CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 , SERIES-13 ARUNACHAL PRADESH DISTRICT CENSIJS HANDBOOK Part - A & B UPPER SUBANSIRI DISTRICT VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY --} VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT N.K. Laskar Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service Director of Census Operations, Aninachal Pradesh Motif ,Si-Orne Dance This is a poopular .flak dance of the- Tagins in Upper Subansiri district of Arunachal ~radesh. The dance is generally performed by the women-flol during their Si-Donyi festival. The song accompanied by the dance is a prayer to the goddess for beautiful crops as well as to preserve and enhance fertility in Soil. The process of danceing is religion - magical but the people consider it as rational. Although this dance is a part and oareel of their life it began as a productive rite and not as an art. This dance is also a symbol of strength and courage. (v) Contents Pages Foreword Xl Preface xiii Aclmowledgement xv District Highlights - 200 I Census :xvn Important Statistics in the District XIX - Ranking of Circles in the District XXI Statement 1-9 xxiv-xxviii Statement-l : Name of the headq\lart~rs of District/Circle, their RurallUrban xxiv status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 Statement-2 Name of the headquarters of District/C.D.Block, their Rural! XXIV Urban,' status and di~~anc,e 'from district headquarters, 2001 Statement-3 Population of the district-at each Census fro~ 1901 to 2001 xxv Statement-4 Area, Number of Villages/Towns and Population in distJ.ict xxvi and C.D. Block 2001 Statement-5 C.D{ Block wise Number of Villages and Rural Population, 2001 xxvii Statement-6 Population of Urban agglomerationsfTowns, 2001 xxvii Statement-7 Villages with Population'pf 5000 and above at C.D.Block level XXVll as per 2001 Census and amenities available Statement-8 Statutory ,Towns with population less than 5000 as per 2001 XXVll Census and amenities available Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional Population of C.D.Block, Rural and XXVlll Urban, 2001 Analytical note 1-61 (i) History and scope of District Census Hand Book 3 (ii) Brief history of the district 4 (iii) Administrative set-up 4 (iv) Physical features 5-15 (v) Census concepts 15-20 (vi) Non-Census concepts 20-24 (vii) 200 I Census findings - Population, its size class and status of towns, population, 24 growth, density, sex ratio, work participation rate religion and literacy (viii) Brief Analysis of PCA data 25-47 (ix) Brief analysis of the Village Directory/Town Directory data 47-52 (x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities, Houselisting 52-59 Operations, Census of India, 2001 (vii) (xi) Major social and cultural events, natural and administrative developments and 59 significant activities during the decade (xii) Scope of Village and Town Directory 60 P ART-A: VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I : Village Directory 65-209 (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 65-68 (b) List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 68 (c) C. D. Block wise presentation of Village Directory Data 69-193 (i) Map of Nacho-Syium C.D. Block (Circle wise) 71-77 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages with code 1991-2001ofNacho-Syium C.D. Block 79-81 (iii) Village Directory of Nacho-Syium C.D. Block 82-105 (i) Map of Taliha C.D. Block (Circle wise) 107-109 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages with code 1991-2001ofTaliha C.D. Block 111-113 (iii) Village Directory of Taliha C.D. Block 114-131 (i) Map of Giba C.D. Block (~ircle wise) 133 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages with code 1991-2001 of Giba C.D. Block 135-137 (iii) Village Directory of Giba C.D. Block 138-151 (i) Map of Daporijo C.D. Block (Circle wise) 153-155 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages with code 1991-2001of Daporijo C.D. Block 156-157 (iii) Village Directory of Daporijo C.D. Block 158-167 (i) Map of Dumporijo C.D. Block (Circle wise) 169-171 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages with code 1991-2001ofDumporijo C.D. Block 173-175 (iii) Village Directory of Dumporijo C.D. Block 176-193 (d) Appendices to Village Directory 194-209 Appendix I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other amenities in 194-197 villages-C.D. Block level Appendix IA Villages by number of Primary Schools 198 Appendix IB Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 198 Appendix IC Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 198 Appendix II Villages with 5,000 and above popUlation which do not have one or 199 more amenities Appendix IIA : Census towns which do not haye one or more amenities 199 Appendix ill Land utilisation data in respect of Censu~ townslNon-municipal towns 199 Appendix IV C.D. Block-wise list of inhabited villages' where no amenity other 199-202 than drinking water facility is available Appendix V Summary showing number of villages nolt having 203 Scheduled Caste population ; Appendix VI Summary showing number of villages not having 203 Scheduled Tribe population . (viii) Appendix VITA: List of village according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes 203 to the total population by ranges Appendix VIIB: List of village according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes 204-209 to the total population by ranges Appendix vm Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. Blockwise) 209 Appendix IX Statement showing numbers of girls school in the villages 209 Section II - Town Directory 211-219 (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 212-216 Town Directory Statement a to vrn (b) Statement I - Status and Growth History 216 (c) Statement IT - Physic,al aspects and location of towns 216-217 (d) Statement ill - Municipal finance 217 (e) Statement IV - Civic anti other amenities 217 (f) Statement V - Medical, ~ducational, Recreational and cultural facilities 218-219 (g) Statement VI - Trade, co~erce, Industry and banking 218-219 (h) State~ent VIT - Civic and other amepities in slums 218 (i) Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowth with population 219 PART-B : PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTI0CT 223-311 (a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 223-225 (b) District Primary Census Abstract,(General) 226-231 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e., Urban block wise figures 233 of Total, SC and ST Population Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 234-239 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 240-245 C. D. Block wise Village Primary Census Abstract 246-305 Urban Primary Census Abstract 306-311 Annexure-I ; Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat 312 Annexure-II : Note of Fertility and Mortality 1991 Census 312-315 Annexure-ill : Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 315 Annexure-IV : Percentage distribution of Migrants by place of birth/place of last 316 residence, 2001 Census Annexure-V Brief account of main religions in the districtltehsil as per 317-318 2001 Census Annexure-VI Marital status of population as per 2001 Census 318-319 Annexure-VII Age, Sex and Education in the district, 2001 Census 319-321 Annexure-Vill : Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 2001 Census 322 (ix) Foreword The District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 census, is one \ of the important publications in the context of planning and development at gqlss~root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and s~cio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the di~trict alongwith the status of availability of ~ivic amenities, infra structural facilities, etc .. 2.' The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The D9HB published at the 1961 census provided, a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, c~nsus tables ,and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 census-DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to \ . village and town PCA and Part-C comprise?' analytical report, administrative statistics, district census f ~ tables and certaih analytical tables baseq on PC.t,\· am! amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB ..j;as in two parts: Part-A ~ontai_ned village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and toWn including the SCs and lSTs.... ~8A up to tahsil/town levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of village and to'Yll directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all , "- amenities except electricity were brought tog~the~ and if any aIn.(:nity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to me<:<t the rf!quirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Information on approach to the village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give the details on number of inaccessible villages in each district. In the Town Directory, a statement (IV-A) on slums was introduced to provide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and Class II towns. 3. The 1991 census DCHB, by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 census, except the format of PCA was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census.
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