Eternal Resonance: Music in Chinese Art Hong Kong I 1 December 2020 19, 33 (details) Eternal Resonance: Music in Chinese Art Hong Kong I Tuesday 1 December 2020 at 2.30pm 香港 I 2020年12月1日 ,下午二時半 Bonhams Hong Kong Gallery Suite 2001, One Pacific Place, Hong Kong 香港邦瀚斯藝術廊 金鐘太古廣場一期2001室 VIEWING Friday 27 November 10am - 6pm Saturday 28 November 10am - 6pm Sunday 29 November 10am - 6pm Monday 30 November 10am - 6pm Tuesday 1 December 10am - 1pm 中文 English Please scan QR code for live recordings of musical instruments offered in the sale. 請掃描二維碼欣賞本場上拍樂器 演奏之音像。 Bonhams (Hong Kong) Ltd. 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