D I S T R I C T LINES news and views of the historic districts council winter 2006 vol. XX no. 3 Towers aTop 980 Madison avenue would CasT iMpliCaTions even longer Than Their shadows I. The hearIng also spent time talking about how green designated district that it may occupy; his building would be, how it employed and for the basic principles according to Two hundred people jammed into a sec- the latest environmental technologies which the landmarks process has been ond-floor room at the Surrogate’s Court to be virtually self-sufficient in terms of conducted over the years. Expanding, he building in Lower Manhattan for a spe- energy use. bemoaned the windows gained and the cial public hearing on October 24. The But William J. Higgins, a principal garden lost in the LPC-approved altera- Landmarks Preservation Commission of Higgins & Quasebarth preservation tions. He stressed that the horizontality had been expecting a lot of people, but consultants, really made a strong case of the gallery building balanced the ver- not this many—for those who arrived a for appropriateness. The towers were ticality of the towers and that though mere ten minutes early there was stand- triply appropriate, he said—for the his- the two buildings shared the site, they ing room only. People spilled out the door toric building, Parke-Bernet itself; for the were independent of each other with, into the public corridor. nevertheless, a “harmonious Aby Rosen, the developer, interaction of materials” and an was the first to speak. Excited “organic relationship.” about his new project and con- The towers would be fident of its merits, he talked appropriate to a district in about the building he bought which change is a constant, Mr. two years ago at 980 Madison Higgins said, where different Avenue—the Parke-Bernet scales of buildings harmonized Galleries—almost as if it were and where luxury and quality decrepit and described how he abound. And finally, the towers would restore it to its original are appropriate to the landmark- glory. He admitted that to build ing process, he argued, because the two connected high-rise they “harmonize the juxtaposi- residential towers he was pro- tion of evolutionary changes,” posing would require zoning as Harmon Goldstone, an early “modifications,” but he inti- chair of LPC, was known to say. mated that the alterations LPC Public testimony, both pro had approved in the 1980s had and con, was given until after somehow made Parke-Bernet six in the evening. Testimony in shabby. He would remove the favor of the project dealt mainly added windows, restore the roof with how a renovated Parke- garden, add a public sculpture Bernet building would revitalize garden and create 24,000 square the neighborhood, adding gal- feet of art-exhibition space. lery space on Madison Avenue Lord Norman Foster spoke that had been lost to Chelsea. next, the architect of the towers. Some neighbors liked the addi- A distinguished-looking, well- tion, and a representative of the dressed man, he, too, seemed Real Estate Board of New York confident of the project’s merits. said the plan allowed for devel- It would be compatible with the opment without demolition. neighborhood, he said, because Other neighbors, especially it was a part of New York, Man- RENDERING BY PLATT BYARD DOVELL WHITE ARCHITECTS those who live across the street hattan’s Upper East Side, that or around the corner from the Rendering of the towers proposed as an addition to the Parke-Bernet demonstrated “eclectic growth” project, said it was “unharmo- Galleries in Manhattan. At press time, the Landmarks Commission and “regeneration,” which may nious, alien to the area” and had not made a decision whether to approve the design. have raised a few eyebrows. He “a developer’s folly. …Do not Historic Districts Council HDC_Winter06_test.indd 1 12/14/06 3:32:18 AM District Lines ~ Winter 2007 ~ page 2 enrich this developer at the expense of nue Preservation District, Mr. Bankoff too big—“the tower’s outsize height is a the neighborhood.” went on, stipulates height and setback problem,” he said in an article published Preservationists spoke as well and restrictions, 210 feet being the overall October 10. Largely approving in tone, were unanimously opposed to the proj- limit. “In fact,” he said, “as mandated by Mr. Ouroussof’s article contrasted 980 ect. Although details of their testimony Section 99-08 [of the zoning ordinance], Madison with Renzo Piano’s proposed varied, all agreed that the proposal was a waiver of the maximum building height (and later withdrawn) addition to the inappropriate for the neighborhood: may only be authorized by the City Plan- Whitney Museum, saying that “the Foster Elizabeth Ashby, co-chair of ning Commission if (a) the development tower will serve the interests of a wealthy Defenders of the Historic Upper East will not alter the character of the neigh- elite, not the public at large. …I’m not Side, said she did not see a relationship borhood and (b) the development will sure a luxury high-rise should be allowed between the vertical, elliptical glass tow- have a harmonious relationship with the the same freedom as a major civic build- ers and their solid, rectilinear masonry building to be preserved. It is our conten- ing.” base, let alone an “organic” one, as Mr. tion that this proposal does neither.” Tom Wolfe, preservation’s most Higgins had averred. “There’s an organic Frank Sanchis, senior vice presi- voluble player, wrote in a long, scathing relationship, too,” she said, “between a dent of the Municipal Art Society, said Op-Ed piece in The Times (November lettuce and a gorilla.” the society’s Preservation Committee 26), “It would be hard to dream up any- Simeon Bankoff, executive director “found the design of the addition…to be thing short of a Mobil station more out of the Historic Districts Council, testi- inappropriate to both the building and of place there than a Mondo Condo glass fied on the basis of regulatory grounds: to the Upper East Side Historic District box by Aby Rosen.” provisions of Section 74-711 of the Zon- [because of its] proposed height, massing, And James Gardner, writing in The ing Resolution and those of the Special design and materials.” New York Sun (October 31), was simi- Madison Avenue Preservation District, Roger Lang of the New York Land- larly doubtful: “To have this tasteless new a zoning amendment. Section 74-711, he marks Conservancy testified: “The tower directly across the street from [the said, “was adopted to encourage the reha- addition is simply too tall, too discordant Carlyle Hotel] would immediately and bilitation and reuse of landmark buildings in massing, and too dissimilar in materials irreversibly rend the delicate urban fabric that were otherwise unusable,” in return to bring to the Upper East Side Historic of the Upper East Side.” for which the applicant would be granted District what the late Harmon Goldstone Ultimately, the period during which a Modification of Use and Bulk. The called ‘a harmonious juxtaposition.’ ” testimony could be submitted was Parke-Bernet Galleries building is in good Teri Slater, co-chair of Defenders extended six weeks to December 5, which condition and currently in use, vitiating of the Historic Upper East Side and a allowed people who live in the neighbor- that argument. The Special Madison Ave- vice president of HDC, where she is co- hood to organize a street-corner campaign chair of the Public Review Committee, to stop the project and get their petitions testified that “LPC normally reviews vis- in on time. ibility issues where a few feet are called The outcome could go one of three into question. Here the rooftop addition ways—approval of the proposal, approval DISTRICT will be visible for miles. …When the com- of a revised proposal, or outright denial. mission routinely and methodically turns Tom Wolfe thought Aby Rosen would get LINES down all partially visible rooftop addi- his approval—“the contest is already com- news and views of the tions for hundreds of other applicants, pletely snookered in his favor,” he said. historic districts council how then could it possibly bless and allow Noting that nine out of 11 commission- this proposed change?” ers are doing service on expired terms, editor ~ Penelope Bareau Leo Blackman, an award-winning Mr. Wolfe suggested that they might art and production ~ Moom Luu architect, vice president of The Drive to all be told not to come in again if their editorial consultant ~ Jack Taylor Protect the Ladies’ Mile District and a decision does not favor Mr. Rosen, a sce- director of HDC, took the commission to nario—unlikely though it may be—that contributors ~ Simeon Bankoff, Penelope Bareau, Franny Eberhart, David Goldfarb, task in a written statement: “It is the role has implications best left dangling. Frampton Tolbert, Nadezhda Williams of the Landmarks Commission to protect Alternatively, the applicant could staff ~ Simeon Bankoff, Executive Director the visual character of the neighborhoods propose and the commission approve Frampton Tolbert, Assistant Director Lauren Belfer, Nadezhda Williams, they have deemed significant. It is not revisions to the design. They could be Preservation Associates the role of the LPC to enable large-scale approved at a public meeting which, no part of this periodical may be development, no matter how prominent distinct from a public hearing, does not reproduced without the consent the developer. A famous architect should admit public testimony. A couple of the of the historic districts council. not get a free pass from the commission… guesses: the historic districts council is the and a landmark should not be considered James Gardner in The Sun: “[Lord citywide advocate for new york’s designated a suitable base for a tower.” Foster] and Mr.
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