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The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161—O-1096 S-MODEL ASSISTED PRODUCT REALIZATION BY JOSHUA LOUIS FREEMAN B.S., University of Illinois, 1998 THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000 j , EF ew 27000 j0/ f mA is ? we Urbana, Illinois NX eG Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/smodelassistedpr0Ofree £77 G ee C fF PIF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN THE GRADUATE COLLEGE MAY 2000 (date) Wren REBY RECOMMEND THAT THE THESIS BY JOSHUA LOUIS FREEMAN ENTITLED S-MODEL ASSISTED PRODUCT REALIZATION pie! PT EDPIN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR fin DRGKEE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE : a VRE of Thesis Research Head of Department Committee on Final Examinationt Chairperson + Required for doctor’s degree but not for master’s. ae =a NT nL | PasweNS soe z | . 7 ae —. oy ci oe . 7 eek i" Ge J OLASAAH-AMASHE Th RIOMELIE 9% ma lod “oie 08.00 TAIAND SE tab a ne 0090S . YAM ! ae ‘ata = —, Yd 2124hT SAT TAHT QYVEMMOIAR VASAGH SW NAT .2TUOs AUBSOE _WOTTAS JAM, TOUGONT OBVeIzeA JaGeM—2 AOW #TYAMAAIUQUY AHT FO TYVAM.LIMIU JAIAAT YP Gao AS IIB an AIT < ______ 30 aaona aH fags lo bast Acknowledgements This work was sponsored by Caterpillar Incorporated. Without their generous support and assistance this work would not have been possible. I would first like to thank Professor Harry E. Cook for providing me with the all the opportunities he has over the last two years. Each additional day I study under him I have a greater respect and understanding of the work he does. I would also like to thank Dan Binz and the Caterpillar Forest Products Group especially Jeff Roszell, Mark Lasiter, John Sewell, Karl Dye and Troy Jackson. This environment has provided valuable insight and experience. Finally I would like to ent my mom and dad, Mike, Molly and Christine for their constant encouragement and support. lll oes . gs 7 ~~ on ae Ve z Tia it sh ax el * _- —— — TT XS e an ns ws lel i: irate Aidt ded be a Idigtog mood over som bt , — os at on diw of ambivor wt Woe cri ee renal | - t cate cobew vbute lt ye ienolibbé toed mesg owl taal ofl av0%2 ee 290b od show ot) lo galbormagbay Lon ia oqaey ale mows at tenet yelligqnsieD ort bru sre aisha ; oticel yorT has oyG had lowed mink sation 20M Need Tis | i eee 9 hewn teen! sidsulav bebivor each dung iLeoiterw?) bre ylidM oaliM bob fae meas yon dant ofa iiiow 1 yiias oyqee Ore JooMeyeNIODMS ue ; ba, Table Of Contents Page Bees CDI IMALD |e ss NOR MI ee eel et) elo tangasacegs ced sues sseseseveesdonvavassacessvssneedseeveneesoeee Vl NN ie er ORR a recone Coe ssn govved ak tar ereos Ts dace uencdbeiisiese ciéuenescenioee Vil Chapter 1 ER ae 0 eee ee MEE AUR eet tee Te ed eck hhc. <n cesdesa cs vacch an tens shige tvs tchivscatarqovssones l ee eh eee Nons.ci can sce ogjeusany Soaks tdesystpadedatrs vanvesesnidvesseas l Ree Ue tS at eee CC fate mee my eat 0. eacss' ssscda igefadnsuadeetssacdunyscadiacosansaeyen 2 Neer ks eva ec baud di ssdunnaacedereiaaquemenisisiésiwastabessddaaneves 3 Smead ile omtmerne RO sE Peaes ee vegde ec aeee sem RVD ET ONes Cheentesaatbicsccsssevacesstbseusivesdadbsideutaeced¥edsssecesees 3 Pe I BES ASICS ih or ee fae rea men eRe a Saeed ntaaab 542755 Se¥ecesssyskds ed NENT eR eakds0Esd bec cscateddsaisees ot 4 Peco ua eaR CLITA IIIO 1070). ts¢vst ag vehean Mredane eta ctss sna szavecasziaccasssvevsssssdesslwyansesdbabdiaes sdb bdeeadsadanisen’ 5 Chapter 2 Ne 181 CON OT AC See circ sos edie sh vcunas ass caecoonararcey Peubiveaed:sishugeus ovantsateasesots 6 RAC Mee Me OAT, | MMIII Toes ac uasinsstaacdennsinedenoasi'soseosheanvhactishnadanasavdacessevesapuscannasee’ 6 MMS RreR Reet tt UC LN 22, wesc few -sov;déatadvedn<-<sshoaenasshusge¥Adessoeavadsdaivadiovacessaaeed 8 Se MN CEMA SCHELL VECHEECUIAING croc. nngnisace<cevacasneceproces-ssecasfsscicaeuvedeacdonwetseroseverdceveaessneaal 9 eRe TISMEA AALS I RS CUTIE IIUGF siege ectncecevide os srere<henessecescaatsareghereteenaceaucsigeagedsenesdeaeaner 10 ee MRAM VIAN COU OTICI Sear cecssseccasncosscsgrensassoeavseensssancaaevennstssdackiseoneéeevecnsdaegsect i Chapter 3 NMR SS Ly ae a redo eZ cy vacances bcs cand fa suldd «ded tous Maees econ syasses4iasachanntioe 14 RUE TACs Croce elec serie oceans Catches siacwatns sorcscepentectcentaicesseeterarsatccess 14 a eigenen eek nace sates ieocdh obs ete e cee e lin ecesvocresu-gecnans 14 meen Nedstat ee CSCS VAL KOU ALUC ays -2..:-c-usaendetaesateeatsctts-savedgurcasassedavacsvs 15 3.4 Determine System Level Attributes for Possible Implementation...........0.......000 18 Meet cetninicry alles Voter) LOVeL AtTIDULES::,, ....1-..c0-00tss:cat secssenies odvasenssssastacees 20 Bee MEO tne ECP VLOUIVOU est eto tags tis crusnstcaden Acadee fatty virdecsdescosvenccvsaels> 20 me Ye Ly om CLA erecta ec enter ccna c ais coen'ce demon eeu magae ons esi dea daesuntaceaestvend 21 promsompute Pururcaviarcer Value Using Attribute Values 20 .2..:2...c.cccscseos-ecceaeneecees 23 3.7 Determine Pricing and Forecast Future Market Share and Profitability................ 24 MeV LC Le ATI LAP rte ee gee Ea tenn ies euise soe wpa teeta ss dvsness ide dvonsvstuecs bas eas 26 Chapter 4 Bere Iie GU iy eer OE, shane cgc ees sates toe sksds <ceesscajutesscekosdscaddasoesdecenet evaaae ZL Eee a CMY CLINT Serre reN te atte erate ees cece de <feenedeaiaucr-sccesseess’evtsettegensaees 24 Mm cts Cea lore er ye, eee ee ee cotter ee nhs da cheap eee dans vedeesapdtcatesunsdee oy Bm LOTT AMR NIN Oy oa Peer alae Saes e245 pens We Gebusa es Sad soiea ven edn TbaedSanemspse 28 SCC ale CIUFALLELIC® I ALICE AIUG Y 4. cabservassrccsatee cars tass-eparsivanstesoaucachaacnahe 29 eerste ey AO COUCE MI NCCTLAINUY (00. ociapeencacalssscdassovgunacssensunecsosepeednse 31 SM ME ARTA ACV SCLCCUIIN ar, 2 8 pices 2 an nye ce see fae aS cds dasang oscncde<daresedndeesacudenioas 32 ee GM PING IDISITIO LILO IVICLIO 527.0. cucenatsoksscnaspecsdesenctecoosesSeucsmnpesnvnsnsees 33 aingtaod tO + ; = A ee span: sng i eeEerT i) vit ott) ft seer) a ‘sl = r - = *2eee ones ° ee eee) senna 2m - us | uf q od mH Peat ity aise eee Te re, | vis wwidideec rien ‘ es 5 =< La ovTT? oohees4 ae 644 Hd OE +d davies tae > tanacnbun ses ivbann thet os r) *°8 eee eeae eseaeae ‘eo "aacert Pre tatate snsyaos QUASI RE 5 te re ate a +*e ee 0 e dees eed oe eed pene tek ont ke shone ere He erastos abyelt a z 4 ohee (eR A@ees oe ° ve *PUCR eee 0466 awh oe 1 Sees OE ee O60 @eo lv £49094 48% ® beades aaaeeee foe O tie) 868 ]95-e484 be vera SDSS ME wp <wutdiatenthiyonevvsncneneene QMO) io Die stinetinieieee a. 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