iiji HON. WAYNEL M1RSE tgoox 93D CONGRESS, 20 SESSION SENATE DOCUMENT NO. 93-107 Memorial, Addresses AND Other Tributes IN THE Congress of the United States ON THE LIFE AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF Wayne L. Morse Ninety-third Congress Second Session U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1974 Compiled under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing Contents Page Biography VII Proceedings in the Senate Announcement of death by the Honorable Mark 0. Hatfield, of Oregon I Prayer by Rev. Edward L. R. Elson, D.D., Chaplain, U.S. Senate_ I Senate Resolution No. 365 VI Tributes by Senators: Abourezk, James, o South Dakota 14 Articles: New YorTimes, by Alden Whitman, July 23, 1974 ___. 14 Washingt n (D.C.)Post, by David S. Broder, July 23 1974 17 Bayh, Birch, of Inciana 48 Bible, Alan, of Neada 42 Church, Frank, of Idaho 54 Tribute to fortner Senator Morse in recent issue of the newsletter othe National Committee for an Effective Congress 54 Brooke, Edward W.,of Massachusetts 47 Cranston, Alan, ofJalifornia 52 Pong, Hiram L., ofHawaii 4 Hart, Philip A., ofMichigan 21 Hartke, Vance, of Indiana 40 Hatfield, Mark 0.,of Oregon_____ 1,4, 5, 34, 56, 62, 64,78,79 Article from theEugene (Oreg.) Register-Guard 63 Eulogies by Oregon GovernorTom McCall 59 President,Oregon State Senate, Jayson Boc 6i Letters from EdwardN. Fadeley, Oregon State Senator, reprinting ofbooklet of memories of the late Senator Morse 78 Memorial servicefor Senator Wayne Lyman Morse, Tuesday,July30,r974WashingtonNational Cathedral - 65 Sundry radioand newspaper articles, editorials, and commentarieson the late Senator Wayne L Morse_. 8o Hollings, Ernest F.,of South Carolina Proceedings in the SenateContinued Tributes by SenatorsContinued Page Humphrey, Hubert H., of Minnesota 38 Javits, Jacob K., of New York 7 34 Kennedy, Edward M., of Massachusetts 8, 37 Eulogy by Hal Gross, staff member, Senate Special Sub- committee on Indian Education 37 McGee, Gale W., of Wyoming, 9 Article from the Washington (D.C.) Post, by David S. Broder, July 23, 1974 9 Mansfield, Mike, of Montana 2, 23, 41, 43 Articles: New York Times by Alden Whitman, July 23, - '974 23 Washington (D C) Fost, by David SBroder, Jül 23, '974 26 Washington Star-News, by Richard Slusser, July 23, 974 30 Metcalf, Lee;of Montana 46 Muskie, Edmund S., of Maine 44 Editorial from he New'Ybrk Times, July 23, 1974__-.- 45 Pack'ood, Bob, of Oregon 50 'Pastore, John 0., of Rhode Island 22 Pell, Claiborne, of Rhode Is1gnd 5 PrOxmire; 'William, of Wisconsin ' 3 Randolph, Jennings, of West Virginia 6 Sparkna; John, of Alabama 34 Editorial from the Washington (D C) Post, July 24, '974 35 Thurinond, 'Strom, of South Carolina - 50 Williams, Harrison A.; 'Jr., of New Jersey 7 Proceedings in the 'House - 131 Tributes by Representatives: Abzug,Bella, of New York 138 Burton, Philhp of Cahfornia Conyers, John, Jr., of Michigan 149 Dellejiback, John, of Oregon '33 Green, Edith, of Oregqn.. '3' Gunter, Bill; of Florida ' 165 Article from the Orlando(Fla.)Sentinel Star, by CharleyRyan, July 28, i7 165 Helstosid, Henry, of New Jersey 136 Mazzoli, Romanó L., of' Kentucky '37 Miller, Clarence E., of Ohio '33 Moakley, John Joseph, of Massachusetts - '45 Pepper, Claude, of Florida - ' 133, 151 Memorial service for Senator Wayne Lyman Morse, Tuesday,July30 1974,Washington National Cathedral 152 [ivj Proceedings in the HouseContinued Tributes by Representatives: Perkins, Carl D., of Kentucky '37 Range!, Charles B., of New York '45 Rosenthal, Benjamin S., of New York '35 Editorial from the New York Times, July 23, 1974 136 Roybal, Edward of California 150 Uliman, Al, of Oregon 13!, 140 Artcl from the New York Tithes, by Alden Whitman, July 23, 1974 140 Editorials: New York Times, Jily 23, 1974 143 :Wahingt (D.C.) Post,July 24: J974 '44 Wolff, Lester L, of New York 148 Wyatt, Wendell; of Oregon 732 [v] Senate Resolution No.365 IN THE SENATE OP THE UNITED STATES, July 23, 1974. Resolved, That the legislative proceedings in the Umted States Congress relating to the death of the former Senator from Oregon, Mr. MORSE, be printed as a Senate document. Passed: August 22, 1974. [ vi I Biography WAYNE LYMAN MORSE was born near Madison, Dane County, Wis., October 20, I 9oo; attended the public schools; University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.B., and M.A., xg; from the law department of the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, LL.B., 1928, and from Columbia University, New York, N.Y., J.D., I932; completed a 4-year advanced military training course at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin at Madison, 1919-23, and held a reserve com- mission as 2d lieutenant, Field Artillery, U.S. Army, 1923-29; taught argumentation at the Universities of Wisconsin and Minne- sota; assistant professor of law at the University of Oregon at Eugene in i 929, associate professor in 1930, and dean and professor of law 1931-44; member of the Oregon Crime Commission; administra- five director, United States Attorney General's survey of Release Pro- cedures, I 936-39; Pacific Coast arbitrator for the U.S. Department of Labor (maritime industry) 1938-42, and also served in other ca- pacities for the Labor Department; chairman of the President's Rail- way Emergency Board ifl 1941; alternate public member of the Na- tional Defense Mediation Board in 1941; public member of the Na- tional War Labor Board 1942-44; farmer; elected as a Republican to the U.S. Senate in 1944 for the term commencing January 3, 1945; reelected in 1950 for the term ending January 3, 1957; elected as a Democrat in 1956 for the term ending January 3, 1963; reelected again in 1962 for the term ending January 3, 1969; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1968; lecturer; labor arbitartor; distin- guished visiting scholar, State University of New York, 1969-70; re- mained active in labor arbitration, lecturing, and antiwar efforts; in 1972, won the Democratic senatorial nomination but was unsuccess- ful in the November election; in i returned to the lecture cir- cuit; in 1974, won the Democratic senatorial nomination and was actively engaged in campaigning when he died July 22, 1974, in Portland, Oreg.; interment in Rest Haven Memorial Park, Eugene, Oreg. MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR WAYNE L. MORSE Proceedings in the Senate MONDAY,July 22,1974. PRAYER The Chaplain, the Reverend Edwd L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following prayer: Eternal Father, in whom we live and move and have our being, from whom we come and to whom we go at last, in this quiet moment we remember with thanksgiving Thy servantWAYNE MORSE.We thank Thee for the magnitude of his service to the Nation and es- pecially his labors in this body. We thank Thee for the integrity of his manhood, the uniqueness of his witness, and. the power of his speech. We remember with grati- tude his virile intellect, his moral earnestness, his tenacious convic- tions, his forensic skills, his fidelity to high ideals, his loyalties tran- scending faction and party, and his faithfulness as a servant of the common good. May his unique mantle be worn worthily in all generations. Teach us once more that underneath life and death are the ever- lasting arms of the Eternal Shepherd who with goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of this life until we dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Through Him who is the Resurrection and the Life. Amen. Mr. HATFIELD. Mr. President, I rise with great sadness to an- nounce to the Senate the death of former SenatorWAYNE MORSE of Oregon who passed away this morning at8:10at Portland, Oreg. WAYNE MORSEwas a politician from a very unique mold, and an enigma to many people. When convinced of a position on an issue he was not swayed by political considerations or pressures. His interest was substance. His commitment to issues produced a unique style which was known as the Morse style. {II MEMORIAL ADDRESSES To those of us who for nearly a decade had tried to change U.S. policies in Indochina, Senator MORSE'S early prophecies and his warnings were of such magnitude and of such statesmanlike charac- ter that we all o*eã debt ofgratitudetohith. I would like to express my personal sympathy and that of my family to Mrs. Morse and to the family of Senator WAYNE MORSE onhis passing. He served for 24 years in this body, from i. to ig68, and I know that many who are here today served with him. I will give my own eulogy concerning Senator Moas at a later time, but I did want to share this very sad news, with my colleagues and his.many friends here at this time. ... .. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I wish to join the distinguished senior Senator 'from' Oregon (Mr. Hatfield) . in expressing. my sense of personal loss in this man who contributed so much. to his State, to the Nation and, in many ways, to the world. He was a man of fierce independence, I'lcnow no one with whom I have served in' this body who was more independent than WAYNE MORSE. He was fearless.. As the distinguished Senator from Oregon (Mr. Hatfield) .said there. was a Morse style, but there was also a Morse formula. I am delighted to note the distinguished Senator from Wisconsin (Mr. Proxmire) on the floor, who' has. carried on the initiative shown by the. late Senator 'from. Oregon, WAYNE MORSE, in looking over items to look for escape clauses and to carry on in the tradition of WAYNE MORSE, as he has also, in my opinionand I am speaking of the distinguished Senator' from Wisconsin .
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