JUNE 2, 1952 25¢ Whittaker Chambers: Witness A Review by John Chamberlain The Kremlin Plotted Pearl Harbor Ralph de Toledano YOUR OWN THRONE comes with the STROLL BACK to the observation lounge IN YOUR CURVED "BANQUETTE" nook, ticket when you take the New York for more royal cOl:a{orts. Sofas face out­ you enjoy The Empire's excellent meals Central's famous Empire State Express ward for sightQseeing. A semi-circular bar in smooth-rolling comfort because of along the scenic Water Level Route. It's serves refreshments. Watching the scenery Timken® roller bearings on the axles. a deep, luxurious coach seat that helps speed by, you can see why it's only 11 They're one of the big railroad improve­ make you feel like a king for a day. hours from New York to Cleveland. ments that nlade strealnliners a reality. Now here's the next great step in railroading RAILROAD REVENUE TONNAGE 1916 1926 ~ ~ ~ HROLLER FREIGHT" is the next great step IN WINNING tomorrow's freight busi­ ONE RAILROAD already has a ~~Roller in railroading! Already improved by bet­ ness, ~~Roller Freight" can be the rail­ Freight" livestock train in service. And ter terminals and mechanized handling, roads' top attraction. Timken bearings what results! Running tilne has been cut in freight service will be revolutionized when reduce starting resistance 33%, permit half! Cattle spend less time in cars, arrive freight cars roll on Timken bearings in­ jolt-free starts and stops. That means in better condition. The railroad's live­ stead of old-style friction bearings. less damage to lading, longer life for cars. stock business increased 30% in two years. TIMKEN BEARINGS let cars spend less COMPLETE ASSEMBLIES of cartridge jour­ NOT JUST A BALL 0 NOT JUST A ROLLER .<I:) time in the repair shop, more time on the nal box and Timken bearings for freight THE TIMKEN TAPERED ROLLER a::> BEARING road. ~~Hot-boxes", primary cause of cars cost 20% less than applications of six TAKES RADIAL ~ AND THRUST -@)- LOADS freight train delays, are practically elim­ years ago. And they soon pay for them­ ~~ inated. With Timken bearings, railroads selves. Cost analyses show the added OR ANY COMBINATION can cut lube bills up to 39%. Man-hours investnlent over friction bearings can be Copr ,1952 The 1'1'mken Roller Bearing Company. Canton 6.0. for terminal inspection can be cut 90%. saved in as little as 39 months. Cable address: •• TIMROSCU". 'Watch the railroads GO . .. on Tapered Roller Bearings TIMIENTRADE-MARK REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. THE A FORTNIGHTLY FOR INDIVIDUALISTS reeman VOLUME 2, NUMBER 18 JUNE 2, 1952 Contents A Word About Editorials Our Contributors The Fortnight . 557 Age of Surrender . 559 GEORGE TAGGE, political editor of the Chicago Tribune since 1933, has been in Three Wishes for Taft . 559 Chicago newspaper work since 1929. He N'o Soap . 561 writes that he "firmly believes that All the News That Fits ~ . 562 Americans were denied an effective Sideline Sentiment . 562 choice in the Presidential elections of 1940, 1944 and 1948, and hopes for a clear-cut contest on foreign policy in Articles 1952." Stevenson Feels A Draft GEORGE TAGGE 563 Moscow Plotted Pearl Harbor RALPH DE TOLEDANO 567 RALPH DE TOLEDANO'S account of the diplomatic jockeying which preceded Let's Decontrol Materials, Too HAROLD S. TAYLOR 571 Pearl Harbor is a condensed and Our Leftist Clergy slightly revised version of a chapter in 1. The Enigma WALTER M. HAUSHALTER 573 his book, "Spies, Dupes and Diplomats," Ascoli Traps Fu Manchu M. K. ARGUS 575 which will be published on June 12 by Duell, Sloan & Pearce-Little, Brown. Mr. de Toledano, an associate editor of Books Newsweek, is co-author of "Seeds of Whittaker Chambers: Witness JOHN CHAMBERLAIN 579 Treason." Among the articles he has First Art Critic EDWIN CLARK 582 contributed to the Freeman was "La­ nlent for a Generation" (December 25, Migrants from Sweden THOMAS G. BERGIN 583 1950) . As the Romans Do CATHERINE MAHER 583 Desire for Holiness BEN RAY REDMAN 584 HAROLD S. TAYLOR is managing editor of Second Harvest EDWARD DAHLBERG 585 the Magazine of Wall Street. P:reviously he was managing editor of Barron's, and a staff writer for the Wall Street Arts· and Entertainments Journal. From 1941 to 1945 he served "Of Thee I Sing"; TV Blues WILLIAM S. SCHLAMM 576 as news editor and editorial writer with the Chicago Sun. From Our Readers. ....................................... .. 556 THE REV. WALTER M. HAUSHALTER, LLD. This Is What TIley Said ................................... .. 566 is Rector of the Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany in Philadelphia..A fre­ quent traveler and student in Europe, he is active in the World Council of Churches. The second part of his "Our JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, FORREST DAVIS and HENRY HAZLITT, Editors Leftist Clergy" will appear in our next issue. SUZANNE LA FOLLETTE, Managing Editor KURT M. LASSEN, Business Manager CATHERINE MAHER lived in Rome for nearly seven years, and has visited Italy often since then. She was on the staff THE FREEMAN is published fortnightly. Pub­ The editors can not be responsible for manu­ of the New York Times from 1940 to lication Office, Orange, Conn. Editorial and scripts submitted but if return postage is en­ General Offices, 240 Madison Avenue, New closed they will endeavor to see that manu­ 1945. York 16, N. Y. Copyrighted in the United scripts rejected are promptly returned. States, 1952, by the Freeman Magazine, Inc. Forthcoming John Chamberlain, President; Henry Hazlitt, It is not to be understood that articles signed Vice President; Forrest Davis, Secretary; Alex with a name, pseudonym, or initials necessarily In early issues we shall publish a study L. Hillman, Treasurer; Suzanne La Follette, represent the opinion of the editors, either as of socialized medicine by Dr. Melchior Assistant Treasurer. to substance or style. They are printed because, in the editors' judgment, they are intrinsically Palyi and an article on profit sharing Entered as second class matter at the Post worth reading. by William Loeb. The next article in Office at Orange, Conn. Rates: Twenty-five our series on Presidential candidates cents the copy; five dollars a year in the United will be on Senator Estes Kefauver, by States, nine dollars for two years; six dollars II Prmted in U.B.A•• by W1L..c:on H. Lee Co., a year elsewhere. ~ Ora~e. Connecticut Samuel Shaffer. II FROM OUR READERS II Mr. Crider'Js Article I hate to differ with John Crider [the Freeman, April 21] and I think I do not on any subject except his choice of Greneral Eisenhower. And I respect "Ike" as much as anybody must.... I do not want to see "Ike" mar his career, as several other military men have done, by getting into politics without experience. He handled odd cases such as that of Patton and Montgomery to the queen's taste. I read every word of "Crusade in Europe" with great respect, but the occasion does not demand a recon­ ciler. New Haven, Conn. A. G. KELLER Mr. Markel Replies I did not intend to continue this ar­ gument in the Freeman and I prom­ entanium is our new and ~xclu­ way to overturn an existing social ise that this is my last communique K sive development-a titanium order is to debauch the currency. on the subject. But I can not let go alloy that is ideally suited for gas unchallenged Mr. Morrison's letter turbine parts because it withstands Sound money is sorely needed in your issue of April twenty-first. high temperature and other con­ in the fight against Comml.lnism Mr. Morrison takes me to task for ... and the only. sound money saying that a good deal of the pres­ ditions that destroy conventional ent debate over China policy since alloys. Kentanium, when adopted, system that has ever been success­ ful is the Gold Coin Standard*. 1945 is over a variance in viewpoint can greatly improve the perform­ -what I called "an honest difference ance and increase the service life I t stabilizes the value of money ... prevents issuance of fiat cur~ of opinion." His letter is another in­ of jet plane engines-yet it con­ dication of the present tendency to rency ... and gives the individual tains neither of the critical ma... distort discussion. terials, tungsten and cobalt. Ken­ close control over government Mr. Morrison characterizes those tanium is available to help in the policy since he can redeem his who suggested that coalition in fight against Communism. currency for gold coin whenever China might be the answer to the such policy is inimical to preserva­ Sound money is another "se­ complex Chinese issue as persons cret" weapon-but it is not avail­ tion of individual rightsand liberty. who took "the pro-Communist side." able. Instead the U.S. economy is But the fact is that many of those Return to sound money w i 11 who urged this program believed inflicted with a pseudo-sound, fiat provide the incentive that spurs that it would bring peace into China, currency that is the underlying inventors and investors to produce or at least agreement against the cause of inflation. Such unsound industrial advancements-such as common enemy and so keep. the So­ money is a weapon of Communism Kennametal and its sister product viet out. Was that "pro-Commu­ -and we are using it against our­ Kentanium-which keep America's nist" ? selves. Remember-Lenin 'is re­ productivity far in front of that of We shall never know whether that ported to have said that the surest Communism. program was a sound one or not, or whether the contrary program was a sound one because neither was ac­ tually tried.
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