INDEX to OFFICIAL OPINIONS of the ATTORNEYS GENERAL of MARYLAND VOLUMES 64 — 71 And CITATOR to VOLUMES 64 — 71 1979 —1986 STEPHEN H. SACHS ATTORNEY GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS References to: page Constitution of the United States 3 Constitution of Maryland 9 Acts of the General Assembly 21 Annotated Code of Maryland: Articles 1 through 101 37 Agriculture Article 97 Commercial Law Article 98 Corporations and Associations Article 103 Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article 104 Education Article 107 Estates and Trusts Article m Family Law Article 112 Financial Institutions Article 113 Health-Environmental Article 116 Health-General Article 117 Health Occupations Article 120 Natural Resources Article 123 Real Property Article 125 State Finance and Procurement Article 129 State Government Article 131 Tax Property Article 135 Transportation Article 136 Citator to Opinions of the Attorney General: Volumes 64-71 147 Topical Index, A-Z 165 Assistant Attorneys General Appendix CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Article Section Volume Page I 8 65 268 8, Clause 3 65 101 67 123 68 75, 79, 80, 83 69 37, 39, 46, 47,87, 88, 89, 153 70 80, 82-86, 152, 203 71 183 10 64 166 66 63, 65 68 395, 396, 398 69 158-61, 163 70 187, 189, 192, 195, 197, 201 71 361, 362, 363, 382 10, Clause 1 64 48 66 241 67 294 68 175, 366, 368, 369, 376, 379 III 2 68 399 IV 2, Clause 1 64 78, 82 V 64 84, 85, 87, 88, 92, 95, 96, 97 68 158-63 71 38, 39, 41-44,47-50, 52 VI Clause 2 65 322 67 84, 85 69 87, 89 70 83, 165 71 182, 267 VII 64 86 Bill of Rights 71 47,61 3 Constitution of the United States Article Section Volume Page First Amendment 64 134, 135, 138, 139, 140 65 58, 65, 70, 76,101 66 89, 94, 114, 116 67 29, 34, 36, 69, 192, 193, 194 196, 197, 198 68 136, 138, 139, 141, 145, 146 148-51, 154, 156, 315, 317-20 69 65, 66, 81, 84, 86, 101, 102 107, 108, 115, 120, 127, 146 70 . 43, 50, 51, 53,54, 63, 68, 69, 70 Establishment Clause 65 186-200 67 26-31, 33, 35, 37-41, 43-46 58,59,60 69 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98 101, 103, 111-14, 116-27 70 76 Free Exercise Clause 67 45, 60, 62 69 97, 98, 103, 104, 112 Free Speech Clause 67 48, 49, 51-57, 60, 62 69 12, 97, 98, 105, 107, 108 Fourth Amendment 65 201-08 67 148, 149 71 . 59-73, 75, 76„75-79, 85, 86, 89 Section 1 65 101 Fifth Amendment 68 150, 187 69 209, 210 70 132, 133 71 127 Sixth Amendment 66 89, 90 70 132 4 Constitution of the United States Artide Section Volume Page Eighth Amendment 65 101 66 89, 90 69 208 71 90, 91 Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause 65 83, 85, 90, 91 Tenth Amendment 69 153 70 152 71 183 Eleventh Amendment 66 228, 68 398, 399, 400 Fourteenth Amendment 64 4, 90 65 187,242 66 89, 208 67 38, 49, 69 68 150, 166, 168, 170, 178 69 93, 101, 208 71 47, 411 Section 1 67 324, 326 68 396 71 77, 80 1, Due Process Clause 65 91, 93, 181, 243, 268, 271, 275 467,471,472 66 89 67 30, 75, 257, 323, 327, 328 68 184, 316, 425 70 133, 156, 196, 197 71 60, 80, 91, 95, 250, 363 1, Equal Protection Clause 65 26, 27, 83, 86-90, 101, 107 66 129 67 . 322-26, 328, 329, 372, 374, 376 68 183, 187, 399 69 65, 66, 69, 86 71 77, 78, 79, 214, 217, 218, 219 223, 224, 247 5 Constitution of the United States Article Section Volume PaSe Section 5 68 400 Fifteenth Amendment 64 90 Twenty-First Amendment 71 42 * 6 CONSTITUTION MARYLAND CONSTITUTION OF MARYLAND Artide Section Volume Page Constitution of 1776 13 65 300 26 68 50 30 65 304 34 68 50 48 68 50 Constitution of 1851 65 307 II 21 68 50 IH 32 68 51 IV 4 68 345 V 2 71 335 8 71 338, 340 Constitution of 1864 68 51,54 33 65 305 III 45 68 92 IV 2 68 344 43 68 348 49 68 348 V 3 68 51,55 4 68 51, 347 8 71 335, 341 X 1 67 281 9 Constitution of Maryland Artide Section Volume Page Constitution of 1867 Dedaration of Rights 1 65 292 7 69 139 8 65 184, 231, 285, 294, 295, 302 310, 314, 315 66 81, 101 69 265 71 168 13 68 154 14 71 217 15 64 4, 31, 32, 33, 298 65 27,292,293 66 241 68 .... 173, 174, 184, 186, 187, 190, 192 71 53 23 64 33 65 471,472 24 66 208 67 258, 324, 374 68 173, 174, 187, 190, 192, 396 71 247 33 65 285, 287, 288, 290, 292, 293, 294, 297, 298, 300-03, 305, 306 68 359 35 64 255,256,258 65 285, 287, 291, 292, 293, 304 68 359, 362 36 69 92,93,95,96,99 38 66 162-65 40 68 153, 154, 155 41 65 12 69 14 46 65 103, 108, 110 68 . 164, 165, 171-74, 177, 183, 190, 192 69 161 10 Constitution of Maryland Article Section Volume Page I 1 68 57 69 139, 141, 245 2 69 141 4 67 177 6 64 152 7 64 114,253 9 68 353, 359 71 335 10 65 292 67 242 68 353 71 335-38, 340, 341, 342 11 68 353 H 65 50 I 67 207 5 68 348 6 67 335 10 64 250,252 10 & 11 64 98 II 64 251-54 13 64 246-50,252 15 64 152, 154,215 17 67 290 70 113, 114 21A 65 292 23 64 273 24 64 180, 181, 183, 184 65 353 67 208, 363 11 Constitution of Maryland Article Section Volume Page HI 65 50 1 65 310 67 290 4 65 292 69 214 11 65 293 68 359 12 65 292 13 65 292 15 65 292 70 114, 179 17 67 199, 200, 201, 202 19 66 83 21 66 83 22 68 272 27-30 67 290 28 64 97 29 64 128, 133 65 384 66 34 68 ! . 307, 388 69 276 70 181, 182, 198 30 68 . 273 70 113 32 68 88, 91, 92, 99, 105, 106 70 37 71 238, 278 33 66 208 34 65 50 66 44,47,234,237-41 68 394 70 181, 182, 198, 199, 200 71 208, 210 12 Constitution of Maryland Artide Section Volume Page III (cont’d.) 35 64 267,268, 269,271,272 65 292, 373-83 67 278, 340-47 68 352, 354-57 70 177, 178 36 69 217,218 38 65 183 40 65 292 42 69 192 43 67 94 45 68 98 46 68 92 48 70 183, 187 71 11 49 64 114, 115 69 192 52 65 47-50, 54, 110, 313, 375 66 35,99 68 98, 99, 105, 106, 386 70 37 71 13, 14, 16, 24 52(1) 70 37 52(2) 68 93 71 15,263,264 52(3) 66 99 68 93, 386 71 15,263 52(3) 68 386 52(4) 68 386 52(4)(d) 68 394 52(5) 66 99 68 386 13 Constitution of Maryland Article Section Volume Page III (cont’d.) 52(5a) 71 15 52(6) 65 46, 49, 50, 52, 54, 313, 314 66 99 68 93, 382, 394, 401 71 7, 15 52(7) 66 99, 100, 103 52(8) 66 32, 34 68 93 71 15, 263,264 52(8)(a) 66 34, 36,37,39 52(11) 65 45,46,47, 49-52,313 66 99, 100 52(11) & (12) 68 93,386 71 15 52(12) 65 45, 46, 49, 50, 52, 313 66 99 52(13) 65 48 71 5 52(14) 65 50 66 100 68 93 71 8 61 65 *. 293 IV 64 114 1 64 114 65 184, 235, 311, 357 66 81 67 232,233 2 67 232, 233, 234, 238, 239, 240 68 342, 344, 345, 347, 349, 350, 351 3 65 378 67 229, 233, 235 71 181, 185 4B 65 302 14 Constitution of Maryland Artide Section Volume Page IV (cont’d.) 67 227-30, 231, 233, 241, 242, 243 71 185, 186 5A 71 186, 187 5A(b) 71 186, 187 5A(c) 71 186, 187 5A(d) 71 186, 187 5A(e) 71 187 5A(f) 71 181 8(b) 66 86 8(c) 66 87 9 65 184, 313 10 68 97, 98, 99, 103 69 58,61 11 71 187 13 65 293 14 67 239 71 188 18 65 302, 313 66 80, 82, 83 18(a) 66 81, 82, 84 19 67 233 21 67 234-40 21(a) 67 233, 234 21(b) 67 233, 234, 235 24 65 373 25 67 238 68 97, 353, 354 26 68 103 69 59,60 31 65 373 40 68 349 41 68 104 41D 71 181, 184 41-1 65 293 15 Constitution of Maryland Artide Section Volume Page IV (cont’d.) 44 67 4, 275 68 348 V 2 71 339, 341 3 67 5 68 55, 56 3(a)((l) & (2) 67 3 4 68 48, 49,53,62-65, 347 7 65 373 71 335 8 71 335, 338-43 9 67 275 10 68 349, 350 VI 70 38 2 68 99 3 68 88-92,99 70 35, 36, 39, 40, 42 71 10-14, 16, 24, 264 VII 1 67 260, 274, 275 * 5 64 276 VIII 1 65 390 3 68 58 XI 7 67 267 68 271 9 65 292 XI-A 64 30, 111 65 141 66 106, 107 67 254, 265, 300, 301 68 198, 274 69 185 16 Constitution of Maryland Article Section Volume Page XI-A (cont’d.) 1 64 45 66 106, 107, 202 1A 67 300 2 66 107 67 255,265 70 163 3 64 54 66 107 67 254,301-05 68 197, 198, 274, 291 69 185, 193 70 164 XI-E 64 Ill 67 254, 308 68 298 71 386 1 67 255 68 298 2 71 216 3 66 205 67 307 68 298 5 67 309 68 298,299 71 216,386 6 66 202 67 255, 308 XI-F 64 110, 111, 112, 299 66 201 68 198 1 64 Ill, 112 2 68 197 3 64 Ill, 117 3, 4, & 10 66 202 4 64 110, 117 5 64 Ill, 117, 300 17 Constitution of Maryland Article Section Volume Page XI-F (cont’d.) 6 64 117 7 64 117 9 64 296, 299 XII 1 64 273 XIII 1 67 279-84, 287, 289, 290, 298, 299 XIV 1 66 37 XV 71 336, 340 1 68 98, 99, 105 69 61 2 65 293, 445,446,448, 449,458 67 334-39 3 65 292 10 71 336, 340 XVI 71 8 65 292 67 341, 342 69 ‘ 271,272,273 XVII 64 248,249 66 108 1 64 248, 249, 254 3 65 359, 390 4 64 254 5 64 248,249,252,254 6 67 341 9 64 248,254 11 64 254 13 64 254 18 ACTS of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Acts Chapter Volume Page 1784 37 66 65 37, §19 66 65 1804 55 68 344 1805 85 66 65 1812 159 67 135 1816 247 68 50 1852 172 71 340, 341 172, §1 71 340 172, §3 71 340 172, §7 71 340 1854 17 71 340, 341 17, §8 71 340, 341 1856 97 67 133, 134, 137 1864 90 67 134 1865 178 67 134, 137, 138 1866 53 67 134, 137 134 68 305 1872 212 67 287,293 1874 273 64 341 453 67 291 1882 88 67 135 1886 22 71 131 161 71 384 1888 98 67 287, 293 430 71 385 1892 357 67 381 1894 387 68 306, 307 1894 546 67 292 1896 202 64 251 1896 315 71 385 1906 730 67 287,288, 289 1908 240, §1 71 385 1910 219 66 28 1912 663 68 56 1914 688 71 385 21 Acts of the General Assembly Acts Chapter Volume Page 1916 372 67 135, 137 1916 560 68 56 560, §1 68 56 560, §2 68 56 560, §4 68 56 1918 82 67 293,294 1918 122 64 44 1918 264 67 294 1918 283 67 294 1918 296 67 294 1920 283, §3 65 417 1920 480 67 135, 138, 145 1920 666 71 152, 155 1922 227 64 254 1927 641 70 148 1929 226 70 26 1929 534 71 153 1931 287 65 418, 419 1931 487 64 276 1931 507 71 385 1931 539, §6 71 345 1933 46 66 27, 28 1933 149 68 306, 307 1933 226 64 55 1933 571 66 27 1933 597, §11 64 V 47,48,53 1933 599 64 334, 354 1935 18 64 276 1935 59 66 125 1935 91 65 47 1935 92, §11 65 47, 48, 53 1935 188 70 204 1935 245 68 306 1935 491 64 58 1935 548 67 134 1935 584 70 122 1935 586 67 363 1937 515, §7 65 46 1939 64 65 46,48, 49,53, 54 1941 390 69 266 1941 501 71 155, 156 22 Acts of the General Assembly Acts Chapter Volume Page 1943 78 68 288 1943 170 67 170 1943 717 70 23 1943 1007 65 489 1945 Page 1973 67 289 1946 3, §3 Spec.
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