University of Dayton eCommons Roesch Library Faculty Publications Roesch Library 2008 Music Emily A. Hicks University of Dayton, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/roesch_fac Part of the Library and Information Science Commons eCommons Citation Emily A. Hicks (2008). Music. Reference Sources for Small and Medium-Sized Libraries. , 205-216 https://ecommons.udayton.edu/roesch_fac/50 This Encyclopedia Entry is brought to you for free and open access by the Roesch Library at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Roesch Library Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Music EMILY HICKS Music reference sources continue to evolve, This selection and buying guide continues to be in part because of technological develop­ an important tool for building and evaluating music collections of all sizes. In addition to the ments and a broadening interest in nonclas­ more than 3,000 musical scores, the third edi­ sical genres, including world music. A few tion includes, for the first time , more than 7,000 classic works were removed from the list sound recordings of worldwide scope. A three­ because they are no longer widely available. tiered ranking system identifies resources suitable for small, medium-sized, or large libraries. Part 1, Others have been subsumed by new print or "Scores," is organized by type of score (e.g., score electrOnic works. General sources are listed anthologies, orchestral music, chamber music, first, followed by sources specific to one or vocal music, solo performance), and each. entry two genres of music. Major categories include contains composer, uniform title/title, publisher, blues and jazz, classical, country and gospel, language(s), and price. Although price and pub­ lisher information are outdated, the relevance of rock and popular, and world music. Works the work to library collections remains. Part 2, encompassing more than two genres of music "Sound Recordings," is organized within the broad are included'in the "General Sources" section. topics of "Western Classical Music," "Traditional Several select online databases are included, and Popular Musics of the Americas and Europe," and "Musics of the Non-Western World." Entries to and web links related sources have been include author, title, publisher, physical format , inserted into the narrative, as appropriate. and recording date. Although availability of the listed sound recordings, particularly in relation to physical format, may have changed since publica­ General Sources tion, the lists are still valuable as a starting point for collection development. Bibliographies and Discographies 1204 Music reference and research 1203 A basic music library: Essential materials: An annotated bibliography. Scores and sound recordings. 3rd ed. 5th ed. Vincent H. Duckles, Ida Elizabeth A. Davis, ed. 665p. American Reed, and Michael A. Keller, eds. Library Association, 1997. ISBN 812p. Schirmer Books, 1997. ISBN 0838934617. $$ 0028708210. $ 016.78026 MUl3 016.78 MUl3 205 1205 MUSlC ·ect-author . dex' A sub ~ This guide contains an notations of more than 3,500 1207 The mUSIC III '. ical literature. signifIcant music reference sources, including more guide to music penod 49- ISSN 0027- than 1,100 new titles in this fifth edition. Material Harmonie Park Press, 19 . 'ndex corn. is organized by category of publi cati on, including 4348. $$$$ www. hppmusLCIMLllS guides , bibliographies, catalogs, directories, elec­ 0 16 78 f approxi - d citati ons or cng tronic resources, dictionaries, and encyclopedias. The music index pravl es . eri odicals covell _ Many entries include citations of published reviews. mately 775 internallonal mUSIC AP ubj'ect list olga A Single, more user-friendly index has replaced the . I d genres. s b t e1aS- all musIcal styes an . I eadingS a au I graphic 1 , I about previous edition's four indexes. Although the sec­ nizes topical anc geo . ws and arLi c eS' d tion on electronic information resources is under­ sical and popular mUSIC. Ne I try are inelude . d the mc uS ceS are standably out-of-date, this text continues to be an music, performel s, an . and perforrnan 'e important tool for music research . Reviews of books, recordIngs, , and obitUanes al exe also indexed. First performance:ccess to the ind : 1205 Song sheets to software: A guide to noted. The music in dex available either a: _ pr ovld ~~s r print music, software , and websites from 1976 to the prese!1l a n~1 I with the pnnt v d fo r musicians. 2nd ed. Elizab eth C. stand-alone product or bun. ~c artS o penURL an Axford. 267p. Scarecrow, 2004 . ISBN . The online ve rstOn SUI p stOn··lp ants. 08 10850273. $ full -text li nks to JSTOR partlc 780 .26 ML74. 7 Now in its second editi on, thi s unique guide lists E clopedias song sheets in print, music software, instructional Dictionaries and ncy . of clopec\la medi a, and music-related websites for use by music 1208 Baker's student ency I col11P ' educators or anyone wanting to learn more about Diane Ku In, music. Laura 1999. ISBN music. New to this edition is the inclusion of in­ S hinuer Books, structional DVDs and CD sets covering a range of 3 v. c 100 0028653157. $$ ML topics, including scoring and notation programs, edia 780 . encyc Io p composition and songwriting so ftware, digital re­ lve m rehens . s on a cording and editing, computer-aided instructi on , This three-volume co concise entne co - 60 n and music theory. The volume also includes a brief provides more than 5'~u s i c i a n s, cO l11p ose r s~ i\11 e d history of printed music, essays on music royalties broad range of mUSIC, n d musical styles easy- . I t rms an These and copyright laws, a list of technical terms, and a duc[Ors, mUSlca e , I level and up· 'or hiS- bibliography. at the junior hlgh schoo . elin es for \11 aJ ople . clude t!lll . for pe to-read vo lumes In ' entrIes Each . ns den.oll ng . lionS. torical figures, ICO nd i\lustra insert sidebars a f II color Databases and Indexes or instruments, . d ' and a u - rfo[ll1- . an III eX lar pe vo lume conta!l1.S . ch as popu ' . eludes 1206 Alexander Street Press music online. featuring a musical to PI C, sU Id Cove rage In ntry, d the war · I p cOu . Alexander Street Press. www ers and music aroun e hip-10 '. ThIS 'azz regga , llUSIC. classical, rock, rap, J , d NeW Age I t press .alexanderstreet. comJproductsimuso.htm. ee I a rid an d . Str d ' Alexander Street Press Music Online delivers more [olk, popu ar, w , f 'h Alexan el leX an el resource is also part a [ eL'bral'\l (www.a data- than 160,000 tracks of diverse music from a vari­ ~ "ence I J nhne I Classical Music Re el h 1). This o. ailab e ety of genres, including classical, world, blues, and d s/bakr. tn s IS aV jazz . This unique online resource incorporates the street. com/pro uct I 30,000 page h one- ti\11e e with approxImate y. or throug a to music and liner notes [rom Classical Music Library, bas b 'ptlon . sSc led either by annual su sc n I tS with pnce Smithsoni an Global Sound [or Libraries, African purchase of perpetLlalr(lg 1 , American Song, American Song, and other online budget and size o[ sta . mUSic-listening databases as avail able into one 'Uustrated c\ online music library. Music Online is available on 1209 The Billboar 1 . c paul DU 3 · of mUSl . 200 . the Web through annual subscription. The service encyclope dIa d Books, allows the creati on of password-protected, cus­ 8 Billboar Noyer. 44 p . 8 $ O tom playlists and course folders with static URLs. MUO ISBN 082307869 . Includes Baker's student encyclopedia oj music and Baker's biog raphical dictional) oj musicians. 780. 3 206 - MUSIC 1214 Th . IS VIsually appeali Overviews of .h ng volume contains general 1212 The Harvard dictionary of music. t century Wl.. .h e popular music genres of the last 4th ed. Don Michael Randel, eel. , t an em I . work catego .. p laSlS on recent styles. The 978p. Belknap Press, 2003. ISBN llzes rock . try, classical el .' pop, jaZZ, folk, blues coun- 0674011635. $ h ' , ectromc d ' op and rap , soul d ' ance, reggae, gospel, hip- 780 MUOO an sOundtracks a d .h R& B, world and traditional, The fourth edition of this classic music reference Th ese section n t eater ,popuand I ar and novelty. s are furthe b 1· ·d work is often referred to as the essential single­ e.ganes such a cf . r su ( lVl ed into su bcat- volume music dictionary. The work has reverted tI·Ve music E sh II tles. po p, Lann· J.azz, and allerna- . ac sectlo . back to its ori ginal title, dropping the word new style, illustratio n COntams a definition of the that was added to the previous edition. Although a g1 OssalY of . ns, a repres entau. .ve example of music . m~um nts ' the focus is still Western classical music, many Ing exponents of t and terms, a list of lead- existing entries have been updated and new entries performers stye, and an alphabetical list of . h ' composers . d added, giving greater attention to wo rld and pop­ WIt cross-re r , PI O ucers, and songwriters ular music and refl ecting new developments in lerences to re Ieva nt music styles. ' musical scholarship. Entries range [rom one or two 1210 T he bOok of words to encyclopedia length.
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