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JWST613-SUBIND JWST613-Tetel Printer: Yet to Come August 1, 2015 9:50 Trim: 244mm × 170mm Subject Index Page numbers referring to figures are in italics. abjad writing, 102 Altai Mountains, 206 Abkhazia, 238, 241–242 alveolar trill, 14 Ablaut, 117 Amazon Basin, 6, 183 Aboriginal Australians, 22–23, 28, 164 America, 36 absolute frames of reference, 27, 262–263, see also Mesoamerica; United States 288 American Airlines, 9–10 academies, 127–129, 137 analogy, 171–172, 216 Accademia della Crusca, 127 analytic morphology, 52 accusative alignment, 34–35, 86, 180, 208, Anatolian steppes theory, 175 276 Anderson, Benedict, 74 accusative case, 301–302 Anglican Church, 108 Adams, John, 128 angloversals, 216 adverbs, 216, 217, 262 Angola, 139 African Americans, 79, 143, 314 animal communication, 23–24 agglutinative morphology, 52, 170, 178, anthropometric traits, 270 181, 208, 302, 316, 353 antipassives, 345–346 agriculture, 175 aphasia, 265 Ainu people, 80–81 Apple Corporation, 305, 326 Alexander III of Russia, 68 Arabic script, 106, 108–109, 114, 299–300 alleles, 163 areal classification, 48–51 alliteration, 30 COPYRIGHTEDareoversals, MATERIAL 216 alphabets, 102–103 Arjia Rinpoche, 126 Cyrillic, 110–111 Arnaz, Desi, 17 genealogy, 122 ASCII-ization, 299–300 Greek, 103–105 aspect, 209, 217, 344 Roman, 103–105, 106, 109, 123, aspiration, 286 299–300 ASPM gene, 274–275 Languages in the World: How History, Culture, and Politics Shape Language, First Edition. Julie Tetel Andresen and Phillip M. Carter. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. JWST613-SUBIND JWST613-Tetel Printer: Yet to Come August 1, 2015 9:50 Trim: 244mm × 170mm 360 Subject Index Assad, Bashar al-, 85 boustrophedon, 103 assigned identities, 77 Brady, William, 333 Ataturk,¨ Mustafa Kemal, 109, 128 brain, 264 auditory cortex, 266 Brazil, 81–82, 84 Austin, Stephen, 4, 155 ethnic Japanese in, 81 Australia, 145, 181, 333 BRCA, 162, 163 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 68 Bridgestone Corporation, 326 Avars, 209 British Empire, 233, 235–236 Azerbaijan, 114, 128 see also United Kingdom Aztecs, 96 British Museum, 195 British Raj, 136–137 babies, 267 Brittany, 6 Bactria-Sogdiana, 175–176 Broca’s area, 265 bai yue, 201 Brussels, 132 Bali, 262, 289 Buddhism, 151–152, 214, 320 Balkans, 203–204 Burkina Faso, 131 Bangladesh, 136 Burma, 232–234 Baran, Dominika, 309 Burmans, 233–234 Bar-Kokhba Revolt, 107 Bush, George H.W., 66 baroque accretions, 281 Bushmen, 287–288 Barrett, Louise, 268 basal ganglia, 265 Cacaopera, 330 Basque people, 186–187 calendar plants, 333 Basque separatism, 244–245 California, 16, 282–283 Beauzee,´ Nicolas, 71 Gold Rush, 283 Bedouin, 119 calques, 16, 200, 216, 353 bees, 23 Calvet, Louis-Jean, 334 Beggar Prince, The,19 Cambodia, 215 Belgium, 132 Campbell, Lyle, 177 Bellwoor, Peter, 175 Canada, 144–145, 245–246 Beowulf, 280 Cape Verde, 281 biasing effect, 275 Caribbean, 56 Bible, 107–108, 112–113, 204 cases book of Genesis, 213 accusative, 301–302 BigBangTheory, 308 directive, 303–304 Bildung,73 caste nouns, 252–253 bilingualism, 8–9, 142–143, 227 Catalonia, 140 see also multilingualism catastrophism, 12 Blommaert, Jan, 113, 325 Catherine the Great, 127 blood typing, 182 Catholicism, 106, 214–215 Bloomfield, Leonard, 279 Caucasus, 178–179, 278 Boas, Franz, 279, 283 Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi, 78, 186–187, 270, Bolsheviks, 110–111 272 bonobos, 25 Central Asia, 179 Bopp, Franz, 42, 43 central languages, 335 borrowings, 170–171 cerebellum, 265 bottleneck, 271, 353 Chad, 236 JWST613-SUBIND JWST613-Tetel Printer: Yet to Come August 1, 2015 9:50 Trim: 244mm × 170mm Subject Index 361 chain shift, 314, 321 ejective, 34, 285–286 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 130 loss, 46 Chechnya, 238, 239–240 Consumption Guide, 216 Chennai, 250 contingency, 36 Cherokee people, 36–37, 104–105, 109, contour tones, 49, 354 250 coordinations, 26 Cheshirization, 148 copula verbs, 149–150 Chiapas, 247 count nouns, 31 Chicago School, 326 Cowell, Andrew, 304 Chichen Itza, 206 creoles, 216, 218–219, 280–281, 310–313, children, 262 321 Chile, 339 see also pidgin languages China, 97, 101–102, 108, 111–112, 131, Croatia, 53, 63 201–203 Cubans, 10 government-encouraged migrations, cuneiform script, 95, 97 201–203 Cyrillic alphabet, 96, 110–111, 315 historical dialects, 306–307 language control, 145 Dalai Lama, 126, 147, 320 Tibet and, 125–126 dancing, 29 women in, 113 Darfur, 235, 236–237 Chinese script, 97, 104 Darwin, Charles, 12, 185, 269 choice, 341–342 databases, 278 chromosomes, 162, 163 de Gaulle, Charles, 246 Churchill, Winston, 66 de Landa, Diego, 96 Chu-Sung, 97 dead reckoning, 22, 26–27, 30 citizenship, 79–80 Dediu, Dan, 275 classification, areal, 48–51 deep time, 259–260 classifiers, 31–32, 220, 225–226 deixis, 261–262 click consonants, 272, 284–285 Denisovians, 164–165 clitic pronouns, 50, 88–89, 203–205, 209, Department of Motor Vehicles, 146 296–298, 354 dependent marking, 277 Coahuila, 4 dependent noun, 17, 55 code switching, 8, 18–19 derived gene, 274 coffee, 330 Devan¯agari, 96, 103, 123 cognates, 45–46, 172–173 Devy, Ganesh, 57–58 cognition, 23, 26–28 dialect chains, 7, 11, 75, 76, 284, 287, 306, cognitive domains, 8 309, 329 colonialism, 138–139, 200, 215, 235–236 dictionaries, 13, 75, 117, 337 see also postcolonial states diglossia, 56, 118–119, 254, 299, 354 colonization, 199 diphthongs, 44, 191 complexity, 279–282 directive case, 303–304 compromise pattern, 131 discourses, 32–33 Confucianism, 214, 215 dissimilation, 46 connected traits, 270 Dixon, R.M.W., 181, 277 consonants, 13–14 DNA, 164, 182, 270–274 click, 272, 284–285 dollar sign, 100 clusters, 316–317 Domergue, Urbain, 72 JWST613-SUBIND JWST613-Tetel Printer: Yet to Come August 1, 2015 9:50 Trim: 244mm × 170mm 362 Subject Index dominant language pattern, 132, 136–139 Ethnologue, 107 Dominican Republic, 249–250 ethnosyntax, 29, 292, 319, 333, 354 drift, 273, 354 etymology, 50, 98, 195, 210 Dryden, John, 130 Eurasian steppe spread zone, 206–207 Dubar, Robin, 268 European Union, 326 Duke University, 160, 310 Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA), 244 evolution, 279 ears, 266 exclusive pronouns, 253–254, 276 East India Company, 40 expansion, 175, 199 East Timor, 138 rhizome model, 213 Ebrima, 338–339 education, 139–143 Facebook, 338 Egyptian Revolution, 301 families of languages, 168 Egyptian script, 100 Farruko, 15 Egyptians, 95–96 feet, 268–269 ejectives, 34, 178, 285–286, 343–344, 354 Fishman, Joshua, 142 El Salvador, 330 forkhead proteins, 271 Elizabeth II, 130 Formosa, 173 emblems, 268 FOXP2 gene, 271 emoji, 123 frames of reference, 22–23, 26–28, 27, 34, emotion, 221 262–263 empires, 110 absolute, 27, 262–263, 288 Encephalitozoon intestinalis, 162 relative, 27, 263 Encyclopedie´ ,91 France, 72–73, 76, 76–78 encyclopedist universalism, 195 Brittany, 6 endangerment, 334–335 Francia, Jose´ Gaspard Rodriguez de, 134 revitalization, 336–339 Franco, Francisco, 244 endearments, 16 Franklin, Benjamin, 74–75 Enee, 337 Freedom Fries, 145 Enfield, Nick, 29 French Revolution, 72–73 England, 56 Friedman, Milton, 325 English for the Children, 141–142 Friends, 308 English as a Second Language (ESL), Front de liberation´ de Quebec´ (FLQ), 246 142–144 functional classification, 55–57 Enlightenment, 70 fundamental frequency, 266 epigenesis, 269, 354 fusional morphology, 53 epistemology, 69–71 equality, 32 Gaddafi, Muammar al-, 236 equilibrium linguistics, 279 Gal, Susan, 347 ergative alignment, 35, 86–87, 148–149, Galicia, 243 276, 344–346, 354 Gandhi, Indira, 137 Eritrea, 139 Gandhi, Mohandas, 136 Estonia, 144 Gangtai, 308 ethnic cleansing, 232, 239 gender systems, 14–15 ethnic identity, 77–78 generous listening, 260 ethnogroups, 79, 129, 135, 160, 178, genes, 162 230–232, 237–240, 354 genetic classification, 46–48 JWST613-SUBIND JWST613-Tetel Printer: Yet to Come August 1, 2015 9:50 Trim: 244mm × 170mm Subject Index 363 genetic code, 269 group identity, 7 genetics, 162–166, 176, 269–270, 270–275 Group Keepers of the Basque Language, mutations, 274 128 see also DNA; genotype Guatemala, 324–325, 343 Genghis Khan, 109, 207, 292, 294, 301, Gugu-Yaway people, 333 315 Guinea, 338 genitive case, 302–303 Guinea-Bissau, 281 genocide, 232, 239 Gutenberg, Johannes, 92 genome, 162 genotype, 163, 269, 272, 355 H languages, 56, 254 Georges-Picot, Franc¸ois, 65 Hadden, Alfred Cort, 164 Georgia, 240–241, 338 Haiti, 71 German Romanticism, 73–74 hamza, 116–117 Germany, 73–74, 79–80 Han Chinese, 201 germination, 46 Han Dynasty, 101 Ghonim, Wael, 301 hands, 267–268 Giddens, Anthony, 325 Hangzhou Bay, 173 Gil, David, 282 haplogroup, 164, 177, 179, 182, 202, Gimbutas, 176 273–274 globalization, 113, 325–327 haplotypes, 164, 355 1.0 (human global colonization), 164, Harlem, 9–10 183, 200 Harrison, K. David, 332 2.0 (imperial maritime expansion), 215 Hawaii, 188, 218, 281, 304–306 Nepal, 327–328 head marking, 205, 277–278, 295–299 Goldcorp, Inc., 324 head nouns, 17, 55 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 240–242 Hebrew Bible, 107 Goths (subculture), 63 Heller, Monica, 326 grammar Henry VIII of England, 108, 112, 213 convergence, 48, 50 Herder, Johann Gottfried, 73, 79 dialects, 83 Heschel’s area, 265 ergativity, 35, 86–87, 148–149, 276, high language, 115–116, 299 344–346, 354 Hindu law, 41 mixed languages, 12, 16 hiragana, 104 prescriptive, 42–44 Hispaniola, 218, 249–250 word-order typologies, 53–55 Hittites, 174 grammarians, 33, 42–43, 64, 71–72, 112, Ho Chi Minh, 223 117, 130, 355 Hokey-Pokey, 30 Graubunden,¨ 133 Homo habilis, 268–269 Great Migration, 9–10 homonyms, 100 Great Plains, 206 honorifics, 28–29 Great Schism, 105 Horace, 212 Greek alphabet, 103–105 horses, 292–294

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