Sustainable Arehiteeture and Urban Development 373 Sustainable Living Community in Urban Kampung . Case Study: Kampung Sekeloa, Kelurahan Lebakgede, Bandung, Indonesia. Dhini Dewiyanti Tantarto1 IDepartment 0/Architecture, Indonesian Computer University (UNIKOM), Indonesia Abstract Developing Ssustainable human settlements rests on three pillars: environmental, eeonomie and socia!. In addition to use environmental resourees to develop Iiveable eities, towns and villages that do not eompromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, new settlements must also be eeonomieally produetive and soeially inclusive. New developments should have a positive effeet on inereasing urban employment and redueing poverty. So the majority of households eould enjoy some measure of the welfare whieh aeerues from produetive employment. Sustainable urban development is also Iikely to remain an illusion if the urban poor, who are the majority of the urban population in most developing eountries, are exeluded from deeision-making and from being full urban eitizens. Urban poor settlements or Kampungs as spontaneous human settlements should be seen as assets rather than liabilities. The goals ofthis research are to identifY and to map interweaving relationship ofplace and production system ofurban, education and cultural commodities in Kampung Sekeloa, Kelurahan Lebakgede. Also to leam how the community endure and accomodate the development, so sustainable pattern could lead to balancing ofeconomic, social, and ecological factors resulting in a sustainability in achanging environment. Keywords: kampungs, urban educational & cultural commodities, sustainable living 374 Dhini Dewiyanti Tantarto 1 Theoretical Framework Tjuk Kuswartojo (1998) states that sustainable development as a concept does not seem to cause crucial differences, meaning it is acceptable by all parties. But differences would rise on how to form and create the sustainable development itself. Opinions and ideas on sustainable development as a concept are rooted in three disciplines of science: social, economics and ecology (lsmail Serageldin, 1994). The question is whether the more antropocentric aspect of socioeconomics and the more ecocentric aspect of ecology, could embrace one another. This clarifies that sustainable development emphasizes not only on increasing the human quality but also the environment quality and sustainability oftheresources as a life support system to improve human welfare as weil. Eventually, social, economic and ecological problem is achanging process which occurs continually in a long term. It shows that sustainable development is adynamie concept. Poverty plays an important role in this sustainability. Realization of the importance in eliminating poverty to succesful development lead the government to establish pro grams to eliminate poverty, which in turn will increase awareness of environmental preservation. To balance both economic progress and environmental awareness is a prime challenge to sustainable development. The economy growth by using natural resources does not improve welfare only it also may reduce environmental quality. But in fact most rich countries are much better in managing good quality environment compared to developing and poor countries., though sometimes even rich countries could not fully solve environmental issues. (J. Kozlowski and G. Hili ), However it generally strengthened the opinion that economic approach is best and more realistic to sustainable development. 2 Kampungs in Bandung and Their Creativity Kampung in Indonesian means village or country. In earlier times, an administrative unit of village was called 'desa " while kampung is a more generally used term in present times. It is one unique feature of Indonesia that urban settlements are also called kampungs. It is often said that human settlements in developing regions continue to preserve the characteristics of rural village, and such a concept applies to kampungs. Poor physically and economically, but are not necessarily poor socially. It should be emphasized that kampung is not a slum. Kampung shows a different appearance from the urban settlements in western cities. Destruction of social structure and crimes are rarely seen in the kampung. It is also not a discriminated settlement but a community that has its own social system and values. Kampung as an urban settlement has its special characteristics as an autonomous community model. Funo (1987, 2002) discusses the characteristics of kampungs and points out what we can learn from kampung communities. Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 375 Bandung is far from ideal cities that creative-base industries could grow weil. Landry in Franke 2005 mention that being creative as individual or organisation is relatively easy, yet to be creative as a city is a different proposition given the amalgam of cultures and interests involved. The characteristics tend to include: taking measured risks, widespread leadership, a sense of going somewhere, being determined but not deterministic, having the strength to go beyond the political eycle , and - crueially- being strategically principled and taetically flexible. The problem is how we can ereate a good environment in Bandung. Creative milieu is a plaee that eontains the necessary requirements in terms of hard and soft infrastrueture to generate a flow of ideas and inventions. A milieu can be a building, astreet or an area. Florida (2003) states that there are several things that creative people aetually value in loeations, for example; lifestyle, a place gives a distinctive lifestyle. Social interactions, places give the user an opportunity to interact with others. Diversity, it means 'exeitement' and 'energy'. Creative minded people enjoy a mix of influences. Authenticity it comes from several aspects of community- historical building, established neighbourhood, a unique music scene or specific cultural attributes. An authentie place also offers unique and original experienees. ldentity, place provides an inereasingly important dimension of our identity. Many ereative class people also express adesire to be involve in their communities. The quality 0/place, related to local hornes industries. Firman (1997) stated the eriteria of local economy as : the usage of local resources, moved by local citizens, the usage of human resources that are dominated by locals, small service seale, the presence of economic activity's organization/group that organizes and transform local potential, they have multiplier effect for other activities and the emergences of new enterprises/entrepreneurs. Definition of loeal economic development stated by Blake (1989) as a process by which loeal govemment and lor community-based groups manage their existing resources and enter into partnership arrangements with the private sector to create new jobs and stimulate economic activity in a well-defined area. Florida, in Franke, 2005 stated the creative age is not going to solve our problems. It's not going to make our segregation. In fact, it may indeed compound may of those problems. But in the other side produet designed or produced by creative soeiety is valued much more increasingly for the creative portion of value added than for the physical or the material. Creativity is the motor force of our economic growth. 3 Development of Kelurahan Lebakgede, Kampung Sekeloa 3.1 Kelurahan Lebakgede as Thc Pocket Area of Jalan Dipati Ukur Reeents years, Dipati Ukur Street is developed as an Edueation Area, although there is not a formal classifieation as such. Several Universities stand in this area. State University: Padjajaran University and Private Universities such as Indonesian Computer University (UNIKOM) and Institute Technology of Harapan Bangsa( ITHB) grew very rapidly. In the past years, Dipati Ukur Street was a housing area, which northen area was dominated by low income housing, 376 Dhini Tantarto and southem area by a high class society. Sekeloa area was occupied by low income dwellers. Before, majority of the community worked as temporary laborer, unskilled laborer or textile laborer and some of them were even jobless. Since The Faculty of Dentistry ofPadjajaran University was built here, many of them changed their professions. They worked at horne to do business such as computer rental, eanteen or boarding house (boarding room). Around year 2000 when the govennent poliey drew up a policy to the regulate edueation autonomy, some of educational institution aeeepted many students in order to raise fund. Many faeulties were opened, and some were over populated. Thus, Dipati Ukur beeame a booming area as a student district. Many of newly rich households eame from this area. Although they live in inner urban area in a small unit houses, but they own many units of houses in this kampung. They became a different community. From working outside the area , they now are able to generate income within the Kampung. While the govemment wants to resettle them somewhere else in order to develop the area (since the area was rent from the govemment), many dweIlers hold out in this area. They believe that their fortune is in this area, so they do not want to move out. Figure 1: Observed Kampung Location in Bandung City Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development 377 BANDUNG INSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY Figure 2: Neighborhood administrative unit ofKelurahan Lebakgede Kampung Sekeloa, Kelurahan Lebakgede, which borders with Dipati Ukur street, situated in Coblong District. Kelurahan consists
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