✩ FOR BLOODY HONOR : THE RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR ★ © M. Woloshen 2006 represented by one player. The Whites are represented by up CONTENTS ✩ to 6 players, each taking the role of one of the main factions fighting the Reds. They are the: Denekin Faction (and later Section Page Wrangel), Kolchak Faction, Yudenich Faction, Czech Le- 1 Introduction 1 gion, Foreign Faction, and Mahkno/Poles. If fewer than 6, the White factions are divided as evenly 2 Political Influence & Control 1 as possible among however many players can be found. It is 3 How to Win 2 possible to play the game as a 2 player contest, one player 4 Sequence of Play 3 taking the Reds and one player taking all the White factions. 5 Mahkno Faction 3 In the game, the Whites may not work together (exception - See Combat). They may move into and out of 6 Activation Phase 3 each others territory, and may attack together, but with limita- 7 Movement Action 4 tions. When calculating political points for reinforcement, re- 8 Combat Action 5 cruitment and defection (see below) and victory purposes, 9 Replacment & Recruitment 6 they calculate as individual factions. Although the ultimate goal is the defeat of the Reds, his- 10 Political Control Phase 7 torically there was a lot of infighting and bickering among the 11 Special Rules 7 various White factions and little joint cooperation. 12 Design Credits 10 1. INTRODUCTION ★ 2. POLITICAL INFLUENCE & CONTROL ✩ The purpose of this game is to allow players the oppor- 2.1 Political Influence tunity of simulating some of the factors which influenced the Political influence represents the will of the people in Russian Civil War. Political influence, railways, foreign inter- that region to “support” your faction. Each zone in the game vention and discord among the White factions allowed the has a highlighted number in it. This number represents the Bolsheviks the chance to win. Can you as the Reds repeat his- Political Influence your faction will gain by controlling that tory? or can you, as the Whites, change the course of events zone. Political Influence also is important in determining who in the 20th century? The only way to know is by playing wins the game. The faction with the highest amount of Politi- Civil War: Russkaya. cal Influence at the end of game turn 10 wins. (If the com- bined total of all the White factions is greater than the Red to- 1.1 The Map tal, the Whites have won.) The map shows all of Russia. It is divided into 23 Zones Rebuilding previously lost pieces is also regulated by which are used to control movement and political influence. Political Influence (except for the Foreign Faction and the Portions of the Trans-Siberian Railway are shown on the map Czech Legion - see below). The more Political Influence a and are used to help move a players’ pieces. faction has, the more units will reappear that turn. (See the Each zone is identified by a city named in red (eg. Ka- Reinforcement Chart on the Charts and Reminders page.) zan Zone). The Zone also contains the Political Point value Political Influence points are noted separately by each based on the population of the territory and its potential re- faction on the Political Influence Track on the game map. As sources. Controlling zones is explained in the Control section Political Influence points are gained or lost, players will move of the rules. their Political Influence Point marker along the track accord- ingly. 1.2 Game Scale 2.2 Control The game is composed of 10 game turns, each repre- senting 4 months of real time from the end of 1918 to the end Control refers to which faction, if any, “owns” a zone. of 1921. The time is noted on the Game Turn Track located To gain control of a zone, a player must move some of their on the map. units into the zone. If, at the end of their player phase they are Each military unit has a combat value of 1 (exception: the sole occupant of that zone, they get control of that zone. Tanks; see 11.4.1). These units represent the military compo- Place a control marker of the appropriate faction in the zone. nent of each faction and each unit is a force of between 5,000 As an exception to this rule, when the Japanese Foreign Fac- to 15,000 men. tion unit is placed in Vladivostok (as a reinforcement or re- placement), it does NOT gain control of the Vladivostok Zone. Control would remain with the White faction which 1.3 Sides controlled the zone prior to the placement of the Japanese There are two opposing sides in For Bloody Honor. unit. It is just placed there until it is time to move. The two sides are the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the Whites (a A zone remains under the control of the last player who loose association of anti-Bolshevik factions). The Reds are occupied it. That means that once a faction controls a zone, it 1 January 2007 ✩ FOR BLOODY HONOR : THE RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR ★ © M. Woloshen 2006 will remain theirs until a unit from another faction is the sole count for either the Whites or the Reds. occupant of that zone. Remove the former factions’ control If at any time all the Red pieces have been eliminated, marker and replace it with the current factions’ control the game continues for up to two full turns (but the game will marker. This is mandatory, so if a faction has no units in a not extend beyond Game Turn 10). The Whites fight amongst zone and another faction has at least one unit in the zone, the themselves to gain as many Political Influence Points as they new faction places one of their control markers in the zone can (See the Special Rules section). and removes the old one. (See the Retreat rules in the Combat Should all the pieces of one of the White factions be section.) eliminated, then only that faction is out of the game. The re- When a faction controls a zone, they get all the Political maining White factions play on. When the last Denekin unit Influence Points for that zone. is removed, the Denekin player now uses the Wrangel units After a combat, it is possible for the White player to (he becomes the Wrangel faction). Wrangel’s units set up in have units from several factions occupying the same zone. In either the Rostov or Baku Zone (see 11.3). this case, the White faction which moved into the zone first The main object of the game for the Whites, is to defeat gets the Political Influence from that zone the Reds. The Reds want to control Russia. If they do not Example: The Kolchak Faction, Czech Legion, and the achieve their objective, the Whites have won. Foreign Faction end a combat with the Reds in the Kazan The foreign factions (Poles, Czechs, and Foreign Zone (the Reds retreated). All three White factions have four Factions), contribute to the total of political influence points, units left in the Zone. Control of the zone would go to the fac- they may not be declared the winners. The Russian faction tion which moved into the zone first. with the highest total is declared the winner (This is a Russian Civil war after all. The foreigners had their own agendas.) 2.3 Contested Zones *Optional: The core area of Russia is the European por- tion (the area containing: the Moscow, Petrograd, Minsk, When a Zone contains units from one or more White Kiev and Odessa Zones). To add some challenge to the game, factions and Red units, that Zone is said to be contested. The the side that has the highest Political Influence total and con- control of the zone will be determined either through move- trols the Moscow Zone and one other Zone listed above is de- ment (one or more of the factions moves out of the zone), or clared the winner. If only one of these criteria are met, then through combat (one or more factions are eliminated/retreat they are not the winner. out of the zone). The zone will no longer be contested when it is occupied by one faction only. That faction then gains con- trol - place an appropriate faction control marker in the zone. 4. SEQUENCE OF PLAY ✩ 2.4 Control Markers Civil War: Russkaya is composed of ten game turns, There is a set limit to the number of control markers each being organized into three player phases, the Baltic each faction has throughout the game. Once all of a faction’s Treaty Phase, Activation phase, and the Political Control control markers are in play, that faction can no longer gain phase. Each Activation phase has a number of sub-phases control of any new zones, even if they are the sole occupant. which must be performed based on the order of the chits The only way to “release” a zone from a faction’s con- pulled. They include: movement, combat, and/or replace- trol is if another faction occupies the zone with a unit. Players ment/recruitment may not make “trades” for zones (you are in it for Upon completion of all three phases the game turn is yourselves). complete and the game turn marker can be advanced into the next space. The whole sequence is followed again until the 2.5 Elimination of the Reds end of the 1921 game turn (turn 10). Should the Reds be eliminated before the end of the Each player performs these phases in the order given.
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