Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01511-1 — Early Modern Britain, 1450–1750 John Miller Index More Information Index (S) indicates Scotland, (I) indicates Ireland Accounts, Commons Committee Arms, Right to bear. 338 Borderlands, see Frontiers of, 339 Army, English/British, 301, 306, Borrowing, Government, 244, 313, Addresses, Loyal, 427 310–312, 314, 315, 326, 338, 340 (see also Credit) Act Rescissory, 1661 (S) 352, 356, 393 343, 345, 363, 437, 438 (see Boyne, Battle of, 370 Advowsons, 107, 136 (see also Lay also Armies; Mutiny Acts; Breach with Rome, 98–101 Patronage (S)) New Model Army) Breda, Declaration of, 1660, 324 Agitators, 232 Role in civic celebrations, 432 Brehons, Brehon law (I), 11, 19, 185 Agriculture (see also Enclosures; Commissions in, 317, 438 Bridewell, see House of correction Rural violence) Hostility to, 437 Broghill, Roger Boyle, Baron, 251 Highlands and lowlands, 31–36 Maintaining order, 301, 432, 438 Buchanan, George, 173 Ireland, 32 Army plots, 1641, 217 Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Landlords, tenants and labourers, Articles, Lords of the (S), 175, 211, Duke of, 195, 197, 198, 199 38, 40–42, 59, 147–148, 152, 352, 356 Burghs (S), see Towns 171, 282 Articles of War, 312 (see also Martial Productivity, 36–37, 145 law; Mutiny Acts) Cabinet, 343–344 Scotland, 32, 41–42, 171, 286, 358 Artillery Companies, 432 Cade’s rebellion, xxvi, xxviii, 28, 49, Alchemy, 441 Assessment, 228, 306 65, 153, 218, 412 Altars, 204, 212 Associations, 119, 120, 426 Calicoes, 274, 279 Alum, 284 Atrocities, see Massacres Calvin, Jean, Calvinism, 94–95, 113, Amerinidians, 261–264, 271 Atrocity, Policy of, 180 128, 130, 393 Anabaptists, 94, 384 (see also Attainder, Acts of, 69, 187, 212, 370 Cameronians (S), 353, 394, 395 Baptists) Ayscough, William, Bishop of Canada, see New France Anglicans, 121, 126, 204, 389 (see also Salisbury, xxv, xxviii, 65 Canal and turnpike trusts, 318 Church of England) Candles in windows, 430 Anglo-Dutch wars, 329 Backbenchers, 345 Carlisle, James Hay, Earl of, 195, 268 Anne, Queen, 341 Bank of England, 308, 313, 414 (see Castle Chamber (I), 205 Anti-popery, 417, 418, 429 also Banks and bankers) Catherine of Aragon, 75 Pope burnings, 429, 430 Banks and bankers, 308 (see also Catholics, English, 123, 124–125, Riots, 337 Bank of England) 333 Antrim, Macdonnell Earls of, 188, Baptists, 384, 390 (see also Anabaptists) Catholics, Irish, 138, 247, 265, 351, 247 Barbados, 269 367, 371, 372, 438 (see also Appeals, Act in restraint of, 1533, 100 Bards, see Poets Old English, Confederate Argyll, Campbell Earls of, 23, 178, 249 Bastard feudalism, 26–28, 150 Catholics) Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Earl of Bengal, 275 Catholics, Scottish, 135 Islay and 3rd Duke of, 365 Bill of Rights, 1689, 337–338 (see also Cavalier House of Commons, Argyll, John Campbell, 2nd Duke of, Declaration of Rights) 1661–79, 324, 325, 389 298, 365 Bishops, Episcopacy, 228 Celtic societies, 3–10, 18–19 (see also Armies (see also Army, British; Ireland, 388, 396 Clans) Mutiny Acts; New Model Scotland, 131, 134, 175, 352, 394 (see Chantries, 57, 114 Army) also Episcopalians) Charles I, 198 In Ireland, 180, 182, 207, 225, Black Act, 1723, 283 And Parliament, 198–199, 200 244–246, 315, 368, 369, 408 Black Death, 38, 42, 46, 49, 143 Personal rule, 201–202, 204 Kerne and Galloglass, 4, 8 Bloodfeud (S), 13, 14, 175 Scotland and Ireland, 207, 225 In Scotland, 26, 68, 250 Boleyn, Anne, 98, 99, 100 Tactics in the 1640s, 231–232, Arminians, Arminianism, 128, 200, Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 236–237, 239 204 (see also Laud, Laudians) Viscount, 341, 342 Trial and execution, 237, 419 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01511-1 — Early Modern Britain, 1450–1750 John Miller Index More Information 458 index Charles II, 242, 419 Congregationalists, see Independents Scotland, 354 Army, 310–312, 327 Connacht plantation, 206–207 Declaration of Rights, 337 (see also Ireland, 367 Connacht presidency, 184, 185–187 Bill of Rights; Claim of Right) Revenue, 309, 310, 326 Conolly, William, xix, 81, 373 Declaratory Act, 1720 (I), 374 Scotland, 250 Conquest of Ireland, 182 Deer stealing, 297 Charles Edward Stuart, the Young ‘Consumer Revolution’, 286 Defoe, Daniel, 279, 289 Pretender, 365, 366 Conventicles Desmond, Fitzgerald Earls of, 20, Charters, colonial, 267, 268 England, 382, 390, 419 185, 187 Charters, see Towns Scotland, 249, 354, 394 Disarming (of Whigs), 1683–4, 334, Chichester, Sir Francis, 189, 190 Convention (see also Estates, 337 China, 274, 284 Convention of (S)) Discipline, Books of (S), 130 Church ales, 48, 166 England, 1660, 252, 325 Dispensing and suspending powers, Church courts, 52, 121, 399 England, 1689, 337 332 Church, Henrician, 107, 108–109 Ireland, 1659–60, 252 Dissenters, see Nonconformists Church of England, 345 (see also Conversion experience, 271, 399, 440 Divine-right monarchy, 174, 239, Anglicans) Convocation, 398, 407 341, 415, 440, see also Royal Edward VI to Charles I, 115, 204 Corn laws, 282 touch 1640–60, 212, 228–229, 240, 381, Corporation Act, 1661, 390, 392 Domain states and tax states, 76, 305 382 Correction, House of, 159, 164, 166 Drogheda and Wexford, see Restoration, 332 ‘Corruption’, 340, 413, 414 Massacres Toleration Act, 388, 392, 402 Cottages Act, 1589, 148, 166 Dundee, John Graham Viscount, 354 Hanoverian, 345 ‘Country’ sentiment, 340 Dutch Republic, 267, 306 Church of Ireland, 137, 205, 249, 351, County committees, 229 Dyer, John, newsletter writer, 420 381, 389, 396, 406 Court, Georgian, 343 Church of Scotland, 360, 361 Covenanter Revolution, 209–211, East India Companies ‘Church magic’, 58–59 356, 395, 396 (see also Solemn Dutch, 258 Church, Pre-Reformation League and Covenant; English, 258, 274 English Westminster Confession) Eccleshall, 279, 295 Popular religion, 56, 57, 58–59 Covenant, 208–209, 354, 408 Edward IV, 69, 70 Structure and governance, 52 Massachusetts, 271 Edward VI, 114 Irish, 52–53 Proposed union of Parliaments Eikon Basilike Scottish, 53 and churches, 209, 211 Ejectors, 382 Welsh, 52, 53 Covent Garden, 289, 290 Elections, parliamentary Churchwardens, 48 Cranmer, homas, 100, 115, 117, 120 England, 334, 340, 345–346, 426, Civil Wars, see First Civil War, Credit, 308 427, 434 Second Civil War Crime and punishment, 159–160, 267 Commons committee of Claim of Right (S), 355 (see also Criminal law) elections, 346, 427 Claims, Court of (I), 367 Criminal law, 267, 298, 299 (see also Pocket boroughs, 346 Clans, 3–9 (see also Celtic societies) Crime and punishment) Ireland, 351, 373 English clans, 4 (see also Cromwell, Henry, 244, 249 Scotland, 351, 355 Surnames) Cromwell, Oliver, 228, 236, 241–242, Elizabeth Clanricard, Burke Earls of, 184, 247 243, 244, 250 And Ireland, 184, 189 Clarence, George, Duke of, 71 Cromwell, Richard, 244 Religion, 120–121 Class conlict?, 298 Cromwell, homas, 82, 97, 101–102, Revenue, 196 Claverhouse, John Graham of, see 108–109, 118 Emigrants, 246 Dundee, Viscount Crowds (1640–2), 212, 217 Enclosures, 147, 152, 153, 201 Clergy, criticism of, 95 Culloden, 366 Enclosure Acts, 282, 283 ‘Priestcrt’, 398 Cumberland, William Augustus, Engagement, 1647, 235, 249 Cloth industry, 40, 150–151 Duke of, 366 Episcopacy, see Bishops Cofee and cofee houses, 285, 421 Customs, 197 Episcopalians (S), 355, 363, 395, 406 Coleman, Edward, 330, 420 Erasmus, 93 Combinations, 299 Dacre, Fiennes family, Barons, 82–84 Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of, Commission for the Propagation of Darien scheme. 358 119, 188 the Gospel in Wales, 386 Davies, Sir John, 189 Eucharist, 94 Commonwealths men, 152 Declaration of dislike, 1647, 232 Evangelical revival, 398, 399 Compton census, 403 Declarations of indulgence ‘Evans list’, 403 Confederate Catholics, 224, 239 England, 334 Excise, 228, 306, 307 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01511-1 — Early Modern Britain, 1450–1750 John Miller Index More Information index 459 Excise bill, 1733, 433 Henry VIII, 75, 96 (see also As King Exclusion crisis, 433 Pilgrimage of Grace) Army, 310, 332, 334–335 Divorce, 98–101 Campaign to pack Parliament, Fairfax, Sir homas, 232, 241 Government of, 78–79, 80 334 Fashion, 286 Religion, 97, 101 In Ireland, 370 Fens, 36, 148, 157–158 Resources, 75–78 James III (1460–88) (S), 64 Feudalism, 10–11, 24 (see also Bastard Hereditary succession, 416 James IV (1488–1513) (S), 64 feudalism) Heritable jurisdictions (S), 14, 177, James V (1513–42) (S), 172–173 Feudal incidents, 10, 25–26, 77 (see 251, 361, 366 James VI (1567–1625) (S), 172 also Uses) High Church, 399, 400, 401 Ideas on kingship, 174 Feuing (S), 26, 41, 173 High court of justice, see Charles I, he Kirk, 133–134 Firearms, 263 Trial of he lawyers, 174, 175, 176, 177 First civil war, 225 (see also Solemn Highland host (S) see Host he nobility, 175, 176, 177 League and Covenant) Highlands (S), 8, 23–24, 178–179, James VII (S), 354 Taking of sides, 225 250, 363, 366, 438 James Edward Stuart, the Old he burden of war, 229 Hoadly, Benjamin, 399 Pretender, 312, 335, 364 ‘Fiscal-military state’, 316, 319 Hobbes, homas, 440 Japan, 274 Forest laws, 201 Holles, Denzil, 232 Jews, 57, 392 Fosterage, 9 Hopkins, Matthew, 162 Judges, 197, 202, 331, 332 Fox, George, 325, 384 Host (S), 26, 353–354, 437 Foxe, John, 116 ‘Houghers’ (I), 298 Ket’s rebellion, 153–154 Franchise, 234, 236, 345, 351, 427 Humble Petition and Advice, 1656–7, Kildare, Fitzgerald Earls of, 17, 20 Freehold, 271 243 King, Gregory, 279, 290 Free quarter, 229, 230 Hume, David, 440 Kingswood
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