GUDLAVALLERU ENGINEERING COLLEGE Seshadri Rao Knowledge Village, GUDLAVALLERU – 521 356 * * * Minutes of the First Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell held on 12-07-2014, Saturday at 02-30 PM in the Management Conference Hall. Agenda : 1) To develop quality bench marks / parameters for various Academic and Administrative activities of the Institution. 2) Any other matter with the permission of the chair. Minutes : 1. To develop quality bench marks / parameters for various Academic and Administrative activities of the Institution. Quality bench marks / parameters are developed in the following broad areas: A) Admission Quality: i. EAMCET, ECET, ICET and GATE / PGECET ranks of students admitted. ii. Percentage of marks / grade in the qualifying examination of students admitted. B) Curriculum i. Industry / professional societies participation in curriculum design and development. ii. Quality and relevance of curriculum to the present day industrial / societal needs. iii. Flexibility C) Teaching – Learning: a) Students: i. Pass percentage, first divisions, distinctions and ranks. ii. Results progression. iii. Success rate in competitive examinations. iv. Placements. v. Startups established vi. Training programs / workshops conducted vii. Participation in academic endeavours and achievements. viii. Participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and achievements. b) Faculty: i. Qualification and experience. ii. Achievements. iii. Learning resources developed. iv. Students projects guided and quality of projects. v. Use of ICT and innovative teaching practices followed. vi. New labs established / experiments setup. vii. Faculty Development / Training Programs organized and attended. D) Research & Consultancy: i. In-house grants made available for faculty research. ii. In-house R&D projects carried out. iii. Externally funded R & D projects sanctioned and carried out. iv. Number of faculty registered for Ph.D. v. Number of Ph.Ds guided and being guided. vi. Patents obtained. vii. Consultancy works undertaken and the amount received. E) Extension Services: i. Participation in Societal development activities. ii. Transfer of knowledge and skills to the needy people. F) Publications: i. Publications in National and International journals. ii. Publications in National and International conferences. iii. Books Published G) Administration of College and Departments: i. Office automation. ii. Automation of examination cell. iii. Library automation. iv. Maintenance of institutional database through MIS. v. Maintenance of infrastructural facilities. vi. Internet and Intranet facilities. vii. Adherence to quality policy document. Resolution: It is resolved to review the fulfillment of all the above quality parameters by presenting the required data in every subsequent meetings of the IQAC. 2. Any other matter with the permission of the chair. i. It is suggested to organize TQM related programs. ii. It is also suggested to organize workshops on curriculum design and modern pedagogy. PRINCIPAL GUDLAVALLERU ENGINEERING COLLEGE (An Autonomous institute with permanent affiliation to JNTUK, Kakinada) Seshadri Rao Knowledge Village, GUDLAVALLERU – 521 356 * * * Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell held on 31-01-2015, Saturday at 10-30 AM in the Management Conference Hall. 1. To present the report of Academic and Administrative Audit conducted for the period from 1 st January 2014 to 31 st December 2014. The internal Academic and Administrative Audit conducted for the calendar year 2014 is presented. The details of the report are presented in Annexure – I (See page No. 2) 2. To evolve action plan for academic betterment and up-gradation. It is resolved to implement the following action plan for academic betterment and up- gradation: Curriculum revision in every three years. Involving industry and academia in the design and development of curriculum. Developing industry oriented curriculum. Introducing choice based credit system. Making the laboratory / project part of the syllabus in every subject. Up-grading the laboratories with state-of-art facilities. 3. To evolve the methods of improving competencies of teachers and students. Providing training on modern pedagogy and the use of ICT in teaching-learning. Arranging industrial training on cutting edge technologies. Conducting workshops on latest technologies. Sponsoring for Ph.D. Programs in premier institutes on QIP. Deputing the students to internships during semester breaks. Conducting training on various tools / software. Arranging training on soft skills, communication skills and presentation skills. 4. Any other matter with the permission of the chair. i) It is suggested to develop the software to maintain the institutional database for future analysis and decision making. Page 1 Annexure - I Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 GUDLAVALLERU ENGINEERING COLLEGE (An Autonomous institute with permanent affiliation to JNTUK, Kakinada) Seshadri Rao Knowledge Village, GUDLAVALLERU – 521 356 * * * Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell held on 08-08-2015, Saturday at 02-30 PM in the Management Conference Hall. 3.01 To assess the quality parameters developed and followed during the academic year 2014-15. The quality parameters such as admissions, participation of Industry experts in the curriculum design and the flexibility provided in the form of core and open electives, students performances in the semester end examinations, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities, training programs / workshops organized, faculty development programs conducted, faculty achievements, etc. are reviewed. The details are given in Annexure – I (See Page No. 2) 3.02 To review the strategies adopted in creating learners-centric environment conducive to quality education. Learner-centric environment that has been provided and being followed during the current academic year is reviewed. The following are the learner-centric approaches adopted: Use of ICT and adopting modern pedagogical techniques. Arranging Guest lectures on advanced topics by the Eminent Academicians and industry experts. Setting Innovative assignments to cater the requirements of meritorious students. Conducting seminars by students on certain portion of the syllabus. Encouraging the students to undertake design / analysis based project works in the industry. Introducing the laboratory component in all thrust areas along with theory subjects. Conducting Group discussions and technical quizzes. 3.03 To discuss and approve Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to the NAAC for the academic year 2014-15. The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) prepared for the academic year 2014-15 is presented and the same is approved for submitting to the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). 3.04 Any other matter with the permission of the chair. i. Members opined to conduct the Academic and Administrative audit for the calendar year 2015 by the external experts. ii. It is recommended to provide a common incubation center for core branches of Engineering to take up multi disciplinary projects by the students. Page 1 Annexure - I Assessment of Quality Parameter for the Academic Year 2014-15 A) Admission Quality: I) B.Tech Programs Range of EAMCET Ranks Rank Range Branch 0 - 10000 10001 -20000 20001 -50000 50001 -100000 > 100000 Total CE 0 1 25 55 32 113 EEE 1 2 31 38 43 115 ME 1 5 48 47 14 115 ECE 4 21 67 39 26 157 CSE 1 5 55 37 26 124 IT 0 0 9 43 14 66 Total 7 34 235 259 155 690 Total Intake : 1080 Total No.of Admission : 972 No.of Admissions with EAMCET Ranks : 690 II) B.Tech Lateral Entry Range of ECET Ranks Rank Range Branch 0 - 1000 1001 -2000 2001 -5000 5001 -10000 >10000 Total CE 6 7 12 2 - 27 EEE 14 11 16 4 0 45 ME 8 10 3 11 4 36 ECE 14 12 7 5 2 40 CSE 22 8 8 1 - 39 IT 1 1 0 0 0 2 Total 65 49 46 23 6 189 Total Intake with leftover seats : 254 No.of Admissions : 195 No.of Admissions with ECET Rank : 189 III) MBA Program Range of ICET Ranks Rank Range Program 0 - 5000 5001 -10000 10001 -20000 20001 -30000 > 30000 Total MBA 8 6 20 11 34 79 Total Intake : 120 Total No.of Admission : 94 No.of Admissions with ICET Ranks : 79 Page 2 IV) M.Tech Program Range of GATE / PGECET Ranks GATE PGECET Specializatio 1000 0 - 15001 - 2001 - 5001 - Total n > 20000 0 - 2000 > 10000 15000 20000 5000 10000 SE 0 0 0 7 10 1 0 18 MD 0 0 0 3 6 3 0 12 PEED 2 1 1 4 4 4 4 20 CS 0 0 0 5 4 0 4 13 DECS 6 0 0 3 4 1 8 22 ES 5 0 0 5 3 3 4 20 CSE 0 0 1 6 9 6 6 28 Total 13 1 2 33 40 18 26 133 Total Intake : 216 Total No.of Admission : 152 No.of Admissions with GATE Ranks : 16 No.of Admissions with PGECET Ranks : 117 B) Curriculum: i) Participation of industry and academia in curriculum design and development Following is the list of subject / industrial experts on Boards of Studies of various departments. Name of Name of the Society / Name of Expert Designation the Dept. Organization I & CAD Dept & Chairman, Dr. I. S. N. Raju Chief Engineer (Rtd) A.P. State Centre, IE(I) Er. K. Srinivasa Rao Superintending Engineer I & CAD Dept. Dr. G. N. Pradeep Pro fessor and Head of SV University, Tirupathi CE Kumar CE Dr. K. Rama Mohan Professor and Head of JNTU Hyderabad Rao CE Associate Professor, Dr. Ramana Murthy V NIT Warangal Dept of CE Indian Institute of Technology Dr. K. Shanti Swarup Professor Madras, Chennai. National Institute of Dr. V. T. Somasekhar Professor Technology, Warangal. Associate Director, Defence Research and EEE Scientist - G Development Organization Sri P . Trimurthulu Naval Science & (DRDO), Ministry of Defence, Technology Laboratory Vigyan Nagar, Vizag. GVP for Women’s Dr. K. A. Gopala Rao Principal Engineering College, Visakhapatnam. Professor of ME & Dr. G. Ranga Director – Foreign JNTUK, Kaakinada ME Janardhan Universities Relations Dr. P. Bangaru Babu Prof. of Mech. Engg. NIT, War angal Page 3 Dr.
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