/ • ESTABLISHED IN 1868. VOL. XXXVII. NO. 30. j SIXTEEN TO TWENTY TOPEKA, KANSAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1899. 1 PAGE8-al.00 A YE,&B. SWINE. BREEDERS' DIRECTORY. SWINE. CATTLE. KAW VALLEY SWINB CO· O""U 10'11 be (merUa m the Breeat,.,' JXrectorr/ al IMPROVED i followa: Four-Itne cara one 1/ear, '16.00; each aaat­ SUNNYSIDE HERD POLAND-CHINAS 'SILVER CREEK HERD Uonall(ne $4.00. A CIlp1/ of the pap.,. 10m be lent to the YORKSHIRES. ,Kansas � OI�;"�������n. - aclverUler Ilur'ng the conUnuance of the cara. POLAND F�IRVIEW -CHINAS. Large boned, broad backed,low down, good·SHORT HORN OATTLE• W.'s Chlet Again by Chlet Again by Chlet Tecum- SWINE. length yet early maturing type. The kinds 800tcb and 800tcb-topped, wltb tbe rloblT-bred ;�!:lre��:���Yh:a�a:td�e�tJfi:ri�:'s:.�e6:{!� that make the feeder money. We bave tor Again bred to our ,.oung boar, tor sale. Farm sale some extra good gUts and a few good =:.!ba�n':1l��:I�!���',11�'::!'1:.n; (Bacon type.) C.F.ARM two mlf,lltses southwest ot DUROC-JERSEY SWINE. Can 'on &ant boars. me ship I Write your wants or visit the herd. TAMWORTH HOGS STRONO, Clyde, Kaus..• pao�: f��ARE. SON. ..... '1'rIII00 and JUssouri Paol1lo r&llroada, M. L. J. F. SOMERS, Altoo_. ,K_ STOD'DER. B1l1'den. Cowie,- Co.. K.... BEGISTERED CATTLE. Gro....thy, strong-boned pigs. Tecumseh, U. S., V. B. HOWEY, KAS. Model. and Darkne.s tamllies. Herd boars, Moor­ TOPEKA; KANBAS BTOCK .II'A.BM:.-I'. W. Ish King 233,8 0.. Tecumseh I Am 8088, Breeder and ot 21393, Rloe .hlp�er tboroulI'hbreel Poland­ CJIINTRALAlden, breecls � and DRrkn"ss U. S .. a Co.. Kas., pure-brecl Bhort. Galloways by DarkneM Model, grand80n ... Cblna and Large Berkllhlre _. EngUlIh .wlneuel ot 'Klever's Model. or horns, Polanel-Chlnas an4 Barred Pl,mouth ROOD. ·t. Write oall. ' FOR lIll'..er-Laced ohloken•• tor SALE! W,.ando_tte A. O. Btock sale. NORTHRUP. Boyle. Jelleraon CD•• Kanl. IN LOTS TO SUIT. 12 2-year-old bnlls,20 ,.ear- RBID POLLJIID 11 HBRD OF POLAND-CHINAB - Will sell CATTLJll-PUBJII-BRJIID ... bnlls. balanoe 00..... and belters. lnspeqtlon ele­ - ENGLIBHYoung stock tor sale. Your orders lollolteel. Ad­ slrecl. Call on or KANBABU. B. Tecumseh 20868, he by old Black U. B. 4209, - address, PURE BRED POLAND CHINAS. dre.s L. K. Haseltine. Green 00 110. and a tew ot his gilts bred to Black Chieftain. Inspec­ Dorche.ter. •• J. M, LOWE. J. R. Thlrty-II"e Serviceable Boarll and 43 Glltll Mention this paper ....ben wrltlns. LOWE, tion preterred to description. Also t....o nice tall all Mass. Bldir. Kanll&8 City, Mo. Blue Bprlngs. Mo. boars. Address F. P. MAOUlRIII, Haven, Kans. tor ready sale atreaaonable prices; quallt,., st11e, and breeding considered Most ot these hOIlS are by the UBIADOW BROOK BHORTHORNB. FOR' BALli : splendid herd boar Black Chlet42367, he b,. BlaoltJoe lU. My herd bull, 20tb Earl ot Vallev G;rove 122881. YOU WANT DUROCB GET THE BBBT. Bootoh 4 out ot Betty Risk, and are out of suoh sows as bred an4 years 014. Only reason tor selling, IF E. L. YOUNG, brender ot that I B nner's Pride (108706), Worldbeaten Beaut.. (9484), Is, must no.... ohange herd bulls. A4elreM Beglstered DUROC - JElRBBY BWINE. 'Blaok Bessie (10&224), and Darkness Model (10&968). F. O. KINGBLBY. Bhawnee Kans. Baynevllle, Bedgwlck County, Kans. Address HIRAM »,over, ce., , SMITH. Colwich, KRnll. W. H. McVALL, VOLLEGE VIEW, NEB. CRESCENT HERD POLAND-CHINAS. Coor,:: :a:J��s for sale. NI���t��oIl;ri�ade. 'Butc"lnaon. KaDI!IRlI. D,LDmTOON,.'" Topeka, Kall., breeder ot Improved Chester Whites. LITTLB. I ....Ish to Btock tor sale. Farm 2 mllea Hope, Dloklnson oount" Kans. sell as soon as possible 40 younK bnlls. 6 VERDIOR,15 VALLEY • breeder ot BhOrthorn to 16 months northwest ot Retorm Bohool HERD-Large-' HR. oattle. Herd numbers 100 old. Will al80 spare ate .... temales to :\ head. oustomers. .... � Boned Poland-Chinas. Prlcea 1ll be rlllht. Addreu, FOR BALBI: HERD ot TWBlNTY-FIVl!I BHORTHORN BULLB 01' BBB­ OEOROE CHANNON. RIVERDALEChester White swine and la�:' ���dg..o�:;:y VIOlllABLB AGBI. Proprietor Lockridge Stock Farm, Light Brahma poultry. J. T. l\��'::�!;lf, ��r{�f'�?o��:; Hope, Dlcklnson Co •• Kana. , LAWTON, BURRTON, KAs., :Ifr:;::J ��n��bre��I�k�e��!�� �:So�':.d t':fr��t proprietor. Allstook guaran- males and temales, not related. of any ot the tash­ BONITA. SHORTHORNS. teed. loan also ship trom lonable and and a , prize-winning strains. Topeka, my tormer plaoe BATES, BOOTH, and BSST AMERICAN straIns. Baron north ot 11 halt mUes N. � WAIT & ThreemlleS"8BEEVACBBs"one, EAST, Altoona, Wilson Co., Kans. Noxubl 127151, by Godwin, the sire at Linwood, heads Quenemo on Banta:Fe. I otLOmax on ;Mlss(iilrl Paclfio. our herd. Address WILLIAMS BROB , Bonita, Kaus. BASSETT BROS•• THE WILKES Burlingame, Kans., QUALITY HERD OF HEREFORD CATTLE. POLAND-CHINAS. POLAND - CHINA SWINE. ERmmD THE HORNS OFF a Roo Polled Tho•• By ualng bull. Model 2d SJ'DUlll, Prop., Hutehln8ou, Kaa. Archibald 1st 892314 at head of herd. YOUDg N� 1;82fg�d ��:� j�::l:i��r:'fr ��.�:6'M,�y Henl boara Darkness Quality and Beno Wilkes. 0, Archibald breeding stook always tor sale. Herci soliolted. For CHAS. FOSTER & 11 aL "at bome." Correspondence sa\e 45 very oholce pigs out Of Bessie SOlT, ELKD«?RNADS. always readl! Breeders ot Bed Polled cattle. Herd beaded by J. V. VURBY, Queuemo, Osage Vo.;Kan•• SANTA FE SPRING HERD. ;U�::· Id::ft!la��el��8.C::'-:f c�:i-n'lle'ou�:ga� Pow�rtul 4382. Pure-bred and Krades tor sale. one mlleweat ot Hutohlnson, near Btar BLAOK QUEIIIN'S CHIIIIF and HADLIIIY U. B. at Its , ��Vts�:':� head. Carefull y selecte d sows by Cblef Tecumseh 2d, Hadley Jr., Combination F. F. and Mambrlno CU RTI C E HEREFOROS Chief. Only cnotcest Individuals to T. A. allowed leave , �;�ze;�I��;;;h�ATTLE our HUBBARD, Herd In America. pens. Young stock for sale. Bee our herd. l<'lve Largest Rome, KRnlla., • minutes' walk from depot. Herd numbers 100 head of the ot • • best strains and com- I, . I. Breoder S A f'ONVERSE� P t I er F. B. LINN & , roprle or, mport blnatlon of strains of Kans. that has BON, Lenexa. POLAND-VHINAS and , breedlnl{ made Here- "I'W'T I' l, I fords famous. Herd LARGE ENGLISH 'WI and Breeder • foundation stock a specialty. HEBKSHIBES. For Bale:-Flve cows and 10 heifers. Address Two bundred heael. All ages. Cresco, Howard County. Iow�. Queen City Hog and Farm '6 boars and 43 sows read, tor Poultry buyers. J. M. CURTiCe. CLOVER CLIFF FARM. 803 American Bank Building. Kansal City. Mo. Imvroved Chester Whites and Poland-C,hinas Central Kansas Herd of Poland-Chinas Registered GalIowa" Vattle. Light Brahmas. Bull Also German Coach. Baddle and BELVOIB Coohlns, Pekin duoks and Ot Chlet Teoumseh 2d, HERD White guineas. Stook for sale. Guy WHkes 2d, Lawrenoe Trotting-bred borses. World's Poland-Chinas at Perfection, Blaok U. B., and oloslng-out prloes. Visitors weloome. A. KlngButlerblood. 100 Falrprlle Oldenbarg Coach sta; E.l!ltaley, head. A oholce lot of " Farm spring boars; lI'ood bone, large .... lion Habbo, and the saddle one-halt mile north ot town. I Ottawa, Kans. and I 'l"'� , II'rowthy. A few tall of '98 boars. A fine lot ot Rose.... a ,.. J stallion, OOd, HEREFORDS sows ''''1.I�I"" I6-�and, yearling and sprlnll' gilts, bred or unbrOO. Can 1,I00-pound son ot Montrose, In turnlsh males and females not related. Address .ervloe. Visitors al....a,.s ....eloome. Address OF THE VERY Imp.CheaterWhltea C. S. Herd and Poland-Chlnall. I!NOD6RASS, GRit, Rice Co., Kana. BLACKSHERE BROS BEST BREEDINC. Wamego •• Elmdale. Chale Co.. Kal� Prlcea on Special Herd bolls: ter8-to close out herd RIDOEVIEW PrInceps by FARM HERD OF 66683, Ben endottheyear. Butler 640'79, and Corresponc- MoKlnle,. 88926. Ten ence or Inspection luvlted. GEO. GROENM ILLER & year­ Mention Kansas Farmer. SON, ling bulls and ate.... temale. Ventropollll, Frauklln Co., Kanll. tor sale. V. J. Ches-* B E R K S H HUGGINB, Proprietor, Kan8. IRE S Wamego, Breeders ot RED POLLED Buyyonr Berkshlres trom our herd CATTLE and VOTS­ STEELE BROS., Belvoir, prlEe-wlnnlng WOLD Douglaa Vo., Kaull. and get your money's ....orth. l<'lrs("class stook ot SHEEP, Bull and Partridge Cochlns. Light Brown B. O. elthersex at reasonable prloes. and Brahmas, Leghorns, Golden Wyandottes. Breedlnll prloes Full bloods and "SHADY BROOK STOCK FARM" turnlshed lIPon seven-eighths Red Polled bulls lor applloatlon. sale. Herd Looatod tour miles north of .llANWARIN6 numbers sixty head. The first prlEe herd Topeka. Devot.. d BROS.,Lawrence,Kans. ot Kansas. ,THE VINEWOOD HERD. exoluslvely to produclcg high-class POLAND-CHINAS. SHORTHORNS THAT ARE FEEDERS. A Prloes low. Write tor them to RED herd ot growthy. eas,. tattenlng Bootoh and POLAND-CHINA SWINE POLLED CATTLE Bootoh-topped oows headed, by the Cruickshank H. W. CHENEY. Station A, Kansas. Lavender bulla, Topeka, King 4th 108682, trom J. H. Potts '" Bons' young herd ot World's Fair Herd headed by Harris B948 and Prescott 6778 and prize-winners, and CHIEF I contains Gloster Vol. 4.. Visit our herd. KNOW AND HADLEY JR STRAINS. seventy-five registered animals-some out ot Imported oows. A late of the D. K. Mound R. S. purchase "Davy" KE�LERMAN � SON, City. Linn Co.. Kanl" COOK, Wichita, $1203.50 a.nd strain ot cattle has Kans., $10, �lf5. been made trom GIUlllanot Iowa, VlnewOOd Farm one and a halt miles north ot Mls-' whowon'ten ribbons on thirteen entries at the World's sourl Paoilio depot.
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