NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 V OLUME 15, NUMBER 6 INSI DE Yishu Awards for Writing and Curating on Contemporary Chinese Art Interview: David Chau, Cc Foundation No References: A Revisit of Hong Kong Video and Media Art from 1985 Public and Independent Spaces in Shanghai Three Approaches to Socially Engaged Art in Taiwan US$12.00 NT$350.00 P R INTED IN TAIWAN 11 VOLUME 15, NUMBER 6, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 CONTENTS 17 2 Editor’s Note 4 Contributors 6 Yishu Awards for Critical Writing and Curating on Contemporary Chinese Art 10 Alternative Spaces Are Still the Best Alternative Chen Tong 27 15 Made in China-Globalization: Art, Production, and Social Change Lu Mingjun 25 Exhibition as Exhibition Carol Yinghua Lu 36 Capturing the Traces of Everyday Life Echo He 40 Rethinking Practices within the Art System: The Self-Organization of Contemporary Art in 40 China, 2001–2012 Bao Dong 54 David Chau: In Defiance of Conventions Julie Chun 61 Notes from a Slaughterhouse: On Abjection, Movement, and Hong Kong Identity Michele Chan 67 Alternative to Museums: Public and Independent Art Spaces in Shanghai 61 Julie Chun 91 Three Approaches to Socially Engaged Art in Taiwan Lu Pei-Yi 102 Chinese Name Index Cover: Xu Zhen, Eternity—Northern Qi Golden and Painted Buddha, Tang Dynasty Torso of Standing Buddha from Quyang City, Northern Qi Painted Bodhisattva, Tang Dynasty Seated Buddha from Tianlongshan, Northern Qi Painted Buddha, Tang Dynasty Torso of Seated Buddha from Tianlongshan Grotto No. 4, Parthenon East Pediment, 2013–2014, glass fiber-reinforced 91 concrete, marble grains, sandstone grains, limestone grains, chalk, steel, mineral pigments, 1522.5 x 93 x 460 cm, exhibition view, Unlimted, Art Basel, 2014. Photo: Dawn Blackman. Courtesy of MadeIn Company, Shanghai. We thank Yukon Art Space Co. Ltd. and Freddy Yang, JNBY and Lin Li, Cc Foundation and David Chau, Chen Ping, Kevin Daniels, Qiqi Hong, Sabrina Xu, David Yue, Andy Sylvester, Farid Rohani, Ernest Lang, D3E Art Limited, Stephanie Holmquist and Mark Allison for their generous contribution to the publication and distribution of Yishu. 1 Editor’s Note YISHU: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art PRESIDENT Katy Hsiu-chih Chien LEGAL COUNSEL Infoshare Tech Law Office, Mann C. C. Liu Yishu 77 has two distinct highlights. One is the FOUNDING EDITOR Ken Lum announcement of and publishing of texts by EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Keith Wallace MANAGING EDITOR Zheng Shengtian recipients of the Yishu Awards for Critical Writing EDITORS Julie Grundvig and Curating on Contemporary Chinese Art. With Kate Steinmann Chunyee Li the generous financial support of Cc Foundation, EDITORS (CHINESE VERSION) Yu Hsiao Hwei Chen Ping Shanghai, and JNBY, China, we have expanded Guo Yanlong the awards to recognize five individuals (an CIRCULATION MANAGER Larisa Broyde WEB SITE EDITOR Chunyee Li increase from the initial two of past years) who are ADVERTISING Sen Wong making important contributions to the evolution of Michelle Hsieh contemporary Chinese art. The recipients for 2016 ADVISORY BOARD Judy Andrews, Ohio State University are Chen Tong as a senior critic or curator, Carol Melissa Chiu, Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden John Clark, University of Sydney Yinghua Lu and Lu Mingjun for critical writing, and Lynne Cooke, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Bao Dong and Echo He for curating. Okwui Enwezor, Critic and Curator Britta Erickson, Independent Scholar and Curator Fan Di’an, Central Academy of Fine Arts The other highlight in this issue is the emphasis on Fei Dawei, Independent Critic and Curator Gao Minglu, University of Pittsburgh alternative or independent artistic and curatorial Hou Hanru, MAXXI, Rome practices and exhibition spaces. This is not the Hu Fang, Vitamin Creative Space and the shop Katie Hill, University of Westminster first time we have explored these aspects of the Claire Hsu, Asia Art Archive Martina Köppel-Yang, Independent Critic and Historian Chinese art world, and Yishu is one of the few Sebastian Lopez, Critic and Curator publications that is advancing this discourse Lu Jie, Long March Space Charles Merewether, Critic and Curator within what increasingly is becoming a massive art Apinan Poshyananda, Ministry of Culture, Thailand industry. Philip Tinari, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art Chia Chi Jason Wang, Independent Critic and Curator Wu Hung, University of Chicago In addition to the recipients of the Yishu Pauline J. Yao, M+, West Kowloon Cultural District Awards there are three texts that also explore ART & COLLECTION GROUP LTD. 6F. No. 85, Section 1, Chungshan N. Road, Taipei, Taiwan 104 alternative practices and spaces. They include Phone: (886)2.2560.2220 Michele Chan’s review of Videotage and its 30th Fax: (886)2.2542.0631 E-mail: [email protected] anniversary exhibition, Julie Chun’s in-depth VICE GENERAL MANAGER Jenny Liu examination of four alternative spaces currently MARKETING MANAGER Joyce Lin active in Shanghai, and Lu Pei-Yi’s discussion CIRCULATION EXECUTIVE Perry Hsu of three artists in Taiwan who are engaging in a Yishu is produced bi-monthly in Vancouver, Canada, and published in Taipei, Taiwan. The publishing dates are January, March, May, social exploration that consciously includes those July, September, and November. All subscription, advertising, and outside of the art world. submission inquiries may be sent to: YISHU INITIATIVE OF CONTEMPORARY CHINESE ART SOCIETY 200–1311 Howe Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6Z 2P3 Together, the texts in Yishu 77 explore the dynamic Phone: 1.604.649.8187 E-mail: offi[email protected] world of non-profit or artist-run spaces, various DIRECTOR Zheng Shengtian innovative studio and curatorial practices, SECRETARY GENERAL Yin Qing alternative sites for exhibitions, and the often- RETAIL RATES USD $12 / EUR 9 / TWD 350 misunderstood relationship between art and its (per copy) publics. It is frequently assumed that there is an SUBSCRIPTION RATES impasse between artistic independence and the 1 Year Print Copy (6 issues including air mail postage): Asia $94 USD/Outside Asia $104 USD art market, but the authors here propose there are 2 Years Print Copy (12 issues including air mail postage): added complexities within the cultural ecology. Asia $180 USD/Outside Asia $198 USD 1 Year PDF Download (6 issues): $49.95 USD Yishu thanks Cc Foundation, Shanghai, and JNBY, 1 Year Print Copy and PDF (6 issues including air mail postage): China for their support. We are pleased to include Asia $134 USD/Outside Asia $144 USD an interview with David Chau, President of Cc DESIGN AND PRODUCTION Leap Creative Group CREATIVE DIRECTOR Raymond Mah Foundation, who discusses the formation of his ART DIRECTOR Gavin Chow DESIGNER Philip Wong commitment to contemporary art. PRINTING Chi Wei Colour Printing Ltd. WEB SITE http://yishu-online.com WEB DESIGN Design Format Keith Wallace ISSN 1683 - 3082 No part of this journal may be reprinted without the written Erratum: In Yishu 76 (September/October 2016), permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Yishu are Jacob Augustus Dreyer’s name was spelled not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. incorrectly. We apologize. Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 典藏國際版(Yishu)創刊於 2002年5月1日 典藏國際版‧第15卷第6期‧2016年11–12月 社 長: 簡秀枝 法律顧問: 思科技法律事務所 劉承慶 創刊編輯: 林蔭庭(Ken Lum) 編者手記 總 策 劃: 鄭勝天 2 主 編: 華睿思 (Keith Wallace) 編 輯: 顧珠妮 (Julie Grundvig) 4 作者小傳 史楷迪 (Kate Steinmann) 黎俊儀 網站編輯: 黎俊儀 6 2016年Yishu中國當代藝術批評和 策展獎 中文編輯: 余小蕙 陳 萍 郭彥龍 10 替代的和不可替代的 行 政: 藍立杉 (Larisa Broyde) 廣 告: 謝盈盈 陳侗 黃晨 顧 問: 王嘉驥 田霏宇 (Philip Tinari) 15 「Made in China-Globalization」: 安雅蘭 (Judy Andrews) 藝術、生產與社會變革 巫 鴻 魯明軍 林似竹 (Britta Erickson) 范迪安 招穎思 (Melissa Chiu) 洛柿田 (Sebastian Lopez) 25 展覽作為展覽 胡 昉 侯瀚如 盧迎華(Carol Yinghua Lu) 徐文玠 (Claire Hsu) 姜苦樂 (John Clark) 姚嘉善 (Pauline J. Yao) 高名潞 36 捕捉日常生活的痕迹 費大爲 何雨(Echo He) 楊天娜 (Martina Köppel-Yang) 盧 杰 Lynne Cooke Okwui Enwezor 40 當代藝術自我組織在中國: Katie Hill 制度反思與製度實踐, 2001–2012 Charles Merewether Apinan Poshyananda 鮑棟 出 版: 典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司 副總經理: 劉靜宜 行銷總監: 林素珍 54 周大為訪談:挑戰常規 發行專員: 許銘文 田珠莉 (Julie Chun) 社 址: 台灣台北市中山北路一段85號6樓 電話: (886) 2.2560.2220 傳真:(886) 2.2542.0631 電子信箱:[email protected] 61 屠宰場筆記: 談抑斥、動於靜、 及香港身份 編輯製作: 加中當代藝術創進協會 (Yishu Initiative of Contemporary 陳敏熹(Michele Chan) Chinese Art Society) 會 長: 鄭勝天 秘書長: 陰晴 會 址: 200-1311 Howe Street, 67 美術館之外:上海的公共與獨立空間 Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2P3, Canada 田珠莉 (Julie Chun) 電話: (1) 604.649.8187 電子信箱: offi[email protected] 訂閱、投稿及廣告均請與Yishu Initiative聯系。 91 台灣社會參與式藝術的三個路徑 呂佩怡(Lu Pei-Yi) 設計製作: Leap Creative Group, Vancouver 創意總監: 馬偉培 藝術總監: 周繼宏 設 計 師: 黃健斌 102 中英人名對照 印 刷: 台北崎威彩藝有限公司 本刊在溫哥華編輯設計,台北印刷出版發行。 一年6期。逢1、3、5、7、9、11月出版。 網 址: http://yishu-online.com 管 理: Design Format 國際刊號: 1683-3082 封面:徐震,永生-北齊貼金彩繪菩薩,唐朝 售 價: 每本12美元 / 9歐元 / 350台幣 曲陽城站立佛像,北齊彩繪菩薩像,唐朝天龍山 坐佛像,北齊彩繪佛像,唐朝天龍山石窟坐佛第 一年6期 (含航空郵資): 4位,帕台農神廟東翼。玻璃纖維混凝土,大理 亞洲94美元 / 亞洲以外地區104美元 石顆粒,砂岩顆粒,鋼筋,礦物顏料。 16 x 1.5 x 兩年12期 (含航空郵資): 3.5 公尺,2013年。沒頂公司出品並提供。 亞洲180美元 / 亞洲以外地區198美元 感謝力邦文化與楊豐收、JNBY與李琳、 一年網上下載: 49.95美元 Cc基金會與周大為、Kevin Daniels、洪琪琪、 一年6期加網上下載: 徐依夢、余啟賢、Andy Sylvester、Farid Rohani、 亞洲134美元 / 亞洲以外地區144美元 Ernest Lang、陳萍、賀芳霓(Stephanie Holmquist) 和Mark Allison、D3E Art Limited對本刊出版與發行 版權所有,本刊內容非經本社同意不得翻譯和轉載。 的慷慨支持 本刊登載內容並不代表編輯部與出版社立場。 Contributors Bao Dong is an art critic and independent about giving a voice to contemporary art from curator based in Beijing. He graduated from Hong Kong and hopes to expose Hong Kong art the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2006 with an to a wider audience. She contributes regularly M.A. in Art History. Since 2003, he has curated to Art Asia Pacific, Art Radar, and the Sotheby›s exhibitions in many art organizations as well as blog. She holds a B.B.A. in Law from the contributed essays on contemporary Chinese University of Hong Kong (2006–09) and an M.A.
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