Anti-Soviet Newspapers, 1918-1922

Anti-Soviet Newspapers, 1918-1922

Anti-SovietAnti-Soviet Newspapers,Newspapers, 1918-19221918-1922 Title list available I • ExtremelyExtremely rarerare materialmaterialss thatthat cacann hardJyhardly bbee founfoundd iinn oorr ... — . r I outsidoutsidee RussiaRussia C'bHOBMMIrb FIIJIOM'b, • MaterialsMaterials werweree classifieclassifiedd untiluntil Cl ΗΟΒΜΜΈ :ΓΟ/ΡΙΈ, TOBÀPHqi-HHTÀTEJIb! HAHA BCTPtqy... ;?;r-^r^^-;,;s|1J:;,!'rrc;,.;:q i;^™.:·*'·''" ' "~" 19911991 ji^aSAjïïrriaSfI, · |=:^-|f-^H"c;ri., ^.,.. „.i^sr--·"I.' : • AstoundinAstoundingg varietyvariety iinn topics:topics: frofromm politicalpolitical issuesissues ttoo i literaryliterary criticiscriticismm I I GPA9HANn:::Eii .bPA Uhf Ia3imI'. J Oprawb äeanaptiCnoikSeanapTifiHOft oßuiecTseHHü - noJinr%400KOIIΠΟΛΗ hiM UH CC J\.1 H 22 ij „ofliuKïT r;,;: , L·.··- g·-·^>;: λί i: HT bl "lj . ffiS; Γ g " "" " ri'." ·''·-··.' ='·"" '- ' sf ;·"> · '' '' °P peAaKUiH-, ΰ ·ϊ r;i:cnhn·.,^t f..w......i...-..t ± n s n π τ Ββ.τκκ3Ρ.. HSpaaat/tbHas Pocci.";PoccH! η:ι·ιF i > Iiiι Η ίΐ. ri ,3AA qTo?-.4T07-. TheThe NationalNational LibraryLibrary ofof RussiaRussia Advisor:Advisor: Dr.Dr. G.G. Mikheeva,Mikheeva, TheThe NationalNational LibraryLibrary ofof RussiaRussia HIDC PUBLISHERPUBLISHERSS 1 Anti-SovietAnti-Soviet Newspapers,Newspapers ,19 1918-192 18-19222 FollowingFollowing ththee successfulsuccessful releaserelease ofof thethe "Press"Press ofof thethe WhiteWhite Movement"Movement" collection,collection, IDC IDC PublishersPublishers isis proudproud toto announcannouncee ththee publicatiopublicationn ooff "Anti-Sovie"Anti-Soviett Newspapers.Newspapers."" UntiUntill recentlyrecently,, ththee survivinsurvivingg anti-Sovieanti-Soviett newspapersnewspapers remaineremainedd undiscloseundisclosedd andand practicallypractically unknownunknown toto academia.academia. IDCIDC PublishersPublishers is is nownow makingmaking availableavailable forfor researchresearch a collectiocollectionn ooff 493493 ofof thesethese newspapers,newspapers, whichwhich untiluntil thethe 1990s1990s werewere heldheld inin aa specialspecial depositorydepository withwith restrictedrestricted accessaccess (spetskhran) inin ththee NationaNationall LibrarLibraryy ofof RussiaRussia.. IDIDCC PublisherPublisherss hahass uneartheunearthedd ononee ooff ththee world'world'ss largestlargest collectioncollectionss ooff previouslpreviouslyy inaccessiblinaccessiblee anti-Sovieanti-Soviett newspapersnewspapers,, anandd iiss makinmakingg iitt availablavailablee ttoo alalll thosthosee whwhoo araree interesteinterestedd iinn ththee undistorteundistortedd anandd true-to-factrue-to-factt historhistoryy ooff RussiaRussia.. ThThee collectiocollectionn wilwilll undoubtedlundoubtedlyy bbee ooff greagreatt interesinterestt ttoo historianshistorians,, literaryliterary critics,critics, andand studentsstudents ofof locallocal lore,lore, bothboth atat homehome andand abroad.abroad. CivilCivil WarWar paperspapers meantmeant forfor massmass consumptioconsumptionn TheThe collapsecollapse ofof thethe TsaristTsarist regimeregime andand werweree sensentt ttoo ththee fronfrontt lineline,, andand overover itit DayDay ToTo DayDay LifeLife ththee ProvisionalProvisional GovernmentGovernment inin 19171917 leftleft intointo ththee enemy'enemy'ss territory.territory. OnceOnce read,read, a powerpower vacuumvacuum inin thethe formerformer RussianRussian thetheyy werweree useusedd eitheeitherr ttoo rolrolll cigarettescigarettes oror OnOnee cacann findfind Inin thithiss collection:collection; Empire.Empire. InIn thethe resultingresulting chaos,chaos, a numbernumber ttoo binbindd feet,feet, andand consequentlyconsequently • OfficiaOfficiali civicivicc andand militarymilitary ofof bothboth realreal andand shadowshadow governmentsgovernments disappeareddisappeared withoutwithout trace.trace. documentdocumentss fromfrom ththee WhiteWhite emerged.emerged. TheseThese rangedranged fromfrom centralistcentralist MovenientMovement executiveexecutive organsorgans (Bolsheviks,(Bolsheviks, Whites)Whites) throughthrough separatist-separatist- InIn ththee 1920s,1920s, 1930s,1930s, andand earlyearly 1950s,1950s, • InformationInformation aboutabout thethe activities activities nationalistnationalist (Ukraine,(Ukraine, CossackCossack Hosts,Hosts, thertheree werweree "ideologica"ideologicall purgespurges"" ooff ththee ofof regionaregionall andand locallocal TranscaucasiaTranscaucasiann RepublicsRepublics)) toto peasant-peasant- newspapernewspaper stocksstocks heldheld byby SovietSoviet administrationadministrationss anarchistanarchist (Makhrio)(Makhno) governments.governments. libraries.libraries. DuringDuring thesthesee purgespurges,, manmanyy ooff AlthoughAlthough ththee BolsheviksBolsheviks hadhad nono troubletrouble ththee WhiteWhite MovementMovement prespresss itemsitems thathatt • PressPress releases releases from from credit, credit, seizinseizingg powepowerr iinn NovembeNovemberr 1917,1917, theythey hahadd miraculouslymiraculously escapedescaped destructiondestruction industrialindustrial andand cooperativecooperative managedmanaged ttoo consolidateconsolidate theirtheir newnew werewere nownow destroyed,destroyed, becausebecause theythey werewere establishmentsestablishments andand savingssavings positiopositionn onlyonly afterafter severalseveral yearyearss ofof bittebitterr regardedregarded asas ideologicallyideologically harmfuhannfull andand bankbankss strugglestruggle inin a majomajorr civilcivil warwar withwith ththee superfluous.superfluous. ThoseThose thatthat werewere notnot •U MaterialMateria lof o fcharitable charitable societies societies counterrevolutionarycounterrevolutionary forcesforces referredreferred toto destroyedestroyedd werewere withdrawnwithdrawn from from andand organizationsorganizations asas thethe "White"White Movement."Movement." scholarlscholarlyy circulatiocirculationn anandd packepackedd awayaway iinn • speciaspeciall depositoriesdepositories.. AlAlll informatioinformationn • CentralCentra land an dlocal loca lnews news MiraculouMiraculouss survivalsurvival abouaboutt thethemm wawass proscribedproscribed,, whicwhichh isis • NewsNew sfrom from the th eCivil Civi Warl Wa frontsr fronts UntilUntil recently,recently, thethe sourcessources thatthat couldcould whwhyy nonnonee ooff ththee largelargerr archivearchivess oorr • LiteraryLiterary works work sof o ffamous famous sheshedd neneww lighlightt oonn Russia'Russia'ss civilcivil warwar librarielibrariess possessepossessess aa completcompletee lislistt ooff writerswriters perioperiodd (1918-1922)(1918-1922) werewere notnot availableavailable ttoo titletitless oorr setssets ofof ththee WhiteWhite MovementMovement researchersresearchers.. BecausBecausee ofof thethe instabilitinstabilityy prespresss ofof ththee period.period. ThisThis makesmakes anyany copycopy •" Drawings,Drawings, caricaturescaricatures andand constantlyconstantly changinchangingg conditionconditionss ooff ofof aa newspapernewspape r— - letlet alonealone wholewhole setssets - *" TheatricalTheatrical performances,performances, ththee civilcivil war,war, itit waswas impossibleimpossible toto collectcollect ofof ththee utmosutmostt importanceimportance.. concerts and other major or ththee numerousnumerous volatile,volatile, short-livedshort-lived concerts and other major or minominorr culturalcultural events. newspapers,newspapers, whichwhich werewere constantlyconstantly UniqueUnique CollectionCollection appearingappearing andand disappearing.disappearing. DailyDaily TheThe collectioncollection isis uniqueunique inin thatthat itsits '• AAmultifarious multifarious spectespecterr o fof contentscontents reflectreflect allall aspectsaspects ofof lifelife inin thatthat variouvariouss typetype ofof advertisement.advertisement. stormstormyy periodperiod,, whicwhichh wawass repletereplete withwith IT1' revolutionaryrevolutionary upheavalsupheavals andand civilcivil strife.strife. KI'OHUIT ThThee varietvarietyy ooff materiamateriall publishepublishedd iinn factfactss abouaboutt everydaeverydayy life,life, reflectinreflectingg thethe thesethese newspapersnewspapers isis astounding.astounding. workwork ofof variousvarious charitablecharitable societiessocieties anandd AlongsidAlongsidee materiamateriall reflectinreflectingg politicalpolitical organizationsorganizations,, theatricatheatricall performances,performances, issuesissues anandd ththee burninburningg topictopicss ofof thethe day,day, concertsconcerts,, anandd otheotherr majomajorr andand minorminor ththee collectioncollection presentpresentss thethe widestwidest rangerange culturaculturall eventsevents.. InterspersedInterspersed withwith thesethese andand varietvarietyy ooff newspapersnewspapers,, frofromm thosethose isis a ververyy widwidee rangrangee ofof advertisements.advertisements. carryingcarrying marriagmarriagee announcementannouncementss ttoo a ThusThus,, ththee collectioncollection willwill provideprovide batchbatch titledtitled "On"On thethe way:way: NewsNews fromfrom researchersresearchers withwith nonott onlyonly a ricrichh storstoree ooff ChairmanChairman ofof RevolutionaryRevolutionary CounciCouncill materialsmaterials ttoo examine,examine, butbut alsoalso thethe Trotsky'sTrotsky's Train."Train." ThisThis latterlatter newspapernewspaper opportunityopportunity toto makemake newnew discoveries.discoveries. waswas dubbeddubbed "anti-Bolshevik""anti-Bolshevik" afterafter Trotsky'Trotsky'ss rifriftt withwith J.J. Stalin.Stalin. TheThe IDIDCC LiteraryLiterary TreasuresTreasures collectiocollectionn containcontainss officiaofficiall civicivicc andand TheThe collectioncollection containscontains

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