CBD CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY UNEP/CBD/EXCOP/1/INF. 1 23 February 1999 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY First extraordinary meeting Cartagena, 22-23 February 1999 List of Participants Lista de Participantes Liste des Participants /… UNEP/CBD/Ex-COP/1/INF. 1 Page 2 Government Delegates: Antigua and Barbuda H.E. Dr. John Ashe Albania Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the Mr. Ali Balluku United Nations Ministry of Agriculture and Food 610 Fifth Avenue, Suite 311 Tirana, Albania New York, N.Y. 10020, U.S.A. Tel. +355-423-0867 or 60654 Tel. +212-541-4117 Fax: +355-422-5872 Fax: +212-757-1607 Email: [email protected] Email: WWW: WWW: Algeria Argentina Mr. Daoudi Bouchouareb H.E. Ms. Elsa Kelly Encargado de Negocios Head of Delegation Embajada de Argelia en Bogota Director General of Environmental Affairs Calle 95 Nº 15-33 Ministry of Foreign Office Bogota, Colombia Arenales 816 Tel. +57-1-623-2493 / 623-2497 Buenos Aires, Argentina Fax: Tel. +541-819-7000/ 819-7414 Email: Fax: +541-819-7413 WWW: Email: [email protected] WWW: Mr. Sid-Ali Branci Chef of Bureau Mr. Ricardo Ernesto Lagorio Ministère des Affaires Etrangere Ministry of Foreign Affairs Algiers, Algeria Esmeralda 1212, Piso 14 Tel. +213-250-4545/504-343 Buenos Aires, Argentina Fax: +213-250-43/504-444/504-343 Tel. +541-819-7408 Email: Fax: +541-819-7413 WWW: Email: [email protected] WWW: Angola Mr. Oscar Padín S.E. M. Joao Manuel Serôdio de Almeida Director de Recursos Ictícolas y Acuícolas Vice Minister Presidencia de la Nación Vice Minister of Environment Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo Ministry of Environment Sustentable Mutamba Building-92, 3rd floor, Frederic Engles Buenos Aires, Argentina Street, Vice-Minister Office Tel. Luanda, Angola Fax: +541-348-8519/ 8443 Tel. +244-2-332-611/ 334-683 Email: Fax: +244-2-332-611 WWW: Email: WWW: /… UNEP/CBD/Ex-COP/1/INF. 1 Page 3 Argentina (continued) Armenia Ms. Carmen Vicien Mr. Samvel Baloyan Directora de Produccion Agricola Deputy Minister Secretaria de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion Deputy Minister Av. Paseo Colón 982, 1 Piso Ministry of Nature Protection Buenos Aires 1063, Argentina 35 Moskovyan Street Tel. +54-1-349-2000 Yerevan, 375002, Republic of Armenia Fax: +54-1-349-2224 Tel. +3742-53-31-81/ 53-18-61/ 53-36-29 Email: [email protected] Fax: +3742-151-840/ 151-959 WWW: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Mr. Gustavo Ainchil WWW: Consejero de Embajada Ministerio Relaciones Exteriores de Argentina Mr. Sergey Shashikyan Esmeralda 1212 Head of the Department of Bioresources Buenos Aires, Argentina Conservation Tel. +5411-4819-7000 35 Moskovyan Street Fax: +5411-48197500 Yerevan, 375002, Armenia Email: [email protected] Tel. +3742-53-18-41/ 53-18-61/ 53-36-29 WWW: Fax: +3742-151-840/ 151-959 Email: [email protected] Ms. María Fabiana Loguzzo de Ainchil [email protected] Ministry of Foreign Affairs WWW: Esmeralda 1212, 14th Floor Buenos Aires, Argentina Australia Tel. +54-1-819-7414 Fax: +54-1-819-7413 Mr. Ralph Hillman Email: [email protected] Ambassador for the Enviorment WWW: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Miguel Sobrero Canberra,Act 0221, Australia Subsecretario de Agricultura, Ganadería y Tel. +6102-626-13560 Forestación Fax: +6102-626-2594 Secretaría de Agricultura Email: [email protected] Paseo Colón 982 WWW: Buenos Aires 1063, Argentina Mr. Crispin Conroy Tel. +54-11-4349-2655 / 56 Legal Branch Fax: +54-11-4349-2654 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Email: Canberra, ACT 0221, Australia WWW: Tel. Fax: Email: WWW: /… UNEP/CBD/Ex-COP/1/INF. 1 Page 4 Australia (continued) Ms. Lyndel Sutton Mr. Peter Cronin Department of the Environment States and Territories Technical Adviser GPO Box 787 Department of Primary Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Industries Tel. +612-6274-2347 Queensland State Goverment Fax: +612-6276-2073 Brisbane, Australia Email: [email protected] Tel. +07-32393289 WWW: Fax: +07-32393379 Email: Dr. John Madden WWW: Director, Science and Technology Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Ms. Janaline Oh Edmund Barton Building Environment Branch Canberra, Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Tel. +6102-627-25-634 Canberra ACT 0221, Australia Fax: +6102-627-25926 Tel. +61-2-6261-2353 Email: [email protected] Fax: +61-2-6261-2594 WWW: Email: [email protected] WWW: Mr. John Watson Principal Research Scientist Mr. Andrew Martin Industry Science and Resources Third Secretary Canberra, Australia Embassy of Australia in Caracas Tel. +61-2-62465145 Avenida Luis Noche Fax: +61-2-62465000 Caracas, Venezuela Email: [email protected] Tel. +582-263-7033 WWW: Fax: +582-261-3448 Email: [email protected] Mr. Paul Anthony Trushell WWW: Policy Officer Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Austria Canberra, Australia Tel. +6102-627-23-255 Dr. Ingrid Pech Fax: +6102-627-23-307 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Email: [email protected] Ballhausplatz 2 WWW: 1010 Vienna, Austria Tel. 43-1-53115-3348 Fax: 43-1-53185-236 Email: [email protected] WWW: /… UNEP/CBD/Ex-COP/1/INF. 1 Page 5 Austria (continued) Dr. Prof. Gerhard Loibl Mr. Dieter Beisteiner Federal Ministry for the Environment, Youth and Federal Ministry for the Environment, Youth and Family Affairs Family Affairs Stubenbastei 5 Stubenbastei 5 A-1010 Vienna, Austria A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel. +43-1-515-22-1627 Tel. +43-1-515-22-1351 Fax: +43-1-515-22-7626 Fax: +43-1-515-22-7301 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] WWW: WWW: Dr. Helmut Gaugitsch Bahamas Federal Environment Agency Spittelauer Laende 5 H.E. Mrs. Lynn P. Holowesko A-1090 Vienna, Austria Ambassador for the Environment Tel. +43-1-31304-3710 Office of the Prime Minister Fax: +43-1-31304-3700 The Bahamas Environment, Science and Email: [email protected] Technology (BEST) Commission WWW: www.ubavie.gv.at P.O. Box CB-10980 Nassau, Bahamas Dr. Bernhard Jank Tel. +242-327-4691 / 2/ 3 Dept. VI/9 Fax: +242-327-4626 Federal Chancellery Email: [email protected]. Radetzky Str. 2 WWW: A-1031 Vienna, Austria H.E. Mr. James Smith Tel. +43-1-711-72-4481 Office of the Prime Minister. Fax: +43-1-713-7952 Ambassador for Trade Email: [email protected] Nassau, Bahamas WWW: Tel. +242/327-58256 Fax: +242/327-5907 Mr. Manfred Schneider Email: [email protected] Federal Ministry for the Environment, Youth and WWW: Family Affairs Stubenbastei 5 Mr. Carl Francis Smith A-1010 Vienna, Austria Director of Agriculture Tel. +43-1-515-22-1608 The Department of Agriculture Fax: +431-515-22-7626 East Bay Street Email: [email protected] Nassau, Bahamas WWW: Tel. +242-3257502 Fax: +242-3253960 Email: [email protected] WWW: /… UNEP/CBD/Ex-COP/1/INF. 1 Page 6 Bangladesh Dr. A.F.M. Akhtaruzzaman Mr. Mishkorudny Igor Chief Research Officer Department Head Ministry of Enviornment and Forest,Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs Forest research Institute Minsk, Belarus Chittagong, Bangladesh Tel. +375-72-222-672 Tel. +880-31-681577 Fax: +375-172-274-521-222-663 Fax: +880-31-681566 Email: Email: [email protected] WWW: WWW: Belgium Barbados Mr. Marc Gedopt Mr. Ricardo Marshall Ambassador for the Environment Environmental Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Enviroment, Energy & Natural Karmelietenstraat 15 Resources Brussels 1000, Belgium 4th Floor, Sir Frank Walcott Building, Culloden Tel. +322-511-3729 Road Fax: +322-511-3703 St. Michael, Barbados Email: [email protected] Tel. +246-431-7680/ 7686 WWW: Fax: +246-437-8859 Email: [email protected] Mr. Julio Garcia Burgues WWW: Deputy Head of Unit Brussels, Belgium Belarus Tel. +322-2968763 Fax: +32-2-2969558 H.E. Mr. Vassily Podolyako Email: Deputy Minister WWW: Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection Ministry of Environmental Protection Belize 10, Kollektornaya Str. Minsk 220048, Belarus Mr. Marcelo Windsor Tel. +375-17-220-6762 Ministry of Natural Resources Fax: +375-17-220-5583 Forestry Department Email: [email protected] Belmopan, Belize WWW: Tel. +501-8-220-82 Fax: +501-8-220-83 Email: [email protected] WWW: /… UNEP/CBD/Ex-COP/1/INF. 1 Page 7 Benin Bolivia S.E. M. Adékpédjou Akindes Mrs. Beatriz Zapata Ferrufino Minister Técnico en Recursos Genéticos y Bioseguridad Ministre de l'Environnement, de l'Habitat et de Dirección General de Biodiversidad l'Urbanisme Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente, Recursos B.P. 01-3621 Naturales y Desarrollo Forestal Cotonou, Benin Calle Batallon Colorados, No. 24, Edificio "El Tel. +229-31-55-96 Condor", Piso 15, Oficina 1504 Fax: +229-31-50-81 La Paz, Bolivia Email: Tel. +591-2-315-139/316077 WWW: Fax: +591-2-31677/315139 Email: [email protected] /or/ Mr. Lucien Owolabi [email protected] Head of Delegation WWW: Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme Botswana B.P. 01-3621 Cotonou, Benin Mr. Mushanana Lawrence Nchunga Tel. +229-315-596 National Conservation Strategy Fax: +229-315-081 Coordinating Agency Email: Private Bag 0068 WWW: Gaborone, Botswana Tel. +267-302-055/ 302-050 Bhutan Fax: +267-302-051 Email: Mr. Tshering Tashi WWW: National Environment Commission P.O. Box 466 Ms. Nancy Basinyi-Moyo Thimphu, Bhutan Senior State Counsel, Attorney General's Chambers Tel. +975-2-23-384 Attorney General's Chambers Fax: +975-2-23-385 Private Bag 009 Email: [email protected] Gaborone, Botswana WWW: Tel. +267-354-721 Fax: +267-357-089 Email: [email protected] WWW: /… UNEP/CBD/Ex-COP/1/INF.
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