22468 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 9, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DETENTE It is now only too evident that detente bolic of the-universality of the Roman catho· does not imply a relaxation of tension-or Uc Church. effort---so far as the Soviet bloc is concerned. The pastoral sta.11' that was presented to Whatever illusions may have been enter­ the third archbishop of the Newark Arch­ HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. tained by Western Europeans-including diocese signified his role as a shepherd of OF VIRGINIA notably former West German Chancellor the church, the ecclesiastical acknowledge­ Willy Brandt--they have long since been ment of the responsibility he assumed as the IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES rudely dispelled. spiritual leader of almost two million parish­ Tuesday, July 9, 1974 The Russians got precisely what they ioners. wanted from Brandt's excursions into Archbishop Gerety brings a broad experi­ Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ Ostpolitik, including the recognition of East ence of social as well as religious awareness dent, Crosby S. Noyes, foreign affairs Germany and a so-called "security confer­ to an archdiocese that has undergone drastic analyst for the Washington Star-News, ence" which formally ratified and conse­ change in recent years. He has been known discussed detente in his piece in the crated Soviet control of Eastern Europe, as a prelate of liberal persuasion, an activist Star-News of Sunday, July 7, 1974. presumably for all time. In return, the Rus­ with a commitment that predates the emer­ I ask unanimous consent to print his sians gave not a centimeter on Western de­ gence of the civil rights movement as an in­ column captioned "Detente's One-Way mands for a freer exchange of people and strumentality for great social change in the Benefits" in the Extensions of Remarks. ideas across the ideological frontier. United States. It now looks as though the Soviet leaders He is a cleric who epitomizes the changing There being no objection, the column will get just about everything that they was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, role of the Christian church, a :fuller in­ want from the United States as well. The list volvement that transcends the traditional as follows: of goodies includes subsidized trade and in­ spiritual meaning and brings the church into [From the Washington Star-News, fusions of technology to bolster the osstfied the community mainstream. July 7, 1974] Russian economy, an arms agreement which, if it lasts, will insure Soviet superiority in As vchbishop of the Newark Archdiocese, DETENTE'S ONE-WAY BENEFITS strategic nuclear weapons, and perhaps his new assignment will entail much greater (By Crosby S. Noyes) eventually a congressionally mandated re­ responsibility, not only in larger number of The debate in this country over "detente" treat of American military power from parishioners but in the diversity and com­ with the Soviet Union is hardly getting Western Europe. plexity of problems evident in a widely rep­ started, but it promises to gain momentum. It is, in short, not at all easy to see why resentative see that includes urban, subur­ as time goes on. Brezhnev & Co. are all in favor of detente ban and ritual spiritual constituencies. The reason why it has been slow in de­ and more than happy to encourage the Archbishop Gerety appears to be eminently veloping is that the lines of the debate have notion in the West that the confiict is over qualified to deal with these archdiocesan generally been drawn in utterly simplistic and we can all relax. The result has been to problems in a secular as well as a religious and misleading terms. So far as the adminis­ yield them dividends that all the years of perspective. There are opportunities in addi­ tration is concerned, it is largely a matter truculence and militancy failed to produce. tion to great challenges in his new post of of preferring peace to nuclear war. As long It is a good deal less easy to see what the pastoral concern and involvement. as the alternative to detente is implied to be West is getting in return except disaffected an open-ended armaments race with the Bolshoi Ballet dancers and a temporary il­ Soviet Union and a return to the hardest lusion of security. The debate is likely to confrontations of the Cold War, there is very start in earnest only when people in this RETIREMENT OF DR. LEWIS little to argue about. country begin to realize how much of a DESCm..ER Quite obviously, the avoidance of nuclear one-way proposition detente is turning out war had been an established priority in to be. Soviet-American relations for many years be­ fore anyone ever heard of detente. To the HON. CARL D. PERKINS extent that an improvement in relations con• CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MOST OF KENTUCKY tributes to this-including regularized sum­ mit meetings in Moscow and Washington­ REVEREND PETER LEO GERETY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES it is welcomed by virtually all Americans. UPON ms INSTALLATION AS THE Thursday, June 27, 1974 So, no doubt, is the possibility-still some­ ARCHBISHOP OF NEWARK what theoretical-of being able to agree with Mr. PERKINS. Mr. Speaker, it is with the Russians on some sort of reasonable bal­ great regret that I have heard of the re­ ance in both nuclear and conventional mili­ HON. PETER W. RODINO, JR. tirement of the Parliamentarian of the tary forces. The record of the latest summit House, Dr. Lewis Deschler. meeting and the interminable negotiations OF NEW JERSEY in Vienna on thinning out military forces in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Over a period of five decades, it has be­ Central Europe leave the outcome of these come an axiom of House life that Con­ efforts still very much in question. But most Tuesday, July 9, 1974 gresses come and Congresses go, but Lew reasonable people would agree it is worth Mr. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, Deschler goes on forever. the try. June 28, 1974, Peter Leo Gerety was in­ In an age in which we have received so At the same time, however, there is very little evidence that detente-in the sense of stalled as the third archbishop of New­ many shocks and temblors, it is doubly a general relaxation of tension-between the ark, N.J. Archbishop Gerety is the suc­ disappointing to know that this verity of Soviet Union and the West has, in fact, cessor of Archbishop Thomas A. Boland life is crumbling, too. done much to insure the avoidance of nu­ who is retiring at the age of 78. I join We can well understand the desire of clear war or to promote armaments control. with the over 2 million Roman Catholics Dr. Deschler to Jay aside the enormous And apart from these two objectives, there of the Newark Archdiocese in wishing tasks he has performed so well for so has been no real attempt to define what Archbishop Boland well in his retire­ long. He has earned honorable retirement positive benefits the United States and its many times over, and we all wish him allies expect to achieve by what is essentially ment, and in congratulating Archbishop a propagandistic slogan, encouraged, strictly Gerety upon assuming the spiritual lead­ well. for Western consumption, by the Soviet ership of the fourth largest archdiocese This House, from its earliest days, has leaders. in the United States. had a tradition of integrity. For nearly a Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, to be I join New Jersey's Star Ledger news­ quarter of this Republic's life, the House's sure, talks hopefully of creating what he paper which noted in an editorial on integrity has reposed in the advice and calls a "structure of peace" and President June 29, 1974: rulings which he recommended to the Nixon in Moscow evoked the vision of a Speakers and Members. That is an enor­ "pattern of interrelationships" t):l.at may FULL COMMITMENT mous span of service, and Mr. Speaker, eventually tend to domesticate and human­ Peter Leo Gerety has formally assumed the that is an enormous repository of integ­ ize the Soviet system. But there is no indi­ spiritual leadership of the Archdiocese of cation that the Soviet leaders share any Newark, the sixth largest in the country. rity. such expectation and plenty of evidence He was installed as archbishop in a liturgi­ Dr. Deschler has gathered around him that they are exploiting detente for very cal ritual in Sacred Heart Cathedral, an in­ in the Office of the Parliamentarian a different purposes. vestiture that was warmly and richly sym- fine, loyal, and dedicated group of assist- July 9, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22469 ants. They reflect great credit upon him, At CBS, film on dissidents was transmitted kinds to prevent commercial thefts' and and upon this House, and I know the about twelve minutes later, but the result other crimes. great traditions of fairness, reasonable­ was the same. "We are not receiving video ... This branch office, set up independently you lost video and audio about 20 seconds in. by the District Attorney, is another example ness, and truth in which this staff is im­ We lost it on the words "in jail." of involving citizens in the tasks of self­ mersed will continue its contribution to­ "There it is-for everyone to see-what government. ward the shaping of the character of the happens when a government control& the I am sure that the residents of Harlem li')USe. news," said Richard S. Salant, president of wm make use of this branch office and ob­ I do not know Dr.
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