INDEX THI8 Index contains DO reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. (For index to these, see pages xiii-xv.) AAO ADO AACHEN (Prussia), 928, 963; tech- Ab~ri (Gold Coast), 260 nical schools, 931 ABYSSINIA, 217, 635 sqq Aalborg (Denmark), 792 - air force; 637 Aalen (Wiirttemberg), 972 -- boundary, 217, 265,635,907. 1044 Aaran (Switzerland), 1326 - commerce, 638, 907 Aargan (Switzerland), 1823, 1325 - King (Negus), 635,636 Aarhus (Denmark), 792 -leased tenitory, 265, 636 Aba (Belg, Oongo), 269 - railways, 638, 907 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 335 - religion, 636, 637, 816 Abaiang Island (Pacific), 425 - roads, 688, 639 Abancay (Peru), 1192 - trade routes, 638, 907, 908 Abdul Aziz ibn Sa 'ud, King of Hejaz - treaty with Italy, 635 and Nejd, 650 Abyssinian race, 636 Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, Sultan. Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1274 (Kedah), 186 , Aca.rnania (Greece), 975 Abdullah, Sultan (Pahang), 181 Accra (Gold Coast), 258, 259, 260 Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Amir of Accrington, 14 Trans-Jordan, 195 Achaia (Greece), 975 Abemama Is, (Pacific), 425 Achimota Univ. ColI. (Gold Coast), Abercom (N. Rhodesia), 224 258 Aberdeen, burgh, 17 Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 335 - county, 17 Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 724 - university, 22, 23 Acre (Palestine), 189, 191, 192; port, Aberdeen (South Dakota), 589 194 Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 605 Acre Territory (Brazil), 703, 704; Aberystwyth College, 22 rubber, 708 Abeshr (Wadai), 900 Ada (Gold Coast), 260 Abidjan (French West Africa), 912, Adana (Turkey), vilayet, 1338, 913 1339 ; town, 1334, 1338 - wireless station, 915 Addis Ababa (Abyssinia), 635, 636, Abkhasian, Soviet Rep. (Georgia), 639, 907, 908 1268 Adeiso (Gold Coast), 260 Abo (Finland), 836; university, 837 Adelaide(8. Anstralia), 389 ; air mail, Abo-Bjorneborg (Finland), 836 861; port, 359 ; univ., 389 Aboisso (French West Africa), 912, ADEN, 95, 96, 118, 207, 650, 652; 913 boundary, 95 ; garrison, 129 Abruzzi e MoUse (Italy), 1026 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 912 Abu, Mount (India), '146, 172 Admiralty Is. (N. Guinea), 430 Abuna (Coptic bishop), 636 Adowa (Abyssinia), 635 1377 YY 1378 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1932 ADR ALA Adrar (Mauritania), 915 Agra (town), 121, 165 - (Spanish Sahara), 1303 Agram or Zagreb (Yugoslavia), 1866 Adrianople (Turkey), vilayet, 1838 ; - nniv., 1867 town, 1838 Agrigento (Italy), 1027, ] 028 Adua (Abyssinia), 686 Aguadulce (Panama~, port, 11~0 . Adygeisk (U.S. S. R.) auton. region, Aguascalientes(Mexlco),1099; irngs- 12-:12 tion, 1101; town, 1099 &gean Islands, 975, 976, 1049 sqq Ahmadi, El, mosque, 816 - Greek, minerals, 981 Ahmedabad (India), 121, 154 . - Italian, 1049, 1050, 1051 Ahmed ibn Jabir, Sultan of Kuwait, - Turkish, 1337 654 AFGHANISTAN, 641 sqq Ahvenanmaa (Finland), 886 AFRICA., Central, Protectorate, see Ahwaz (Persia), wireless stn., 1188 Nyasaland Protectorate, 211 Aidin (Asia Minor), see Aydin - Colonies in, Belgian, 270,.688 sqq Aigun (China), port, 736 -- British, 197 sqq Ain (France), dept., 848 -- French, 260, 277, 278, 874, Ain Galakka(Kanem), 900 875, 888 sqq Ain Sefra (Algeria), 889 -- Italian, 204,217,1034,1043 sqq Aintab (Turkey), vilayet, 1338 -- Portuguese, 1214, 1219 sqq Aisne (France), dept., 848 -- Spanish, 1290, 1294, 1303, Aitape (New Guinea), 429 1304 ; see also Morocco, Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 418 ; Spanish Zone. 1108 sqq wireless station, 418 - East (British), 197 sqq Aix (France), univ., 854, 856 -- (Italian), 204, 1033, 1034, Ajaristan, Soviet Rep. of (Georgia), 1043 sqq 1268 -- (Port.), 1214, 1222, 1223, 1224 Ajk (Hungary), coal, 1004 - Equatorial (French), 875,898 sqq Ajmer, town (India), 123, 146 - North (French), 874,875,888 'qq; Ajmer-M.erwara (India), 146 see also Algeria, Morocco, - agriculture, 133 Tunis - area and pop., 118 - -(Italian), 1034, 1044 sqq - births and deaths, 121 -- (Spanish), 1290, 1294, 1303; - education, 146 see also Morocco, Spanish - finance, ] 46 Zone, 1108 sfJq - forests, 132, 133 - South (British), 217 sqq - government, 116 -- Union of, 227 sqq - land revenue, 131 - S.. West(British), 273 sqq -- tenure, 131 - West (British), 252 sqq - religion, 122 - -(French), 27i, 278, 874, 875, Akassa (Nigeria), 255 9088qq Akershus (Norway), 1156 ; fort. 1160 -- (Port.), 1214, 1220 aqq Akmolinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1260 _. - (Spanish), 1303, 1804 Akron (Ohio), 450, 573; univ., 573 Afrikya, see Tunis Aksaray (Turkey), vilayet, 1338 Afyonkarahisar (Turkoy), vilayet, Aksu (Sin.Kiang), 752 1338, 1343 Aksun (Abyssinia), 635 Agadir (Morocco») 1115 Akureyri (Iceland), 1010 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 210 Alaava (Spain), 1290 Agana (Guam), 629 ALABAMA, 446, 486 sqq A~denes (Norway), fort, 1160 - agriculture, 463, 488 Agder, Aust& Vest (Norway), 1156 - area and population, 446, 487 Agion Oros (Greece), 975 - cotton, 463, 488 Agra (prov.), see United Provinces - port, 488 INDEX 1379 ALA. ALI AuBAMA, production and industry, ALBBRTA, production and industry, 463. 488 291, 292, 294, 295, 805, 306 - representation, 441, 487 - railways, 306 A.la~aas (Brazil), state, 704, 705 - representation, 281, 308 Ala idin Sulaiman Shah, Sultan - wheat, 291 (Selangor), 181 Albuquerque (New Mexico), 560; Alajuela (Costa Rica), 766; town, univ., 561 766 Albury (New South Wales), 365 Aland (Finland), 835, 836 Alcazar (M.oro~co), 1109 ALASKA, 447, 614 sqq Alcoy (Spain), 1291 - area and pop., 447, 615 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 215 - banks, 481, 617 Alderney, government, 72; popu· - defence, 457, 458 lation, 18 - education, 452, 615 Aldershot Command (U.K.), 40 - fisheries, 471, 616 Alemtejo (Portugal), 1213 - gold, 466, 616 Aleppo (Syria), 884, 886; cotton, - government, 444, 614 886; tobacco, 886; town, - mining, 466, 616 884, 886, 887 - ports, 616 Alessandria(Italy), 1024; town, 1028 - production, &c.,466, 471, 616 AlesUDd (Norway), 1157 - shipping, 616 :Alexander I, King (Yugoslavia), 1363 - troops in, 457, 458 Alexander Bay (Newfoundland), Albacete (Spain), province, 1290; paper-mill, 332 town, 1291 Alexandretta (Syria), town, 884; ALBANIA, 644 sqq Sanjak, 884 ~ air routes, 648 Alexandria (Egypt), 815 - alliance with Italy, 645 - air service, 194 - coast defence, 647 - shipping, 825 - constitution of 1928, 645 - town, 8J4, 816 - King, 645 - trade, 824. 825 Albany (New York), 450, 562, 563 Alexandria, Patriarch of, 636, 816 Albany (W. Australia), 394 Alex&ndrouflolis (Greece), 976 Albay (Philippines), 625 Alfonso XIII. (Spain), 3, 1285, 1286 Albert, King (Belgium), 676 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1213 ALBERTA (Canada), 281, 303 Bqq ALGERIA, 875, 888 8qq - agriculture, 291, 293, 305, 806 - area and pop., 87b, 888, 889 - area and pop., 284, 804: - books of reference, 893, 894 - births, marriages, deaths, 285, 305 - education, 854, 855, 889 - constitution and government, 281, - faculties, 854, 855 303 - finance, 888, 890 - crops, 291, 292 - government, 847, 875, 888 - education, 287, 305 - naval station, 862 - finance, 287, 288, 305 - representation, 847, 888 - forests, 293, 306 - university, 854, 855, 889 - Legislative Assembly, 282, 304 Al Ghail (Yemen), 652 - Lieutenant-Governor, 283, 304 Algiers (Alger), 862, 889, 890 - live stock, 293 - naval station, 862 - mining, 294, 306 - university, 854, 855, 889 - ministry, 304 Al Hazro (Yemen), 652 - municipal districts, 30! Alhucema Isles (Spanish Africa), 1290 - natural gas, 306 Alicante (Spain), 1290 ; air station, - petroleum, 306 1301; town, 1291 - political parties 304 Aligarh (India), 123; univ., 124, 165 1380 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1932 ALI ANG Ali Navaz Khan Talpur, ruler Ambriz (Portuguese West Africa), (Khalrpur), 167 1221 Al Janf (Yemen), 652 Ambrym Is. (New Hebrides), 426 Al Khamr (Yemen), 652 AMERICA, see United States Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1126 - British Colonies, Dominions, &e., Allaha.ba.d (Iudia), 121, 166; uni- in (see Bermuda, Canada, West versity, 124, 165 Indies, &c.), 218 sqq Allentown (Pa.), 681 - French cols, in, 875, 918 sqq Alliance (Ohio), 578 Amersfoort (Netherlands), 1125 Allier (France), dept., 848 Amhara (Abyssinia), 635, 636 AI Matamma (Yemen), 652 Amherst (Nova Scotia), 314 Almelo (Netherlands), 1125 Amida (Turkey), 1340 Almeria (Spain), prov., 1290 Amiens (France), 851 - minerals, 1297; town, 1291 Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 161 Almirante (Panama), port, 769 Amirantes Islands (Seychelles), 216 Almora (India), 761 Amman (Trans-Jordan), 195, 651 AI-Mu'tasim Bi'llah AI-Sultan Ab- Amoy (China), port, 736 dullah (Pahang), 181 Amran (Yemen), 652 Aloft Is. (Fr. Pacific), 922 Amritsar (India), 121, 162, Alor Star (Kedah), 185 Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1125; Alost (Belgium), 680 canal, 1129 ; fort, 1129 ; port, Alpes, Basses- (France), dept., 848 1134 ; univ., 1126 - Hautes- (France), uept., 848 - (New York), 563 - -.Maritim..s 'France), dept., 848 Amsterdam Island (Reunion), 905 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 215 Amur provo (Manchuria), 749 Alpullu (Turkey), 1844 Anaconda (Montana), 548 Alsace-Lorraine, 850, 926 Anaiza (N ejd), 649, 651 - area and population, 850, 927 Ancachs (Peru), department, 1192 - forts, 859 Anchorage (Alaska), 615 - univ., 854 Ancona (Italy), prov., 1026 ; town, Al Suda (Yemen), 652 1028 Altenburg (Thuringia), 970 Andaman and Nicobsr Islands, 118, Alton (Illinois), 515 118, 122, 146, 147 Altona(Germany), 928,963; port,943 - area and population, 118, 122, Altoona (Pa.), 581 146, 1.47 Alvsborg (Sweden), province, 1808 - Chief Commissioner, 116,14:6, 147 Alwand (Iraq), oil refinery, 1011 - forests, 182, 146 Alwar (India), 173 ; town, 128 - penal settlement, 146 Amapala (Honduras), 995 - religion, 122 Amarah (Iraq), 1016, 1016 Anderlecht (Brussels), 680 Amarillo (Texas),
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