Index A Adam complex, 732-733 lambda pattem, 233 Aarskog syndrome, 1029 Adduction, 125 V-pattern, 232 Aase-Smith syndrome, 1029 Adhesive syndrome, 255 X-pattern, 233 Aase syndrome, 1029 Adie's tonic pupil, 1013 Y-pattem, 232 Abduction, 125 Adjustable suture techniques, 279 Alport's syndrome, 451, 464, 665, Abetalipoproteinemia, 101, 1029 Adolescent chlamydial 824-826 Ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome, conjunctivitis, 339 Alstrom syndrome, 103, 548, 661, 1029 Adrenochrome, 363 826-827 Abnormal visual development, 158 Adrenoleukodystrophy, 977-978 Altematecover testing, 195 Abruzzo-Erickson syndrome, 1029 neonatal, 977 Alternates fixation, 164 Acanthamoeba, 399, 400 Afferent pupillary defect, 867-868 Amaurosis, Leber's, 546-547 keratitis, 399-400 Afterimage test, 185-186 Amblyopia, 123-296 Acanthocytosis, 1022 Aglossia-adactyly syndrome, 1048 assessment, 190 Accommodative convergence, 155, Agnathia-holoprosencephaly, 33 associated with cataract, 471 225 Agonist, 125 classification of, 160 to accommodation ratio, Agyria, 941 with congenital-infantile esotropia, measuring, 198-199 Aicardi's syndrome, 720, 823-824, 206 near reflex, 155 931, 932-933 diagnosis, 163-166 Accommodative esotropia, 213-214 AIDS fixation testing for, 164-166 infantile, 218-219 ocular manifestations of, 514-515 functional, 159 Achiasmia, 111 opportunistic ocular infections, hypermetropic, bilateral, 162 Achromatopsia, 103, 1016 635-636 organic, 159 Acid bum, 77 Airbag trauma, 88 pathophysiology, 160 Acid solutions, 86 Alacrima, 314, 348 prognosis, 170 Acrocallosal syndrome, Schinzel congenital, 348 prognosis of, 170 type, 1029 Alagille's syndrome, 371 strabismis, 160-161 Acrocephalopolydactylous dysplasia, Albers-Schonberg disease, 758-759 treatment, 167-170 1029 Albinism, 1ll-112, 749-750, unilateral pattem distortion, Acrocephalopolysyndactyly, 1032, 1016-1017 161-162 1040 Albright's syndrome, 329 vision screening, 166-167 Acrocephaloysyndactyly, 1049, 1051 Alignment, neonatal, 157-158 visual evoked potentials, 113-115 Acrodysostosis, 10029 eye movement development, 158 Amblyopia ex anopsia, 159 Acrofacial dysostosis, 1047 smooth pursuit asymmetry, 158 Amblyopic vision, 163 Acrofacial dysplasia, 1039 Alkahne bum, 77 Amblyoscope, 184-185 Acro-fronto-facio-nasal dysostosis Alkahne solutions, 85 Amblys, 159 syndrome, 1029 Alkaptonuria, 406, 750 American Cancer Society, 75 Acromegaloid facial appearance Allagille syndrome, 664 American Foundation for Blind, 76 syndrome, 1029 Allergie conjunctivitis, 343-346 American Printing House for Blind, Acromegaloid phenotype-cutis atopic jeratoconjunctivitis, 76 verticis gyrata-comeal 345-346 Ametropie amblyopia, 162 leukoma, 1029 giant papillary conjunctivitis, 345 Amniocele, 315 Acro-osteolysis syndrome, 1040 seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, Amniotic band syndrome, 300, Active forced-generation test, 202 343-344 732-733 Active stimulation, amblyopia, 170 vemal conjunctivitis, 344-345 Amniotic rupture sequence, 732-733 Acuity Allergie granulomatosis, 572 Amniotocele, 315-316, 338 binocular, 965 Allgrove syndrome, 352 Amplification, electroretinogram, 94 neuro-ophthalmology exam, Alopecia, 639 Amyloid, 407 865-866 Alphabet pattems, 232-249 lid, 310 testing, low-illumination, 866-867 A-pattem, 232-234, 232-248, 233 Amyloidosis, 407 Acute retinal necrosis syndrome, 510 arrow pattem, 232 Anemia, 573 1059 1060 INDEX Anencephaly, 33-34, 1022 embryology, 369-3 70 Atopic keratoconjunctivitis, 345 Anesthesia, examination under, 60 iris ectropion, 3 7 4 Atrophy Aneuploidy, 678, 694 iris hypoplasia, 371 dominant optic, 109 Angelman syndrome, 1036 mesenchymal dysgenesis, 369 gyrate, 101, 664 Angioedema, lid, 310 posterior embryotoxon, 370-371 hemifacial, 991-993 Angioid streaks, 566, 660-661, 740 primary congenital glaucoma, 375 hereditary optic, 109 Angio-Osteohypertrophy syndrome, Rieger's anomaly, 372 iris, 376 1043 Anterior segment disease, 333-480 Atropine mydriasis, 1013-1014 Angiotensin-converting enzyme, 630 Anterior subcapsular cataract, Atropine penalization, 169 Angle kappa, testing, 192-193 451-452 ATR-X-syndrome, 1057 Angle of anomaly, 176, 185 Antiepileptic medication, 110 Autoimmune myasthenia gravis, Angle recession, 84-85 Antisaccades, 876 898-901 Angular conjunctivitis, 339 Antisuppression, 178 botulism, 901 Aniridia, 434-436, 493-494, 659 A-pattems, 232-248, 283 Autorefractors, 66 Aniridia-cerbellar ataxia-mental Apert syndrome, 714-715 Autosomal dominant keratitis, 394 deficiency, 1039 Aphakia, 469-4 72 Autosomal dominant neovascular Aniseikonia, 172 Aphakic glaucoma, 495-496 inflammatory Anisocoria, 868-869, 1011-1015 Aphakic spectacles, 4 71 vitreoretinopathy, 563-564 Adie's tonic pupil, 1013 Aplasia, 661 Autosomal dominant retinitis atropine mydriasis, 1013-1014 extraocular muscles, 2 70 pigmentosa, 545 causes of, 1012 Aplasia cutis congenita, 1022 Autosomal dominant neuroanatomy, 1011 Arachnodactyly, 741, 1022 vitreoretinochoroidopathy, parasympathetic lesions, 1013 Arachnoid cysts, 952 563-564 simple ansiocoria, 1012 Arden ratio, 529 Autosomal recessive retinitis sympathetic lesions, 1012-1013 Argyria, 1022 pigmentosa, 545-546 third nerve palsy, 1013 Argyrosis, 363 Avellino dystrophy, 412 Anisometropia, retinopathy of Arhinencephaly, 1022 Avitaminosis A, 401 prematurity, 611-612 Arnold-Chiari malformation, Axenfeld anomaly, 433 Anisametropie amblyopia, 162 993-995 Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly, 1031 Ankyloblepharon, 303 Arrow pattem, 232 Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, 371-373, Anomalaus head posturing, 967 Arthritis 433, 434 Anomalaus retinal correspondence, juvenile chronic, 501-503 Axenfeld's anomaly, 372, 494 163, 175-177 juvenile idiopathic, 501-503 Axenfeld's syndrome, 494 Anophthalmia, 386-387 juvenile rheumatoid, 501-503, Axes of Fick, 140 Anophthalmos, 383, 386 631-632 Axiallength, 39 Antagonist, 125 Arthrogryposis, 1022 Anterior blepharitis, 346 Arthro-ophthalmopathy, hereditary B Anterior cataract, 450-452 progressive, 557, 746, 1053 Bacillus, 516 Anterior chamber, 17-18 Arylsulfatase-A, 974 Bacterial conjunctivitis, 338-340 Anterior chamber angle, 43-44 Aspartoacylase deficiency, 982 adolescent chlamydial development of, 43-44 Aspergillus, 403, 516 conjunctivitis, 339 Anterior chamber washout, 82 Asphyxia, 944 angular conjunctivitis, 339 Anterior membrane dystrophy, 410 Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia, 666 haemophilus influenzae, 339 Anterior polar cataract, 450-451 Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, Parinaud's oculoglandular Anterior pyramidal cataract, 451 1042 syndrome, 339-340 Anterior scleritis, diffuse, 515 Association for Macular Diseases, 76 Bacterial diseases, 845-849 Anterior segment Association for Retarded Citizens of cat scratch disease, 845-846 dysgenesis, 29-30, 378 u.s., 76 Lyme disease, 846-847 trauma, nonperforating, 84-85 Astigmatism, retinopathy of syphilis, 847-849 vascular supply, 138-139 prematurity, 611-612 Bacterial keratitis, 339, 399, 402 Anterior segment developmental Astrocytic hamartoma, 581 Bacterial meningitis, 945 anomalies, 369-375 Astrocytoma, 946 Bagolini lenses, 183 4q25, 373-374 of brainstem, 947 Bagolini striated lens test, 17 4 6p25, 373 of cerebellum, 947 Baller-Gerold syndrome, 1031 13q14, 373 of cerebrum, 94 7 Band keratopathy, 407 acquired ectropion, 3 7 4 of hypothalamus, 947 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Alagille's syndrome, 371 of optic nerve, 947 syndrome, 1031 Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, Ataxia syndromes, hereditary, Bannayan syndrome, 1031 371-373 984-985 Bardet-Biedl syndrome, 101, 548, Axenfeld's anomaly, 372 Ataxia telangiectasia, 777-778, 985, 662, 666, 1031 congenital iris ectropion, 374-375 1031 Barkan's membrane, 487 comea, 391 Atopic jeratoconjunctivitis, 345-346 Bartonella henselae, 340, 845, 846 INDEX 1061 Bartonella henselae, 845, 846 Blepharitis, 346-347 tumors, 946-952 Basal encephalocele, 924 anterior, 346 of congenital origin, 951-952 Basilar impression syndromes, 993, anterior blepharitis, 346-347 of glial origin, 946-950 997-999 extemal hordeolum, 34 7 of meningeal origin, 950-951 Bassen-Komzweig disease, 1029 phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis, of neural origin, 950 Bathocephaly, 1022 347 Branchio-oculo-facial syndrome, 828, Batten-Mayou disease, 975 posterior, 346 1032 Batten's disease, 105, 112, 975-976, staphylococcal blepharitis, Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, 314, 1016 346-347 1045 Battered child syndrome, 77-79 Blepharoconjunctivitis, 346 Brown's syndrome, 242, 245-248, Beals' syndrome, 1031 seborrheic, 347-348 902 Bear tracks, 577, 578, 582 Blepharophimosis, 302, 1032 acquired, 245-246 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, familial, 1032 canine tooth syndrome, 248 1031 Blepharoptosis, 303 clinical features, 245 Behcet's disease, 512-513 Blindness. See also Night blindness; congenital, 245, 902 Beibomian gland dysfunction, 348 Visualloss elevation deficit, 246-247 Berardinelli-Lipodystrophy color, 550-551 surgery, 247-248 syndrome, 1032 parental reactions to diagnosis of, etiology, 245 Berardinelli-Seip Congenital 72-73 iatrogenic, 240 Lipodystrophy syndrome, 1032 Bloch-Sulzherger syndrome, 752, inflammatory, 246 Bergmeister's papilla, formation of, 21 1042 silicone tendon expander, 247-248 Berlin's edema. See Commotio Blood staining, comeal, 80 Wright superior oblique tendon retinae Blue-dot cataract, 457 expander, 24 7 Berman's syndrome, 1052 Blue nevi, 365 Bruch's membrane, 523-538 Bemheimer-Seiteberger disease, 1039 Blue sclera, 387, 745 Bruckner reflex test, 64, 193 Best's disease, 103, 528-530 Blurred disc margins, 1010-1011 Brushfield spots, 437, 683 Best's vitelliform dystrophy, 528 Blurred retinal image, bilateral, Bulineck anomalies, 993
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