% off on designated items 中港城 China Hong Kong City ECCO ECCO 正價鞋履及手袋95折 5% off on regular-priced shoes and handbags 不適用於童裝、銀包、皮帶及鞋履護理用品 Not applicable to kids collection, wallet, belt and shoes care items 中港城 China Hong Kong City Elsa Lee Paris Elsa Lee Paris 正價貨品95折 5% off on regular-priced items 中港城 China Hong Kong City 余仁生 Eu Yan Sang 正價貨品95折 5% off on regular-priced items 不適用於購買禮券 Not applicable to the purchase of gift certificates 中港城 China Hong Kong City ISA ISA 額外95折 Extra 5% off 不適用於5折或以下貨品、Outlet貨品、酒類貨品及足金首飾 Not applicable to items with 50% off or above, outlet items, alcoholic items and pure gold items 由即日起至2019年12月31日,憑銀聯卡於下列購物商場參與商戶簽賬尊享消費禮遇! From now till 31 December 2019, enjoy below fabulous offers
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