3650 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 10 APRIL, 19153 £ the Distinguished Service Order, and for the j t the fires/ going and steam up at the most award of the Distinguished Service'Cross to the criticaVmoment k undermentioned Officers in recognition , of their^. Lieutenant Orde was in H M S "Hel- services as mentioned — f '" ' *r 'muth,," aljd, though himself wounded and To be Companions of the Distinguished Service under exceptionally heavy fire, with dan Order " ' gerous escape of steam, brought his ship For services during the operations in the Shatt- safely through the narrow channel el Arab, 3rd to 9th December, 19f4, result Sub Lieutenant Charlewood ably assisted ing in the capture of Qurnah— Lieutenant Orde in bringing the " Hel Commander (now Captain) Wilfrid Nunn, muth " through the channel Royal Navy For services in H M S "Hardinge" during Commander Nunn displayed great coolneesi the operations on the Suez Canal, 3rd Feb and skill in handling his ship under fire in ruary, 1915— difficult conditions o± unsurveyed waters Temporary Lieutenant George Carew, For services rendeied in the aerial attack on RNR Dunkirk, 23rd January, 1915— Squadron Commander Richard Bell Davies A shell struck the fore funnel of H M S Flight Lieutenant Richard Edmund Charles "Hardinge," and completely shattered one r of Lieutenant Carew's legs from the knee Peirse down and broke one arm, besides inflicting These Officers have repeatedly attacked th& other wounds Notwithstanding this, he German submarine station at Ostend and continued to advise on the piloting of the Zeebrugge, being subjected on each occasion ship with coolness and equanimity to heavy and accurate fire, their machines being frequently hit In particular, on 23rd The following awards have also been made — January, they each discharged eight bombs in an attack upon submarines alongside the To receive the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal mole at Zeebrugge, flying down to close For services at Dar es Salaam, 28th November, range At the outset of this flight Lieu- 1914— tenant Davies was severely wounded by a Thomas James Clark, Petty Officer, 1st Class, •bullet in. the thigh, but nevertheless he O N 178489 (RFR, Dev , B /1535) accomplished his task, handling his machine for an hour with great skill in spite of pain Thomas Arthur Gallagher, Leading Seaman, and loss of blood O N 222943 Petty Officer Clark was Coxswain of For services in command of Torpedo Boat O43 HMS "Goliath's" steam pinnace He during the operations on the Suez Canal, was wounded, but gallantly returned to the 3rd February, 1915— wheel to which he stood until the boat was Lieutenant Commander George Biyan out of gunfire Palmes, Royal Navy Leading^ Seaman Gallagher was Coxswain Lieutenant Commander Palmes disabled a of H M S " Fox's " steam cutter When number of the enemy's boats intended to be twice wounded, and under galling fire, he used for crossing the Canal, and showed cool- remained at the tiller, and with the utmost ness and bravery under fire He was coolness steeied his boat through the dangei severely wounded zone To receive the Distinguished Service Cross For services in the Shatt el Aiab, 3rd to 9th For services 111 the action between H M S December, 1914— " Carmania " and the German Armed Mer Arthur Jones, Stoker Petty Officer, O N chant Cruiser "Cap Trafalgar," on 14th 227970 September, 1914, when the latter vessel was Petty Officer Jones, after being severely sunk— wounded, kept the engines of the launch Chief Gunner Henry Middleton ' Miner'' going when water was pouring Acting Sub Lieutenant George Fiedenck into the engine room, and undoubtedly by Dickens, R N R his action saved the "Miner" from Midshipman (now Acting Sub Lieutenant) disaster Douglas Nowell Colson, R N R To receive the Distinguished Seivice Medal For services during the operations at Dar es Salaam, on the 28th November, 1914, when For services during the chase of the German boats' parties from HMS "Fox" ana Cruisers " Goeben " and " Breslau " by '' Goliath '' were attacked unexpectedly at HMS " Gloucester," 6th and 7th August, the harbour entrance— 1914— Theodore Frank Perrow, Petty Officer Tele Lieutenant Eric Reid Corson, R N graplust, O N 238640, HMS ' Glou- Lieutenant Herbert Walter Julian Orde, cester " RN Sub-Lieutenant Clement James Charlewood, For services in the action between the " Car RNR mama" and the "Cap Trafalgar," 14tn Lieutenant Corson was in HMS September, 1914— "Fox's" steam cutter and under a close John Walker Jones, Chief Petty Officer and heavy fire from both sides of the channel, ON 116929 (RFR Po A 979) climbed forward to relieve a stoker jwho was Robert Walter Andrew s, Chief Petty Officer, mortally •« ounded By his exertions he kept O N 143783 (RFR Po A 3472).
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