1LQWK6HULHV9RO;,,,1R10 Friday-DQXDU\11 3DXVD1 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ 6L[WK6HVVLRQ 1LQWK/RN6DEKD 9RO;,,,FRQWDLQV1RWR /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V CONTENTS rNinth Series, Vol. XIII, Sixth SClsion, 1991/1912 (Saka)] No. 10, Friday, January 11, ] 991 IPausa 2], 1912 (Sata) COLPMNS Papers Laid on the Table ]-6 Message from Rajya Sabha 7 Rt:. Alleged Relnarks made by Prime Minister about 7-32 Functioning of Tamil Nadu Government Re. Holding of UPSC Examinations in all Indian 34-40, language'i 46-58 Re. Establishment of Statutory Development Boards 41-46 for Vidarbha, Marathwada and Konkan in Maha- rashtra Statement by Minister 86-90 The Budget Defictt-Aprd-November, 1990 Shri Ya'thwant Sinha Central Agricultural Univer'lity BilJ- 'ntroduced 91 Joint Committee on Representation of the People 92-96 (Amendnlcnt) Bill Nomination of Members of Lok Sahha to the Committee Matters under Rule 377 96-106 (0 Need to take steps to check increase In 96-97 accident<; on National Highways Shr) C. P. Mudala Giriyappa (ii) Need to give priority to construction of main 97 J'ailway line between Latur Road and Kunad- wadi via Osmanabad in Maharashtra Shli Arvind Tulshiram Kamble (Iii) Need to conduct U.P.S.C. Examinations in 98 all Indian languages Shri KapiJ Dev Sha~tri (iv) Need to expedite construction of Malayora 98-99 Railway Line from Angamaly to Achencoil in Kera'a Shri P. C. Thoma" (I) (ii) COLUMNS (v) Need to reinstate the victimised railway 99 employees Shri A. K. Roy (vi) Need to implement National Industrial 99--·100 Tribunal award regarding payment of salary and allowances to employees of Regional Rural Banks at par with those of sponsored Banks Shri Chitta Basu (vIi) Need for adequate supply of LPG in the 100-101 country Shri Satynarayan Jatiya (viii) Need to streamline the procedure of issuing 101 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe(,j certificates Shri Chand Ram (ix) Need to bring Hindustan Shipyard Limited. 102 Vishakhapatnam either under Ministry of Defence or merge it with the Shipping Corpo.. ration of India Shra Saifuddin Choudhury (x) Need to provide adequate facilities to weekly 103 and fortnightly local newspapers Shri Harish Rawat (xi) Need to construct a bY-rass near t.Tdaipur 103-104 in Rajasthan on Nationa Highway No.8 Shri Gulab Chand Kataria (xii) Need to take steps to provide drinking water H)4 in various regions of Jahanabad, Bihar Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh (xiii) Need to take steps for overall deveiopment 105 of Mithila region of Bihar Shri Bhogendra Jha (xiv) Need to declare Ajrner district of Rajasthan 106 as an industrially backward district Prof. Rasa Singh Rawat Cantonments (Amendment) Bill 106-107 Amendment made hy Rajya Sabha- A~reed Joint Committee on Acquired Immuno Deficiency 107-110 Syndrome (AIDS) Prevent10n Bill Nomination or Members of Lok Sabha to the Committee (iii) COLUMN'S Discussion under Rule 193 110-156, 158-231 Situation in Punjab Shri L. K. Advani 110-128 Shri Bhajan Lal 129-144 Shri Kirpal Singh 144-156 Shri Kapil Dev Sha~tri 159-162 Shri Dinesh Singh 162-167 Shrimati Malint Bhattacharya 167-173 Shri Bhogendra Jha 173-180 Shrimati Bim? I Kaul Khalsa 180-186 Shri J.K. Gujral 186-198 Shri Kamal Chaudhry 198-201 Shri Chand Ranl 201-204 Shn Rain Krishan Yada v 204-206 Shri Mada n Lal Kill'rana 207-209 Shl i A. K. Roy 209-214 Shri Chandra Shekhar 215-231 Re. Progress of Inve~tigations into Bofors Case 231--235 Shri Madan Lal Khvrana Resolutions reo Gulf Crisis- Adnpted 156--158 Announcement b~ Speawer 215 Ob&ervation reo Receipt ot Inttrim Order from HIgh Court of Delhi Decision of the Speaker under Tenth Schedule of the 235-264 ConstItution Disquaiification of Members on Ground of Defection LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA tures Corporation Limit- ed, Ca1cutta, for the year Friday, January 11, 1991/Pausa 21, 1989-90 along with Audi- 1912 (Saka) ed Accounts and comments of the Comptroller and The Lok Sabha nret at Eleven of the Auditor General thereon. Clock [Placed in Library. See No. LT. [MR. SPEAKER ill the Chair] 2107/91J [Translation] (2) (i) A copy of the Annual Re- port (Hindi and English ver- SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA sions) of the Indian Jute In- (South Delhi): If Bjll on the St1tehood dustries Research Association, could be taken up today .............. Calcutta, for the year 1989-90 along with Audited Accounb. MR. SPEAKER: Let the proceed- ings go on smoothly. Please sit down. (ij) A copy of the Review Let us Jay the papers first. You will (Hindi and English versions) be allowed to tnake your submission Iby the Government on the latcr on. Purohitji. tJke your seat. working Q1f the Indian Jute Industries' Research Associa- 11.01 hrs. tion, Calcutta for the year 1989-90. PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE [Placed in Library. See No. LT. AnauaI Report of and Review on' the 2 J 08/911 working of the Natioaal Jute Manu- factures Corporafioo LCd. Cala.tta Notification under National Bichways &lid Indian Jute Industries Research Authority of India Act, 1911; ABDul Association, Calcutta for 1989-90 Report of and Review 08 the wotkinl of Mormupo Dock Labour B08I"d for [Translation] 1989·90 THE MINJSTER OF TEXTJLES [English] AND MINISTER OF FOOD PRO- CESSlNG INDUSTRIES (SHRI THE MINISTER OF WATER IIUKUMDEO NARAYAN YADAV): RESOURCES AND MINISTER OF Sir, I beg to lay on the table:- SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI (1) A copy each of the following MANUBHAI KOTADIA): Sir, I beg papers (Hindi and English ver- to ,lay on the Table- sions) under Sub-section (1) of (1) A copy of the National High- Section 619A of the Companies ways Authority of India (Bud· Act. 1956:- get, Accounts, Audit, Invest- (i) Review by the Govern- ment of Funds and Powers to ment on the working of the enter Premises) Ru1es. 1990 National Jute Manufac- (Hindi and English versions) tures Corporation Limit- published in Notification No. ed. Calcutta, for the year G.S.R. 704(E) in Gazette of 1989·90. India dated the 10th August, 1990 under section 37 of the (ii) Annual Report of the National Highways Authority National Jute Manufac- of India Act, 1988. Papers Laid JANUARY 11, 1991 Papers Laid 4 (2) A statement (Hindi and Eng- (2) (i) Review by the Govermnent on lish versions) showing reasons the working of the Engineers for delay in laying the papers India Limited for the year 1989- mentioned at (1) above. 90. [Pl~d in Library. See No. LT. (ii) Annual Report of the Engi- 2109 /91] neers India Limited for the year 1989-90 along with Audit- (3) (i) A copy of the Annual Re- ed Account~ anJ Comments 01 port (Hindi and EIJglish ver- the Comptroller and Auditor sions) of the Mormugao Dock General thereon. Labour Board for the year 1989-90 along with Audikd [Placed in Library. See No. LT. Accounts. 2112/91] (ii) A copy of the Review Annual Report of and n.eview on the English by (Hindi and versions) working of Cenhai Council for Re;- the Governlncnt on the work- careb in Unani !\fcdicinc[', N('w Delhi ing of the !\'lormugao DOl:k for 1988-89 etc. Labour Board for the year 1989-90. [English] [Placed in Library. See No. LT. THE MiNISTER or l'l~ANCE 2110/91] (SliRl Y ASHWANT SI1\}-1A): Sir, on behaU of Dr. Shakeelur Rehl11an. I ADDIJ81 Repo« and Review on the beg to lay on the 'fable- working of the Bonpigaon Refinery Bind the Petro-Chemi\!als Ltd. and ( I) (i) A copy 01 the Annual R..:- EngiDecn India Ltd. for 1989-90 port (HinJi a nei English ver- sions) of the Central Council [TrallsLation] for Researdl in Unani Medi- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN cine. New Uelhi. for the year 1988-89 along with Audited THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS AND DEPUTY Accounts. MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF Oi) A copy of the Review COMMUNICATION (SHRJ JAI (Hindi and English ver~ions) PARKASH): Sir, on behalf of Shri by the Government on the Satya Prakash MalJviya. 1 beg to lay working of the Central Coun- on the table a copy eal.:h of the follow- cil for Research in Unani Medi- ing papers (Hindi and English ver- cine. New Delhi. for the year sions) under Sub-section (J) of Section 1988·89. 619A of the Companies Act. 1956:- ~2) A statement (Hindi and Eng- J. (i) Review by the Government on lish versions) showing reasons the working of the Bongaigaon for delay in laying the papers Refinery and Petro-Chemicals mentioned at (1) above. Limited for the year 1989-90. [Placed in Library. See No. LT. (ii) Annual Report of the Bongai- 2113/91] gaon Refinery and Petro-Che- micals Limi!ed fJr the v~ar Notification under Delhi AdmiDl~tr. 1989-90 along with Audited doD Act, 1966 Accounts and Comments of the Comptroller and Auditor THE MINISTER OF STATE IN General thereon. THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI LALIT VIJOY SINGH): Sir, [Placed il1 Library. See No. LT. on behalf of Shri Subodh Kant Sahay, 2111/91] 1 beg to lay on the Table a copy of 5 Papers Laid PAUSA 21,1912 (SAKA) Papers Laid 6 the Notification No. S.O. 699(E) Hydro Development Corpo- (Hindi and English versions) publish- ration Limited for the year ed in Gazette of lndia dated the 12th 1989·90. September, 1990 containing Presi- dent's Order dated the 12th Septem- (2) Annual Report of the Tehri ber. .] 990 regarding suspension of Hydro Development Corpora- operatIon of certain provisions of tion Limited for the year 1989- Delhi Administration Act.
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