lunches colloquium scholarship programme America-European Union publications international conferences Euroamérica Foundation breakfasts colloquium seminars training www.euroamerica.org 1 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Institutional: public and private entities Representative: Fernando García Casas, Spanish Secretary of State for Inter- Representative: national Cooperation and Iberoamerica. President of AECID Carlos Gómez-Múgica, Head of Political Affairs Spain Representatives: José Manuel González-Páramo, Executive Director, Responsible Representative: for Regulation and Institutions and Chairman of the International Juan Llobell, Director of Communications and Institutional Relations Advisory Board Óscar Díaz-Canel, Deputy Director of Public Affairs Representatives: Representative: Fernando Ruiz, President of Deloitte España Guillermo Fernández de Soto, Director for Europe Félix Losada, Director of marketing and institutional relations Representatives: Representative: Pablo Colio, CEO, FCC Group Ángel Bizcarrondo, Representative of Centro de Estudios Garri- Miguel Jurado, President of FCC Construction gues. Member of the Advisory Board of AUREN Representatives: Representative: Bárbara Navarro, Director of Strategic Planning and Public Juan Cierco, Communications Director Affairs. Google Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa and Russia Francisco Ruiz, Director of Policy and Public Affairs Google Spain and Portugal Representative: Representative: Francisco Javier Garzón, CEO Miguel Sagüés, General Director of IE University and the General Director of Organization Representatives: José Antonio Llorente, Founding Partner and Chairman Claudio Vallejo, Director LatAm Desk Europe Representative: Adolfo Tamames, CEO Representatives: Ana Patricia Botín, President of Santander Bank * Borja Baselga, Director of the Banco Santander Foundation Representatives: José Miguel Fernández Sastrón, President of the Board of Directors Representatives: Carlos López Sánchez, Secretary General Trinidad Jiménez, Director of Public Affairs Global Strategy Rafael Fernández de Alarcón, Director of Sponsorship and * Founding member Institutional Relations DONORS 2 www.euroamerica.org President´s letter Benita Ferrero-Waldner I became President of the Euroamérica Foundation in American personalities during two days discuss in de- March 2011, with the firm conviction of organizing ac- tail the current issues on both sides. tivities in order to strength relationships between the old continent and America. I have always worked to In Euroamérica Foundation we know that relations bet- promote this dialogue, as European Commissioner for ween Europe and Latin America are now based on a External Relations and Neighborhood Policy First, and dialogue between equals. It should not be neglected later as Trade Commissioner at the European Com- that these two regions are part of the western world mission after being Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs and therefore they shared cultures and values that do of Austria. not exist in other relationships also defined as strate- gic. Focus in these ties can bring important benefits for This European Foundation, located in Madrid, is formed both and bi-regional commitment that is necessary to by an important group of Latin American and European maintain and promote by governments, involving the personalities that have in common the idea of reinfor- private sector which is the engine of world economic cing relations between the two continents, regardless development. of their political views or their fields of action. After an experience of many years we have already found our Euroamérica Foundation will not miss in effort and place in the Latin American Scene. enthusiasm to continue promoting these relationships, as it has been since 1999. Much of our success lies in the eminently practical cha- . racter of our activities. The forums we organize on both continents are intended to be useful to all those taking part. The investment in innovation, the internationalization of SMEs, trade and political relations between countries, the importance of an inclusive and quality education; infrastructure investment, innovation, ICT and energe- tic sector as a factor of development and growth, and the role of banking in all these, are recurring themes in our international forums, held annually at the highest level in Latin-American country where European and www.euroamerica.org 3 introduction The Foundation SAR Prince of Asturias -now HM King Felipe VI- Group photo, fifteenth anniversary, May 2014 The Euroamérica Foundation is an independent orga- ideas, projects and initiatives to broaden the areas of nization. Its overriding objective is to stimulate coope- agreement between the two continents. ration and understanding between Europe and America -mainly Latin America- primarily from the private sector. The Euroamérica Foundation has had the honor of The Euroamérica Foundation wishes to reinforce the being received twice by HM King Juan Carlos I. The excellent opportunities to be had in both directions. first time at the beginning of its establishment (2001) and, on the occasion of its tenth anniversary (2009). It was founded in 1999 by an important group of Euro- The Foundation is proud of the presence of SAR Prin- pean and Latin American institutions and personalities. ce of Asturias -now His Majesty King Felipe VI- in the Membership is open to public and private entities on celebration of the fifteenth anniversary in May 2014. both sides of the Atlantic, those shearing the Euroamé- rica Foundation objectives. The Foundation welcomes anybody who brings their experience and knowledge, Official audience offered by His Majesty the King Juan Official audience offered by His Majesty the King Juan Carlos I to the board of trustees in 2001 Carlos I to the board of trustees in 2009 4 www.euroamerica.org introduction What we do e celebrate annual meetings in Latin Ame- rate and Social Responsibility, which began in 2005 rica at the highest level with the participation and were held in Mexico and Madrid, with the aim of Wof the President of the host country, as well as exposing the different initiatives and visions that, on a senior representatives from the European Commission global scale, have been promoted in terms of corpora- and the European Parliament. The forum programmes te social responsibility and promotion of public-private are dedicated to infrastructure, telecommunications, partnerships for development. Other important forums finance, energy, commercial relationships, education, are yearly organized about specific topics such as the culture, SMEs, etc. Euroamérica Foundation, aware of impact of new technologies on culture and education, the growing importance of the Hispanic community in the economic value of Spanish language in the world, the United States, has organized seminars in NYC, at the Audiovisual Iberoamerican Industry, among others. the New York University and in Miami, at Miami Dade College. We also celebrate in Madrid, “Chatham House Rule” breakfast and lunch colloquiums, with the presence In Europe, Euroamérica Foundation organizes in Ma- of well known speakers who are experts to talk about drid as well as in Brussels, Lisbon or Heidelberg current affairs such as politics, economy, science, cy- other meetings focusing on several issues such as bersecurity, Brexit consequences in Europe and Ame- political and economic relations, highlighting the Inter- rica, art or diplomacy. national Seminar European Union-Latin America, launched in 2005 together with the representation of With the support of the IE Business School, and Cen- the European institutions in Madrid, as a debate forum tro de Estudios Garrigues (members of Euroamérica to analyze the relations between Latin America and the Foundation’ Board of Trustees) and the co-sponsorship European Union from different perspectives such as of Carolina Foundation, Euroamérica Foundation has trade, cooperation programs between the two geogra- set up a post-graduate scholarship programme with phical areas, regional integration processes, the role the aim of providing specialized training for overseas of SMEs and Multilatinas companies, or the innovation students mainly from Latin America. and new technologies and their impact on different sec- tors of the economy. Euroamérica Foundation publishes the magazine Forum and its shorter electronic version, Forum News, which After the EU-Celac Summits, we organize a seminar periodically collects information of recent events we to expose their conclusions. Additionally, a meeting have organized. The website www.euroamerica.org about the current state of relations between the two contains all the detailed information about objectives, regions and the opportunities offered in both directions board of trustees and activities that have been held. was held at the European Parliament in Brussels, to- gether with the EP Delegation in the Eurolat Assembly. Our activities are intended to be useful and practical for With an eminently economic-financial format, we ce- our trustees and institutions which take part in them. lebrate International Financial Conferences on Eu- rope and America, attended by representatives of the world’s leading financial and economic institutions. It should be noted the International Forums on Corpo- www.euroamerica.org 5 forums in America Argentina Euroamérica Foundation Activities International forums and conferences in America Centering mainly on one specific country. Forums have been held in Argentina,
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