SLOVENIJA : DANSKA 10. - 12. februar 2012 | Rdeca dvorana VELENJE TENIŠKA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE - SLOVENE TENNIS ASSOCIATION SI, 1000 Ljubljana, Vurnikova 2 - tel.: 01 430 66 90 - fax: 01 430 66 95 - e-mail: [email protected] - www.teniska-zveza.si www.teniska-zveza.si SPOROČILO PREDSEDNIKA TZS STA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE V veselje in čast mi je, da vas lahko pozdravim I am happy and honoured to welcome you at our na srečanju Davisovega pokala, ki je Davis Cup tie. Davis Cup by BNP Paribasis the most najprestižnejše ekipno tekmovanje v tenisu na prestigious team competition in tennis in the world. svetu. Naši igralci so se lani pomerili s Finci in po Last year our players beat Finland in an exciting tie. razburljivem finalnem obračunu zmagali. Na to so Folwing the tie against Finlandteam Slevenia traveld naši fantje igrali proti favorizirani Italiji in žal to Italy where they played second round agains very izgubili v drugem krogu. Letos se nam obetajo strong opponent Italy and unfortunately they lost. prav tako razburljivi in napeti dvoboji. Še posebej Also this year we are hoping for exciting matches. smo lahko optimistični saj se podajamo v dvoboje This year we can be very optimistic because our z najboljšo preteklo sezono v zgodovini players have had an outstanding season 2011. Players slovenskega tenisa. Igralci so dozoreli in igrajo svoj have reached maturity and they are playing the best najboljši tenis v karieri. Tudi sam sem si ogledal tennis of their lives. I had the pleasure to watch those izredno zanimive dvoboje v katerih so naši igralci potrdili svojo kvaliteto, še enkrat več pa so me interesting matches live and once again I was navdušili z izjemnim ekipnim duhom. impressed by outstanding team spirit of our players. Prepričan sem, da se bodo naši igralci izkazali I am positive that our players will also do well this tudi tokrat in da uspeh ne bo izostal. Rezultati, ki time and that succes s willl also be there. Results they so jih posamično dosegli v zadnjih nekaj tednih, achived seperatly in the last few weeks are realy me navdajajo s posebnim optimizmom, zato encouraging and I am conviced that in we can expect mislim, da si lahko tudi od te generacije obetamo a lot of good performences from this generation in še mnoge odmevne nastope v najvišji skupini tega the highest group of this competition in the future tekmovanja. Slovene tennis Association and our colleagues Teniška zveza Slovenije in sodelavci iz Velenja from Velenje will do our best in organizing the tie and se bomo potrudili, da bo dvoboj potekal brezhibno we hope both teams will be satisfied. in v zadovoljstvo obeh ekip. To both teams I wish the best of luck and a plesent Obema ekipama želim veliko športne sreče, stay to our guests here in Velenje. gostom iz Danske pa prijetno počutje v Velenju. Hvala pokroviteljem za podporo, mojim Thanks to all the sponsors for their support my co- sodelavcem iz Teniške zveze Slovenije in vsem workers from Slovene tennis Association and all the ostalim, ki so pripomogli k izvedbi tega velikega others for their efforts in the organization of this teniškega dogodka. great tennis event. Prijatelji tenisa vabljeni v Rdečo dvorano v Dear tennis friends - come to Rdeča dvorana in Velenju, skupaj bomo uživali ob spremljanju Velenje , together we will enjoy top tennis matches vrhunskih teniških dvobojev in navijali za naše. and cheer for Slovenia. Marko Umberger Predsednik TZS / STA President DAVIS CUP by BNP PARIBAS 01 SLOVENIJA - DANSKA | februar 2012 SPOROČILO PREDSEDNIKA ITF ITF PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE V veliko veselje mi je, da vas lahko pozdravim v prvem It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this Davis krogu Davis Cupa BNP Paribas. Cup by BNP Paribas Zone Group tie. To leto Davis Cup praznuje 100. obletnico finalnih This year Davis Cup celebrates its 100th Final and while dvobojev in medtem časom se je igra dramatično the game might have changed dramatically in that time spremenila, še vedno pa nosi vrednote njenega the competition still carries the values of its founder, ustanovitelja. Dwight Davis se je zavzemal za negovanje Dwight Davis, who wanted to nurture sporting relations športnih odnosov med državami po celem svetu. between countries all over the world. Že 17 let neprestano več kot 120 držav sodeluje v tem For the 17th consecutive year, more than 120 nations are največjem ekipnem tekmovanju. V letu 2011 je 520 igralcev taking part in what remains the largest annual team predstavljalo 121 držav po celem svetu, ki sodelujejo v competition in sport. In 2011, 520 players representing 121 Davisovem Pokalu. Španija je ohranila primat in še tretjič v countries across the globe took part in Davis Cup. Spain štirih letih osvojila naslov, ko je Rafael Nadal premagal maintained its stranglehold on the trophy with a third title Martina Del Potra v odločilnem dvoboju posameznikov. in four years after Rafael Nadal overcame Juan Martin del Potro to win the decisive fourth rubber. V prejšnjem letu se je za tekmovanje v Davisovem pokalu pokazalo, da ima svetovno podporo, saj je bil Last year, the competition continued to prove it has a televizijski prenos dvobojev v več kot 180 državah, medtem global appeal, with television broadcasting Davis Cup in ko se je internet pokazal kot odličen portal po celem svetu. over 180 countries, while the internet continued to prove Uradna stran Davis Cup (DavisCup.com , CopaDavis.com) itself the perfect portal for a competition with a worldwide je zabeležila več kot 17 milijonov ogledov in več kot reach. The official Davis Cup websites, DavisCup.com and 350.000 ljudi si je ogledalo dvoboje preko uradne strani CopaDavis.com, recorded over 17 million page views and DavisCup.tv. Več kot 600.000 gledalcev se je udeležilo 81 more than 350,000 people visited the live streaming site dvobojev v letu 2011, vključno z 75.000 udeleženci na on DavisCup.tv. Almost 600,000 spectators attended 81 finalnem delu v Sevili med Španijo in Argentino. ties in 2011, including a total attendance of 75,000 across the three days of the final in Seville. Davis Cup je edino tekmovanje, ki daje tenisačem možnost, da zastopajo svojo državo in 27 od 30ih Davis Cup is the only competition that gives the players najboljših igralcev z lestvice je nastopalo v tekmovanju the opportunity to represent their country and 27 of the top 2011, vključno najboljših 9 iz deseterice na svetovni ATP 30 men rose to the challenge in 2011, including nine of the lestvici. Veliko najboljših igralcev je predanih tekmovanju, top 10. That so many of the best players commit to a ki pa ni obveznoin pomeni požrtvovalnost, nagrada pa je competition which isn’t mandatory shows that although it zelo visoka. can mean sacrifice, the rewards are high. Rad bi se zahvalil tudi BNP Paribas, ki zaključuje 11 leto I would like to extend my gratitude to BNP Paribas, who kot glavni sponzor in zelo ponosni smo, da smo uspeli completed its 11th year of title sponsorship, and say how podaljšati sodelovanje vse do leta 2016. Moje zahvale proud we are to have secured the bank as our title sponsor gredo tudi ostalim mednarodnim sponzorjem HP, Rolex, until 2016. My thanks go also to our international sponsors Hugo Boss, Adecco in NH Hoteles ter našemu HP, Rolex, Hugo Boss, Adecco and NH Hoteles, and our mednarodnemu partnerju Wilson. international partner Wilson. Nazadnje bi se rad zahvalil komiteju Davis Cup in Finally I would like to recognise the Davis Cup vsem, ki delajo na organizaciji teh tekmovanj, vsem Committee and all those people who have worked on the tekmovalcem, kapetanom in oboževalcem. Vsem vam organisation of this tie, and thank the players, captains and želim uspešen in lep vikend. fans. I wish all of you an enjoyable and successful weekend. Francesco Ricci Bitti Predsednik ITF / ITF President DAVIS CUP by BNP PARIBAS03 SLOVENIJA - DANSKA | februar 2012 SPOROČILO POKROVITELJA SPONSOR’S MESSAGE BNP Paribas in tenis - ljubezenska zgodba BNP Paribas and tennis, a love story Kot vse ljubezenske zgodbe, ima tudi zveza Like all love stories, the relationship between BNP med BNP Paribasom in tenisom svoje anekdote: Paribas and tennis has its roots in anecdote: in 1973, leta 1973 je Francoska teniška zveza poklicala na the French Tennis Federation called upon BNP BNP Paribas za finančno pomoč pri gradnji Paribas to finance the building of boxes on centre objektov na centralnem igrišču Roland Garrosa. V court at Roland Garros. In exchange, the brand zameno so ponudili vidnost BNP Paribasa za appeared on the baseline tarpaulins in the stadium. zadnjo linijo na igrišču stadiona. Skozi leta se je to Over the years, the relationship blossomed, largely sodelovanje razcvetelo in pokazalo kot dobra due to the many values that the Group shares with naložba, zaradi velikih vrednot, ki jih tenis tennis, values like performance, elegance and fair združuje in prinaša, kot so naprimer: zmogljivost, play. Tennis is also an ideal means of eleganca in fair play. Tenis je idealno sredstvo communication: as a universal discipline it attributes komunikacije: kot univerzalna disciplina znamki traits of character to the brand and conveys daje značaj in čustveno sporočilno vrednost,, emotional values, but above all, represents a familiar predvsem pa pa predstavlja nekaj prepoznavnega marker in an increasingly international landscape. v mednarodnem okolju. Our relationship with this sport has grown over Naša veza s tem športom je postala večja time reaching global proportions mirroring BNP skozi čas, medtem ko je BNP Paribas dosegal Paribas’s international development. The signing of mednarodne globalne razsežnosti . Podpis the partnership with the ITF in 2001, making BNP partnerstva z ITF v letu 2001, ko je BNP Paribas Paribas the title sponsor of the legendary Davis Cup, postal glavni sponzor Davis Cupa, je bila ena was an important step in this evolution.
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