'HJUSd ''ISI 'X '3'I I IS'OY :(1861 IP la ua turloH ur pal€u;rsap sB suolJ€r^arq -qB) €upqJaq 5ul^\olloJ aql urorJ IpIJalEur uo pasPq uaaq a^erl suolJPbrlsa^ur asal{J 'alqrssod sE dnod aql a,lleluasatdar sE aq IIt,\\ sarpnls 'suorle.r.rasqo Jo lsls?q uorlelndod pauueld aql 1eq1 bs plarJ at€nbapB qlr,,'\ uorlelndod e uo bxel es-aq11ca11oc 01 sroltallot luBld raqlo alElnu ls ol (A)-:palrarro) aq (UBd ul lsBal le) uBr BxEl asaql SurpJBgaJsuorldaJuoJSlul aulos +Eq] os AllunuluroJ JrurouoxBl aql jo riorluelle aqtr ol xoldiuoc srr{lJo srualqord Jruouox"l aq1 Bur.rqo1 (I) :ploJo.t\l sr radBd srql asodJndaqJ 'uorl€nle^a-arpoltElap e ,{\olJeol olqElIBABarB €lBp luarJgJns Jo 'xalduroJ a.ro;aq-alenbapeurs;rbjd 1e.ra,ras aq 1lut 1r srq] Jo salpnts uorlulndod un:aq a^Pq I qBnoqllv 'e1ip ,{1a,r.r1e1a.rruoq pa^uap uaaq a^Eq q]lq,!\ sosaqlodfq l€lllul }uasar -dai^aql arurs aar1e1ua1are araq paluasa.rd suorsnlcuoc a..;1.;.Dp13u M pue_DlulLuala '14'r.taihuop l,1 uaa,tllaq drqsuorl€lar aql olur suor1eFtlsalul ^ru sluasard radBd srqJ 'palBnlBAa aq upJ uorleu€^ [EJrSoloqdJoruuotlBlndod-uaan laq pue uorlelndod-utq]r,$ lBql os 'lpr .lr luassJarE sdrpnrs uor tElndod pJIIsldp ]eql,{pnls slqI uroq snor^qoA\ou ll slunoJ -Jp BroUluaJar aroru aqlJo ^upurpLIE(6t6I) ut^rog ^q pJlJadsnslBql puof,aqrBJ snua8 aqlyo sarllxalduroc oql pazrseqdua seq lBualeru unueqJaq Jo lunolue pasBaJcuroqJ 'IJO^ platl JoJ aurrl :Iuat)uJnsul p€q aq puE JEl!\ plJoIA puoces aql 5u9rnP uorJ€ururexa roJ alqBIrB^€ lou sE^r IPuaJPlu adfl aql Jo I{Jnur asnPJ -aq papunoduroc raqlrnJ arar$ paJ€J aq sulalqord aqJ, tt6I arurs dltuP)!Jtu5rs pas€arD -uiderl .tpn1s roy alqBIrEAB urntreqraq lunoure aql leql lno palurod aq lsnur l€rraleu Jo '1J"d 1l'aJuaJaps,ur^rog uI lqaurlBarl s,u}^log ruo{ pallnsaJ ur'sBq (I86I suPuuatsoC '9961 '(66 '616I .ralqcrg 3 a) uorsn;uor fpp-luasard aql Jo qtnu d ur^rog aas) auop sPd\lr qrrq^a Japun satuelsurn)IJ aql:uuoplsuoJ LroJJaalq€puauwoJ B sr Juaurl€aJJ srql q8noqlly (616I) ur^ro8 [q st snuaF aql Jo ]unocDP alaldulor ]uacar tsour aql 'uortaJ slql aprslnoSur.r.rncco snua8 stllJo salcadsaqlJo duBruJaprsuo, ol ^J€ssaJau se1.1\'D1?uulsa/A Jo sarf,adsuEllErlsnY qlnos aql puElsJapun olldluatl" uB uI snua5 srql ur suralqoJdcrluouoxel alq€raptsuof,aJ€ araqJ lEI{l lualedde aueceq I (986I uuoJ) ..?-rTeJlsnvqlnoS Jo Brold,! luoDaJ al{l toJ DlSuulsaM Jo }unocJe ue SuuEdaJd all{,1\ uoIlcnpoJluI 'pephoral are D4oltzol /4 Jo ad,{t aqt uo satoN passn)srp sr Dr?o,1?3tlalA4 pLreDl1ldc)uuaD M'Dlolluara uaa.\laq dqsuorlelor eql o1@lLuare r'l lE]rdq uro4 lrullslp sE pazruiorer rilleruror lou s\ DuralDnh 'nr'qatttuata14 ,r4 DprSrJ /U lerld.q urorJ trullsput se pepre8ar areDllollodrq ft^pueD tlldtlrorq re^Dp1311 iatdunp j1|4 Iurduoutrs ot parnpal arB suarsaltD, r.E^ x1loJ1uas pn!- D nldDrlrqap n^ Dp131l l4 'eu!11 Jd '11,l !^erS A p.ssnrsLp sI eprt,r pue e[orlula]a tA'ualduteP eduvlsaAl ua3^\laq drqsuol:]Elor aqJ (886I) 6yg qgg:itf9eis1fnu aae]€iqe.llxalduorop131l M Dlnluara i 1lalduDp nl8uutsall aru f rirreB'uuol) lcErtsqv ,iaupis pPou s.alrEnb)el\ sJl\l suapruc 0002'saJE.\\ I\ s N )ruplo8 l?^ou qlnos ^\.N Jo unlreqraH lEuorlEN:sserpp? luasa.Id 'anua^v 'Elrolrlr\ ItIS PrJopr^ €rrEI qlnos pooMplg Jo unlrEqr0H leuoueN uuoc 'f AJrPg (e€1€Iq€rI) '/*l-epc{wata ' xolduor ep!8!r l-Hardwep e!8u!4safu oqJ rgt (886r)6rt S8S:(8)9 ersdnN N i\tsra Vnl.6. N..3 (19881 Methods and presentation The measurements of the morphological characters and the subsequent descriptions were taken from 650 herbarium specimens. In the descriptions, those character states which occur in fewer than 10% ofthe individuals (ofthe relevant taxon) are enclosed bv parentheses. Parentheses are also used to enclose rarely occurring character states which may be present in an otherwise typical individual specimen. Generalterminology follows Lawrence (1955),Porter et al. (1973),and Stearn (1973). Terminology for plane shapesfollows Ball et al. (1962).Author and literature abbrevi- ations follow Stafleu & Cowan (1976, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985). The distribution summary and the selected citation of specimens examined are grouped according to various regional subdivisions. The subdivisions used fbr the States are:for QueenslandI have fbllowed the pastoral divisions as in Contr. Queensl.Herb. 19 (1975)back end paper, for New South Wales those of Jacobs& Pickard (1981) (which is modified from Anderson 1961),for Victoria those of Cochraneet al. ( 1968),for South Australia those ofLaut et al. (1977a-f),and for Western Australia those ofBeard (1980). Morphological characters Bentham noted that'the species lof Westringial are so closely allied, and run so much into each other as to render it exceedingly difficult to assign to them any tangible characters'(Bentham 18?0,p. 127).This has proved to be particularly true lbr the three taxa discussedin this paper. The type of field observations required for Westringia are the same as those needed for all Labiatae. As similar obseryations are required for both Westringia and, Prostanthera, Conn (1980) should be referred to for a discussion of the type of obser- vations required. The lack of useful field observationson most of the herbarium collec- tions of Westrlnglo has made it difficult to evaluate many characters. Only about 30% of the collections examined have information other than the localitv of the collection. Even lesshave information which can be usedto evaluatethe taxonomic valueot certain characterswhich are not readily represenledby herbarium specimens. Boivin (1949) discussedthe usefulnessof various morphological charactersand his paner should be consulted for further details. Taxonomic characters currently used The characterswhich have been most frequently usedto distinguish betweenthe taxa oi this complex are:the number ofleavesper whorl, the sizeand shapeofthe leaves,and the size of the calyx lobes. The number of Leauesper ri,horl.Although the number of leavesper whorl is a useful character fbr delimiting certain Westringia species(see Boivin 1949), it appears to be of limifed taxonomic value in this complex.For example,some specimensof W. eremicolq have 3 and 4 leaves per whorl (namely Chipstone 25, CopLey 4504, Hunt 233). W. eremicola and W' rlgido usually have 3 leaves per whorl. The Western Australian popu- laiions of !7. dampierl usually have either 3 or 4 (rarely 5) leaves per whorl, whereas the South Australian populations ('W. greaiLtina')appear consistently to have 3 leavesper whorl. So, because of the overlap and the variation even within plants, it is concluded that the number of leaves per whorl is useful as a secondary feature which mav confirm an initial determination within this complex. 'aJueuodult 'lsaq 'aq 'aloqi\ drBpuorasJo lE o] rBaddEplno,r lr B sBxalduroJ aql JoJjnq 'Dla)lruala urof,!Dpt31J SulqsrnSullsrp JoJ asn auosJo aq {€ru s8urlJ€ur pu€ Jnolo) A4 Z1 'aldJnd 's5ur{JBur BIIoJo) aqJ's8ur{JBur lnorllrd\ )EIII oJ a^nEur alBd alpd Jo u,roJq 'aldrnd ,$ollad JolpuE ,raolla{'poJ q]r,,!\ alrq,\\ raqlra st Jr acurs InJasn f,Ja^ oq lou {eru elloroc aql ?Ja?d?Dp Al uI €rlBrlsny rllnos'qlnos oupuotr\l IE ola)lLuara'll Jo uorlpl -ndod p ur sJa,!\oUalrq,!\ puB a^nBur palou Ii0I uuo, s8ur{J€lu lnoqlr.{\ Jo q}r.r\ sBJIoro) ( p!rr?]qs) alq,,r ^larEr 'aldrnd ro a^neur 'J"H a^ey plo)luara s5ur{rEur 7,6tI 'Ja^a,roH11 {rEl qrrqn sEllorof, a^nBtll puE JBIrIproJar z69z runH pldB00lz Jaup.toc sbur{J€ur u,\\orq aFuEJool a8upJo qll,']a(aFurl a^n€ru qll,$ ualJo) s€lloroc allq^r a^eq Dp!8!J A4 '(Jpr\rurur g g9 iuol rutu '5uol '/1 '5uol B-Z LualduDp 14 :apri\ urul -c-Zt ulur i'l-Z t Dpr8rr :aprd\urur 6 t-9 2 urur B'E-g ZDlnlLuara 1!1flaurEu) uatdutpp l\l pue Dp131J14 r{loq ueq.} JalJ€rrrssr Dlo)rwala '14 rrPd-aqol uBrpalu aql 'rEIn3llJEd uI (8uol urrr 'Jr Buol ulur g Jo IprxBpB 'A4 ZI-B 8-9) uadruDp A4 ueq], selloroJ rallEurs a^erl,{ll€nsn pp?8?r pue Dl@luara Al qtpfI DlloroJ 'aolaq '€xPJ passnrsrpaJB aaJql aql Jo uorlPJturl -ap aql ur lsrss€ 01 readd€ qf,rq,r sral)Er€qc IBuorlrppe asaqJ r{$ual alorlad pup :saqol aql azrs aql snld 'slualuelq ppoulurEls uo urnluaunpul aJuasqs ro IBpouruels Jo 'azrs Jo aJuasaJd:lrqEq :s8ul{J€ur pup rnoloJ €lloJoD :ale ,{aqJ xalduof, srql Jo dulouox€J aql olur slq8lsur raqFnJ raJJo r{rrq,$ sJol)eJEr{J [euorlrppE palpo^ar sEq ^pnls stqJ sralt€ftqa alruouox€l InJasn Joqlo 'gI arn'ld ur ud\or{s sr sauoz dBIJaAooql dlrxalduroJ arlJ 'sauoz 'sralJBJErlrJo dplJa^o aql ur rnf,co paururexa suorlJallo) aql lo c/r9glnoqE oii\l asaql 3u1sn par.;1ssepaq uBf, suorlJalloJ lsoul qEnoqllv xaldluo, srql sarcadsaaJrll arll roJ 'saJnlBal Jo o,,(l osaql ol lrodsar qlr,,['s]rullT I€rleds aql sazl.tBululns VI arnErd (I aJn5rd) olleJ qlpr,{\ o1 qfual eururel lsuruSe orlpr aqnl xdlpc ol aqol xdle? aql papold a^€rl I 'Dp!8!J 'Dlo)lruala A4 pu? ualdLuDp M /4 uaa,\\laq qsrnSurlsrp ,{la}pnbapB lou op a^oqB pauorluau sorlBr aqnl 01 aqol x,{l€) snoue^ aql l€rll (srxB atBurp.ro) g T vI sarn€rduro{ uaasaq uBr tI (St6I slll!,^A)I uallo pue (616I ur^rcg) g g ueql .ralear8 se papreSar sr DlorrLuara .I,1 ort€r aqnt ol oqol x,{lBr aqtr aqnt x,{lpr aq1 q$ua1 Jo ./14 ;o aql qlJrl auo lnoqu se uatduop lo saqol{IIBr oqt popr€8ar(q96I) a^au0 '(81,6I 'uostraqou T llE{cEIg SIIIL1 pup :lq6l ur :tr96l srFnC) aqnl x,{ler aq} lo q$ual {)Blg 'A4 aqt prlqt auo LnoqB sE papre8ar ,{lpnsn orp Dp!8!r saqol xdlBc aqJ (U,6I slllllA 'uosuaqou Jo :tr96l srIn3:tg6l {c€lg ur :6i6 t ur^rog:0LBI ruEqluag:8t8I allopupJ ur 'ulBrlluag aas) srorlln€ {q {llBf,rllrouoxE] sBpapJ€8ar uaaq sBq 'aqnl x,{lBl leJa^as 'saqolInJasn 'saqol aql Jo azrs aql ol.
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