V±IIIW1AARTII IiE! WÅ'i V±IIIW1AARTII IiE! WÅ'i Sto th 4lnei SuhArc THE NEWSPAPER 0? THE ANTI-APARTHEID MOVEMENT JULY/AUGUST 1992 A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE STRUGGLE Page 4 INTERNATIONAL MONITORING WHAT DOES IT IWEAN? Page 5 WiIO'S BENII4D TRE ILLIN~GS Pages 6/7 PROSPECTS FOR PECE IN MOZAMBIQUJE AND ANGO~LA Page 8 SA CIBJRCKES, BACK MASS ACTION ANC mass action campaign Workers strike for On 3 August the trade union federationl Cosatu, will cail a general strilte as part of the ANC's mass action campaign for a demnocratic South Af rica. THI tr ngth of ioint acton byý the ANC(ý and, Cosatu wa' demonstratedo 16 une when. the coutrywa Sot Afican wok-e cnaised againnthen thou,ands 0 13 b ly to President d, K ,rk ,offie, .n 'retota. Tojo-toying demontta torasugedonto the lawns o frot of the Uoioo, 3uildings, shouttng that fie Klerk ind his mninistev, w ere murderers and that they nut resagn. Th, ANtC i, calting for inatnedlate aCtaon to end the ,,,,Ifn- anid foca1), Klerkc to akle wayv for in inteim govermnrt. Themasaao progr-anuae was a [rfd,,,or the Baopatnrg massacoe at a pealAttC policy cotsfernce at the end of May w hen it l-ecame ear that h De Klerk ,,over-tei was, puruig a double agendao'l taits, coupled witl!aS±oenti ng naayhen and mnrde, in the tawnthips. Thie genieral stritte o)ri 3 Acua tiHl 1he accopanied by mass demonsa11tsons in Ci ty cetefactory occu [ýtion, idt #hne 5t the Coawnshtps, A, wl a najiorty -tle ind an end to the vattente,, tsosatu is calling fur lower escalates food prices, above inflation wage i.creaes and workers, rights for all wvorkers. 11 j say that without these ther can' l- no rel emcccy The decision to, ca the g-nealsttkeonasMugustwaa taken by Cosat the day af ter theuneraofthevictansofthe P-opatongtsaasgceandithe ,,ake of the AItC , decision to break off negotations. Cosatu has als- crticise ,ridt...fact-findirnumissons' and visit, bv internatiosnal sote towosntp, os e hen .urroundedby police os scnes reminacent of the uiprigs of the 198N. In Vostoorus, souh-eaýst of (6(OANC tmer~ on, ]3Ji, Johaoneau'potcearreNIK meaeGtecwge aheewasItittecaspcliceatrebi,house. yNI .t~, call, eoam. moE. atA.ipd.,g~lowat UN intervenes to )p the killinigs Politt Violc n South ,solnehar. chesuhlee fora htd in Londots thatitwasat etonyprospet The QCnrtuding Statenaet ofetca nitifl de aIdbyA,l,,iisrsHtiddleston, isoswit sut esslved 1 Converot heasniol iaetor any fuanler -sgut iatin ea-g' -11~1 ts the, intæc- c,,Id tat pinli'te '-to ,mal -ronnsinity t taista rnspota oftises -eæ ,pro p rimt, m- hantata to * the enetaroti-n- urdeatoriatng oltil vilerice * the esaecof special iastt wislh wc.ald requise wid, sstdasKoevutandllattatiui2 s'esigaivendotseroa'is nd thewayaheyweentgt it al_ the tns o, ra theI, the aleo The 11-easistesk "',,,,eacosdof riune aaai -nd opseewisaenfatth itltsp apr Sottu Arn, a and friat rlil, * the ro-o~p of cae her tt, tttettanednt.sa,- the sec f--ce hadbeeeimttt ilsNanac,e -avolved inatti,,k , - t1 e-d o tiatio 0 the tratsforetatin oftn ,>p the, ,io~cr, lowssahsphostetsin'tob-~se i tt c suded that o twulsasarseeaida NEWSLI *tlie falute to ban rngetous w ponThe, Hearitg m-kI . aser point call to action by aha Intasnaicaa rnanauty 6 inteausol -øtctoing of the, viot4-s, * -manum 1aresane ros the Southi Aian regiss a- that it takte, ,efftci-s step to stop the * hill paetleipatlus by the ,neatita onasmymth pro,,,,, to ,tab1i1h ane democrt eoderlnSouth Mtia Mdore[t-W tieresestttives ooeaaeiitenstioaland ,alonat antt apitidan he 0055 go'ern.onrtal ogssain c'te to the Heatig frmi counnes oswel at16, espen winesss ion SothAfnra. Page 9 ro PdV ECOLOGICAL. CATASTROPHE IN SOUTH AFRICA Page 11 2 ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS 0 JULY/AUGUST 1992 No growth for SA economy I South AfrIca's gross domestic product is set to fall for the dird yeah in suocsoon, according South African Reserve Bank governorChrisital. In both 1990 and 1991 output shrank by 0.5, due to the drought and the breakdown of Codesa, which means that there is still little foreign capital coming into the country. Inflation is running at an annual rate of over 15%. N Forty per cent- two in five of South Africa's workers are uneroployed, The ILO esItnates that unerployment could rise to 57% of the workforce by 2005, if there ithno political setlerent and new economic impetus. Althoughblack wokers bear the ovrvhelmini; tiren oftohless- fiess, whites -are becoming unesployedonas nitcant scale for the firt tise since the 1930s. 0 Five South Afncan gold nines may cls in the net t years and peofits areat hrlowest since the 196 .Thegoldpncehasfallen by 33% since 1988, with 36,000 miners losing their jobs in 1991, and a further 15,000 already in 1992. SouthAfrica isstillCraciailly dependent on its foreign exchange earnings from gold. N South Africa has had a capital outflow of nearly $13 billion over What they UN arms ban ignored said... THlEWorldCapagnpesesred destinatw.heresevenSouth subsantil neeviencetote ft Africanresidents andtwocon He [De Elerki knows what's U , cri s421Arna paniesefused toappearforial hapening. But whether ha Embargo Committee in i awhere the prosecut also dossession when its director,Abdul closedimJun1992thatPretoria kes ornot,hemsttake SMIty,appearedbeforeion30 hadsecretlyofferedpolitical responsibilityasthestate June1992., 9 asylumtofouroftheother tAttention was also drawn to accused. The UN has so fa not Red Frank (hitane. goemea a-ee thefactthatthe421Committee S ' I' takenanyeffectiveaction about rary, south African Council of was acting less effectivelynow thiscase Churches thanbeforeinenforcingthears S 'F 'A Graveconcernwasalso embargo - andthatthiswas expressedatthefactthatalthough happening at atimewhenthe SouthAfricahadsignedthe unthaANCstasain SecuitnCouncilwatingmore NudearNon-ProliferatigtTreaty uThe NCIas - "ale. effectivelyonotherisues.There violation of UN Security Council inJuly 1991, themhasasyetbeen Th worl wlno ,t was a 'glaring difference be- (UNSC) decisions; noinspecionbythelntemational in oitherwl tweenthewayinwhichthea=ms 0 was enteringintoseveral Atomic Energy Agency of the eg Vietnam and ,ubws, embargo agaistSouthAfdcawas major deals top export arms to varioussecretnuclearfacilitiesin negotiatons tokIIplacewhile implemented compared to 'sub- various Middle East and other that country. the estin onfirmed. sequent Chapter VII actions of destinations and also negotiating fn the UNSC resolution 765 TeANC wi 5 -'able the Security Council'. with certain potential partners (1992)adoptedinJuly,paragraph that It offered to suspend heinternationalcomrssurit forjoint-venturedealstoproduce 7 'urges the international comuaedactilosintodertgive should recognise that all deci- the Rooivalk helicopterandother munity to ainte the existing peace and negotiations a slos taken under Chapter VII of weapons systems; and measuresimposedbytheSecuSchance. theChartertopreserveantema- was conducting tests on rity Council for the purpose of Riia l oos acat, grae tional peace and security have various aircraft in order to bringinganearlvendro apartheid of ANC ttotsenaguo equal importance' and it was purchase about 70 new trainer in South Africa'. important 'for the credibility and aircraft as well as fighter planes, This provision has received authority of the UN' that 'there including the Russian Mig-29 no publicity andis ac learcal for Iutid - 9Ieitttl should be no double standards'. Fulcrum, for the air force, the arms embargo decisions to yoodttchyou Badelf Based on concrete evidence The UN was also informed be implemented effectively by withost the pollce knowing presented about a variety of that the internal anus industry all governments. It is therefore It, but suddenly they It~ casestheWordCampaigncalled and Armscor had been re- important that this matter is becoeinept...Ha fewwlite upon the 421 Committee andthe organised in order to launch a followed up at both national and people were lBlcL we have Security Council to issue an big export offensive of arms and internationalleveb toensure that no doubt what the gowirn- urgent statement to draw atten- relatedmaterialandpassingthem allthe factoarem radeknown and ment woulddo e sop i. tion to the fact that South Afric off as'civilian' items effective action is taken. Arcfrion~ofTnr 0hadbeenpermittedtoparti- The UNSC Comnittee was cipate in two intenational arns also informed about a majorUS 0 Further onfiration its arnaexhibitions this year - Chile in trial involving illegal arms deals ablefionm the World Camnpalgn It is not helpful for all March and Britain in May - in with South Africa and other orAAM. kinds of mscellaneous advice eto appearsuddenlyand I raffletously. MM raffle prize winners 1 AAM,hchirB M - A1PAKID I Alison Beard, Cottingiham High School - No 473 7 2 S Logan, Lon-don SE18 - No 549862 Owu -oc- isnotJstfor 3LLangstaff,Aberystbyth - No 021195 blackpe Oron i 4AArcher,Dunstable,Beds - No 172339 forat ,T P b n E 5SimonWinter,Newport,IsleofWight - No 047412 con-tryTher wi be ino fedm.Sot utl 6 G Falk, London NW3 - No 532688 everyo itfree. 7JFockes(?),LondonW14 - No 118997 AbbitbopDandTsar 8NalgoTrentBranch, Sheffield - No 243110 ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS 0 JULY/AUGUST 992, 3 "UK governn iH Brith g.emme stnds ~a1osed of 'remarkable coplacency and ndiffñr~~ence~to the escalatiog vioence And the breakdow of negootations in South Afri. In a tetterhartded to pine oinltet John Major on 24Jne, the president of the Ani-Apartheid Movement, Arhbi hop Trevor truddlteston, asked bio why the goe-ent had tade no response to the ntsscre at Boptong untl the NC so. petcded its participatton to. negottarions ... The letter saod the John: Majors appalto NlsonMandea notro pull out of tfe taiks wdas a grave erior of tudeot. tt told the the pte iiter 'by yoor rorervenoion, you hae aligtied Bitain with thie DeKterk regimne at this crtcal point Ir South Afria htotry'. AnAAM delegation, madeup ofArcbbishop HtlddlestonAAM chatt Bob Hughes MP and A&AM .wPPoot- I treuarer RichardtCåbomnMP, set out 1bye prjposals for govern derreitsupi tmt ation, tt should' ttonalmoritoning * dertare its un equiso~al sup- andapresidentc port for a new South African urgentconsultatc constirotion, hasedi on one- OAUranditheCorn peso, one-vere and rejeet any what.
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