www.ukrweekly.com СВ0Б0ДАІІ!8У0В(Ш Ж УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ щоденник ^Н^ ика АІ N І AN D AIIS UkrainiaENOL1SH-LANGUAGnE WEEKL YWee EDlTlON k Ї YOL LXXXYl. No. 27 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1979 25 CENTS Moscow continues to harass S20,000 needed to reach former soldier of the UPA NEW YORK, N.Y. - The press ser– members of the Communist Party, So– goal of Ukrainian National Fund vice of the Ukrainian Supreme Liber– viet activists and citizens. This was not NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA Special). - The UCCA executive board re- ation Council (abroad) recently receiv– previously revealed to the military ported that some 100 Ukrainian communities in the United States took part ed documentation of the case of Myro– tribunal. in the 1978 fund-raising campaign for the Ukrainian National Fund (UNF). slav (Myron) Symchych, a former Of these 100 communities, 33 collected Si,000 or more. The UCCA ex– soldier of the Ukrainian insurgent The Presidium of the ivano-Fran– ecutive board underscores the generosity of small Ukrainian communities Army (UPA) who was sentenced in kivske oblast then decided on January which also contributed large sums and, in most cases, had fulfilled their 1940 to 25 yean imprisonment and five 19,1968, to cancel the sentence handed quotas. yean curtailment of rights. After Sym– down by the military tribunal and to Below is the list of contributions up to January 25. For the sake of com– chych was sent to the Magadansk give the case over for further inquiry. parison, the total sum collected in a given locality in 1977 is printed in oblast to serve his sentence, the Kha– An inquiry conducted in 1968-69 parentheses. barovsk court sentenced him to an ad– into Symchych's activities found that Philadelphia, Pa. - S6.877 (513,750); Chicago, Ш. - 57,875 ditional 10 yean imprisonment. he was indeed involved in reprisals (513,270); New York, N.Y. - Manhattan, Astoria, the Bronx - 17,880 Symchych is now confined in Perm against Soviet citizens during 1944-47. (58,429); Brooklyn - 51,703 (52,448); Ozone Park - 51,060 (51,040) camp vs 389735 and is scheduled to be Symchych was then accused under ad– (total Metropolitan New York - 510,643 (511,917)); Southeastern Michi– freed this year. ditional articles of the Criminal Code gan - 54,410 (57,020); Newark-lrvington, N.J., 56,745 (57,020); Ro– in the summer of 1976, he wrote.an of the Ukrainian SSR. chester, N.Y. - 52,340 (53,898); Cleveland, Ohio - 53.133 (53,677); appeal to the Presidium of the Su– Buffalo, N.Y. - 53,548 (53,621); Hartford, Conn. - 52,670 (53,589); preme Soviet of the USSR in which he The Presidium of the Supreme So– Passaic (Bergen County), N.J. -.53,275 (S2.665); Jersey City, N.J. - described his case and the conditions to viet of the.USSR decided on December 51,735 (52,590); UNA - 52,000 (52,000); New Haven, Conn. - 51,910 which political prisoners are subjected. 19, 1969, to overrule the decision of its (52,575); Syracuse, N.Y. - 52,450 (52,380); Lorain. Ohio - 51.900 The latest document about Sym– Commission (August 2, 1956) to com– (52,185); Youngstown, Ohio - 51,870 (52,135); Boston. Mass. - 52.035 chych, a review of his case by a Soviet mute Symchych's sentence. (52,055); Yonken, N.Y. - 5405 (52,000); Elizabeth, N.J. - 51,435 judicial tribunal, is excerpted below. (51,925); Baltimore, Md. - 51,125 (51,871); Washington, D.C. - 51,458 The prosecutor's office of the Ukrai– The document was marked "Atten– (51,840); Pittsburgh, Pa. (Southeast) - 5450 (51,789); Bridgeport, Conn. nian SSR then brought the case before tion! Secret document. Not to be re- - 51,225 (51,730); Milwaukee and the State of Wisconsin - 51,316 the judicial tribunal of the USSR Su– leased to the convict." it is excerpted (51,660); Nassau County, N.Y. - 51,445 (51,555); New Brunswick and preme Court. below. (Continued on page 2) A judicial tribunal for criminal (Continued on pa(e 2) affairs of the Supreme Court of the USSR reviewed on January 20, 1970, the protest of the first assistant to the prosecutor of the Ukrainian SSR con– Albany is site of fourth Ukrainian independence Day program cerning the decision of the ivano-Fran– kivske oblast court (January 19, 1968) ALBANY, N.Y. - The New York underlined that the Ukrainian Ameri– Americans never to forget about those to nullify the sentence of the military State Legislature was the site of the can community has made many contribu– Ukrainians who gave their lives for tribunal of the Ministry of internal fourth annual Ukrainian independence tions to the United States. Also addres– Ukraine's freedom. Affairs of the Stanislaviv (now ivano– Day program on January 23. sing the crowd were Assemblymen Appearing in the concert program Frankivske) oblast handed down in the The program, organized by the Maurice Hinchey, McKay, Gallagher, was the "Kobza" trio and Andrew and case of Symchych. Capitol District's UCCA branches, at– Mike Hobliak, Esposito, Abramson and Maria Oprysko, dancers with the The military tribunal had sentenced tracted over 250 Ukrainians from Ben Dick. Ukrainian Dancers of Astoria, which is Symchych to 25 years imprisonment across the Empire State, as well as over Assemblyman Hinchey, who is of directed by their mother, Mrs. Elaine under the Criminal Code of the Ukrai– a dozen state senators and assembly- Ukrainian descent on his mother's Oprysko, and their brother, Peter. nian SSR for being a member of the men. Sen. Charles Cook was the spon– side, said that he shares a common The afternoon session of the Senate Organization of Ukrainian Natio– sor of this year's event. cause with Ukrainian Americans. convened at '-30. The Rev. Dr. nalists and a leader of its bandit At noon, 55 pupils of Ss. Peter and "1 was fortunate to be able to raise Onufrey Wolans^y delivered the invo– groups which conducted armed war- Paul Ukrainian Catholic School in my voice in protest against the illegal cation in the Senate, and Sen. Cook fare against Soviet authority during Cohoes, N.Y., directed by Sister incarceration by the Soviet government read his resolution on Ukrainian inde– 1944-48. Laura, began the program by singing a of the Ukrainian patriot valentyn pendence Day. The resolution was While serving this sentence in a medley of Ukrainian Christmas carols. Moroz," said Assemblyman Hinchey. adopted unanimously. corrective labor camp, Symchych Tatiana Durbak, a representative of "1 realize that our struggle for Ukraini– Also speaking in the Senate cham– joined an existing bandit group in the the UCCA District Committee, con– an independence is not easy and 1 urge bers was Mr. Mason. camp which afflicted punishments on vened the observances. The American you not to give up." A reception was held in Sen. Cook's prisoners not of the group's liking. For and Ukrainian national anthems were Assemblyman Hobliak of Water– office. Some 50 persons attended the this, the Khabarovsk court sentenced sung by the girls trio, "Kobza," con– vliet, who is of Ukrainian descent, said reception, which was prepared by Symchych on December 7, 1953, to 10 sisting of Halia Kuzio, and Luba and that he was happy to be present with Walter Kwas, manager of Soyuzivka, additional years of imprisonment Natalka Kushnir. Ukrainian Americans to commemorate the UCCA District Committee, and the under provisions of the Criminal Code The very Rev. Mitred volodymyr Ukrainian independence Day. area branches of the Ukrainian Na– of the Russian SFSR. Andrushkiw delivered the invocation Also speaking was former state Sen. tional Women's League of America On August 2, 1956, the commission and Mrs. Durbak summarized for the Edwyn Mason, who is the initiator of and the Women's Association for the of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme audience the meaning of Ukrainian ln– the Ukrainian independence Day pro- Defense of Four Freedoms for Soviet commuted Symchych's sentence dependence Day in the lives of Ukraini– gram in the State Capitol four years Ukraine. to 10 years imprisonment. As a result, ans today. ago. in the course of the reception, Mr. he was released on December 7, 1963. Addressing the audience were state Mr. Mason, who retired from the Mason cited Mr. Kwas for being the in 1967, the KGB and the prosecu– Sens. Cook, G. Bruno and W. Smith, state Senate last year, told the audience first person to initiate the idea of hold– tor's office received new information who spoke on behalf of Sen. Warren that the Ukrainian people are contin– ing Ukrainian independence Day pro- about Symchych's activity in the OUN. Anderson who was unable to attend. uing to fight for independence, despite grams in the State Capitol. Mr. Mason The information revealed that Sym– All of the senators expressed their suffering heavy losses during two presented him with a gift for his work in chych was inv6Tved in reprisals against support for Ukrainian causes and world wars. He urged Ukrainian organizing the annual^observances. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1979 No. 27 Symchych seeks help for Ukrainian independence Day mother from United Nations reception on Capitol Hill NEW YORK, N.Y. - Myroslav taken by the government. From what is Symchych appealed to the United Na– left, 1 am forced to pay for my meals, Below is the list of the senators and representatives who attended the Ukrai– tions human rights commission in 1976 clothing, etc. І have two children; what nian independence Day reception on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, January 24.
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