A Revised Checklist with Distribution Maps of the Turtles of the World John B. Iverson Earlham College , ; ~ . .; < e e e e e e -e ­e e e e e e e e -e e- ­It ­e e­ e e v e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e~ e e addition to dots markulg IClCalltles, e the latter are ImlDetlIa1:ely adJ:ace:nt indicate "'~ .. ~%,~% e e t:>v<~..""'nl",, Geochelone IntJfwtJlln!1ltp,lv humans e e e e e e e e recent e e e AMG Museum, Somerset Street, Grahamstown 6140, ,"",,-,v..an.v of South Africa. AMNH American Museum of Natural York e 10024, e Australian Museum, Box 6-8 2000, e ANSP ':'Clem;es, 19th and the lY"r:!runnl PhlJladelphJla, ~J"nn"\lhJJ'!tl"IH 19103, U.S.A, e Cromwell London SW7 California Ac.aOemv of ~Clem;es, Golden San Francisco, California 941 U.S,A Charleston MlllSel.lln, Ln,arle:ston, South Carolina U,S,A. Estaci6n l:HC'lOl1;lca e Museum of Natural and Lake Shore 60605, e e e e e Kepm)l1C of China. e e Expos:itlC)fi Blvd., Los .... lIltCllt::S. California e Gallardo 470, 1405 4t e Camb1ridge, Massachusetts Mllseum d'Histoire Naltun~:Ue. Jardin des Plantes, Allee Jules Guesde, 3100 VUIV\j,,,,v. Haute e France e Museum National dHistoire Naturelle, 43 Rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris V, France. MNHN e COJmIJlar~i.tl,re anatomy collection is indicated the suffix MPEG Museu Paraense "Emilio Goeldi", Caixa Postal 399, 66.000 Belem, Para, Brasil. e MRAC Musee de Centrale, B-1980 Tervuren, tlelglilm. e Museo Civico di Storia Naturale de Genova 'Giacoma Doria,' Via 9, 16121 ".H"BUV"'. e MSNG e MTKD Staaliches Museum fUr Tierkunde, AUlgustusstJras:ie 2, 801 Dresden, hPrm:flnv e MVZ Museum of Vertebrate lnj"en:jtv of California, tleJrlCeleV U.s.A. MZf L,G1o!<)glcaJ Museum, UI. Vanemuizhe 43, Tartu, Estonian S.S.R., \..1 ••".':; •.1."\.. e MZUP Museo ZO'O!OglCO, Universita di Palermo, Via Archirafi 18, 90123 !Ja!."''''''''''' MZUS Musee de LJUUl\.J1t,l''', Universite de Strasl:lOUrg Strastxmrg, France. MZUSP Museu L.VVn/~"v, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal 7172, 04263 Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrasiL fit NMP Natal Museum, 237 Street, Pi€~teImalritlbl.Jlrg, .1."\"t::IJUIJU\v of South Africa. e NMW Naturhistorisches MUlsellm, Postfach 417, U"rar,,"a A-1014 1, Austria. e NRM Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. e NUH LaboJ~at()rv of Natural Science Collection, National Hanoi, Socialist K.epulJl1C Vietnam. e E'>.lJ[I~1.1Ull[l. OUM Oxford In"""''''olh' Museum, Parks Oxford, Jxtorctsh:lre, United e UUleell1s1,md Museum, Terrace, Fortitude Hnsbcine, OUleellsllmd 4006, Australia. e RCSM of Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2, United E'>.lJHl;I.1UIJH. e RMNH Rijksrnm;eUJm van Histoire, Postbus 9517, 2300 Leiden, Holland. e RSM Scottish Museum, Chambers Street, Edinblun!h EHI UF, Scotland, United l"A,U1t,'lVl,U. e sa Shanxi Institute of Shanxi Province, l''''VU'JU'- of China. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e - - -e ­e e e e e e e e e e e e 1 1 were e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e xiii 3 6 7 11 BMNH 1947.3.4.21 and nof''''''I.,,,''· ...."n........Af'th, T~."tTlf't~.t1 to tlnordliches t-\uSUijum 14 ) J 27 • ) 34 42 43 09' Podocnemis. rhodesianus 67 70 71 ..~ ) 73 75 77 83 85 87 Chelonia olivacea Es(;hs(;hollz Reevesii soullhe:astern and eastern Asia See overview. 109 Testudo amboinensis Daudin DI~litriblJlti(m: SOtlmlern Asia to Sulawesi Bour 117 '. 137 149 error. UI}SD~eCles: None Reviewed Smith BMNH "Borneo" Dis1tril)llltion: ,LVJl<lUl'Va and$arawak '''''''V''U'VV 157 (jeloer.~yara !Jum~tw!afjra diademata Maracaibo Venezuela None LOlmnlent: Reviewed and elevated to Pritchard and considered it a sut)SVlXIC~S Nicoria nasuta spe<~lml~nS) BMNH 1947 .3.5.54~57 northwestern Ecuador and Carr Almendariz 165 I 170 173 COlllSl(len:~ \:!\.rOfUlvmnn(l with the genus 189 197 Testudo carolina Lmnaelus 204 a " 207 208 213 I 217 «;-Ul 1"""._, 7.2 km north of None l.:OInmlent: Reviewed as Sternotherus /'/U'1 >11'1 """ 221 Ha(;leI110a, Chichen pelllmS11J1a, Mexico Cinosternum leucostomum 9087 232 ..,.. ,.-,..-.1 .."", and Seidel 237 ong,mally C(]ltal()~ut~<1 as USNM 6518 and • • 240 Thailand see 1 UUI'an20. Mexico" 261 "''''nth'''',..... KeplJOllC of South 268 Testudo "nn<"",,,,,,,,,,, Indonesia 269 278 285 • ~ Triorrvdlifl:le account. 301 as at the Islamic as as steindachneri northeastern Testudo TYll,nlOln f"').!:Cca1>c.lL. L. 1857. 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