RIVER WATER QUALITY IN MAHARASHTRA Report prepared for Maharashtra Pollution Control Board By Venkat Gunale Professor, Department of Botany, University of Pune Vikram Ghole Head and Co-ordinator, Department of Environmental Science, University of Pune Ms. Mayura Arya Student Associate January 2005 2 A c k n o w le d g e m e n t We are grateful to Mr. Mushtaq Antulay, Ex- Chairm an MPCB , S hri B .P. Pand ey, Chairm an MPCB and Dr. Dili B oralk ar, Mem b er S ecretary, MPCB for their interest to re are the status re ort and su ort. Our sincere thank s m any researchers for their su ort and rov id ing the d ata of their w ork . Dr. J ayashree Desh and e, Dr. S alunk e, Dr. A. D. S aw ant, Dr. S .B . Cha hek ar, Dr. R .) . Triv ed y, Dr. P.) . Goel, Dr. , .B Gaik w ad , S cientists from NEER ., Dr. Gand he, Dr. Ghate, Dr. Anil ) ulk arni, Dr. /Mrs.0 ) anhere, Prof. 1 ed ek ar, Dr. S .N. Nand an, Dr. Ghosh, Dr. N.J . Paw ar, Dr. Thaned ar, and m any m ore. We m ust ut our gratitud e for the su ort w e got from authorities of 2niv ersity of Pune and Dr. R a3end ra J agd ale, Director General S cience and Technology Park and his team for facilities and su ort in com leting this re ort. We also thank Dr. , . S . ) ale, Dr. A. Gad gil, Dr. G. ) ew lram ani, Dr. A. Wak hare, Dr. M Pa rik ar and Dr. ) .R . Dik shit, Dr. J . Did d ee and Dr. J . Dik shit and m any ind iv id uals for their d ata and m a s used in re aration of this re ort w hich is ev id ent from the large num b er of cited references. Our thank s to Ms. Mayura Arya and Ms. S halak a Desai for their hard w ork and com letion of the re ort. , . S . Ghole , . R . Gunale J anuary 2005 3 C o n te n t Ack now led gem ent 3 Executiv e S um m ary 8 Cha ter 1: Maharashtra S tate 12 Cha ter 2: R iv ers of Maharashtra 23 Cha ter 3: Water ; uality b y M.P.C.B 28 Cha ter 4: The God av ari B asin 38 Cha ter 5: The Ward ha and Wainganga B asin 43 Cha ter 6: The ) rishna B asin 44 R iv er Panchganga R iv er ) oyana Cha ter 8: The B him a B asin 51 Mula, Mutha and Pav ana R iv ers Cha ter 8: The Ta i B asin 60 Cha ter 9: Other R iv ers 62 Cha ter 10: L ak es 80 R eferences 89 4 L is t O f T a b le P a g e n o : Tab le 1.1: Water ; uality Param eters 18 Tab le 1.2: Water ; uality S tand ard s b y MPCB 18 Tab le 1.3: Criteria for siting of .nd ustries b y MPCB 19 Tab le 2.1: S how ing Catchm ent area of Ma3or R iv ers of Maharashtra 24 Tab le 2.2: S how ing Districts d rained b y R iv ers in Maharashtra. 25 Tab le 3.1: Water ; uality m onitoring b y MPCB und er M.NAR S Pro3ect 29 Tab le 3.2: Water ; uality m onitoring MPCB und er GEMS Pro3ect 33 Tab le 3.3: Water ; uality m onitoring b y R O and S R O 34 Tab le 4.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of God av ari riv er 39 Tab le 4.2: Physico-chem ical characteristics of ground w ater from S angam ner area 40 Tab le 4.3: Physico- chem ical analysis of God av ari riv er and Nand ini riv er. 41 Tab le 4.4: Physico-Chem ical Characteristics Of God av ari and ) ad w a R iv er. 42 Tab le 5.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of Penganga riv er 43 Tab le 6.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of ) rishna riv er 45 Tab le 8.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of B him a riv er 51 Tab le 8.2: Water analysis from Mutha A Mula riv ers 54 Tab le 8.3: Av erage concentration of heav y m etals in Polygonum glabrum. 58 Tab le 8.4: Water ; uality of Mula- Mutha R iv ers 58 Tab le 8.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of Ta i riv er 60 Tab le 9.1 a A b : Water ; uality of the R iv er ) alu 62 Tab le 9.2: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of Patalganga riv er 64 Tab le 9.3: Physico - Chem ical aram eter of ind ustrial w aste 65 Tab le 9.4: S am ling L ocations in Pili R iv er 68 Tab le 9.5: S am ling L ocations in Nag R iv er 68 Tab le 10.1:Physico-chem ical aram eters of Chatri L ak e 82 Tab le 10.2: Physico- Chem ical Param eters L ak es of Thane City 83 Tab le 10.3: Physico- Chem ical Param eters of L od he R eserv oir. 85 Tab le 10.4: Physico- Chem ical Param eters of Bartala lak e 86 5 L is ts o f M a p s P a g e N o : Ma 2.1: Ma3or riv ers of Maharashtra 23 Ma 2.2: Drainage Pattern of R iv ers of Maharashtra 28 6 E x e c u tiv e u m m a ry A m eeting w as called b y Dr. D.B . B oralk ar, Mem b er S ecretary, MPCB in C eb ruary 2004 to tak e a rev iew of riv er ollution in Maharashtra and to tak e long term R iv er Water ; uality Monitoring Program w ith the hel of v arious 2niv ersities and .nstitutions. .t w as d ecid ed to re are the status re ort on w ater ollution b ased on the w ork d one b y v arious .nstitutions and 2niv ersities. The w ork w as assigned to Prof. , enk at Gunale, 2niv ersity of Pune to re are the status re ort. The resent re ort cov ers general inform ation, d ev elo m ental activ ities and status of riv er w ater ollution of Maharashtra state. M a h a ra s h tra is the third largest state in .nd ia b oth in area and o ulation. Maharashtra state has area of 308,690 sq. k m . There are total 35 d istricts, ca ital b eing Mum b ai. The language s ok en is Marathi. The o ulation is 96,852,248 and the literacy is 88.3 There are 8 .nd ustrial R egions of Maharashtra. The Annual S urv ey of .nd ustries rev eals that the com osition of the organiD ed ind ustrial sector in Maharashtra has changed in last four d ecad es. .n 1960, the consum er good s ind ustries contrib uted 52 ercent of the total v alue ad d ed b y all ind ustries follow ed b y ca ital good s ind ustries 28.3E and the interm ed iate good s ind ustries 19.8E . .n 1998-1998 their res ectiv e shares w ere 15.5E , 42.8 E and 41.8 E . The S tate of Maharashtra has m a3or riv ers such as the ) rishna, B him a, God av ari, Ta i-Purna and Ward ha-Wainganga riv er. Ma3or cities hav e d ev elo ed along the riv er b ank s and d ue to increase in ind ustrialiD ation and urb aniD ation, these natural resources hav e b een d eteriorated b ut hum an activ ities trem end ously. Though stud ies on the hysical chem ical and b iological aram eters hav e b een stud ied b y v arious agencies F institutional, gov ernm ental and non- gov ernm ental, serious m easures should b e tak en for the im rov em ent of the riv er w ater quality status. T h e G o d a v a ri B a s in : R iv er God av ari and m any of its trib utaries show ed m od erate to heav y ollution load d e end ing on urb aniD ation and ind ustrialiD ation. Extensiv e w ork has b een d one b y Dr. , .B . Gaik w ad , ) TBM College, Nashik as a art of his Ph.D. he has used Pollution Pool .nd ex so as to co- relate the influencing aram eters for the eriod of 10 m onths. Dr. ) . ) . Deshm uk h and N. J . Paw ar w ork ed in S angam ner area on the Prav ara riv er w hich is the trib utary of the God av ari riv er. 7 Tile in 1998 analysed the w ater quality of the God av ari riv er from S om eshw ar to Panchak cov ering 12 k m area and the Nand ini riv er from ) am b lew ad i to Dw arak a cov ering 8 k m area of Nashik city.
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