THE JERRY DORING COLLECTION MECHANICAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1 1 2 3 THE JERRY DORING COLLECTION 2018 4 5 Introduction It has been almost 40 years since I first met Jerry and his family. Like all the collec- tors I wanted to see his fabulous Mechanical Music Machines. Being amongst the best collections in the world it was a must and every time I was in the area I visited Jerry and Virginia at their home in Arcadia, Los Angeles. It always was a pleasure to listen to his perfectly restored and maintained instru- ments and discuss his many projects. Jerry was a perfectionist and he had the best American restorers taking care of his babies. He loved music and spent a fortune on his music roll library. Thousands of music rolls and cardboard books still bring back to life the best classical music pieces and popular music from the 20th and 30th. When it came to part with one of his instrument Jerry was not easy to handle and I still feel very proud, that I was one of the few collectors, who achieved a major deal. When I traded with Jerry his Welte Titanic Philharmonic Organ for one of the best and biggest Hupfeld Helios Orchestrion – a dream came through for both of us. I am very thankful to have met Jerry and his family and now have the opportuni- ty to find a new home for one of America’s best collection. Retonio 6 7 JERRY (GERRIT) PAUL DORING STORY Throughout the rest of his life, Jerry bought, sold, and traded mechanical music in- struments. He also amassed one of the largest roll collections known to mechanical mu- sic collectors. Jerry loved to display his acquisitions and frequently sponsored activities for Jerry Doring was born on April the Music Box Society, Amica, or the Carousel Association. He corresponded with collectors 28, 1918 in Richmond Hill, from around the world, and loved to share and exchange information pertaining to his Queens County, a borough hobby. of New York City. He was the middle child born to Paul and Elizabeth Doring. Jerry was exposed to music from his be- ginning. His mother was an accomplished pianist, and his father had a beautiful tenor voice. Jerry’s dad might sing an aria from a famous opera, and Jerry’s mom would accom- pany on the piano. At the age of two, Jerry moved with his parents and two siblings, Dorothy and Kenneth, to Los Angeles, California. Two years later they settled in Alhambra, a suburb of Los Angeles. As a young man, Jerry joined his school choir and, like his father, displayed a beautiful tenor voice. He performed in his high school’s musical plays and Shakespeare dramas. Throughout his life, he would often recite passages from As You Like It or Hamlet while sitting around the kitch- en table with his wife and four children. His beautiful operatic voice only got exercise at shower time, though, to the tunes from The Marriage of Figarro or Rigoletto. After graduating from Alhambra High School, Jerry attended Whittier College where he majored in business administration and joined the ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps). Not long after graduating from college in 1941, Jerry was drafted, but he was able to enter Officer Candidate School with the United States Army. He was commissioned as a second Jerry was a perfectionist when it came to restoring his instruments. He often hired out lieutenant, and served both stateside and overseas in the Philippines. He was honorably the restoration, especially as he became older, but he was very precise about his expecta- discharged in 1945 after the end of World War II. In 1942, he met Virginia Hoff, a psychology tions. He carefully saw that all minute details were correct. major at Occidental College. They married in 1946. They had three children two years apart starting in 1947: Chris, Karen, and Wendy, and a fourth surprise four years later, Jeffrey. Jerry continued to enjoy and participate in his hobby up until almost his death at the age of 91 in 2009. His wife and children are now releasing the instruments for sale nine years Jerry always demonstrated acumen for mechanics. He first started restoring old ra- after his death. They look forward to seeing another collector take ownership and appreci- dios. When he was discharged from the Army, he joined his sister in owning a music store ate and enjoy them as much as Jerry did. in Alhambra. They sold sheet music, records, record players, radios, pianos and televisions. Jerry soon exercised his mechanical skills with radio and record player repair while working Karen and Wendy Doring in the store. The store eventually closed, and Jerry went to work with his dad selling insur- November 2017 ance. After several years with his dad, he opened his own insurance company called The Jerry Doring Insurance Agency. He sold insurance until his retirement at the age of 62. When his children were young, Jerry and his family often took summer trips around the USA. Jerry particularly liked visiting the old ghost towns like Virginia City, Nevada. It was in these places that Jerry showed an infatuation for antiques and of course the nickelodeons often seen in old Western town saloons. It was in the 1950s when he picked up a National nickelodeon and fully restored it at his home in Arcadia, California. With that purchase, he was soon hooked with a new passion and avocation. Jerry’s collection of mechanical music instruments began to grow. He had to convert and expand his garage space many times to house his growing hobby. He had to raise the roof to accommodate the taller instruments and provide a temperature controlled environment to help maintain the integrity of them. 8 9 The Leipziger Orchestrionwerke was founded in 1902 by Paul Lösche and continued busi- ness till about 1930. Unlike their German competitors ,Welte, Hupfeld, Philipps and Weber, who sold their instruments worldwide, Paul Lösche concentrated mostly on the German and European market. Jerry’s Titania II is the prettiest in existence today. Illuminated reverse glass paintings and a rotating beautiful bronze statue give the orchestrion its high class and stylish look. 5 ranks of violin, cello, flute, clarinets and bass pipes together with piano, man- dolin, bass, snare drums and castanets let this instrument play: “wonderful and strong music replacing the best concert and dance orchestra”. History: The instrument was for many years one of the highlights of the Mechanism Musik Museum in Copenhagen where Jerry bought the instrument from. The owner of the muse- um found it in a restaurant in Leipzig, where it miraculously survived the World War II. It was completely restored in America, back to its original glory. Leipziger Orchestrionwerke был основан в 1902 году Полом Лёше (Paul Lösche) и продолжал работать примерно до 1930 года. В отличии от своих немецких конкурентов Welte, Hupfeld, Philipps и Weber, которые продавали свои инструменты по всему миру, Пол Лёше сконцентрировался, в основном, на немецком и европейском рынке. Titania II Jerry является одним из лучших, существующих на сегодняшний день инструментов. Освещенные сзади стеклянные картины и вращающаяся красивая бронзовая статуя придают оркестриону высокий класс и стильный внешний вид. 5 рядов труб скрипок, виолончелей, флейт, кларнетов и басса вместе с пианино, мандолиной, бас и малого барабана, кастаньеты позволяют этому инструменту играть: «замечательную и сильную музыку, заменяет лучший концертный и танцевальный оркестр». История: инструмент на протяжении многих лет был одним из основных достопримечательностей музея Mechanism Musik Museum в Копенгагене, где Jer- ry его купил. Владелец музея нашел его в ресторане в Лейпциге, где он чудесным образом пережил Вторую мировую войну. Он был полностью восстановлен в Америке, вернувшись к своей первоначальной славе. • Leipziger Orchestrionwerke Paul Lösche • Leipzig, Germany • Approx. 1918 • Height 114”, Width 70”, Depth 44,5” • 60 multi-tune rolls Lösche Titania II • Listen to the music: www.SwissAuctionCompany.com 10 11 1902 年 Paul Lösche 成立莱比锡Orchestrionwerke公司并一直经营到1930年左右。德 国其他公司Welte、Hupfeld、Phillips和Weber将乐器卖到全世界各地,而Paul Lösche则与竞 争对手不同,他专注于开发德国和欧洲市场。Jerry收藏的Titania II是该公司流传至今的最佳作 品。这架机械风琴的外观是一副玻璃画作和一座旋转的青铜像,这体现了它的高级与时尚。它 包括5排音管,可以演奏小提琴、大提琴、长笛、单簧管、低音管以及钢琴、曼陀林、贝斯、 小鼓和响板的声音,能够奏出“美妙而强劲的音乐,足以代替最好的音乐会和舞蹈乐队”。 历史:多年以来这架乐器一直是哥本哈根机械音乐博物馆最棒的展品之一,而Jerry正是从那 里买到它的。它奇迹般地在二战中存活下来,后来博物馆的主人在莱比锡的一家餐馆找到了 它。最终它被归还到了美国,回到了它昔日辉煌的地方。 Lösche Titania II 12 13 Manufactured by the Operator’s Piano Company of Chicago, who was one of the lead- ing American builder in the field of mechanical musical instruments from about 1904 to the mid 1930’s. The Coinola Midget was introduced in 1917 and became a real best seller. The Style K had a rank of violin and flute pipes, which can play solo. Besides the piano with man- dolin there is a base and snare drum and cymbal. Behind the grillwork at the bottom of the case are two wooden shutters, that allow to regulate the volume of the sound to match the room in which it was situated. Coinola Midget Orchestrions are favorites of collectors today because of the variety of instruments sitting in a small cabinet. Изготовлено компанией Operator’s Piano Company of Chicago, которая была одним из ведущих американских производителей в области механических музыкальных инструментов примерно с 1904 по середину 1930-х годов. Coinola Midget была представлена в 1917 году и стала настоящим бестселлером. Стиль K имеет трубы скрипки и флейты, которые могут играть соло. Помимо фортепиано с мандолиной также имеется основной и малый барабан, и цимбалы. За решеткой, на дне корпуса, есть две деревянных жалюзи, которые позволяют регулировать громкость звука в соответствии с помещением, в которой он находится. Coinola Midget Orchestrions сегодня являются фаворитами коллекционеров из-за множества инструментов в одном маленьком корпусе. 由芝加哥钢琴制造公司制 造。芝加哥钢琴制造公司是1904年 到20世纪30年代期间美国顶尖机械 乐器制造商之一。Coinola Midg- et于1917年面市,随后成为畅销 品。K型号管风琴中有小提琴音调 管和长笛音调管,可以用来独奏。 除了钢琴和曼陀林的声音,它还能 奏出小军鼓和铙钹的音色。架子后 的底部有两个木制音箱,可以用 来把音量调节到跟它所在房间相匹 配。Coinola Midget机械风琴受到 当今很多收藏家的钟爱,因为这一 小小的乐器可以演奏出多种不同乐 器的声音。 Coinola Midget • Operator’s Piano Company • Chicago, USA • Approx.
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