.. ,< In Section 2 In Sports Thousand Hens enter An Associated Co llegia te Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper points of Hoosier light in hysteria NCCo. page B 10 page B I Clll-profit Org. FREE U.S. PuslaH Patd FRIDAY New::~rk~ DE Volume 122, Number 26 250 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 Pcm111 No. :26 December 8, 1995 KA alumni convicted of Sigma Kappa hazing BY ERIC HEISLER, JI~ I i\IY P. i\IILLER have the o ption to appeal th e case. so urces Dean o f Stude nt s Timoth y F. Brooks fraternities and th eir members.'' in vestigating a criminal ca<,e again;t the A~D HEATHER i\IOORE c lose to th e case said . refused to comment. saying only. ··we did a Four fraternity member were sent by a indi vidual who a ll egedly as,aultcd the Kappa Alpha Order Pres ident Chris very th oroug h in vestigati o n into the Sigma Kappa sororit y sister in February student . B10 oks said . The indi\'idual no In a un iversity j udi cial hearing Monday. Stoddard I AS J R) confirmed that th e 1wo fraternity's involvement and we did not get 199-1 to a pl edge's room for a "tuck-in.'· longer attend <; th e uni ' cr;ity. two Kappa Alpha Order alumni \\Crc uni versity s tudents convicted of hazing enough evidence to charge them as a whole. defin ed as men bri ngi ng gifts 10 a pledge's How man y fraternity brat hers were convicted of participating in a Fehruary 199-1 charges are Kappa Alpha alumni. meaning We consid er the investigation still open."' room. Brooks said earl ier thi s week. prese nt during the assault i:. unclear. haLing incident involving a sex ual assault they arc inactive members of the fraternity. Inter-Fraternit y Counci l Presid e nt Bill Capt. Jim Flatley of Un iversity Poli ce said Nati onal Sigma Kappa ;u;pcnded the that resulted in the loss of Sigma Kappa but maintained that th e uni versi ty has \Verde (AS SR) said . ''The !FC abhors one of the four fraternity broth ers allegedly universit y's c hapter in accordance \\ith so r o rity· ~ univcr>it) chapter. concluded that Kappa Alpha Order as an hazin g and if. in fact. th at's what happened. l fo rced the pledge to engage in sex ual Brooks. Thi s is the fir:.t time a sororit) has The convicted student s. "ho arc facing a en tity is "in no way invo lved in the am ve ry pl eased that th e uni ve rsity took the intercourse. been removed from campus for hating. o ne-year suspension fr o m the university. aforementi oned in cident. " o ppo rtunity to send a stro ng message to University Po li ce arc curre ntl y GOP presidential hopeful speaks to economics class Steven Forbes tells students the present Federal Inconle Tax Code is 'a nlonstrosity' BY APRIL HELMER Ste\·c n Fo rb es. a multi-millionaire seeking the Republi can preside ntial nomination. discussed the fundamentals of hi s campaign with an economi cs class and opened th e group up to a question-and-anS\\·cr session to a mi xe d audi ence Tuesday. "The e>scnce of the American experience is thi s.'· Forbes said. "seeming!) ordinar) people can ac hi eve t:Xtraordinan deeds when all owed to take responsibility for yoursel f, yo~r fa mil y and your com munity." Forbes· campaign is based solely on economi cs - hi s specia lty. Proposing a flat in come tax rate. a medical sa,·in gs aL-coun t fo r Medicare and Social Sec urit y. a Homestead Act in the inner ci ties and a fi xed va lue fo; th e dollar. Forhes >tood before a standing-room-only crowd that \\"a:,, once Professor Ch:-trle; Link·s microeconomics class. The llat ta~ rate. said Forbes. chief executi ve officer and th e editor o f Forhes b us iness magaLinc. would save Americans hoth mone) and time while earnin2 more revenue fo r th e government than the pre:.cnt tax syst;m_ The llat tax proposal wou ld include exemptions before taxes arc deducted. For every ad ult bringing an in come int o a family. $13. 100 \\O uld he exempt from taxes each year. For each dependent in the home. $5.300 would also be tax­ exempt e\'ery yea r. he said . For example . a fami ly of fou r could earn about 516.000 before any taxes were taken out. Any money earn ed after th at would have 17 percent deducted. Magazine publisher The present Fcde.-allncomc Tax Code is a ··monstrosity.'· accordi ng to Forbes. "You c::t n"t trim it; you can' t refo rm it: th e on ly thing we can do it scrap it. Kill it. Drive a stake has capital on mind through it s heart. Bury it and hope it never rises again." Most of the questions from the audie nce chall en!!cd BY APRIL HELI\ IER Forbc; · proposals. ad dressing ed ucation. Medicaid. welfare maga1inc apt ly named Forbe'>. and drugs - plagues that often affect the inner ci ty. w hi ch hi ; grandfath~r fou nded in .. Many of our sc hools in America arc not doing the job A ltho ugh a feud recent ly ha> 19 17 . the) should - the job th ey did 20 or 30 or 40 years ago: erupt ed bet wee n Nc" Hamps hire His publi;hing joh. hm' ever. ila'> educatin g young people." and Dcl Lm·a re Republicans over the not kept him unaware of the goings­ timing of Delaware's primary. He said he support s parents· rig ht s to contro l th e schools on in the nation ·., capi tal. their children attend. He said sc hool choice \\'O uld create a Steven Fo rbes made th e effort to On commiuec'> lil-c Radio Free \\"OO DeJa\\ are·, vo ters Tuesday. kind of "free market .. of education. supplyin g parents \\"ith Europe and Radio L1hcrt) dunng vo uchers to U>C C\'en for parochial schools. "Delaware docs ha,·c a lc!! itimatc hoth George Bush'; and Ron.1ld primary with real ,·oters im;I\'Cd in Forbes also addressed \\clfare. savin2 he \\"ants to reform Reagan·s term' in oflirc. he \\Orked it.'. Forbes said. "] need to - being the system. espcciall~ fo r teen moth~rs. ~ to broadca;t radio ··hehind the Iron ··You don· t give her large cash payments:· Forbes said of an o ut >idcr - take m y m cssag~ Curtain:· directly to the \'Ote rs:· tod ay · , welfare. "Wh<tt you do is provide in -k ind Most recent! ). IHl\\'e'cr. he has payments ... In return for the se payments. whi ch wo uld Forhc;. a Perot-csquc candid ate. worl- cd with ··EmpOI\er America:· is a busincs;man who has never provide food. medicine and baby suppli e;. Forbe> said each the nrgani t.ation '' hich reprc;entcd hcen elected to a political offi ce. people \\'hO \\'31llcd Time \V arner to THE REV IE\\' I Joseph ~li!-ub s moth er wi II he expected to complete her educati on under HOLY LIGHTS! The university fi red up its holiday celebration with the supervision. In stead. he has 25 years experience sel l a subsid iary. Death Row in th e publishi ng business. a nnual Christmas tree lighting. The event gathered students and faculty for Accordi ng to Forbes ... There \\'ill be no sti gma [in Reco rd s. whic h produce., Snoop Fo rbc'> '' chi e f executive o ffi cer Doggy Dogg among other rap and holiday carols a nd fun between Kirkbride and Ewing. See story page 5. sec FORBES page A6 and editor in chief of th e business sec INTERVIEW page A 7 University graduate's stOI)' on golf Forum held to discuss commentator's insulting remarks is confirmed alternate activities for Main Street locals Journal reporter BY JILL CORTRIGHT rcpre ·cnt the vari ety of groups in the S!IIIJ Rt'fJIW!t"l comm unit y w ho would have an .. What arc we !!Dill!! to do?" is a sticks to her story interest in finding st ru ctured question that plague; the Newark activities for tc cna!!;rs. Robertson teens who loiter alonQ the side o r said. He said he wa;;-ted teens on the BY KEITH Wli'\ER Helmhrcck immediatel y \ICnl to Main Street each night~ Community panel so adults would not be s,m R,·11 ~,.rc' her co-workers and ;poke ahout the members· attempted to answer that ··putting words in th eir mouths:· Sometimes the truth can get yo u a contents of the intcn iew and only que li on Wednesday ni ght. The event. funded hy the city of li llie more than you bargained for. then le:1 rncd of it; 'iC\crity. A public forum held at Newark ewark and the Delaware Hum anity In the case of Valerie Helmhreck. " I didn"t realite how unu-;ual it Un ited Methodist Church focu se d Forum. began a t 6 :30p.m. with a 1979 un i\'crsity grad uate and wa; for peopl e in these position; to on finding teens alternatives to mu sic from th e Newark High School former Re•·ie•r ed itor.
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