JOBNAME: Scott & Ku PAGE: 1 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 1 10:00:38 2018 Index American Security Project 229 Art 12 42 Annan, Kofi 180 Art 23 26 Arctic region 17, 31–2, 75, 230 Art 24 3, 25–6, 34–5, 105 Argentina 199 Art 25 26 armed conflict Art 27 26, 34 climate-induced conflict 31 Art 28 3 assessment and recognition 85–6, Art 29 42 132–5 Art 38 26, 104–5 post-conflict peacebuilding Art 39 4, 14, 26–7, 104, 106, 191, 138–42 198 preventative peacekeeping 135–8 Art 41 27, 48–9 definition and characterization 36–8 Art 42 27 population displacement 91, 167–8 Art 43 3 Responsibility to Protect (R2P), and Art 45 3, 6 180 Art 46 6 UN combat missions 4–5 Art 47 3–4, 6 Ashton, John 218 Art 48 3, 6, 26 assistance, definition 26 Art 94 74 Australia 75 Art 96 74 Art 103 13, 26, 53, 104, 109 Ban Ki-moon 29, 33, 40, 165, 177, conflicts with EU law 78 242 Preamble 179 Barker, Rodney 188–9 Chimni, B.S. 91 Beckett, Margaret 12, 28 China Berat, Lynn 73 UNSC climate change policy, and Bolivia 199–200, 205 199, 209–11, 213, 219, 238 Born, Camilla 229 US–China relationship 221–2 Bosnia 4, 135 civil war, climate change influences Brazil 199 on 85–6 Burkett, Maxine 74 Climate Change Displacement Coordination facility, proposal 77 Cambodia 77 climate change economic sanctions 48 Canada 118 Compliance and Implementation Capacity-building Initiative for Committees 56–7 Transparency 120 vs comprehensive/smart sanctions Cassese, Antonio 106 49–51, 54–5, 239–40 Charter of the United Nations 3 human rights challenges 54–6, Art 1 105–6 59–60 Art 2 27, 105–6 implementation 51–6 245 Shirley V. Scott and Charlotte Ku - 9781785364648 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/27/2021 02:31:22PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Scott-Ku_Climate_change_and_Un_Security_Council / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 1 / Date: 1/2 JOBNAME: Scott & Ku PAGE: 2 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 1 10:00:38 2018 246 Climate change and the UN Security Council monitoring 51 barriers 141–2 post-Paris Agreement 56–8 green peacekeeping 142–3 responsibility vs power conflicts post-conflict peacebuilding 58–9 138–42, 144 vs sui generis reactive measures preventative deployment 135–6, 57–8, 60 145, 240 trade challenges 52–6, 59–60 Responsibility to Protect (R2P), triggers for 50–51 and 137–8, 144 climate change, generally population displacement, and 88–9 environment–conflict nexus 85–6, unintended impacts 32, 88–9, 221 132–5 UNSC, and positive impacts 133 contributions to 166–7, 238 security implications 14, 28–9, 30–34, 32–43, 115–16, 220–21 role and responsibilities 179–81 security scorecard 236–7 climate change security scorecard threat multiplier, as 15, 29, 31, 33, 236–7 66, 134, 152–3, 164–5, 186, climate crime court, proposal 212, 214, 235 international mechanisms 74–5, see also peace and security 77–8, 80 climate change law limitations 77, 240 Multilateral Environmental political perspectives 79–80 Agreements (MEAs) 101 role 74–5, 77–9, 240 UNSC powers 64, 104–5, 122–3 UNSC creation 66–7 application 115–22 climate crimes enforcement 119–22 challenges 69 legislative 116–19 legality 69–71 obligations, amendment 118–19 liability 72–3 obligations, creation 117–18 standards of proof 71 see also Kyoto Protocol 1997; Paris conceptualization 66–8, 76 Agreement 2015; UNFCCC crime of omission 79 1992 ecocide 67–8 climate change litigation interpretation challenges 76 domestic cases 75–6 climate migration ICJ advisory opinions 74–5 challenges 86–7, 96 climate change mitigation and drivers 87–91, 220 adaptation natural resources access, and 88, challenges 165–6, 220 133 decentralization 233–4 peace and security, as threat to framework approach, benefits of 89–91, 115–16 232–4 SIDS and coastal regions 88–9, 93 institutional fragmentation and trends and projections 85 coordination, and 165 UNSC measures migration, as driver for 88–9 challenges 86–7, 96 negative security impacts 32, 88–9, limitations 94–6 221 mandate requirements 91 non-state initiatives 232–3 climate security, definition 229 peacekeeping operations, and coastal regions 131–2, 140–42, 144–5, 240 climate migration, and 88–9, 93 Shirley V. 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Position: 2 / Date: 1/2 JOBNAME: Scott & Ku PAGE: 3 SESS: 4 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 1 10:00:38 2018 Index 247 sea level rise impacts 30–32, 163–4, Hyogo Framework for Action 221, 235 2005–2015 171 see also Small Island Developing ICL Draft Articles 2007 172–3 States (SIDS) Sendai Framework for Disaster common but differentiated Risk Reduction responsibilities 1, 79, 119, 213 2015–2030 171–2 Convention on Biological Diversity UNSC role 240–41 1992 174 humanitarian aid 166–7, 175 Convention relating to the Status of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) Refugees 1951 93 175–8, 180 Conway, Declan 186 responsibility to respond 174–8 Corfu Channel case 174 risk assessment 241 corporate responsibility 103 disease Côte d’Ivoire 133 climate change, and 39–40 counter-terrorism security, as threat to 31, 38, 42, enforcement measures 111–13 132, 220, 234 extra-territorial scope 36–7 drugs, illicit 37 non-UN initiatives 7 sanctions, legal conflicts 78 Ebola 10, 38–40, 42, 234 UNSC Resolution 1373 (2001) 7–8, ecocide 67–8 42, 74, 105, 107–13, 117 Ecocide Convention 1973 (draft) 68 UNSC responsibilities 7–8, 35, 235 economic sanctions Counter-Terrorism Committee 7, comprehensive vs targeted/smart 111–13, 234 49–51, 54–5, 239–40 Counter-Terrorism Executive conflict diamonds 52 Directorate 112 effectiveness 50 crimes against humanity 70, 73 human rights challenges 54–6, Cyclone Nargis 176–8 59–60 legal basis 48–9 defence policies vs reactive measures 57–8, 60 climate change issues considered in sui generis measures 57–8 155–9 trade challenges 52–4, 59–60 disaster relief role in 236 triggers for 50–51 green peacekeeping 142–3 green procurement 158–9 see also climate change economic US vs EU policies 156–8 sanctions Democratic Republic of the Congo Egypt 204 140 Energy Union (EU) 147, 150, 153–5 dengue fever 31 environmental conflict 132–5 desertification 87 EU climate security policy diamonds 52 Adaptation Strategy 158 disaster law challenges 147–8 definitions 173 climate change as threat multiplier development 18, 169–74 152–3 emergency response plans 168–9, Climate Diplomacy 153 175, 181 defence policy, role in 155–9 human rights, and 170–71 development of 147, 149, 159 Shirley V. Scott and Charlotte Ku - 9781785364648 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/27/2021 02:31:22PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Scott-Ku_Climate_change_and_Un_Security_Council / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 3 / Date: 8/2 JOBNAME: Scott & Ku PAGE: 4 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 1 10:00:38 2018 248 Climate change and the UN Security Council development policy, and 149–50, Global Field Support Strategy 142 152–3 Gray, Allan 68 energy policy, and 147, 150, 153–5, greenhouse gas emissions 159 human rights impacts 75 Global Monitoring for Environment Nationally Determined and Security system 157–8 Contributions (NDCs) 103 institutionalization 149–50 non-state mitigation mechanisms multilateralism, and 148, 152 232–3 New Climate for Peace, A 154–5 P5 contributions 58, 87 regulatory scope 149 UN missions, environmental securitization management of 142–3 discursive 152–3 voluntary emissions reduction 103 indirect 149–52, 159 Guterres, António 32, 242 trends 147–8, 150 spillover effects 149–50 Hagel, Chuck 223 split responsibilities 148 Hansen, James 163 UNSC policy, influences on 151–2 Heede, Richard 76 EU Emissions Trading Scheme 76 Higgins, Polly 68, 73 European External Action Service High Level Panel on Peace Operations (EEAS) 153 (HIPPO) 136 extreme weather events HIV/AIDS 38, 132, 166, 220, 234 Cyclone Nargis 176–8 human rights damage and costs 162–4, 176–7 economic sanctions, challenges to flooding 164 54–6, 59–60 Hurricane Katrina 162–3, 216 international law impact of, modelling 163 development 170–71 security threats, as 162–3, 220 hierarchy 106–7 sui generis measures 57–8 Inuit, greenhouse gas effects on 75, tipping points 17 173–4 trends 31, 163 human security climate change, and 14–15, 30–32, Fabius, Laurent 33 165 Falk, A. 68 disease 31, 38–40, 132 Fawcett, A. 17 North–South disparities 165 Fidler, David 170–71 population displacement 31, Fiji 196–7 89–91 food insecurity, trends 31, 220, 235 threat, recognition of 32–4 forced marriage 70, 73 food insecurity, and 31, 220, 235 France 210–11, 215–16, 218–19 UN role and responsibilities 179–81 see also peace and security Gabcˇikovo-Nagymaros case 78–9 humanitarian aid General Agreement on Tariffs and disaster relief funds 176–8, 180, Trade (GATT) 53 236 genocide 73, 106 international law obligations Germany 151–2, 156, 166, 198 169–70 Global Conflict Risk Index (GCRI) UNSC role and responsibilities 136–7 166–7, 175 Shirley V. Scott and Charlotte Ku - 9781785364648 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/27/2021 02:31:22PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Scott-Ku_Climate_change_and_Un_Security_Council / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 4 / Date: 1/2 JOBNAME: Scott & Ku PAGE: 5 SESS: 4 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 1 10:00:38 2018 Index 249 humanitarian intervention standards of proof 67–8, 71 assistance, definition 26 establishment 67, 73 Responsibility to Protect (R2P) 180 mandate powers 67 Hurricane Katrina 162–3, 216 Rwanda 6, 67 Hyogo Framework for Action Sierra Leone 67, 70–71, 77 2005–2015 171 Yugoslavia 6, 67 international environmental law Inter-American Commission on development
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