URJ Transliteration Guidelines and Master Word List Prepared by Debra Hirsch Corman and Rabbi Hara Person February 4, 2005 Transliteration See Word List for exceptions to the following guidelines, based on dictionary spelling or common usage. “ch” for chet and chaf “f” for fei “k” for kaf and kuf “tz” for tzadi “i” for chirik “e” for segol “ei” for tzeirei “a” for patach and kamatz “o” for cholam and kamatz katan “u” for shuruk and kibbutz “ai” for patach with yod Final “h” for final hei; none for final ayin (exceptions based on common usage): atah, Sh’ma, but Moshe. Apostrophe for sh’va nah (with exceptions based on common usage): b’nei, b’rit, Sh’ma, but ketubah. Hyphen for two vowels together where necessary for correct pronunciation: ne-eman, samei-ach, but maariv, Shavuot. No hyphen for prefixes unless necessary for correct pronunciation: babayit, HaShem, Yom HaAtzma-ut, but Va- eira. Do not double consonants (with exceptions based on dictionary spelling or common usage): t’filah, chayim, but tikkun, Sukkot. Capitalization In transliterated text, capitalize only proper nouns. In general, capitalize transliterated word if the word would be capitalized in English (exceptions: pronouns referring to God): Adonai, Eretz Yisrael, Gan Eden, Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam, but atah, hu. In transliterated text, use lowercase for prefixes in running text, but capitalize prefixes in titles and proper nouns: “Ki MiTziyon” (title of song), Ki miTziyon teitzei Torah (running text); V’zot HaTorah (title of prayer), V’zot haTorah asher… (text of prayer); l’Adonai; HaShem; Rosh HaShanah. Capitalize references to God: the Divine, the Divine Presence, the One, HaShem, You, Your, but who, atah, hu. Use lowercase for derivatives of references to God: godlike, godly, messianic. Capitalize the names of religious denominations and words derived from them: Chasidism, Chasidic, Judaic, Sephardic, Reformers. Capitalize titles of prayers: Kiddush, Kaddish, Blessing after Meals, the Four Questions. Capitalize the names of the service or parts of the service: Shacharit, Yizkor. Use lowercase for life-cycle events: bar mitzvah, confirmation, b’rit milah. Italics, Roman, & Quotation Marks Generally use italics for transliterated words that do not appear in the dictionary (see Word List). Generally use roman for transliterated words that appear in the dictionary (see Word List); but use italics if the word appears in a transliterated phrase where other words are in italic: Shabbat, Oneg Shabbat. Use roman or italics for foreign titles according to whether they would be roman or italic in English: the song “Hava Nagila”; the book Mishneh Torah. Use roman for titles of classic Jewish texts: Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, midrash. Use italics for the Hebrew titles of prayers, roman for English titles: Kaddish, Kiddush, Sh’ma, the Four Questions, Blessing after Meals. Exception: Depending on context, treat as song—use roman, in quotation marks. Use roman for foreign proper names, including organizations: Yochanan ben Zakkai, Magen David Adom. Use roman for Hebrew months: Adar, Elul. Use roman for holidays: Pesach, Lag BaOmer. Master Word List, URJ Press Acharei Mot (parashah) avanah acknowledgment aveirah Adar (month) Avinu Malkeinu (prayer) Adar I (month) Avinu shebashamayim Adar II (month) avodah “Adir Hu” (song) Avodah Zarah (tractate) Adon Olam avon Adonai Avot (tractate) Adonai Melech Avot D’Rabbi Natan (tractate) Adonai Tz’vaot Avot V’Imahot (prayer) afikoman ayin (letter) aggadah, aggadot aggadic baal korei agunah Baal Shem Tov ahavah baal t’shuvah Ahavah Rabbah (prayer) Babylonian Empire Ahavat Olam (prayer) Babylonian exile Akeidah Babylonian Talmud Akiva baby naming, baby-naming ceremony Al Cheit (prayer) badchan alef (letter) Balak (parashah) alef-bet bal tashchit Aleinu (prayer) baraita, baraitot Al HaNisim (prayer) Bar’chu aliyah, aliyot bareich A.M. (SMALL CAPS) Bar Kochba am bar mitzvah Amidah Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam, Amora, Amoraim asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu amoraic Baruch She-Amar (prayer) am s’gulah Baruch Shem Am Yisrael Baruch SheNatan (prayer) Angel of Death bashert, basherte Ani Maamin (prayer) bat aninut bat mitzvah anti-Semitism Bava Batra (tractate) Arachin (tractate) Bava Kama (tractate) aravah Bava M’tzia (tractate) arbaah minim Bavli arba kanfot bayit (house) Arba Parashiyot Bayit (the Temple) ark (synagogue) B.C.E. (SMALL CAPS) Ark of the Covenant, the Ark b’chol l’vavcha Aron HaB’rit B’chorot (tractate) Aron HaKodesh B’chukotai (parashah) Aseret HaDibrot b’dikat chameitz Aseret Y’mei T’shuvah beit (house of) Ashamnu (prayer) beit din Ashkenazi, Ashkenazim Beit HaMikdash (the Temple) Ashkenazic Beit Hillel, Beit Shammai Ashrei (prayer) beit k’neset atzei chayim beit midrash atzeret beit t’filah aufruf beitzah (egg) Av (month) Beitzah (tractate) Avadim (tractate) ben Ben-Gurion, David CCAR Responsa Committee Ben Sira C.E. (SMALL CAPS) bet (letter) Central Europe Beth Hatefutsoth “Chad Gadya” (song) B’haalot’cha (parashah) Chabad B’har (parashah) chadash Bible chaf biblical chag bikur cholim Chagall Windows Bikurim (tractate) Chag HaAsif bimah Chag HaAviv binah Chag HaMatzot the Binding of Isaac Chag HaPesach birchot hamitzvot Chag HaSukkot birchot hanehenin Chagigah (tractate) birchot hapratiyot chai Birkat Eirusin (prayer) chalilah Birkat HaMazon (prayer) chalitzah Birkat Kohanim (prayer) challah (sacrifice) Birkat Nisuin (prayer) challah, challot (bread) Birkat Shalom (prayer) Challah (tractate) biur chameitz Chameish M’gillot Blessing after Meals (prayer) chameitz b’midbar Chamishah-Asar BiSh’vat B’midbar (parashah) Chamor B’midbar Rabbah Chanukah B’nai B’rith chanukat habayit B’nei B’rak chanukiyah b’nei mitzvah charoset B’nei Yisrael Chasid, Chasidim b’not mitzvah chasidav Bo (parashah) Chasidic Book of Exodus Chasidism Book of Life chatan boshet chatan B’reishit b’rachah, b’rachot chatan Torah B’rachot (tractate) chatat the Bratzlaver Rebbe chatimah b’reishit Chatzi Kaddish B’reishit (parashah) chaver B’reishit Rabbah chavurah, chavurot b’riah Chayei Sarah (parashah) b’rit chayim b’rit hachayim chazak, chazak, v’nitchazeik b’rit milah chazan b’rit olam chazanut b’riut cheder b’ruchah at cheit b’samim cherem B’shalach (parashah) cherubim b’tzelem Elohim chesed bubbe Chesed (s’firah) bubbemeises chesed shel emet the Burning Bush Cheshvan (month) chet (letter) candlelighting blessings chevrah kadisha chevruta d’veikut Children of Israel chochmah Eastern Europe chodesh East European Chodesh HaAviv echad chol hamo-eid “Echad Mi Yodei-a” (song) Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot eco-kashrut the Chosen People Eduyot (tractate) chug Eichah (Lamentations) Chukat (parashah) Eichah Rabbah Chulin (tractate) Eikev (parashah) Chumash Ein Adir chuppah Ein Kamocha chutzpah Ein Keiloheinu classical Reform Judaism Ein Sof the codes eirusin the commentaries eiruv confirmand Eiruvin (tractate) confirmation Eishet Chayil Conservative Judaism eitz Converso Eitz Chayim Hi counting of the Omer el (to) covenant El (God) creation (generic), the Creation Elijah’s cup cup of Elijah Eliyahu HaNavi (the prophet) cup of Miriam “Eliyahu HaNavi” (the song) El Malei Rachamim (prayer) daat Elohai N’shamah (prayer) dalet (letter) Elohai N’tzor (prayer) dam Eloheinu dam b’rit Elohim darshan El Shaddai daven Elul (month) Dayan ha-emet e-mail Day of Atonement Emancipation Days of Awe emet “Dayeinu” (song) Emor (parashah) decision making emunah Derech Eretz Rabbah (tractate) the Enlightenment Derech Eretz Zuta (tractate) Ephraim a diaspora, the Diaspora Eretz Yisrael din erev Din (s’firah) Erev Shabbat, Erev Yom Kippur divine (adj.) Eser Makot the Divine (God) eternal light the Divine Name (God) etrog the Divine Presence (God) the Evil Eye divrei Torah exilarch D’mai (tractate) the Exodus (from Egypt) Documentary Hypothesis d’rash family education dreidel festival, the Festivals D’TZACH, ADASH, B’ACHAV firstborn D’varim (parashah) the First Temple D’varim Rabbah Five Books of Moses d’var Torah, divrei Torah the Five M’gillot fleishig Half Kaddish the Flood (from Noach) hallel (praise) the Four Questions Hallel (prayers) Full Kaddish Hallel HaGadol (prayer) Hallelujah (English translation) Gadlu hal’luyah (transliteration) gadol HaMakom (God) galut hamantaschen Gan Eden Hamavdil (prayer) gaon,gaonim, geonic HaMotzi (prayer) Garden of Eden han’viah Geihinom haolam gelt HaRachaman (God) Gemara HaShem (God) genizah Hashkiveinu (prayer) gentile Haskalah (the movement, the Enlightenment) geonic “Hatikvah” (song) ger, gerim “Hava Nagila” (song) the Gerer Rebbe havdalah (separation) Gerim (tractate) Havdalah (service) get, gittin hayom ghetto, but Warsaw Ghetto heaven gibur Hebrew school gimel (letter) Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Gittin (tractate) Religion (HUC-JIR) [en-dash for spelled out; giyoret, giyorot hyphen for abbreviation] g’lilah hei (letter) g’mar chatimah tovah hell g’matria hespeid g’milut chasadim hidur mitzvah godlike hidur p’nei zakein godliness hifil godly High Holy Days God’s name High Priest go-eil Hilchot T’shuvah Golden Calf Hillel golem Hillel sandwich goy (nation) “Hinei Mah Tov” (song) grager Historical Prophets the Great Hallel hitpa-eil the Great Kaddish Hod (s’firah) G’ulah (prayer) Hodaah gut yontif (Yiddish) the Holiness Code G’vurah (s’firah) the Holy Ark G’vurot (prayer) the Holy Land the Holy of Holies Haazinu (parashah) the Holy One (God) Habakkuk the Holy One, blessed be He hachnasat orchim hora hadas, hadasim Horayot (tractate) haftarah, haftarot Hoshana Rabbah (holiday) Haggadah, Haggadot hoshanot hakafah,
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