the retrIever weekly UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALtimore county’s student NEWSPAPER 11.17.09 VOLUME 44 ISSUE 12 retrieverweekly.com SGA Over passes $10,000 resolu- worth of tion on equip- earlier ment drop date stolen Gavin Way EDITORIAL STAFF Rima Kikani STAFF WRITER This past Tuesday, November 10 was the last day students could drop a class 12 Apple laptops and four Canon and receive a “W” for withdrawal. The cameras have been stolen from the day before, the Student Government Engineering/Computer Science build- Association (SGA) Senate passed a res- ing. olution regarding the ongoing debate UMBC Police received a call on No- over changing the drop date, the one vember 3 at 9:11 a.m. reporting the students can use to drop a class with missing equipment. Police responded no notation on their academic record. immediately, and confirmed the theft After over five months of deliberations, of the 12 Macbooks, three digital vid- the resolution supporting the earlier eo cameras, and one still camera from drop date passed with six votes for, one room 324. vote against, and four members not According to Chief Antonio Wil- voting. PATRICIA DAVILA — TRW liams, the thief or thieves forcibly UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski addressed the campus community on Commons Mainstreet during the The debate started amongst the stu- pried open the door with a strong International Bazaar on Monday. dents back in April, when an error in metal, such as a crow bar. The room the enrollment software revealed a drop was last locked on the afternoon of date only 10 days after the start of the October 29, so the theft could have academic semester when they had been UMBC President Hrabowski occurred any time between Thursday expecting the traditional 20. Though and Tuesday morning. Williams called it turned out to be an error in the cal- the theft “sly.” The thieves stole the endar, the student body soon learned honored as one of the nation’s cameras, but left their cases behind, so this mistake stemmed from a proposal it would have been impossible to see within the Office of Enrollment Man- that they were missing at first glance. agement. top 10 best college presidents Police estimated the value of the In order to bring the drop date in- laptops to be $8,600, the video cam- line with other dates on the academic Anne Verghese na State University, Tulane University, which he earned when he was only eras $1,500, and the still camera calendar, the office proposes moving EDITORIAL STAFF Middlebury College, Miami-Dade Col- 24, and his passion for education has $150, all totaling up to $10,250. Wil- the drop down from the current 20 lege, University of Texas at Brownsville, led him to take bold measures to trans- liams said the motive behind the theft days into the semester to 10 days. They Born and raised in Birmingham, and University of California-Oakland. form UMBC from a no-name commut- was money; the intent is to sell this started tossing the idea around back in Alabama, President Hrabowski has “It speaks volumes of what we are er campus to the nation’s number-one equipment. the fall of 2008, and later approached been changing the lives of those in the doing here at UMBC,” Associate Di- “Up and Coming” university as stated Police do not have any strong leads. the Council of Deans with the proposal. UMBC community since May 1992. rector of Foundation Relations, OIA, by U.S. News & World Report. UMBC, The theft could have been planned, or The change in dates would also match Along with his reputation as a speaker Brendan L. Tilghman commented as a result of Hrabowski’s efforts, was it could have been impulsive. Room UMBC’s dates to various state filling and omnipresent force across campus, about President Hrabowski’s feature in also recognized as the number four 324 has a glass window revealing the dates for financial aid and residency. President Hrabowski was named one Time Magazine. “It lets the surrounding university in the nation for its commit- equipment inside. Williams said the The Council of Deans recommended of the top ten best college presidents in community and world know about Dr. ment to teaching undergraduates. To laptops and cameras were situated in that the office then take the resolution the November 13 issue of Time Maga- Hrabowski and what he is doing here top it off, U.S. News along with univer- plain sight; anyone passing by could before the SGA and hear from the stu- zine. His name was listed alongside to make this a special place.” sities such as Cal Tech, MIT, Princeton, have seen them. Also, the building is dents. The SGA’s vote served as just one those of presidents from Ohio State President Hrabowski’s early involve- and University of California, Berkeley, always open – even on weekends – so step in the students’ debate. University, New York University, Uni- ment in the civil rights movement, anyone could have gotten inside. > see HRABOWSKI [4] In explaining the vote, the SGA versity of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Arizo- his Ph.D. in education and statistics, The engineering/computer science > see DROP DATE [5] > see STOLEN [5] NEWS 01 OPINION 06 ARTS 12 SPORTS 19 ONLINE bwtech Facebook: Bierut lecture Men’s Video: “I’m on facilities act The future of discusses basketball the phone” as incubator communication graphic design loses opener for new ideas and law InsIde enforcement 2 News 11.17.09 The RetrIever Weekly foreign desk Where the sidewalks "fold up" (a forest) that rose and fell like waves its center and check it out. Once we Stephanie Jung over crisp green fields, speckled were there, I sort of felt like I was in FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT with the bright reds, oranges, and Georgetown because of the style of yellows of the many trees’ chang- the buildings and the bustling atmo- An hour-and-a-half-long train ride ing leaves. Also quite a sight was the sphere, which was quite different from from Schwäbisch Hall brought my thick white fog that hovered above the the atmosphere that I experienced ear- friend and me to Meckesheim, Ger- small towns that literally looked like lier in Lobenfeld. many. Two small villages over from a sheet of cotton candy. Once we ar- Once we were back in Lobenfeld, we Meckesheim is Lobenfeld, a small rived at the marketplace we bought started preparing our dinner: Schmor- village where my friend’s dad told me fresh mushrooms, carrots, olives, and braten, which is beef that is marinated that “the pedestrian sidewalks fold bread. Afterwards, we continued our in red wine, and cooked for three up at 6 p.m.” because no one is out tour of the neighboring towns and hours with carrots, tomatoes, garlic, and nothing is going on. That is how drove up a winding road to a village onions, olives, and bacon. As we small this village is—it only has about called Dilsberg. There we walked up waited for the meat to finish cooking, 2,400 inhabitants. Augustine monks to the top of the mountain to a castle my friend and I played Mastermind, a founded Lobenfeld, which was at first where we got an amazing view of all game I used to play when I was little a convent for the daughters of knights, the colors of autumn below. On a wall with my brother. As we played, al- in 1150. The house where I am staying on the side of the castle I read that though it was pretty frustrating, I felt for the weekend (built in 1803) origi- the town of Dilsberg was founded in very much at home because of the nally was a post station to which horse 1208. I kind of laughed to myself as I smell that permeated the air, which drawn mail carriages frequently came. read that because it reminded me how reminded me of my mom’s cooking on Then it was used as a school, later a young the United States is compared Christmas. Before we knew it, the food guesthouse, and during several wars, to so many other places. was ready. As an appetizer we had a it was used as a hospital. The nuns of Making our way back down the green salad with vinaigrette and wal- the convent used the garden to plant winding road and driving though more nuts, and with the Schmorbraten we herbs and vegetables, and my friend’s towns, we decided to go to the city of ate Rotkohl (red cabbage sauerkraut), mom still plants herbs and vegetables Heidelberg to see the castle garden. potatoes (definitely a German staple in the garden today. The Heidelberg Castle is one of the food), and roasted mushrooms. To After my friend had showed me most famous castles in Germany and complete the meal and to end the day around Lobenfeld, we drove through its construction began in 1196. From on the perfect note, for desert we had neighboring towns to buy ingredients the castle we saw the “Alte Brücke” German cheesecake with ice cream for the traditional German dinner that (Old Bridge) that crosses the Neckar topped with Haribo gummy bears. we had decided to cook that evening. River that runs through Heidelberg Driving through the small “Dörfer” and Stuttgart. Looking down on the Comments can be sent to STEPHAnie jung — TRW (German for villages), I admired the city of Heidelberg from the castle, [email protected]. A view of the old bridge over the Neukar River in Heidelberg, Germany.
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