“Together we are power!”: Identities and Values in Euromaidan Slogans NADIYA TRACH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF “KYIV-MOHYLA ACADEMY” Abstract: This article examines the issues of identity and values in Euromaidan slogans. Different types of identities and the ways of their expression are highlight- ed: gender, national, regional, social, European and so on. A spectrum of values is portrayed – the values of love, friendship, mutual help, freedom, and dignity. Various linguistic representations of identities and values are examined by using the methodological tools of discourse-analysis on the data obtained from a field research and publications immediately appearing as a reaction to Maidan events. Keywords: identity, value, Euromaidan, revolutionary slogan, protest rhetoric. “Together we are power!”: Identities and Values in Euromaidan Slogans 97 vents in contemporary Ukraine have revolution timeline, whereas in the abstracts where the feeling of fear and distrust are domi- a singer Ruslana Lyzhychko, who was a mod- become the field for research for the ex- that are dense with linguistic details I provide nant, and the main wish of inhabitants is to find erator for the students participating in Eperts from diverse realms. As Volodymyr an extra explanations. The language of the ma- a safe place for themselves and their families Euromaidan, was addressing the protesters Kulyk states, One of the most noteworthy conse- jority of slogans I analyze below is Ukrainian, (Hrytsak, 2014, p. 93). with the calls Peaceful protest!, Maidan is!, Sign! quences of the recent events in Ukraine is a dra- and for the reasons of text economy and cohe- However, as Yaroslav Hrytsak duly noted, (a call addressed to Yanukovych to sign the matic change in Ukrainian national identity. In sion I provide only their English translation. If in the last few years in Ukraine, along with EU-Ukraine Association Agreement). A young various media one can regularly encounter asser- the language of a concrete slogan or citation is domination of the values of “surviving”, the political party “Demaliance”, in the period of tions of individuals’ increased self-identification not Ukrainian, I flag this fact. values of “self-expression” have increased their protests not represented in the public authori- as Ukrainian, greater pride in being a citizen of I do believe that language is a fruitful field importance (that is seen not only in sociologi- ties structures, in particular, produced stickers the Ukrainian state, stronger attachment to the for a research on identities and values. As cal data, but also in expression of creativity with the slogans Yanukovych pidaresht (a word- symbols of nationhood, enhanced solidarity Deborah Schiffrin holds, (…) language al- during Maidan). The society where the values play is present; its meaning can be explained with compatriots, increased readiness to defend ways occurs in some kind of context, including of “self-expression” prevail is less disposed to as a demand that Yanukovych should be ar- Ukraine or work for Ukraine, and increased cognitive contexts in which past experience and authoritarian regime. rested and at the same time as an affirmation confidence in the people’s power to change the knowledge is stored and drawn upon, cultural As a matter of fact, an average that Yanukovych is a pederast, subtly referring country for the better (Kulyk, 2016, p. 588). contexts consisting of shared meanings and Euromaidaner, whether consciously or un- to his criminal past), Territory free of berkutushki Therefore, identity issues are still in the main world views, and social contexts through which consciously, directly or indirectly, has become (another wordplay is detected; berkutushka is focus, since the Maidan revolution and the on- both self and others draw upon institutional an author or a co-author of revolutionary a diminutive form for a name of a riot militia going Russian-Ukrainian war have become the and interactional orders to construct definitions slogans. The community of Maidaners has formation “Berkut”), Only victory and others. triggers to actively discuss the current social, of situation and action (Schiffrin, 1987, p. 4). created numerous slogans that were repre- Also, the members of a non-governmental political and cultural identities and values. The Cognitive, cultural and social elements were sented: 1) in an oral form during the Sunday organization “Common Case” was distribut- recent studies revealed that the main values crucial for identity construction during the meetings (such gatherings were called viche ing stickers with the slogans I am here not for of Euromaidan are the following: Actually, the Maidan events. And furthermore, (…) the act as an allusion to the democratic order in the money; I will not leave Maidan till Yanukovych is above-mentioned dominant values of Maidan of narrating is considered an act of constructing former Kyiv Rus) and on the blocking demon- resigned. Those stickers were massively pasted give an understanding of what a “Revolution identity (Taniguchi, 2010, p. 212). strations close to the state institutions – the over the territory of Maidan, on the protesters’ of Dignity” means and consists of: 1) creativity, A sociopolitical protest called Euromaidan Parliament of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers, clothes and on the entrances to the buildings freedom, independence, self-esteem, curiosity – has caused not only creation of a brand-new the President’s Administration, the General in the living districts of Kyiv as a call for those Self-direction; objectivity, integrity, compassion, social discourse, but also renewing of politi- Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Interior citizens of the city who by that time had not loyalty, responsibility – Benevolence; 3) wisdom, cal vocabulary and rhetoric. How have the Affairs, as well as at the protests close to Kyiv joined the protest movements yet. social justice, equality, peace, beauty, tolerance, protesters’ identities and values been mirrored courthouses; 2) in a written form on the plac- However, the majority of slogans appeared unity with nature, protecting the environment – in this rhetoric? As Yaroslav Hrytsak states, the ards, streamers, posters and self-made decora- as a result of a ‘folk creativity’”. They were pro- Universalism (Sviatnenko Vynogradov, 2014, identities and values are important factors tions for the “Christmas tree” (in the Ukrainian duced in a bottom-up manner by the protest- p. 49). Therefore, the goal of this article is to due to which a society may foresee the further language it sounds like jolka – it was one of the ers. Mainly, the names of their authors did not examine how identities are reflected in linguis- development of its history or even change it: main symbols of Maidan, situated in its very become known to public, first of all because of tic representations and how values are seen During the last few years me and my colleagues center), during the protests in other cities in the Maidaners’ anonymity, except for the rare through linguistic lenses. have been saying that Ukraine has significantly Ukraine and abroad that supported the pro- cases. For instance, the authors of the slogan This article is a part of my bigger research more serious problems not with its identities, but test, in the form of graffiti on the walls of the I am a drop in the ocean that will change Ukraine on Euromaidan slogans that was published as with its values; because identities in Ukraine, no buildings on the Square of Independence in were the community of creative artists and a separate book in 2015 (see a review of this matter how, ensure its existence as a stable po- Kyiv where the main events of the protest oc- designers ‘Strike Placard’”. The idea appeared book made by Łukasz Kutyło in this volume). litical community. However, a set of values which curred and in the nearby neighborhoods; 3) in in a critical moment of the protest, right after However, the book was published in Ukrainian, the majority of Ukrainian population shares – a virtual form on the web pages of a Facebook the Berkut riot militia attacked and beat up and this is my first article on the topic available and it does not matter where, on the West or on social network, in blogs, memes etc. students carrying a peaceful demonstration. in English. I do believe that the Euromaidan the East – does not allow introduce any radical Some of the slogans, of course, represented The placard immediately was spread in the contexts are in general terms familiar to political and economic reforms in Ukraine. These a certain political group or were over-imposed Internet, the slogan became extremely popu- a Polish reader, therefore, I do not expose the are the values of a so called “closed society” by politicians from the “stage”. For instance, lar among the protesters and was transformed “Together we are power!”: Identities and Values in Euromaidan Slogans 99 into a few other versions: We are the ocean, not is high moral standards; gender – Ukrainian are on Maidan and to motivate them to join us on Maidan. From their side, men expressed a skating rink (a hint about the militia’s attack women are against slave future, Free hugs!, re- (Havryliuk, 2014, p. 40). their gratitude in a slogan Bow to the girls and of students, as the official reason for “cleaning” gional – Kolomyia is Europe!, social – Scientists Special attention must be paid to a gender, women of Maidan. the square was to prepare the area for instal- are against violence, national civic, politi- and a female identity in particular. Women During the military conflict the emphasis lation of a Christmas tree (jolka) and a skat- cal – Ukraine is united, Ukrainians are power!; were an active part of the protest. They on a female identity did not disappear, but ing rink for kids); The ocean consists of drops; Ukrainians have no fear; We have one Ukraine.
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