Astonomy, Myts & Legends of te Ancient Egyptans Volume 1 by Monica Sevila Contnts Stars and Galaxies Te Constlatons Te Giza Pyramids and te Belts Stars of Orion Ancient Egyptan Pyramids: Resurrecton Machines Ancient Egyptans and te Sphinx Te Sun Ancient Egyptans and te Creaton of te World Te Pharaohs: Te Horus Kings Ancient Egyptans and teir Tombs Te Sun and te Gods Stars and Galaxies The early universe was extremely hot. As it cooled, sub atomic particles began to clump together and formed the first atom, the hydrogen atom. Later, as the universe began to cool even further, dust and hydrogen gas joined together through the force of gravity and became dense enough to form the first stars, the protostars. Through extreme heat and pressure, hydrogen gas atoms began to fuse together. The result of this nuclear fusion produced light and heat energy. This process describes the formation of the first stars. Billions and billions of stars were created through this process and grouped together to form the galaxies within the universe today. Galaxies are massive systems of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity. Gravity causes stars to attract each other and clump together into groups. Because stars have extreme amounts of mass, they exert the force of gravity, the attractive force which draws other objects with mass, such as other stars, to itself. Our sun and our solar system is part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way. It is described as a spiral galaxy because its shape looks like a spiral. On a dark night, the edge of the Milky Way can be seen in the Northern Sky. The Milky Way was named after the fact that the multitude of stars that could be seen in this region of the sky looked milky white. One of the closest galaxies to the Milky Way is the Andromeda galaxy which is 1 million light years away. The distance between galaxies is measured in light years. A light year is about 9.5 trillion kilometers or it is the distance light travels in a year. Knowledge and Comprehension Words to Know: Protostars: Stars: Galaxy: Gravity: Milky Way Light Year 1. How would you describe a galaxy? 2. How is the distance between galaxies measured? Application, Analysis, Evaluation and Synthesis 3. Explain how the stars within a galaxy are held together in a group. 4. Describe the formation of the first stars. 5. Describe the process of how stars began to shine. 6. Is it possible for humans to travel to the Andromeda galaxy? Explain why or why not. 7. Why do you think the distance between galaxies is measured in light years and not kilometers. ! The Constellations! ! ! The universe is made up of trillions of stars. Some of these stars are close to the Earth, and some are more distant. Some of these stars are located within the Milky Way while others are located in other galaxies. A galaxy is a cluster of billions of stars. The constellations are groups of specific stars that can be seen in the night sky. Constellations are also known as “asterisms.”! ! In ancient times, the early stargazers noticed that some groups of stars had different shapes and different patterns. Some of these shapes were of familiar animals, people, and other objects. As they watched the sky from night to night, they noticed that the constellations moved from one location to another throughout the year. This was easily seen with the constellations of the zodiac. The zodiac includes 12 groups of stars, each representing one month of the year. The constellations include Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. This later became the basis of the 12 month Julian calendar adopted by Julius Caesar and the Romans. Each month and constellation of the zodiac was dedicated to a god. They can be seen just above the Earth’s horizon. The horizon is where the earth meets the sky. They are also seen traveling on the ecliptic or the plane on which all of the orbits of the planets travel upon as they make their journey around the sun. ! ! Constellations were incorporated into many myths and legends in ancient times. One of the most ancient astronomical systems was the Babylonian system. This system began in the middle of the Bronze age. These early astronomers based the names for the constellations on the older astronomical system used by the Sumerians. The Sumerians were conquered by the Akkadians, and the Babylonians, who were themselves members of an Akkadian kingdom, “borrowed” this astronomical knowledge and incorporated it into their belief system.! Knowledge and Comprehension! Words to Know:! ! ! Constellation:! ! ! ! Horizon:! ! ! ! Ecliptic:! ! ! ! Zodiac:! ! ! ! Borrowed:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1. In your own words, explain what the zodiac is.! ! ! ! ! ! 2. What is a constellation? ! ! ! ! ! ! Application, Analysis, Evaluation and Synthesis! ! ! ! 3. Are constellations made up of stars that are close to one another in distance? Justify your answer with evidence from the text.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4. How were the constellations of the zodiac related to the first 12 month calendar? How does this also connect with their religious beliefs?! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5. In your opinion, why do you think the Babylonians based their astronomy system on the Sumerian system?! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The Giza Pyramids and the Belt Stars of Orion! ! ! The constellation of Orion was a very important part of ancient Egyptian myths and legends about Osiris. The constellations are groups of specific stars that can be seen in the night sky as shapes or symbols. The Egyptians knew the constellation of Orion as their god, Osiris. He was the God of rebirth and eternal life. Osiris was known as the first ruler or King of Egypt. Osiris became memorialized in the sky as a constellation.! ! It was the pharaohs belief that they were the descendants of Osiris and his sister-wife, Isis. They believed that when they died, Osiris would transform them into a star in the sky. They would spend their eternal lives in the heavens with Osiris and the other gods. They also believed that their divine right to rule over Egypt came from the Gods. As part of their reverence for the Gods, they incorporated archeoastronomy into their architecture into their temples and cities. Archeoastronomy is the use of the phenomenon in the sky within their culture and the alignment of the planets, the moon, the sun or the stars to the structures they built such as the pyramids at Giza. ! ! The three largest pyramids on the Giza Plateau were aligned, or in line with, and constructed about 5,000 years ago with the same pattern as the belt stars of Orion. The belt stars are the three stars in the middle of the constellation Orion. Robert Bauval, the author of The Orion Mystery, made this discovery in 1983. The Nile River, in relation to the Giza Plateau, was also in the same relative position as the edge of the Milky Way galaxy in the sky. These two findings, taken together, demonstrated that the Egyptians created a perfect reflection of the sky at that exact moment in time and superimposed it upon the Earth in Egypt. If a picture is taken from sky looking down on to the Giza Plateau and the Nile River, it would look as if this was a star map of the night sky from thousands of years ago. ! ! ! ! ! Knowledge and Comprehension! Words to Know:! ! ! ! Constellations:! ! ! ! Orion:! ! ! ! Archeoastronomy:! ! ! ! Aligned:! ! ! ! Belt Stars of Orion:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1. Who was Osiris?! ! ! ! 2. Why was the constellation Orion important to the ! Ancient Egyptians?! ! ! ! ! Application, Analysis, Evaluation and Synthesis! ! ! ! 3. What did the ancient Egyptian Pharoahs believe about ! their God Osiris?! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4. Explain did the Egyptians practice archeoastronomy ! with the late pyramids of Egypt?! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5. Explain what author Robert Bauval discovered about ! the belt stars of Orion and the Milky Way. How is this ! discovery important?! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6. In your opinion, what would the Egyptians have needed ! to know or have knowledge of in order to align the ! Pyramids to Orion’s belt?! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ancient Egyptian Pyramids: Resurrection Machines The ancient Egyptians believed that when the Pharaoh died, he or she could be resurrected and live in the afterlife. They also believed that the Pharaoh was divine and his or her soul or ba would be transformed into a star where he or she would live eternally. In predynastic times, they associated the physical location where this would occur and this place was among the circumpolar stars, the stars that moved around the North pole. These stars never rose and never set. They looked as if they were fixed in the sky. They were seen as “eternal” because they were always present in the northern sky. These stars became associated with eternal life and were also believed to be the immortal forms of their gods as well. The pyramids were constructed as “resurrection machines” to help the soul or ba of a Pharaoh transition from the bodily form into its immortal form. The soul was believed to transform into the form of a star through the help of the high priest and the funerary rites that were performed. The pyramids and tombs were aligned or lined up in a north-south orientation so that they faced north. These structures were constructed to face the circumpolar stars, which at this time, were the stars of the Big Dipper in the Northern region of the sky. The Big Dipper is an asterism, a group of stars, within the constellation of Ursa Major or the “Big Bear.” It was thought that the Pharaoh’s soul would be able to ascend or rise up to this location in the sky if the pyramid or tomb was aligned with the star, Alkaid, located in the handle of the Big Dipper.
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