NATIONAL RADIO ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY Charlottesville, Virginia Quarterly Report October 1, 1983 - December 31, 1983 RESEARCH PROGRAMS 140-foot Telescope Hours Scheduled observing 1750.75 Scheduled maintenance and equipment changes 247.75 Scheduled tests and calibration 75.50 Time lost due to: equipment failure 24.00 power 1.00 weather 48.75 interference 0.50 The following line programs were conducted during this quarter: No. Observer Program B410 L. Avery (Herzberg) Observations over the range 19.6-21 GHz N. Broten (Herzberg) to search for carbon molecules in 0 J. MacLeod (Herzberg IRC+10 216. H184 D. Hegyi (Michigan) Observations at 10.7 GHz for small- M. Kutner (Rensselaer) scale anisotropy in the cosmic back- B. Rauscher (Rensselaer) ground radiation. L159 F. J. Lockman A deep, systematic recombination-line survey at 3 cm of continuum sources in the galaxy. L184 R. Loren (Texas) Search at 24.4 GHz for the symmetric L. Mundy (Texas) top molecule methldiacetylene. H. A. Wootten M179 A. Baudry (Bordeaux I) Observations of OH maser emission in 2 S. Guilloteau (Bordeaux I) the w3 /2, J = 7/2 lines at 13.4 GHz. H. Matthews (Herzberg) A. Winnberg (Chalmers) M213 W. Irvine (Massachusetts) Observations at 1.5 cm of interstellar H. Matthews (Herzberg) acetaldehyde and ketene. C. McGunigle (Massachusetts) P. Friberg (Massachusetts) T. Sears (Herzberg) No. Observer Program R175 L. Rickard (Howard) Search at 4 frequencies between 7274 B. Turner and 7396 MHz for the 2w1/2, J = 3/2 state of CH. Z45 L. Ziurys (Calif., Berkeley) Search at 2.97 GHz for interstellar K. Evenson (Calif., Berkeley) silicon hydride (SiH). G. Fuller (Calif., Berkeley) R. Saykally (Calif., Berkeley) J. Brown (Calif., Berkeley) The following Very Long Baseline programs were conducted, and the stations used in the observations are coded as follows: A Arecibo 1000 ft N NRL Maryland Point 85 ft B Effelsberg MPIR 100 m 0 Owens Valley 130 ft C Algonquin 150 ft P Penticton, B.C. 85 ft F Fort Davis 85 ft R Crimea USSR 30 m G Green Bank 140 ft Sk Kirunda, Sweden 60 ft H Hat Creek 85 ft Sn Onsala 20 min I Iowa 60 ft So Onsala 25 m Jb Jodrell Bank MK II Wd Dwingeloo 25 m Jm Jodrell Bank 250 ft Wn Westerbork n = 1 - 14x26 m Km Haystack 120 ft Yn Socorro n = 1 - 27x25 m L Bologna 25 m No. Observer Program B47V N. Bartel (CFA) Observations at 6 cm of SN 1979c, with telescopes B, G, Kin, 0, and Yn. B48V L. Baath (Chalmers) Observations at 6 cm of the Abell J. Campbell (Bonn) Cluster 2634, with telescopes B, F, D. Graham (MPIR, Bonn) G, Jb, Kin, L, 0, So, Wn, and Yn. B50OV A. de Bruyn (NFRA) Study at 6 cm of the core-jet S. Neff (NFRA) structure of the variable radio source in the Seyfert 2 galaxy Markarian 348, with telescopes B, F, G, Jb, Kin, L, 0, So, Wn, and Yn. B382V L. Baath (Chalmers) Monitoring the 932 MHz absorption F. Briggs (Pittsburgh) line in AO 0235+164, with telescopes M. Davis (NAIC) A, B, G, 0, and Sk. K. Johnston (NRL) D. Jones (Caltech) J. Romney (MPIR, Bonn) B. Ronnang (Chalmers) S. Unwin (Caltech) A. Wolfe (Pittsburgh) No . Observer Program B385V L. Baath (Chalmers) Monitoring of low-frequency variables F. Briggs (Pittsburgh) at 932 MHz, with telescopes A, B, G, M. Davis (NAIC) O, and Sk. K. Johnston (NRL) D. Jones (Caltech) J. Romney (MPIR, Bonn) B. Ronnang (Chalmers) S. Unwin (Caltech) A. Wolfe (Pittsburgh) D2V G. de Waard (Leiden) Observations at 6 cm, with telescopes G. Miley (Leiden) B, G, So, and Yn. E. Preuss (MPIR, Bonn) R. Schilizzi (NFRA) D3V R. Booth (Chalmers) Global VLBI observations at 1.3 cm P. Diamond (Chalmers) of the H2 0 masers associated with D. Graham (MPIR, Bonn) evolved stars, with telescopes B, G, K. Johnston (NRL) Jb, Kin, N, R, and Sn. R. Norris (Manchester) E7V A. Eckart (MPIR, Bonn) Observations of complete sample of K. Johnston (NRL) extragalactic sources at 6 cm, with A. Witzel (MPIR, Bonn) telescopes B, G, Jb, Kin, O, So, and Wn. G35V B. Geldzahler (NRL) Observations of CTA 26 at 18 cm, with K. Johnston (NRL) telescopes B, F, G, H, I, Km, N, 0, J. Spencer (NRL) P, and Yn. E. Waltman (NRL) H8V D. Hough (Caltech) Mapping at 2.8 cm the central com- A. Readhead (Caltech) ponents of the double-lobed quasars 3C 245 and 3C 249.1, with telescopes B, F, G, Kin, and 0. H9V M. Hodges (Iowa) Observations at 18 cm to the "Cork- S. Novotny (Massachusetts) screw" source NRAO 150, with R. Phillips (Haystack) telescopes B, F, G, H, I, Jm, Kin, N, 0, P, So, Wn. L22V R. Linfield (Calif., Berkeley) Mapping at 90 cm of the lobes of R. Simon (NRL) 3C 234, with telescopes F, G, H, I, Jm, Km, N, 0, and Yn. L25V J. Lestrade (JPL) Observations of RSCVn binary systems J. Doiron (Iowa) at 18 cm, with telescopes B, F, G, R. Mutel (Iowa) Km, 0, and Yn. A. Niell (JPL) R. Preston (JPL) 4 No. Observer Program M47V R. Moore (Caltech) Observations at 1.3 cm of the L. Baath (Chalmers) structure and alignment of 3C 345, A. Readhead (Caltech) with telescopes B, C, G, Kin, O, Sn, and Yn. M50V A. Marscher (Boston) Search at 1.3 cm for the "cores" of B. Geldzahler (NRL) the subluminal quasars 4C 39.25 and R. Booth (Chalmers) PKS 2134+004, with telescopes B, G, D. Shaffer (Interferometrics) Kin, N, O, Sn, and Yn. M51V L. Molnar (CFA) Polarization synthesis of "core-jet M. Reid (CFA) sources" at 18 cm, with telescopes B, J. Romney (MPIR, Bonn) F, G, Kin, O, N, and Yn. N7V R. Norris (Manchester) Observations at 1612 MHz of the com- P. Diamond (Chalmers) pact OH maser in OH 127.8, with tele- D. Graham (MPIR, Bonn) scopes B, G, Jmn, O, R, and So. K. Johnston (NRL) R. Booth (Chalmers) T. Perry (Manchester) N8V S. Neff (NFRA) Observations at 6 cm of proper T. Muxlow (NFRA) motions in 3C 418, with telescopes B, F, G, Jb, Kin, 0, So, and Yn. P42V R. Phillips (Haystack) Observations at 2.8 cm to study a new R. Mutel (Iowa) BL Lacertae outburst, with telescopes M. Hodges (Iowa) B, F, G, H, Kin, and 0. P44V I. Pauliny-Toth (MPIR, Bonn) Observations of 3C 454.3 at 1.3 cm, L. Baath (Chalmers) with telescopes B, F, G, H, Kin, and R. Porcas (MPIR, Bonn) 0. W. Sheng-Yin (MPIR, Bonn) A. Zensus (MPIR, Bonn) K. Kellermann P45V R. Porcas (MPIR, Bonn) Observations of 3C 179 at 1.3 cm, with telescopes B, G, Kin, and 0. P46V T. Pearson (Caltech) Second epoch observations at 6 cm A. Readhead (Caltech) of a complete sample of radio sources, with telescopes B, G, I, Kin, 0, and Yn. P49V I. Pauliny-Toth (MPIR, Bonn) Observations at 6 cm of the 3C 454.3 R. Porcas (MPIR, Bonn) jet, with telescopes B, F, G, I, Jb, W. Sheng-Yin (MPIR, bonn) Kin, 0, So, and Wn. A. Zensus (MPIR, Bonn) K. Kellermann 5 No. Observer Program P5OV G. Pilbratt (Chalmers) High-resolution monitoring at 6 cm of R. Booth (Chalmers) 3C 279, with telescopes B, G, Jb, Kin, I. Browne (Manchester) N, 0, So, Wn, and Yn. L. Baath (Chalmers) R. Porcas (MPIR, Bonn) R26V D. Roberts (Brandeis) Linear polarization measurements at R. Potash (Brandeis) 6 cm of strong extragalactic radio B. Burke (MIT) sources, with telescopes G, Kin, 0, and A. Rogers (Haystack) Yn. J. Wardle (Brandeis) S33V R. Simon (NRL) Observations at 90 cm of compact A. Readhead (Caltech) extragalactic radio sources, with M. Chown (Caltech) telescopes F, G, H, I, Jb, Kin, N, O, R. Spencer (Manchester) and Yn. P. Wilkinson (Manchester) T3V J. Taylor Princeton) Pulsar astrometry observations at C. Gwinn (Princeton) 18 cm, with telescopes A, G, and 0. J. Weisberg (Princeton) W23V R. C. Walker Monitor 3C 120 at 6 cm, with tele- S. Unwin (Caltech) scopes A, B, F, G, H, I, Kin, and So. J. Benson G. Seielstad (Caltech) W24V J. Wrobel (Caltech) Observations at 90 cm of compact radio R. Simon (NRL) sources in galaxy pairs, with tele- scopes F, G, H, I, Kin, N, O, and Yn. X14V L. Baath (Chalmers) Observations at 18 cm of the R. Estalella (Barcelona) "optically quiet quasar" 1958+171, A. Rius (Madrid) with telescopes B, G, Jb, So, and Wd. J. Romney (MPIR, Bonn) M. Sanroma (Barcelona) W. Cotton X15V B. Dennison (VPI & SU) Observations at 2.8 cm to observe B. Geldzahler (NRL) sources 1819-096 and 1829-106, with telescopes F, 0, G, and Km. X16V B. Geldzahler (NRL) Observations at 1.3 cm of CTA 26, K. Johnston (NRL) with telescopes G, Kin, N, 0, and Yn. J. Spencer (NRL) E. Waltman (NRL) No. Observer Program X19V N. Bartel (MIT) Observations at 6 cm of 2016+112A,B,C, C. Bennett (MIT) with telescopes B, F, G, Kin, and So. R. Bonometti (MIT) B. Burke (MIT) E. Falco (CFA) M. Gorenstein (CFA) J. Hewitt (MIT) C. Lawrence (Caltech) L. Molnar (CFA) M. Reid (CFA) A. Rogers (Haystack) J. Romney (MPIR) I. Shapiro (CFA) E. Turner (Princeton) X21V S. Neff (NFRA) Observations at 6 cm of MK 231, with telescopes I, G, K, and 0. Z6V A. Zensus (MPIR, Bonn) Observations at 2.8 cm of 1206+43, R. Porcas (MPIR, Bonn) with telescopes B, G, Kin, and 0. 300-foot Telescope Hours Scheduled observing 1877.50 Scheduled maintenance and equipment changes 128.50 Scheduled test and calibration 0.00 Time lost due to: equipment failure 37.25 power 0.00 weather 2.00 interference 0.00 The following continuum programs were conducted during this quarter.
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