Report on River Water Quality in Maharashtra 2005

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Report on River Water Quality in Maharashtra 2005 RIVER WATER QUALITY IN MAHARASHTRA Report prepared for Maharashtra Pollution Control Board By Venkat Gunale Professor, Department of Botany, University of Pune Vikram Ghole Head and Co-ordinator, Department of Environmental Science, University of Pune Ms. Mayura Arya Student Associate January 2005 2 A c k n o w le d g e m e n t We are grateful to Mr. Mushtaq Antulay, Ex- Chairm an MPCB , S hri B .P. Pand ey, Chairm an MPCB and Dr. Dili B oralk ar, Mem b er S ecretary, MPCB for their interest to re are the status re ort and su ort. Our sincere thank s m any researchers for their su ort and rov id ing the d ata of their w ork . Dr. J ayashree Desh and e, Dr. S alunk e, Dr. A. D. S aw ant, Dr. S .B . Cha hek ar, Dr. R .) . Triv ed y, Dr. P.) . Goel, Dr. , .B Gaik w ad , S cientists from NEER ., Dr. Gand he, Dr. Ghate, Dr. Anil ) ulk arni, Dr. /Mrs.0 ) anhere, Prof. 1 ed ek ar, Dr. S .N. Nand an, Dr. Ghosh, Dr. N.J . Paw ar, Dr. Thaned ar, and m any m ore. We m ust ut our gratitud e for the su ort w e got from authorities of 2niv ersity of Pune and Dr. R a3end ra J agd ale, Director General S cience and Technology Park and his team for facilities and su ort in com leting this re ort. We also thank Dr. , . S . ) ale, Dr. A. Gad gil, Dr. G. ) ew lram ani, Dr. A. Wak hare, Dr. M Pa rik ar and Dr. ) .R . Dik shit, Dr. J . Did d ee and Dr. J . Dik shit and m any ind iv id uals for their d ata and m a s used in re aration of this re ort w hich is ev id ent from the large num b er of cited references. Our thank s to Ms. Mayura Arya and Ms. S halak a Desai for their hard w ork and com letion of the re ort. , . S . Ghole , . R . Gunale J anuary 2005 3 C o n te n t Ack now led gem ent 3 Executiv e S um m ary 8 Cha ter 1: Maharashtra S tate 12 Cha ter 2: R iv ers of Maharashtra 23 Cha ter 3: Water ; uality b y M.P.C.B 28 Cha ter 4: The God av ari B asin 38 Cha ter 5: The Ward ha and Wainganga B asin 43 Cha ter 6: The ) rishna B asin 44 R iv er Panchganga R iv er ) oyana Cha ter 8: The B him a B asin 51 Mula, Mutha and Pav ana R iv ers Cha ter 8: The Ta i B asin 60 Cha ter 9: Other R iv ers 62 Cha ter 10: L ak es 80 R eferences 89 4 L is t O f T a b le P a g e n o : Tab le 1.1: Water ; uality Param eters 18 Tab le 1.2: Water ; uality S tand ard s b y MPCB 18 Tab le 1.3: Criteria for siting of .nd ustries b y MPCB 19 Tab le 2.1: S how ing Catchm ent area of Ma3or R iv ers of Maharashtra 24 Tab le 2.2: S how ing Districts d rained b y R iv ers in Maharashtra. 25 Tab le 3.1: Water ; uality m onitoring b y MPCB und er M.NAR S Pro3ect 29 Tab le 3.2: Water ; uality m onitoring MPCB und er GEMS Pro3ect 33 Tab le 3.3: Water ; uality m onitoring b y R O and S R O 34 Tab le 4.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of God av ari riv er 39 Tab le 4.2: Physico-chem ical characteristics of ground w ater from S angam ner area 40 Tab le 4.3: Physico- chem ical analysis of God av ari riv er and Nand ini riv er. 41 Tab le 4.4: Physico-Chem ical Characteristics Of God av ari and ) ad w a R iv er. 42 Tab le 5.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of Penganga riv er 43 Tab le 6.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of ) rishna riv er 45 Tab le 8.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of B him a riv er 51 Tab le 8.2: Water analysis from Mutha A Mula riv ers 54 Tab le 8.3: Av erage concentration of heav y m etals in Polygonum glabrum. 58 Tab le 8.4: Water ; uality of Mula- Mutha R iv ers 58 Tab le 8.1: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of Ta i riv er 60 Tab le 9.1 a A b : Water ; uality of the R iv er ) alu 62 Tab le 9.2: Water analysis d one b y MPCB of Patalganga riv er 64 Tab le 9.3: Physico - Chem ical aram eter of ind ustrial w aste 65 Tab le 9.4: S am ling L ocations in Pili R iv er 68 Tab le 9.5: S am ling L ocations in Nag R iv er 68 Tab le 10.1:Physico-chem ical aram eters of Chatri L ak e 82 Tab le 10.2: Physico- Chem ical Param eters L ak es of Thane City 83 Tab le 10.3: Physico- Chem ical Param eters of L od he R eserv oir. 85 Tab le 10.4: Physico- Chem ical Param eters of Bartala lak e 86 5 L is ts o f M a p s P a g e N o : Ma 2.1: Ma3or riv ers of Maharashtra 23 Ma 2.2: Drainage Pattern of R iv ers of Maharashtra 28 6 E x e c u tiv e u m m a ry A m eeting w as called b y Dr. D.B . B oralk ar, Mem b er S ecretary, MPCB in C eb ruary 2004 to tak e a rev iew of riv er ollution in Maharashtra and to tak e long term R iv er Water ; uality Monitoring Program w ith the hel of v arious 2niv ersities and .nstitutions. .t w as d ecid ed to re are the status re ort on w ater ollution b ased on the w ork d one b y v arious .nstitutions and 2niv ersities. The w ork w as assigned to Prof. , enk at Gunale, 2niv ersity of Pune to re are the status re ort. The resent re ort cov ers general inform ation, d ev elo m ental activ ities and status of riv er w ater ollution of Maharashtra state. M a h a ra s h tra is the third largest state in .nd ia b oth in area and o ulation. Maharashtra state has area of 308,690 sq. k m . There are total 35 d istricts, ca ital b eing Mum b ai. The language s ok en is Marathi. The o ulation is 96,852,248 and the literacy is 88.3 There are 8 .nd ustrial R egions of Maharashtra. The Annual S urv ey of .nd ustries rev eals that the com osition of the organiD ed ind ustrial sector in Maharashtra has changed in last four d ecad es. .n 1960, the consum er good s ind ustries contrib uted 52 ercent of the total v alue ad d ed b y all ind ustries follow ed b y ca ital good s ind ustries 28.3E and the interm ed iate good s ind ustries 19.8E . .n 1998-1998 their res ectiv e shares w ere 15.5E , 42.8 E and 41.8 E . The S tate of Maharashtra has m a3or riv ers such as the ) rishna, B him a, God av ari, Ta i-Purna and Ward ha-Wainganga riv er. Ma3or cities hav e d ev elo ed along the riv er b ank s and d ue to increase in ind ustrialiD ation and urb aniD ation, these natural resources hav e b een d eteriorated b ut hum an activ ities trem end ously. Though stud ies on the hysical chem ical and b iological aram eters hav e b een stud ied b y v arious agencies F institutional, gov ernm ental and non- gov ernm ental, serious m easures should b e tak en for the im rov em ent of the riv er w ater quality status. T h e G o d a v a ri B a s in : R iv er God av ari and m any of its trib utaries show ed m od erate to heav y ollution load d e end ing on urb aniD ation and ind ustrialiD ation. Extensiv e w ork has b een d one b y Dr. , .B . Gaik w ad , ) TBM College, Nashik as a art of his Ph.D. he has used Pollution Pool .nd ex so as to co- relate the influencing aram eters for the eriod of 10 m onths. Dr. ) . ) . Deshm uk h and N. J . Paw ar w ork ed in S angam ner area on the Prav ara riv er w hich is the trib utary of the God av ari riv er. 7 Tile in 1998 analysed the w ater quality of the God av ari riv er from S om eshw ar to Panchak cov ering 12 k m area and the Nand ini riv er from ) am b lew ad i to Dw arak a cov ering 8 k m area of Nashik city.
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    * B I O - D A T A * 1. NAME : Mr. Satish Madhukar Patil 2. BIRTH DATE : 31/07/1982 3. DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor 4. DEPARTMENT : Chemistry 5. RES. ADDRESS : A/p: - Kavane; Tal: - Karveer; Dist: - Kolhapur- 416207 (MS); India 6. MOB. NO. : 7588620895 7. E-mail : [email protected] 8. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS : Exam Board/University Year of Percentage Class Passing Obtained Ph. D. Shivaji University, Kolhapur Registered ----- ------- M. Sc. Shivaji University, Kolhapur 2004 70.42 First with distinction B. Sc. Shivaji University, Kolhapur 2002 75.32 First with distinction H.S.C. Kolhapur Board 1999 58.00 Second S.S.C. Kolhapur Board 1997 65.40 First Title of Ph. D. Thesis: ‘Catalytic and gas sensing studies of mixed metal oxide nanocomposites.’ 9. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: Sr. Name of Author(s)/Title of Year Name of Vol., Page No. article Journal/Book number 1. Author: - S. M. Patil 2012 Journal of Science 21, 80-85 Title: - Analysis of heavy metals Information concentration in water and ISSN/ISBN sediment from panchganga river, 2229-5836 Kolhapur, Maharashtra. 2. Author: - S. M. Patil 2013 National Conference 107-109 Analysis of heavy metals on Frontiers of concentration in water from research in Chemistry - 2013 Doodhaganga river, Kolhapur, 1 978-93- 5137-576-0 Page 3. Author: - S. M. Patil and S. D. 2014 Current Trends in 35-37 Delekar Chemical and Nano Title: - MxOy/TiO2 Sciences (CTCNS- nanocomposites for catalytic 2014) applications. 4. Author: - S. M. Patil and S. D. 2015 National Journal of Volume No. Delekar Interdisciplinary 1, Issue No. Title: - Potentiality of Research (NJIR) 1, 2015 Page MxOy/TiO2 nanocomposites for ISSN/ISBN Nos.
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