Tsibi Geva Archeology of the Present Curator: Hadas Maor The Israeli Pavilion at the 56th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia Tsibi Geva Exhibition Catalogue The exhibition and catalogue Special thanks to: Archeology of the Present were made possible thanks to Producer: Michael Gov – Design and Production: Eco Tire – Danit Ptakevitch and staff additional generous support from: The Israeli Pavilion at the 56th Gov Productions Ltd., Tel Aviv Michael Gordon Israel Ministry of Culture Atalya Grinberg, Alliance Tire Group International Art Exhibition – Manager of the Israeli Pavilion, Venice: Photography: Elad Sarig and Sport (ATG) la Biennale di Venezia Arad Turgeman Additional Photographs: Sigal Kolton Construction Manager: Avi Nagar (pp. 42, 43, 46, 53), Oded Löbl Director General: Orly Froman The Center for Contemporary Art, May 9 – November 23, 2015 Construction Team: Gad Zukin, (pp. 39, 40, 49), Meidad Suchowolski Director of Visual Art and Museum The Israel Lottery Council for the Arts Tel Aviv Yuval Galili, Eviatar Toker, (p. 48) Department (on leave): Idit Amihai The Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium, Curator: Hadas Maor Yoav Heinbach, Ori Geva, Hebrew Text Editing: Einat Adi Acting Director of Visual Art and Tel Aviv Museum Department: Maria Yariv www.israelipavilion2015.tsibigeva.com Merav Sudaei Literary Editor: Navit Barel Yona Fischer, Maya Bloch, Orly Construction Assistants: Accademia English Translation: Talya Halkin, Director of Economic and Budget Division: Shlomo Itzhaki Hiriya – Recycling Park Meskin, Samuel Bachrach, Barry Unless otherwise noted, all Restauri s.r.l. – Cavallino Treporti, Keren Katz (p. 35), Mirjam Hadar Schwabsky installation views are from Venice; Mattia Mion, Venice (pp. 84–85) Budget and Planning Coordinator: the current exhibition. Project Coordination: Arabic Translation: Roaa Translations Elena Lulko Arch. Giovanni Boldrin, Padua Hebrew Translation: Zali Gurevitch The Philip and Muriel Berman Artist’s Acknowledgments Tsibi Geva: An Anthology of Essays, Engineer: Alberto Rossi, Padua (p. 17) Foundation, USA Heartfelt thanks to my children Maya, 1993--2013, published in conjunction Electricity: Alessandro Barison Digital Processing: Dor Kedmi Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Michal, and Ori – my pride and joy. with this exhibition, is available Lighting: Noa Elran To Hava, for her immeasurable love for free download in ePub format at Thanks to the authors and publishers Division for Cultural and Scientific Pavilion Staff: Arch. Giorgio Outset Contemporary Art Fund and support. And to Avital, my beloved www.tsibigeva.co.il Serracchiani, Padua; Amedeo Gheller; for permission to publish the following Affairs Deputy Director General brother, an inspiring friend throughout Alberto Zampiron; Cristoforo Lippi; excerpts: and Head of Division: Rafi Gamzou my life. Camilla Cangiotti Michal Ben-Naftali, “On Pain,” Director of Arts Department: On Retreat (Tel Aviv: Resling, 2009), Ofra Ben Yaacov Studio Production Assistance: International Production Fund (IPF) Diana Shoef pp. 62–64 (with minor changes to the Head of Visual Arts Unit: Yossi Balt Studio Manager: Orlee Hadari translation); Navit Barel, “Season’s Director of Management and Studio Assistants: Orit Bulgaru, Opening,” Real (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, Budget Department: Eitan Avraham Avital Inbar 2011), p. 37; Eran Hadas, “Chain,” Additional Studio Assistance: Spacebar (Tel Aviv: Maayan, 2013), Embassy of Israel in Italy Artis Grant Program Rona Perlman p. 37; Yoel Hoffmann, How Are Ambassador: Naor Gilon Architectural Consulting and You Dolores (Jerusalem: Keter Cultural Attaché: Eldad Golan 3-D Modeling: Eyal Rozen Books, 1995), n.p.; Naama Tsal, Consul: Galit Efraim Video Documentation: Asaf Saban “Determination,” Granta Israel, 1 SapiSelco, ArtisTie, Italy PR: Scott & Co (Spring 2014), pp. 197–199. David Israeli Council of Culture and Art Shapiro, “Subject: Poem,” After: David Art Partners Shapiro Poems, Tsibi Geva Paintings Chairperson of the Israeli Council Geny and Hanina Brandes (New York: Annina Nosei Gallery, of Culture and Art: Dr. Haim Perluk 2005), n.p. Chairperson of Visual Art Section: Sharon and Gil Brandes Judit Abramovitz Adi and Doron Sebbag Dimensions are given in centimeters, height precedes width precedes depth. Steering Committee Bracha and Roy Ben-Yami © 2015 Tsibi Geva and the writers. Amnon Barzel (Chairperson), ISBN 978-965-92442-0-1 Yossi Breger, Dalia Levin, Dr. Dalia Manor, Prof. Philip Rantzer Printed and bound in Israel Contents 12 David Shapiro Subject: A Song 35 Eran Hadas Chain 37 Hadas Maor Vernacular Art 59 Navit Barel Season’s Opening 84 Michal Ben-Naftali On Pain [Excerpt] 104 Yoel Hoffmann How Are You Dolores [Excerpts] 122 Biography 148 Naama Tsal Determination [Excerpt] David Shapiro Subject: A Song Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was Out of baseballs and dresser drawers, out of blue jays and imitation, ever made | Kant out of snow inside worlds and the universe in a walnut, out of no place and the best place, out of an image of hope and the abjection of jargon, Out of the pills and pencils, out of toothbrushes and night guards, out out of sheaths and blossoming antennae, on the day without adjectives, of CDs and Altoids, out of feathers and staplers, out of time clocks and out of the absolutely necessary meeting of the girl and the swan, bestial syllabi, out of tissues and scissors, nothing straight has ever been made. for the swan, nothing entirely straight has ever been made. Out of computers and mouse pads, out of CDs and CD-ROMs, out Out of words, out of dictionaries and guesses, out of the contingent letter of pens and sedentary mentalisms, out of philosophers and lampshades, and the space between letters, out of the tongues and the T, nothing out of pennies and a penis, out of calculators and prescription pills, straight has ever been “built.” out of envelopes and white envelopes, out of industrial shelving and the moonlight, nothing straight has ever been made. Out of the slightly ruined forest, out of the desire that covers me and the strangled globe, out of the forced marriage of the feather the pen and Out of Venetian blinds and dream-catchers, out of dreams of Lichtenberg the eraser fluid, out of the shadows of light, out of the almost invisible and the desire of art history, out of wars and branches, out of shadows sheath and the dream of tactility, out of the swan and the sign, out of the of my fingers and your hand, out of your riveting nipples and her dream and the game and the impossible, on the day of the permanent flaw, weightless eyes, out of rockets and buttons, out of the number 5 and with the heat of it, nothing entirely straight has ever been made. out of a red rhino, out of moustaches and Mona Lisas, out of black numbers, nothing straight has ever been made. Out of colored sand and autumnal trophies, out of chaos and beds, out of a crooked woman and the straight edge of a crystal, out of jade and dust, out of mankind’s poor penis and the archaic song of sacrifice, out of Pluto, Medea and Goofy, out of black boots and Van Gogh’s shoes, out of a battered self-portraiture, nothing straight has ever been made. 12 13 Block Wall, 2015, building blocks, cement, 190×728, installation view קיר בלוקים, 2015, בלוקים, מלט, 728×190, מראה הצבה »حائط لبنات«، 2015، لبنات، إسمنت، 728×190، منظر تركيب דייוויד שפירו נושא: שיר "מֵהָעֵץ הֶעָקֹםׁשֶל הָאֱנֹוׁשּות ֹלא יָכֹול לִצְמֹחַ ׁשּום ּדָבָר יָׁשָר" | קאנט מִּמִּלִים, מִּמִּלֹונִים וְנִחּוׁשִים, מֵהָאֹות הַּתְלּויָהּומֵהָרְ וָחִים ׁשֶּבֵין הָאֹותִּיֹות, מֵהַּלָׁשֹון ּומֵהַּלָמֶ"ד,ֹלא יָכֹול "לְהִּבָנֹות" ׁשּום ּדָבָר יָׁשָר. מֵהַּכַּדּורִים וְהָעֶפְרֹונֹות, מִּמִבְרְ ׁשֹותהַּׁשִּנַיִם יוְׁשֹומְרֵ הַּלַיְלָה, מִּתַקְלִיטֹורִ ים וְסֻּכָרִּיֹות מֶנְטָה, מִּנֹוצֹות וְׁשַדְ כָנֵי סִּכֹות, מִּׁשְעֹונֵי זְמַן וְתָכְנִּיֹות לִּמּודִים, מֵהַּיַעַר הַחֲצִי הָרּוס, מֵהַּתְׁשּוקָה הָעֹולָהעָלַי וְהָעֹולָם הֶחָנּוק, מֵהַּנִּׂשּואִים מִּמַּגְבֹונִים ּומִסְּפָרַיִם, ֹלא יָכֹול לִצְמֹחַ ׁשּום ּדָבָר יָׁשָר. הַּכְפּויִיםׁשֶל הַּנֹוצָה, הָעֵט וְנֹוזֵל הַּמְחִיקָה, מִּצִלְלֵי הָאֹור, מֵהַּמַעֲטֶה הַּכִמְעַט ּבִלְּתִי–נִרְ אֶהוְהַחֲלֹום עַל נְגִיעָתִּיּות,מֵהַּבַרְ ּבּור וְהַּסִימָן,מֵהַחֲלֹום מֵהַּמִׂשְחָק מִּמַחְׁשְבִיםוְכָרִ ּיֹות לְעַכְּבָרִ ים, מִּסִי.דִיזּומִּסִי.דִי.רֹומְז, מֵעֵטִים וְתֹודְ עֹות יְׁשִיבָה ּומֵהַּבִלְּתִי–אֶפְׁשָרִ י, ּבַּיֹום ׁשֶּבֹו הַּפְגָם נֶחְרַץ, ּכְחֹם הַּיֹום, ֹלא יָכֹול לִצְמֹחַ ׁשּום ּבַּמָקֹום, מִפִילֹוסֹופִים ּומֵאֲהִילִים, מִּפִינִים ּוּפֶנִיסִים, מִּפִלְּפּולִים ּומִרְ ׁשָמִים ּדָבָר לַחֲלּוטִין יָׁשָר. לְכַּדּורִים, מִּמַעֲטָפֹות ּומַעֲטָפֹות לְבָנֹות, מֵאִצְטַּבָאֹות ּתַעֲׂשִּיָתִּיֹות וְאֹור יָרֵ חַ, ֹלא יָכֹול לִצְמֹחַ ׁשּום ּדָבָר יָׁשָר. מִּתְרִ יסִים וֶנֶצְיָאנִּיִים וְלֹוכְדֵי חֲלֹומֹות, מֵחֲלֹומֹותָיו ׁשֶל לִיכְטֶנְּבֶרְ ג וְהַּתְׁשּוקָה לְתֹולְדֹות הָאָּמָנּות, מִּמִלְחָמָה וַעֲנָפִים, מִּצִלְלֵי אֶצְּבְעֹותַי וְיָדְֵך,מִּפִטְמֹותַיְִך הַמְרַּתְקֹות וְעֵינֶיהָ לְֹלא מִׁשְקָל, מִּטִילִיםוְכַפְּתֹורִ ים, מֵהַמִסְּפָר 5 ּומִּקַרְ נַף אָדֹם, מִּׂשְפָמִים ּומֹונָה לִיזֹות, מִּמִסְּפָרִ יםׁשְחֹורִ ים, ֹלא יָכֹול לִצְמֹחַ ׁשּום ּדָבָר יָׁשָר. מֵחֹולצָבּועַ ּומִּמַזְּכָרֹות עֲיֵפֹות, מִּתֹהּו ּומִּטֹות, מֵאִּׁשָהעֲקֻּמָה וְצֶלַע ּגָבִיׁש יְׂשָרָ ה, מִּבָרֶ קֶת וְאָבָק, מֵהַּזַיִןהֶעָלּוב ׁשֶל הָאָדָםוְנִּגּון עַּתִיקׁשֶל הַקְרָ בַת קָרְ ּבָנֹות, מִּפְלּוטֹו, מֶדֵיאָה, , Goofy מִּמַּגָפַיִםׁשְחֹורִ ים וְהַּנַעֲלַיִם ׁשֶל וַן–גֹוְך, מִּדְ יֹוקְנָאֹות עַצְמִּיִים חֲבּוטִים, ֹלא יָכֹול לִצְמֹחַ ׁשּום ּדָבָר יָׁשָר. מִּכַּדּורֵי ּבֵיסְּבֹולּומְגֵרֹות, מֵעֹורְ בָנִיםּכְחֻּלִים וְחִּקּויִים, מִּׁשֶלֶג
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