DECEMBER 2019 | SWISS-THAI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | E-NEWSLETTER #113 TOP NEWS SUPPORTED BY Deutsche Bank: A hopeful turn Legal: New contract controls introduced for residential property leasing businesses in Thailand School News: Christmas market and celebration / Lantern parade 2019 / Loy Krathong ceremony / “Do it for the blind” - swim and run charity event THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE DEAR FRIENDS AND MEMBERS OF THE STCC and artificial intelligence, more businesses have to resort to cost-cutting measures. The Fed- eration of Thai Industries (FTI) reported that the automotive industry, which is a major source of employment, contracted in terms of car output by 22,5% in October. It is not that pret- PRESIDENT BRUNO G. ODERMATT ty a picture, weaker economic SERVICE growth leads to lost revenues, As we draw closer to the end which leads to further cost cuts STCC CALENDAR of a challenging year, we all and, finally, leads to job losses. are working hard on achieving The official unemployment rate Tuesday 3rd December 2019: this year’s revenues and costs as of September stood at 1%, STCC + Swiss Embassy Network- budgets. One would definite- which is enviable, though this ing Event: 18:30 at Embassy of ly agree that the overall busi- figure might be distorted. Switzerland ness and trading environment Sunday 8th December 2019: has become extremely chal- Because there is no real un- Christmasbrunch SSB (+STCC), lenging over the last couple employment insurance scheme 11:00 Brasserie 9 of months. Since 70% of Thai- available in Thailand, those who land’s GDP comes from exports, lose their jobs will enter the Thursday 12th December 2019: the US-China trade dispute and so-called informal sector, move STCC Stamm at the strengthening Baht are the to part-time jobs, or become Arnoma Hotel 18:00 main drivers behind the current self-employed. These people rather pessimistic outlook. The are largely counted as employed Saturday 14th December 2019: SSB Jass event manufacturing and service sec- in the statistics, hence the low @ Brasserie 9, 13:30 tors have been feeling the pain unemployment rate. I will not of flagging shipments, and if yet joining the ranks of pessi- Wednesday 18th December 2019: you add to that the technical mists and still believe that the X-Mas Market and party at RIS disruption from automation government’s fiscal stimulus Swiss School, 14:00 – 22:00 1 DECEMBER 2019 | SWISS-THAI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | E-NEWSLETTER #113 THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE SUPPORTED BY package should positively im- Norwegian government visit- pact economic growth in 2020. ed Thailand for general talks with their Thai counterpart. The One thing that really bothers me Norwegian Ambassador host- about living in this great city ed an evening reception at her is the continued air pollution. residence with Swiss and Nor- I commented on this trouble- wegian government/business some issue a number of times leaders to provide an update on and will do it again. I have my on-going negotiations. It was a doubts the government is well great display of joint efforts to equipped to solve this ongoing restart trade negotiations and a crisis. There is no doubt that positive step forward, as at the weather patterns are changing end free trade benefits all of us. and that climate change is a real issue. However, we cannot The highlight of our calendar of just blame nature for it, be- events is the yearly Swiss Em- cause most of it is self-inflict- bassy/STCC network event held ed. About 90% of dangerous at the residence of the Swiss PM2.5 particles in the air are Ambassador. A great number TRINA INTERNATIONAL generated by vehicle exhaust, of members showed up for this factories, biomass burning and stellar event this year, as it was dust from construction sites. an opportunity to meet, greet For starters, in 2008 the num- and get to know our newly ap- ber of cars in Bangkok were pointed Swiss Ambassador to 5,911,696, which has doubled Thailand, H.E. Helene Bud- to 10,244,144 (source Depart- liger-Artieda. As always, it was ment of Land Transport). For a night to remember and we my part, I have had enough of express our appreciation to H.E well-meaning proposals to im- and her team for hosting this prove air quality. I outfitted my wonderful event. You will find home with more high perform- some great pictures inside this ing air purifiers and installed a edition. portable air purifier in my car. It is better to hope for the best Last but not least, if you look- and plan for the worst. ing for a great Christmas gift for your spouse or business col- In some positive news, Swit- league, here are my top 2 book zerland is joining hands with choices in 2019. For fiction, it Norway, Iceland and Lichten- is definitely Margaret Atwood’s stein in restarting the EFTA new book “The Testaments”. It’s (European Free Trade Associa- a sequel to the classic dystopi- tion) free trade negotiations an novel “The Handmaid’s Tale”, with the Thai government. A which she published 40 years high-level delegation from the ago. For non-fiction, the book 2 DECEMBER 2019 | SWISS-THAI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | E-NEWSLETTER #113 THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE SERVICE of Harvard professor Shosha- 2020. Let’s remain optimistic Thursday 9th January 2020: na Zuboff “The Age of Surveil- and hope that 2020 will be a STCC Stamm at lance Capitalism” is an absolute good year for all of us. Arnoma Hotel 18:00 masterpiece. If you have ever More details for wondered why companies such above events please wait as Google and Facebook are so for the invitation-mail or get it hugely profitable, this extreme- from www.swissthai.com, ly well researched book gives With my best wishes click on “events”. you deep insight. So next time, Bruno G. Odermatt-Maag when you use your mobile app, President your smart watch, your smart TV or your smart thermostat *** MEMBER DETAIL in your living room, be aware Contact the President: UPDATES that your data is collected and Bruno G. Odermatt sold as “behavioral surplus” in President STCC Do you have changes among your a market where companies are [email protected] delegates or changes to your buying predictions of what we Tel: +66 2 652 1911 e-mail, mobile, telephone, are going to do or to buy. I was or fax numbers? quite disturbed once I realized that this form of digital capital- Please send all updates to ism is more intrusive than I ever [email protected] dared to imagine. Basically, it is everywhere around us. At this occasion I would like to extend to you, on behalf of my colleagues of the Board, the best wishes for the Holiday Sea- son and wish you and your fam- ilies the very best of success in Adhesive & Sealant Technologies MS Hybrid Polymer best performing window, door and facade sealant. Southeast Asia Link Co., Ltd. www.seal-ast.com T: 0 2732 2092 3 DECEMBER 2019 | SWISS-THAI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | E-NEWSLETTER #113 THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE EFTA FREE TRADE ECONOMIC COOPERATION On 5th November, the STCC Board of Directors were invited to a re- ception at the residence of the Nor- wegian Ambassador, H.E. Ms Kjersti Rodsmoen. Our Ambassador H.E. Ms Helene Budliger Artieda and the honorary counsel of Iceland were also present. Switzerland is part of EFTA (European Free Trade Asso- ciation), which is an intergovern- wegian government, including for- mental free trade organization mer ambassador to Thailand H.E. consisting of Switzerland, Norway, Katja Nordgaard, visited Thailand Iceland and Lichtenstein. It was set for general talks with their Thai up for the promotion of free trade counterparts, amongst them also other EFTA members, in preparing and economic cooperation bet- issues related to the Free Trade Ag- the stage for future FTA negoti- ween its members. EFTA has esta- reement (FTA). The Swiss Embassy ations. The Swiss and Norwegian blished free-trade relations with also participated at the FTA talks business community appreciated ASEAN members Singapore (2003), and the Board Members of the Nor- the opportunity to obtain first hand the Philippines (2018) and signed wegian and Swiss Thai Chambers updates on the trade talks from the an agreement with Indonesia in of Commerce were updated on the respective Embassies. December 2018. It is currently ne- outcome of the talks and plans for gotiating with Malaysia and Viet- the future FTA negotiations. It was Bruno G. Odermatt, nam. As EFTA wants to reengage in a delightful evening and showed President STCC trade negotiations with Thailand, a the close cooperation amongst high level delegation from the Nor- Norway and Switzerland, as well 4 DECEMBER 2019 | SWISS-THAI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | E-NEWSLETTER #113 THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE YEAR-END SWISS BUSINESS NETWORKING COCKTAIL are very encouraged to see a con- tinuation of the strong support and partnership the STTC enjoys with the Swiss Embassy. We ex- tend our gratitude to H.E. and her The yearly Swiss Business Networ- graced by many Swiss-Thai busi- commercial team for hosting the king Cocktail co-hosted by the ness executives, members of the Swiss-Thai business community Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Thai Foreign Chambers as well as high and making this evening possible. Chamber of Commerce is the high- ranking government officials. It was again a spectacular night light on the calendar of events of H.E. was extremely pleased to with lots of good memories and the STCC. On 3rd December, the welcome the Director-General of we are already looking forward to newly appointed Swiss Ambassa- the Department of Trade Negot- next year’s Networking Cocktail.
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